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1、1 module1 module1重点单词重点单词1.lack 1.lack n n. .&v&v. .缺乏;不足缺乏;不足Do you want to make more friends but Do you want to make more friends but lacklack the confidence to talk to people you dont the confidence to talk to people you dont know? know?你是否想结交更多的朋友,但又缺乏与陌生人交你是否想结交更多的朋友,但又缺乏与陌生人交 谈的信心?谈的信心

2、? (回归课本(回归课本P P2 2)2v.缺少;缺乏;不足缺少;缺乏;不足He lacks common sense.He lacked the experience to get thisjob.他缺乏常识。他缺乏常识。他经验不足,他经验不足,无法得到无法得到这份工作。这份工作。3归纳拓展归纳拓展lacklack作动词时,后常接表示钱、勇气、能力、经验作动词时,后常接表示钱、勇气、能力、经验等的名词。等的名词。lack forlack for缺少,缺乏缺少,缺乏lack for nothinglack for nothing一无所缺一无所缺be lacking lacking

3、in.在在方面缺乏方面缺乏for lack of.for lack of.因缺乏因缺乏have no lack of.have no lack of.不缺乏不缺乏4Vi.(通常用与否定连用通常用与否定连用)They are so rich that they lack for nothing.他们非常富有,他们非常富有,不缺不缺任何东西。任何东西。5lack n. for lack of由于缺由于缺The plants died for lack of water. 由于缺水植物死了。由于缺水植物死了。6活学活用活学活用Of the 2,000 stock investors Of the 2

4、,000 stock investors last last month,ninety percent were found month,ninety percent were found in in financial knowledge.A.surveyed;lackingA.surveyed;lackingB.having been surveyed;to lackB.having been surveyed;to lackC.surveyed;lackedC.surveyed; have been surveyed;lackD

5、.to have been surveyed;lack解析解析 surveyed last monthsurveyed last month作后置定语修饰名词作后置定语修饰名词investors;be lacking in.investors;be lacking in.在在方面缺乏。方面缺乏。A72.advance 2.advance adjadj. .预先的;事先的预先的;事先的; ;n n. .&v&v. .前进;进前进;进 展;预付展;预付It helps if you do a little It helps if you do a little advanceadv

6、ance planning. planning. 要是事先作些准备,将会对你有所帮助。要是事先作些准备,将会对你有所帮助。 8归纳拓展归纳拓展in advance (of sth.)in advance (of sth.)(时间上)提前;预先(时间上)提前;预先(=ahead of time=ahead of time)make an advance in sth.make an advance in sth.某方面有进步某方面有进步advance planning/warningadvance planning/warning预先的计划预先的计划/ /警告警告advanced advance

7、d adj.adj.高级的,先进的;年老的;发达的高级的,先进的;年老的;发达的advanced English/mathsadvanced English/maths高阶英语高阶英语/ /高等数学高等数学9活学活用活学活用If you are worried that the tickets will be If you are worried that the tickets will be sold out,you can buy a ticket sold out,you can buy a ticket . a a row advance B.i

8、n advanceC.on timeC.on time D.time after time D.time after time解析解析 in advancein advance提前;预先;提前;预先;in a rowin a row成一排;成一排;on timeon time准时;准时;time after timetime after time屡屡;总是。根屡屡;总是。根据句意知据句意知B B项正确。项正确。B103.certain 3.certain adjadj. .有把握的,确定的,肯定的(不有把握的,确定的,肯定的(不作定语);某个,某些(作定语)作定语);某个,某些(作定语)Her

9、e in England,there are Here in England,there are certaincertain questions questions that you shouldnt really ask people.that you shouldnt really ask people.在英国,有一些虽然你不知道但也不该询问别人的在英国,有一些虽然你不知道但也不该询问别人的问题问题11观察思考观察思考I think theres a bus at 8 but youd better I think theres a bus at 8 but youd better ca

10、ll to make to make certain.好像好像8 8点有一班公共汽车,不过你最好打电话确定一下。点有一班公共汽车,不过你最好打电话确定一下。Im not certain whether theres a bus service Im not certain whether theres a bus service on Sundays.on Sundays.我不确定星期天是否也有公交车。我不确定星期天是否也有公交车。For certain reasons Ill be unable to attend For certain reasons Ill b

