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1、重点单词Abdominal Pain 腹痛Adolescents青春期Alcohol Abuse酗酒Alternative Therapies替代疗法Anemia贫血Angina心绞痛Angry 生气Anticoagulant Therapy抗凝治疗Anxiety焦虑Arthritis关节炎Asthma 哮喘Asymptomatic无症状性Atrial Fibrillation心房颤动Back Pain背痛Bacterial Endocarditis细菌性心内膜炎Behavioral行为Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia良性前列腺增生Bladder Cancer膀胱癌Bl

2、eeding出血Breast Cancer乳腺癌Bronchitis气管炎Burns烧伤Cancer癌症Chest Pain 胸痛Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease慢性阻塞性肺疾患Chronic慢性Cirrhosis肝硬化Common Cold普通感冒Constipation便秘Cough咳嗽Depression抑郁Dermatitis皮炎Dermatologic皮肤病学Diabetes Mellitus糖尿病Diagnostic Tests 诊断性试验Diarrhea腹泻Discharge分泌物Dizziness头晕Dry Eyes干眼Dyspnea呼

3、吸困难Ear,Nose,and Throat耳鼻喉Eating Disorders进食障碍疾患Endocrinologic内分泌学Esophageal Cancer食管癌Exercise锻炼Eye Pain目痛Fatigue疲劳Fertility Control节育Fever 发热Fever热Foot Pain脚痛Fungal Infections霉菌感染Gallstones胆结石Gastric Cancer胃癌Gastrointestinal胃肠道Glucocorticoid Therapy糖皮质激素治疗Gout痛风Gynecologic妇产科学Hair Loss脱发Headache头痛He

4、alth Maintenance保健Hearing Loss听力损失Heart Disease心脏疾病Heart Failure心力衰竭Heartburn烧心Hematologic血液系统Hemoptysis 咯血Hepatitis肝炎Hypercholesterolemia高胆固醇血症Hypertension 高血压Hypoglycemia低血糖Immunization 免疫接种Infection感染Inflammatory Bowel Disease炎性肠病Insomnia失眠Jaundice黄疸Leg Edema 下肢水肿Liver Failure肝衰竭Lung Cancer肺癌Lymp

5、hadenopathy 淋巴结病Musculoskeletal肌肉与骨骼Nausea恶心Neck Pain颈痛Neurologic神经病学Obesity肥胖Oncologic肿瘤学Ophthalmologic眼科学Oral Cancer口腔癌Osteoarthritis骨关节炎Otitis耳炎Ovarian Cancer卵巢癌Overweight超重Pancreatitis胰腺炎Patient病人Pharyngitis咽炎Pneumonia肺炎Primary Care 基本医疗Prostatitis前列腺炎Psychiatric精神病学Red Eye红眼Renal Failure肾衰Respi

6、ratory呼吸Risk and Prognosis 风险和预后Screening筛查Seizures癫痫发作Sexual Dysfunction性功能障碍Sexually Transmitted Diseases性传播疾病Shoulder Pain肩痛Skin Cancer皮肤癌Sleep Apnea 睡眠呼吸暂停Smell Disturbances嗅觉障碍Smoking Cessation 戒烟Sweating出汗Swelling肿胀Thyroid甲状腺Transient Ischemic Attack短暂性缺血发作Tuberculosis 肺结核Urinar Tract Infectio

7、n尿路感染Viral病毒Visual视觉Vomiting呕吐Weight loss 消瘦重点段落句子翻译:Organize PCP practice to provide coordinated, comprehensive, and personal care, available on first contact and continuous basis. 组织初级保健医生行医以提供协调的、全面的、个体化的保健服务,具有首诊的可及性和以连续性为基础的服务。Personal support of patients of all backgrounds, in all stages of il

8、lness为各种背景处于各阶段疾病的病人提供个体化支持To provide prognostic information for patient with known disease为患者提供预后信息使其了解疾病In each case objective is not simply to classify or "label," but to reduce M&M and increase satisfaction and sense of well-being. 对每一个病例来说目标不是简单地分类或“贴标签”,而是为了减少患病率和死亡率和提高满意度和舒适感。Se

9、nsitivity is probability that test result will be positive when person tested actually has disease. Perfectly sensitive test can rule out disease if result is negative. 敏感性是指当被试验的病人实际上已患该疾病时测试结果为阳性的概率。如果结果是阴性,高敏感试验可以排除该疾病。Healthy pregnant women who will be in second or third trimesters during influe

10、nza season. 处于流感季节的怀孕第2或3月的健康妇女。Previous anaphylactic reaction to this vaccine, to any of its components, or to eggs. 从前对这个疫苗、对它的任何组分、对鸡蛋有过过敏反应。May be given with all other vaccines but at separate site. 可以与任何其他疫苗同时给与但要在不同部位。Schedule for those who have fallen behind: if series is delayed between dose

11、s, do not start series over. Continue from where you left off. 对于那些落后了计划的人:如果系列在两针之间被延迟,没必要从头开始系列。继续从拉了的那针开始。Conduct detailed Hx, including comprehensive review of systems; include checks for substance abuse, depression, sleep disturbances, and use of hypnotic medications. 进行详细的病史采集,包括综合的系回顾统,检测药物滥用

