



1、精选优质文档-倾情为你奉上五年级下册词组专心-专注-专业go camping (去露营) too to (太以致不)open day(开放日)have a good time(过得愉快)Would you like?你愿意吗?No problem.没问题Id like to(我想)take a walk(散步)get hurt (被伤害)watch out(注意)fall down(跌倒)in trouble(遇到麻烦)Excuse me.(劳驾)post office (邮局)train station (火车站)police station(警察局)short cut (捷径)out of

2、 (在外面)take the first right(在第一个路口右转)on time (及时)how long (多长时间)the best time forI preferMake a snowmango skiing/camping/fishing/swimmingplant flowersplay out doorsfly a kitesummer holidayevery daythe middle of winterthe first of June an English testvisit the museumhave a sport meetingvisit a farmfor

3、 five daysfly therego for a picnic/go on a picnichave a picnicgo travellinggo mountain climbingswim in the poolplay on the beachcamp under the starfly back homethe next dayat noonhave a three-day holidayThat sounds great!at the school gatenext timethis special dayhave fun a surprise partysee you at

4、the partyarrive at 2:00the city museumcant waitWindow of the WorldHappy ValleyFly/come back homefirst trip to drive to take some photosthe Summer Palacearound the lakeget sickdry the floortraffic lightssafety crossingon the stairsduring school hoursover thereat the second crossingon the right/on the

5、 leftnext to in front of the front gate一、请根据提示,补全对话。1. Summer is the best time to _.(露营)2. Its _ cold _ (太以致不)swim. You may get sick.3. The girl is lost. Lets take her to the _.(警察局)4. I know a _.(捷径) We can get there quickly.5. Turn right at the _(第二个路口) , you may see the bank.6. We will have a _ (

6、校运会) on May the 10th.7. My uncle sometimes goes _ (爬山) at the weekend.8. Janet plans to visit the _(颐和园).9. My mother likes to _ (种花) in the garden.10. The school _ (开放日) is coming. I am so excited.11. _(你愿意吗?) to come the my party?12. My parents _ (去散步)around the lake every night.13. Dont play the

7、knife. You may _. (受伤)14. The _(邮局)is opposite the hospital.15. _ (多长时间) will you stay in Hainan?16. _(在第一个路口右转)you may see the Xinghai Park.17. When will you _ (参观农场) ? There are plenty fruits.18. I dont like summer, I _(选择) winter.19. Childrens Day is on _(6月1日)。20. I sometimes _(参观博物馆) at the wee

8、kend.21. Winter is _ (最好的时候) to go skiing.22. Janet will _ (坐飞机去) on September 21th.23. Welcome to my _. (惊喜派对)24. This is my grandpas _ (第一次旅行)to Beijing.25. We can _(拍照) in Summer Palace.26. We shouldnt go outside during the _.(上学期间)27. I will go fishing in Hainan _. (下次)28. Our school is _(在隔壁)th

9、e cinema.二、请联系上下文,根据首字母的提示补全句子。1. Summer h_ is coming soon. Thats great!2. Autumn is the best time to f_ a kite.3. My favourite season is winter. I can make a s_ and go s_.4. Christmas is usually in the m_ of winter on December 25th .5. We will have a sport m_ next Friday.6. Miss White plans to have

10、 an E_ text on Wednesday.7. Summer holiday is coming. Where will you go t_ ?8. My uncle likes to go m_ climbing in autumn.9. In Hainan, I can s_ in the pool and play on the b_.10. The plane will a_ at Shanghai at 2:00 p.m.11. The holiday is coming. I cant w_ to travel.12. You should cross the road when the traffic l_ is green.13. Dont play on the s_. Its dangerous.14. Where is my English book? Its in f_ of the TV


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