1、西华师范大学高等教育自学考试本科毕业论文作 者:张 容院 系:外国语学院专业:英语教育日 期:2012 年 3 月 Language of AdvertisementZhang RongMarch 2012Outline.1. Introduction .1.1 Rationale of the study. 1.2 Definition of advertising .1.3 Focus of the present study.
2、160;1.4 Sources of data. 2. Lexical features. 2.1 Classification of advertising and its audience .2.2 Similarities at the lexical level. 2.3 Differences at the lexical level.2
3、.3.1 Selection of Adjectives. 2.3.2 Compound words. 2.3.3 Use of pronouns. 3. Syntactical features. 3.1 Similarities. 3.2 Differences. 4. Discourse features.4.1 Body copy of advert
4、isements. 4.2 Differences in body copy.5. Conclusion.Language of AdvertisementZhang RongAbstract: This paper presents an analytical study of the language of advertisements at lexical, syntactic and discourse levels. In order to conduct a data study, the author builds a
5、corpus of 60 English advertisements. This paper will be presented in five parts. The first part is the introduction,the second is the lexical features, the third is the syntactical features, the fourth is the discourse features, and the last is the conclusion. The focus of the paper is laid on the t
6、hree middle parts which respectively analyze language features at lexical, syntactic and discourse levels. The conclusion of this paper is drawn from the data analysis. In the analysis, examples from the corpus will be given; figures, tables and graphs will also be offered to make the paper understa
7、ndable and persuasive. It is hoped that the study can shed light on the language features of advertisements and also provide help to copy writers and advertising English learners.Key Words: Advertisements, Lexical, Syntactic, Discourse .1. Introduction. 1.1 Rationale
8、60;of the study We live in a world of advertising. As potential consumers, we are endlessly bombarded with all kinds of product or service information from various m
9、edia including newspapers, magazines, television, radio, posters and Internet, etc. Advertising provides a valuable service to society and its members, because it defines for consu
10、mers the meaning and the role of products, services, and institutions. It indicates the difference that exists between brands of products and alternative services, as well
11、0;as the distinguishing characteristics of companies and institutions. Advertising also tells the consumer what a specific product, brand or service should do when it is used&
12、#160;and thus helps him or her to understand and evaluate experience with the products and services that he or she uses. 1.2 Definition of advertising .According to
13、the Definition Committee of American Marketing Association, advertising is defined as follows: Advertising is the nonpersonal communication of information usually paid for and usually persuasive in nature about products, services or ideas by ide
14、ntified sponsors through the various media.1.3 Focus of the present study.Usually, advertising communicates information in three types: audio, visual, and language. It is a more common case that&
15、#160;an advertisement is a mixture of the three. In radio advertisements, music is always accompanied by language; on TV and motion pictures, music and language illustration
16、160;are mixed with each other. In magazines and newspapers, advertisements are a combination of pictures and language of written information. Although music and pictures can p
17、rovide some hints, or create a kind of atmosphere, the information about the product is limited. Even worse, it may lead to misunderstanding. Thus, we may say that
18、160;language in a way provides more exact, detailed and dependable information whereas music and pictures only act as a supplementary means in advertising. Advertising language(1),
19、 playing a role of communication and persuasion, has developed its own features.1.4 Sources of data. All the advertisements studied in this paper are taken from English
20、160;magazines. They are chosen from Time, People and Newsweek (issues from 1999-2000), because these three magazines have a huge circulation, covering all kinds of audience. A
21、lmost all kinds of advertisements can be found in these magazines. In order to get valuable information for the study, a corpus of 60 advertisements was built, which
22、 consists of 20 daily consumer goods ads, 20 technical equipment ads, and 20 service ads. Conclusions will be drawn through quantitative and qualitative studies of the
23、60;data. 2 .Lexical Features. 2.1 Classification of advertising and its audience.Generally speaking, advertisements can be divided into two types: public relation ads and commerci
24、al ads. The former tries to advocate reputation for a social group, whose purpose is to leave a favorable impression upon the potential audience. The latter leads to
25、 the act of purchasing the products or using the recommended service. Commercial ads are much more presented through mass media for the reason that manufacturers and
26、;companies are willing to spend a large sum of money to make a certain product known or to boost the image of a certain brand. In some cases, competitors,
27、like Coca-cola, even spare no expense to launch advertising campaigns to win over the market share. Commercial advertising can also be divided according to the target aud
28、ience into two groups: consumer advertising and business advertising. Most of the ads in the mass media are consumer advertisements. They are typically directed at consumers.&
29、#160;By contrast, business advertising tends to be concentrated in specialized business publications, professional journals, trade shows targeting at a certain group of people involved&
30、#160;in some business. Since consumer advertising is most accessible to common people, the present study on will focus on consumer advertising. Actually, advertising works effectiv
31、ely some of the time and doesnt work other times. The single crucial reason that advertising does not work is that in specific instances the information it conveys
32、160;never reaches the consumer at all, or is judged by the consumer to be either redundant, meaningless, or irrelevant. 2.2 Similarities at the lexical level.In order to&
33、#160;make the information accessible to audience effectively, the choice of words in advertising is very cautious and skillful. The aim of the advertiser is quite specific.