11、e unable to attend the meeting.the meeting.因为某些原因我不能出席这次会议。因为某些原因我不能出席这次会议。12归纳拓展归纳拓展a certain Mr.Zhanga certain Mr.Zhang某一位姓张的先生某一位姓张的先生certain bookscertain books某些书某些书under certain conditionsunder certain conditions在一定条件下在一定条件下be certain ofbe certain of对对有把握有把握make certainmake certain弄清楚弄清楚be cert

12、ain to do certain to do sth.一定会做某事一定会做某事for certainfor certain肯定地肯定地It is certain that.It is certain that.是肯定的是肯定的to a certain degree/extentto a certain degree/extent在某种程度上在某种程度上13易混辨异易混辨异certain/surecertain/suresuresure与与certaincertain都表示都表示“确信,肯定确信,肯定”,通常可以换,通常可以换用,但是用,但是certaincertain既可以用物

13、作主语,也可以用人作既可以用物作主语,也可以用人作主语,而主语,而suresure通常用人作主语,所以在通常用人作主语,所以在It is certainIt is certainthatthat从句结构中从句结构中,certain,certain和和suresure不能换用。不能换用。 sure/certain to do sth.sure/certain to do sth.表示以局外人的立场推测,表示以局外人的立场推测,确信主语会做某事;确信主语会做某事; sure of doing sure of doing sth.表表示主语自己对做

14、某事有把握,有信心。示主语自己对做某事有把握,有信心。14活学活用活学活用-用用certaincertain或或suresure填空填空(1)He is (1)He is to win the win the election.(2)Im (2)Im of getting the chance.of getting the chance.(3)It is(3)It is that he will pass the exam.that he will pass the exam.suresuresuresure certain certain154.imagine 4.i

15、magine v v. .想像;设想想像;设想ImagineImagine a situation where two strangers are a situation where two strangers are talking to each other after someone they both talking to each other after someone they both know has left the room,or the caf or party, know has left the room,or the caf or party, etc. etc.设

16、想这样一种情形,在咖啡馆或聚会等场合,双方都设想这样一种情形,在咖啡馆或聚会等场合,双方都 认识的人离开了房间,两个陌生人开始交谈。认识的人离开了房间,两个陌生人开始交谈。 16观察思考观察思考Can you imagine (Tom) winning the game?Can you imagine (Tom) winning the game?你能想像(汤姆)赢得这次比赛的情形吗?你能想像(汤姆)赢得这次比赛的情形吗?Dont imagine that I can give you anything Dont imagine that I can give you anything you

17、 want.你甭想像着我能给你想要的一切。你甭想像着我能给你想要的一切。17归纳拓展归纳拓展imagination imagination n.n.想像力;创造力想像力;创造力imaginative imaginative adjadj. .具有想像力的具有想像力的imaginable imaginable adj.adj.可想像的可想像的imaginary imaginary adj.adj.虚构的;幻想的虚构的;幻想的imagine that/what/how/whyimagine that/what/how/why想像想像imagine doing sth.imagin

18、e doing sth.想像做某事想像做某事imagine sb. doing sth.imagine sb. doing sth.想像某人做某事想像某人做某事imagine sb./sth. as.imagine sb./sth. as.把某人把某人( (物物) )想像成想像成You cant imagine.You cant imagine.你想像不到你想像不到18活学活用活学活用There is a story here in the paper about aThere is a story here in the paper about a 110 110yearyearold ma

19、n.old man.My goodness!I cant imagine My goodness!I cant imagine that old. that be have be have beenC.being D.having beenC.being D.having been解析解析 imagineimagine想像,设想,后可跟名词、代词、动想像,设想,后可跟名词、代词、动名词,名词,that/wh-that/wh-从句作宾语,或用于从句作宾语,或用于imagine+imagine+宾语宾语+to be+to be结构。由此知结构

20、。由此知A A、B B两项不符合其用法;由句两项不符合其用法;由句中时态判断,此处应用一般时而非完成时。中时态判断,此处应用一般时而非完成时。C195.purpose 5.purpose n n. .目的目的; ;vtvt. .打算;企图打算;企图Whats the Whats the purposepurpose of your visit to London? of your visit to London?你来伦敦的目的是什么?你来伦敦的目的是什么?I came here on purpose to see you.I came here on purpose to see you.我特