12、、忧郁、睡眠障碍和安眠药物的使用情况。Record height and weight and calculate BMI or measure percent body fat (see Overweight and Obesity). 记录身高和体重,并计算体重指数或测量身体脂肪比率(详见超重与肥胖章节) 。Check heart rate and BP after mild exercise (stair climbing or sit-ups). 测量轻微运动后的心率和血压(爬楼梯或仰卧起坐)。Encourage all persons to engage regularly in p

13、hysical activity that provides aerobic exercise. 鼓励全民进行定期的有氧运动。Obtain detailed personal Hx regarding chest pain, palpitations, dyspnea, undue fatigue, light-headedness, syncope, and claudication. 采集患者有关胸痛、心悸、呼吸困难、过度疲劳、头晕目眩、晕厥及跛行的详细病史。Note family Hx for CHD, peripheral vascular disease, HTN, stroke,

14、DM, and sudden death or exercise-related syncope. 注意有关冠心病、周围血管疾病、高血压病、中风、糖尿病及猝死或运动相关性晕厥的家族史。Review cardiac warning signs (chest pressure, dizziness, light-headedness, dyspnea, palpitations, unusual fatigue, nausea, diaphoresis). Teach all exercisers to stop activity immediately if symptoms develop a

15、nd call for assistance. 注意心脏的警告标志(胸部压迫感、眩晕、头晕目眩、呼吸困难、心悸、不寻常的疲劳、恶心与发汗)。教导所有受训练者如果症状加重,应立即停止运动,并寻求援助。“Common cold” describes self-limited catarrhal illness caused by variety of respiratory viruses. PCPs task is to distinguish common cold from bacterial infections, allergic conditions, and epidemic dis

16、eases such as influenza. Once common cold diagnosed, reassure patient about its self-limited nature and give advice about symptomatic Rx. Avoid antibiotics, which are frequently prescribed inappropriately. “普通感冒”是指由各种呼吸道病毒所引起的自限性卡他性疾病。初级保健医生的任务是将普通感冒与细菌性感染、过敏反应及流感等流行病相区别。一旦确诊为普通感冒,告诉患者该疾病的自限性本质而使其放心

17、,并给予患者对症治疗的建议。应避免使用抗生素,而抗生素却常被不恰当地处方给患者。Transmission can occur through virus-laden respiratory secretions that travel only a few ft. Most efficient transmission is direct mucous membrane contact with virus, usually on contaminated hands, with subsequent self-inoculation by touching nose or eyes. 病毒通

18、过载有病毒的呼吸道分泌物得以传播,行程只有几英尺。最有效的传播途径是直接接触含病毒的粘膜,常见于接触后被污染的双手再通过触摸自己的鼻子或眼睛而把病毒传播给自己。Use of prescription second-generation, nonsedating antihistamine has no place in management of common cold because these agents have little anticholinergic activity and cold symptoms have no allergic pathophysiology. 无镇静

19、作用的第二代抗组胺药不适合用来治疗普通感冒,因为此类药的抗胆碱能活性很低,而感冒症状的病理生理学变化不是由于过敏。Avoid use of theophylline for pulmonary complaints because it can aggravate problem by reducing lower esophageal sphincter pressure (see Asthma). 当患者有肺部不适时,避免使用茶碱,因为它会降低食管下括约肌的压力而加重病情(详见哮喘)。Refer when considering endoscopy (chronic symptomatic

20、 disease of duration >=5 yrs, dysphagia, odynophagia, unexplained weight loss, or iron deficiency anemia). 出现以下情况时应当考虑进行内窥镜检查:慢性反流症状病程>=5年、吞咽困难、吞咽疼痛、不明原因的体重减轻或缺铁性贫血。Consider surgical referral for persons who remain symptomatic despite max medical Rx. 若患者的用药剂量达到最大值时反流症状仍未消除,则转诊给外科。Warfarin Rx i

21、s preferred means of oral anticoagulation. Recommended intensity of anticoagulation for most indications is a PT INR of 2-3. 华法林是首选的口服抗凝药。大多数指征中推荐的抗凝强度为将凝血酶原时间(PT)的国际化标准比值(INR)控制在2-3。Consider use of aspirin in all persons at risk for atherothrombosis; reduces risk for vascular events, including MI,

22、stroke, and TIA. 对于所有有动脉粥样硬化血栓形成风险的患者,应考虑使用阿司匹林;以降低血管事件的风险,包括心肌梗死,中风及短暂性脑缺血发作。Postpone surgery, dental extraction, and contact sports in patients with platelet counts <50,000 until problem is corrected; recommend use of stool softeners and soft toothbrush. 如果患者血小板计数<50,000,推迟手术、拔牙和接触性体育运动,直到病情

23、得到纠正;并建议使用大便软化剂和软牙刷。Check for morning stiffness in back relieved by activity (ankylosing spondylitis or other inflammatory conditions), worsening or onset of symptoms with standing or walking and relief with bending or sitting (spinal stenosis), and worsening with sitting, driving, or lifting (lumba

24、r disk herniation). 检查是否有活动后可以缓解的背部晨僵(强直性脊柱炎或其他的炎症情况),症状在站立或行走时加重或发作,在弯腰或坐位时缓解(椎管狭窄),以及在坐位、开车或者坐电梯时加重(腰椎间盘突出症)。Perform straight-leg raising (SLR) test (sensitive indicator of lower lumbar L5-S1 disk herniation) in supine position with passive lifting of patient's leg at heel while knee is fully extended on side of reported sciatica (ipsilateral SLR testing) and on opposite side (contralateral, or crossed SLR t


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