34、60;He wishes to capture the attention of the members of a mass audience and by means of impressive words to persuade them to buy a product or behave in a
35、160;particular way.2.3 Differences at the lexical level . Selection of adjectives. Adjectives, as emotive and exciting words, are used to enhance the facts of a certain p
36、roduct or service. In the study of the selection of adjectives, we have first divided adjectives into two groups: descriptive adjectives and evaluative adjectives. The former&
37、#160;is used in objective description and the latter give the advertisers subjective comments. Then we have listed those frequently used descriptive adjectives and evaluative adjec
38、tives in daily consumer goods ads and technical equipment ads, and we surprisingly have discovered descriptive adjectives differ from each other in two kinds of advertisements
39、.Table 1. Comparison of frequently-used adjectivesin daily consumer goods ads and technical equipment adsDescriptive adjectives Evaluative adjectives DailyConsumerGoodsAdsradiant, shiny, dazzling, gol
40、dsoft, smoothfreshcreamy, crispycleaneasy, convenientrich, effective, crucialhealthy, fastvaluable, flewessentialgood/better/bestmagicTechnicalEquipmentAdsaudible, visiblehigh-volume, full-colour,high-speedmagnetic, sharpinvisible, multipleflexi
41、ble, versatileTable 1 shows that descriptive adjectives in daily consumer goods ads such as fresh, crispy, and soft, tend to convey the sense of sight, touch, and ta
42、ste. The temptation aroused by this vivid description of a product is hard to resist especially for women who tend to be moved by pleasant senses; compared with
43、;men, women are inclined to think in terms of images and perceive through senses. However, men, the target audience of technical equipment, are good at rational thinking(
44、2). Men are not controlled by senses. On the contrary, the products interior quality and function is what they pay attention to. 2.3.2 Compound words. A compound word
45、0;is often a noun or an adjective made up of two or more words. Compound adjectives are often seen in advertisements. In the present study, we found compound wo
46、rds turn up with varying proportions in three types of advertisements.Compoundused AdsTotalAdsPercentageDaily Consumer Goods 5 20 25% Technical Equipment 13 20 65%Service 7 20 35%O
47、bviously, compound words turn up in 65% technical equipment ads, 40 percentage points higher than that of daily consumer goods ads; 30 percentage points higher than servi
48、ce ads.Compound words in technical equipment ads, are usually combined to give an exact description of a certain feature or a certain function such as high-volume, full-c
49、olor, multi-functional, non-stop, water-cooled. Often numbers are employed in front of the hyphen, which is seldom seen in other advertisements, such as 64-bit, 24-valve, 4-wheel,&
50、#160;255-horsepower.This difference can be accounted for in terms of the different complexities of the goods. In comparison with daily consumer goods and services, technical equipm
51、ent is much more complicated in function and structure. It is just the advantageous function or newly designed structure that the advertiser wants to highlight in technic
52、al equipment ads. Thus, the advertiser employs, even coins, so many compound words that they can make the introduction of complicated technical equipment brief and precise.
53、60;Grammatically, compound words help to avoid using clause, which enhance the readability of advertisements. Use of pronouns.Pronouns of the first and second person: we, I and
54、0;you outnumber the other pronouns in advertisements. It is because that you, we and I help create a friend-like intimate atmosphere to move and persuade the audience.
55、60;Advertisements with lots of pronouns of the first and second person are called gossip advertisements. Here, gossip has not the least derogative meaning. It originates from&
56、#160;old English god sib, meaning friendly chats between women. Advertisements that go like talking with friends closely link the advertisement and the audience. The audience
57、will easily accept a product, a service or an idea as if a good friend recommended them.3. Syntactical features. 3.1 Similarities. The purpose of all advertising is
58、to familiarize consumers with or remind them of the benefits of particular products in the hope of increasing sales, and the techniques used by advertisers do not va
59、ry markedly. An advertisement is often merely glimpsed in passing and so, to be effective, its message must be colorful, legible, understandable and memorable. The rules
60、governing the language of advertising are similar. We have summarized the lexical features of English advertisements. If words are leaves of a tree, and sentences branches;
61、60;the branches must also possess their similarities.First, length of a sentence in advertising is usually short. A sentence in daily consumer goods ads has 10.3 words on
62、 average; in technical equipment ads, 11.8 words; in service ads, 12.3 words.Second, as to sentence structure, simple sentences and elliptical sentences are often used in
63、;advertisements. Compared with complex sentences, simple sentences are more understandable and forceful. Elliptical sentences are actually incomplete in structure but complete in meaning.