21、地来这儿看你。我特地来这儿看你。I came to Beijing for/with the purpose of I came to Beijing for/with the purpose of seeing you.seeing you.我来北京就是为了见你。我来北京就是为了见你。20归纳拓展归纳拓展on purposeon purpose故意地故意地with/for the purpose ofwith/for the purpose of为了为了answer/serve the purposeanswer/serve the purpose适用适用to the purposeto t

22、he purpose合乎目的地;切题地合乎目的地;切题地to little/no purposeto little/no purpose作用不大;徒劳作用不大;徒劳21活学活用活学活用They pulled down the old buildings for theThey pulled down the old buildings for the of making room for the newly-built of making room for the newly-built motorway.motorway.A.purpose B.meaning C.face D.useA.p

23、urpose B.meaning C.face D.use解析解析 for the purpose offor the purpose of为固定搭配,指为固定搭配,指“为为了了的目的的目的”,符合句意,故选,符合句意,故选A A项。项。A226.apologise 6.apologise v v. .道歉道歉; ;辩白辩白观察思考观察思考The US has apologised to Britain for the The US has apologised to Britain for the accident.accident.美国已经就这次事故向英国道歉。美国已经就这次事故向英国道歉

24、。The worker asked the boss to make an apologyThe worker asked the boss to make an apologyto him for the dirty him for the dirty words.那位工人要求老板因说了脏话而向他道歉。那位工人要求老板因说了脏话而向他道歉。I must apologise for the delay in replying toI must apologise for the delay in replying toyour letter.your letter.未能及时回

25、信,我必须向你道歉。未能及时回信,我必须向你道歉。23归纳拓展归纳拓展apologise to sb.for (doing) sth.apologise to sb.for (doing) sth.因(做了)某因(做了)某事而向某人道歉事而向某人道歉apologise for (doing) sth.apologise for (doing) sth.为(做)某事道歉为(做)某事道歉make/offer an apology to sb.for sth.make/offer an apology to sb.for sth.为某事向为某事向某人道歉某人道歉own apologyow

26、n apology应向某人道歉应向某人道歉accept ones apologyaccept ones apology接受某人的道歉接受某人的道歉24活学活用活学活用The headmaster told the boy The headmaster told the boy the angry the angry apologiseB.apologise toB.apologise apologise apologise apologise apolo

27、gise to解析解析 tell do sth.tell do sth.告诉某人做某事;告诉某人做某事;apologise to sb.apologise to sb.向某人道歉。向某人道歉。D25重点短语与句型重点短语与句型 addition另外;此外另外;此外In additionIn addition,you need to know how long you should,you need to know how long you should stay,and when you have to leave. stay,and

28、when you have to leave.另外,你需要知道你应该呆多长时间和你何时该离开。另外,你需要知道你应该呆多长时间和你何时该离开。In addition,he learned French by himself.In addition,he learned French by himself.=He learned French by himself,in addition.=He learned French by himself,in addition.此外,他还自学了法语。此外,他还自学了法语。Hes now running his own companythats in H

29、es now running his own companythats in addition to his job at the university.addition to his job at the university.除了他在大学的工作外除了他在大学的工作外, ,他现在还经营自己的公司。他现在还经营自己的公司。26归纳拓展归纳拓展in additionin addition是副词短语,常放在句首,也可放在句是副词短语,常放在句首,也可放在句中、句尾。中、句尾。in addition addition to.除除之外,复合介词,后接名之外,复合介词,后接名词或动名词。词或

30、动名词。addition addition n.n.增加;附加;附加物;增加物增加;附加;附加物;增加物as well=besides=in addition as well=besides=in addition 除此之外除此之外( (用作副词用作副词) )as well as=besides=apart from=in addition toas well as=besides=apart from=in addition to除除之外之外( (用作介词用作介词) )27活学活用活学活用 gene,intelligence also depends on an gene,intellige

31、nce also depends on an adequate diet,a good education and a decent adequate diet,a good education and a decent home environment.home environment.A.In addition B.Except forA.In addition B.Except forC.In addition to D.ExceptC.In addition to D.Except解析解析 in addition toin addition to除除之外(还有);之外(还有);in i

32、n additionaddition是副词,不接宾语;是副词,不接宾语;B B、D D两项都表示两项都表示“去去掉,除掉,除”,故,故C C项符合句意。项符合句意。C288.cheer sb.up8.cheer sb.up使某人高兴使某人高兴/ /振作起来振作起来She tried She tried to cheer him upto cheer him up. .她试图使他高兴起来。她试图使他高兴起来。The winning team were cheered by their The winning team were cheered by their supporters.suppor

33、ters.获胜的队受到支持者的热烈欢呼。获胜的队受到支持者的热烈欢呼。You look as though you need cheering up.You look as though you need cheering up.看来你需要振作起来。看来你需要振作起来。29归纳拓展归纳拓展cheer upcheer up感到高兴;感动振奋感到高兴;感动振奋cheer oncheer on为为加油加油cheer sb.cheer sb.为某人喝彩为某人喝彩cheerleader cheerleader n n. .拉拉队队员拉拉队队员three cheers for sb.three cheer

34、s for sb.为某人欢呼三声为某人欢呼三声活学活用活学活用Give Mary a call;she needs cheering up.Give Mary a call;she needs cheering up. 给玛丽打个电话,她需要人安慰给玛丽打个电话,她需要人安慰。309.leave out9.leave out遗留;遗忘遗留;遗忘观察思考观察思考We must decide what to leave out and whatWe must decide what to leave out and what to leave in. to leave in.我们必须决定取舍。我们

35、必须决定取舍。Please check your exam paper carefully toPlease check your exam paper carefully to make sure you dont leave out anything make sure you dont leave out anything before handing it in.before handing it in.在上交试卷前请仔细检查以确定没有任何遗漏。在上交试卷前请仔细检查以确定没有任何遗漏。These are questions left over by history.These are

36、 questions left over by history.这是些历史遗留问题。这是些历史遗留问题。31归纳拓展归纳拓展leave behindleave behind遗留;遗忘遗留;遗忘leave offleave off停止;不再使用停止;不再使用; ;戒除戒除leave overleave over剩余;暂不解决剩余;暂不解决leave aloneleave alone别管,不理会别管,不理会on leaveon leave休假休假without leavewithout leave未经许可未经许可cross outcross out划掉,除去划掉,除去32.重点短语再现重点短语再现

37、1.small 1.small 闲谈;聊天闲谈;聊天talk talk 吹牛吹牛talktalk 商量,商讨商量,商讨 nervous nervous 对对紧张紧张/ /害怕害怕nervousnervous 神经系统神经系统3.look 3.look fromfrom从从移开视线移开视线 away away远离远离4.4. friends friends交朋友交朋友make make of of 利用利用5.cheer sb. 5.cheer sb. 使某人高兴使某人高兴/ /振作起来振作起来cheer sb.cheer sb. 为某人加油为某人加油/ /鼓劲鼓劲 a

38、ware aware 意识到;知道意识到;知道 far as I am far as I am awareaware口就我所知口就我所知make sense make sense 理解理解talktalkoveroverbigbigaboutaboutsystemsystemawayawayfarfarmakemakeuseuseupupononas/soas/ 炫耀炫耀show sb. show sb. 接送某人接送某人( (进来进来) ) 出去出去show show 带领某人参观带领某人参观8.8. addition additi

39、on 另外,又另外,又apart apart 此外,加之此外,加之9.take lead9.take lead带头带头be the leadbe the lead处于领先地位处于领先地位 lead lead 导致导致lead sb. lead sb. the nosethe nose牵着某牵着某 人的鼻子走人的鼻子走10.put ones foot 10.put ones foot ones mouthones mouth犯使某人难堪犯使某人难堪 的错误的错误 to ones feetto ones feet站起来站起来be rushed be rushed off ones off ones

40、 非常忙碌;忙得脚不沾地非常忙碌;忙得脚不沾地 offoffin/outin/outaroundaroundininfromfromthetheinintotobybyininriserisefeetfeet34.短语运用短语运用1.I 1.I him as a happy person with lots him as a happy person with lots of good friends.of good friends.2.2. the names on the list,there the names on the list,there are six more applica

41、nts.are six more applicants.3.Most small children like to 3.Most small children like to in in front of guests.front of nervous about,think of,look away from,in be nervous about,think of,look away from,in addition to,put ones foot in ones mouth,addition to,put ones foot in ones mouth,as a c