64、60;The adoption of elliptical sentences can spare more print space, and take less time for readers to finish reading. In addition, a group of sentence fragments may
65、gain special advertising effectiveness(3). Let us compare the following two advertisements.a. Baked. Drenched. Tested to the extreme. A Motorola cellular phone b. The Motorola cellular
66、phone are baked and drenched to extreme.Obviously, by using elliptical structure, sentence a is far more brief, eye-catchingand forceful than sentence b. Whats more, it convey
67、s attitudes that sentence b lacks. Sentence a implies a kind of appreciation for the phone, by splitting the sentence into several fragments and rearranging its word
68、;order. Therefore skillful arrangement of elliptical sentences may add color to a sentence.3.2 Differences. The term Headline refers to the sentences in the leading position
69、of the advertisementthe words that will be read first or that are positioned to draw the most attention. Therefore, headlines are usually set in larger type than oth
70、er portions of the advertisement. Research (Coutland L. Bovee & William F. Arens, 1992:294) has shown that, on average, three to five times as many people read t
71、he headline as read the body copy. Therefore, if the advertiser hasnt done some selling in the headline, he has wasted the greatest percent of his money. So it&
72、#160;might be suggested that advertisers should not be afraid of long headlines. A headline has numerous functions. First of all, the headline must attract attention to t
73、he advertisement fast. It should take only a few seconds to capture the readers attention. Otherwise, the entire message may be lost. A headline also selects the rea
74、der, that is, it tells whether the advertisements subject matter interests the reader. The idea is to engage and involve the reader, suggesting a reason to read the&
75、#160;rest of the advertisement. Therefore, the headline is the most important in an advertisement.4. Discourse features .4.1 Body Copy of an Advertisement. In general, a written ad
76、vertisement consists of five parts: headline, body copy, slogan, illustration and trade mark among which headline, body copy and slogan are the main parts. Headline plays
77、;a role in catching attention from readers; slogan can be used as a device to create a corporate image(4) and a common practice to conclude advertisement.In this sec
78、tion we will discuss the body copy as a discourse component. The advertiser tells the complete sales story in the body copy. Set in smaller type than headlines
79、or subheads, the body copy is a logical continuation of the headline and subheads. It is also where the sale is closed. The body copy should relate to the
80、campaign appeal and to the readers self-interest, and it must explain how the product or service being advertised satisfies the customers need. The body copy may concentr
81、ate on one or several benefits as they relate specifically to the target audience. In some cases, especially in daily goods ads, body copy is omitted just because
82、60;readers know what they are.4.2 Differences in Body Copys.Copy s fall into many categories. Some common types of copy s include straight-sell copy, institutional copy, narrative&
83、#160;copy, dialogue/monologue copy. In a straight-sell copy, the text immediately explains or develops the headline in a straightforward attempt to sell the product. Since the
84、;products sales points are ticked off in order of their importance, straight-sell copy is particularly advantageous for technical products that may be difficult to use in
85、;direct-mail advertising and industrial situations. Many camera ads, for example, use this straight, factual copy to get the message across. The straight-sell approach emphasizes t
86、he reason why the consumer should buy something. For example: Pick up right where you left off with the new C-2000 ZOOM filmless digital camera. You loved taking
87、0;pictures then. Youll love it even more now with the 2.1 megapixel C-2000 ZOOM. Itll remind you of your favorite film camera of yesterday, but with all the adv
88、antages Olympus filmless photography offers today. Only the C-2000 ZOOM, for example, incorporates an all-glass, aspherical 3x zoom lens system featuring a large aperture f2.0
89、;lens thats exceptionally fast and bright. Along with automatic or manual features like aperture and shutter priority, spot metering, exposure compensation, white balance and ISO
90、160;settings. And just like your film camera, the C-2000 ZOOM grows with you when you add external flash, lighting equipment, lenses or filter. So bring back old mem
91、ories while creating new ones with the C-2000 ZOOM from Olympus-THE WORLD LEADER IN FILM AND FILMLESS PHOTOGRAPHY. Sometimes the advertiser uses the institutional copy to
92、;sell an idea or the merits of the organization or service rather than sales features of a particular product. Often institutional copy is also narrative in because
93、it lends warmth to the organization. Service ads, such as ads of banks, insurance companies, public utilities, and large manufacturing concerns are the most common users
94、of the institutional copy. Advertisers use the narrative copy to tell a story. It often sets up a problem and then creates a solution using the particular sales
95、;features of the product or service. It may then suggest that the audiences use the same solution if they have that problem. Service advertisements are often written
96、;in this . For instance: LIFE INSURANCE ISNT FOR THE PEOPLE WHO DIE. ITS FOR THE PEOPLE WHO LIVE.“It broke my heart to hear my daughter Dorsey say she
97、60;wished her daddy was still here. But thanks to his foresight, well still have the things he worked for” Dorsey Hoskins father Bryan felt a tingling in his ar
98、m. The diagnosisan inoperable brain tumor. He died six months later, at 33, leaving his wife Dean alone to raise Dorsey and her sister Hattie. Fortunately, Bryan bought life insurance when he got married, and again when his daughters w
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