42、onsequence,cheer up,leave out,take the as a consequence,cheer up,leave out,take the lead,show offlead,show offthink ofthink ofIn addition toIn addition toshow offshow off354.Consumers 4.Consumers the quality of the quality of the goods in future. the goods in future.5.He isnt fit for a salesman,for

43、he is 5.He isnt fit for a salesman,for he is alwaysalways . .6.He didnt 6.He didnt the newspaper that the newspaper that he was reading when I said goodbye to him. he was reading when I said goodbye to him.7.She 7.She anm in accommodation.anm in accommodation.are nervous aboutare nervous aboutputtin

44、g his foot in his mouthputting his foot in his mouthlook away fromlook away fromleft outleft out368.Our global is becoming warmer,and8.Our global is becoming warmer,and ,the sea level is rising.,the sea level is rising.9.If we 9.If we in this,others may in this,others may follow.follow.10.A call fro

45、m her boyfriend may 10.A call from her boyfriend may the girl. the girl. as aas aconsequenceconsequencetake the leadtake the leadcheer upcheer up37.典型句式运用典型句式运用1.Talk to a man about himself, and he will 1.Talk to a man about himself, and he will speak to you for hours!speak to you for hours!和一个人谈论他自

46、己,他会和你说上几个小时!和一个人谈论他自己,他会和你说上几个小时! 祈使句祈使句+and/or+and/or+简单句简单句 只要你一招手,就会有一辆汽车出现在只要你一招手,就会有一辆汽车出现在你面前。你面前。Simply raise your hand, and a car willSimply raise your hand, and a car willappear in front of youappear in front of you.考点提炼考点提炼句子仿造句子仿造384.It was no coincidence either that she wasnt4.It was no

47、 coincidence either that she wasnt a very good saleswoman. a very good saleswoman.她成不了一位优秀的女推销员也就不是巧合了。她成不了一位优秀的女推销员也就不是巧合了。 itit作形式主语,作形式主语,thatthat从句作真正的主语从句作真正的主语 很明显,他会赢得比赛。很明显,他会赢得比赛。It is obvious that he will win the gameIt is obvious that he will win the game.考点提炼考点提炼句子仿造句子仿造39类似的结构还有类似的结构还有:

48、It is said that 据说据说It is known that 众所周知众所周知It is thought that人们认为人们认为It is believed that人们相信人们相信It is hoped that人们希望人们希望It is reported that据报道据报道It is suggested that人们建议人们建议40归纳拓展归纳拓展分词作状语:分词作状语:(1)(1)分词作状语形式的选择分词作状语形式的选择形式形式意义意义doingdoing与句中主语构成逻辑上的主谓关系,与句中与句中主语构成逻辑上的主谓关系,与句中谓语动词表示的动作同时发生或基本上同时谓语

49、动词表示的动作同时发生或基本上同时发生发生having donehaving done与句中主语构成逻辑上的主谓关系,先于谓与句中主语构成逻辑上的主谓关系,先于谓语动词的动作发生语动词的动作发生donedone与句中主语构成逻辑上的动宾关系与句中主语构成逻辑上的动宾关系being donebeing done与句中主语构成逻辑上的动宾关系,且与谓与句中主语构成逻辑上的动宾关系,且与谓语动词的动作同时发生,一般作原因状语置语动词的动作同时发生,一般作原因状语置于句首于句首having been having been donedone与句中主语构成逻辑上的动宾关系,且先于与句中主语构成逻辑上的动

50、宾关系,且先于谓语动词的动作发生谓语动词的动作发生 41(2)(2)分词作状语的基本原则分词作状语的基本原则分词作状语,分词的逻辑主语必须与句子主语保持分词作状语,分词的逻辑主语必须与句子主语保持一致;分词作状语必须和句中主语含有逻辑上的主一致;分词作状语必须和句中主语含有逻辑上的主谓或动宾关系,否则不能使用分词作状语。谓或动宾关系,否则不能使用分词作状语。(3)(3)分词作状语的句法功能分词作状语的句法功能分词或分词短语作状语时,可以表示时间、原因、分词或分词短语作状语时,可以表示时间、原因、结果、条件、让步、行为方式、伴随情况等。表示结果、条件、让步、行为方式、伴随情况等。表示时间关系的分

51、词短语有时可由连词时间关系的分词短语有时可由连词whilewhile或或whenwhen引出。引出。Hearing the news,they got excited.(Hearing the news,they got excited.(时间状语时间状语) )听到这个消息,他们兴奋极了。听到这个消息,他们兴奋极了。Be careful while/when crossing the street.(Be careful while/when crossing the street.(时时间状语间状语) )42过街时要小心。过街时要小心。Having been bitten by a snak

52、e,she was frightened Having been bitten by a snake,she was frightened at it.(at it.(原因状语原因状语) )由于被蛇咬过,所以她怕蛇。由于被蛇咬过,所以她怕蛇。Given a chance,I can surprise the world.(Given a chance,I can surprise the world.(条件条件状语状语) )给我一个机会,我会让世界震惊。给我一个机会,我会让世界震惊。The cup dropped to the ground,breaking into The cup drop

53、ped to the ground,breaking into pieces.(pieces.(结果状语结果状语) )那个杯子掉在地上摔碎了。那个杯子掉在地上摔碎了。Having been told many times,she still repeatedHaving been told many times,she still repeatedthe same mistakes.(the same mistakes.(让步状语让步状语) )虽然告诉她很多次了,但她仍犯同样的错误。虽然告诉她很多次了,但她仍犯同样的错误。43The teacher came into the classroo

54、m,followedThe teacher came into the classroom,followedby some students.(by some students.(伴随状语伴随状语) )老师走进了教室,身后跟着一群学生。老师走进了教室,身后跟着一群学生。(4)(4)独立成分作状语独立成分作状语有些分词短语,其形式的选择不受上下文的影响,有些分词短语,其形式的选择不受上下文的影响,称为独立成分。常见的有:称为独立成分。常见的有:generally speakinggenerally speaking一般说来一般说来frankly speakingfrankly speaking坦

55、白地说坦白地说judging from/by.judging from/by.根据根据来判断来判断considering.considering.考虑到考虑到to tell the truthto tell the truth说实话说实话compared to/pared to/with.与与相比相比44活学活用活学活用 that she was going off to sleep, I that she was going off to sleep, I asked if shed like that little doll on herasked if shed like that li

56、ttle doll on herbed.bed.A.Seeing B.To see C.See D.SeenA.Seeing B.To see C.See D.Seen解析解析 seesee这一动作由句子的主语这一动作由句子的主语“I”I”发出发出, ,故空格故空格处须用现在分词。处须用现在分词。 A45考题回扣考题回扣【例例1 1】Im thinking of the test tomorrow. Im thinking of the test tomorrow. Im afraid I cant pass this time. Im afraid I cant pass this time

57、. !Im sure youll make it.(!Im sure youll make it.(天津高考天津高考) )A.Go aheadA.Go aheadB.Good luckB.Good luckC.No problemC.No problemD.Cheer upD.Cheer up解析解析 由后句由后句“Im sure youll make it.Im sure youll make it.我相我相 信你会成功的信你会成功的”可知,应是对对方的鼓励和信任。可知,应是对对方的鼓励和信任。cheer upcheer up可用于表达鼓励、促进的含义,相可用于表达鼓励、促进的含义,相当于当

58、于46come oncome on作此意时的用法。作此意时的用法。go aheadgo ahead意为意为“做吧做吧”,用以表达对前面说话人的提议的支持和许可。用以表达对前面说话人的提议的支持和许可。答案答案 D课文原文课文原文She tried to She tried to cheercheer him him upup. . 47【例例2 2】 not to miss the flight at not to miss the flight at 1520,the manager set out for the airport 1520,the manager set out for t

59、he airport in a hurry. (in a hurry. (福建高考福建高考) )A.Reminding A.Reminding B.RemindedB.Reminded C.To remind C.To remindD.Having remindedD.Having reminded解析解析 分词作状语时,要根据其与句子的主语之分词作状语时,要根据其与句子的主语之间的逻辑关系来确定用现在分词形式还是过去分间的逻辑关系来确定用现在分词形式还是过去分词形式。句子的主语词形式。句子的主语the managerthe manager与与remindremind之间是之间是被动关系,故用

60、过去分词形式表示被动。被动关系,故用过去分词形式表示被动。 课文原文课文原文 We stood around We stood around making smallmaking small talk talk . .B48【例例3 3】Teenagers Teenagers their health because they their health because they play computer games too much.(play computer games too much.(重庆高考重庆高考) )A.have damagedA.have damagedB.are damagingB.are damag


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