已阅读5页,还剩7页未读 继续免费阅读




1、新版九年级英语短语归纳Name 在街道上朝扔in /on the street throw sth to sbUnit 1洗掉wash away通过做某事by doing好运good luck和,起工作workwith- 满月a full moon制作单词卡make word cards把带给carry sth to sb读教科书read the textbook民间故事folkstories听磁带listen to tapes射掉shoot down向老师寻求帮助ask the teacher for help计划做plan to do sth为考试做准备study for a test设法

2、偷try to steal看录像watch the videos拒绝做refuse to do sth和会话have conversations with sb飞向fly up to大声朗读read aloud摆开 /布置lay out说的技能speaking skills回来come back / be back / get back口头英语spoken English五月第二个星期the second Sunday of May对 -有耐心be patient with sb.六月第三个星期天the third Sunday of June越多越快The more the faster 给

3、人礼物give gifts to sb如此以至so. that , 以便so that带一出去吃饭take sb out for dinner / lunch害怕be afraid of sth越来越受欢迎more and more popular害怕做be afraid to do sth展示 /表达我们的爱show our love= be afraid of doing sth花很多的钱spend a lot of money由于 /因为because of帮助做help (to) do sth / help with sth爱上fall in love with装扮成-人dress u

4、p as sb查阅(字典)look up 不招待就使坏trick or treat练习讲英语practice speaking English ,只想着自己only think oneselfpracticepronunciation 练习发音关心 /关注care about学习语法learn grammar被惩罚be punished看英语录像watch English videos警告做一warn sb to do记 /做笔记take notes最终成为end up注意payattention to期待做expect sb to do sth把 -连接connect- with -使想起r

5、emind sb of sth做 -怎么样how about doing提醒某人做remind sb to do sth犯错make mistakes醒来wake up对 -感兴趣be interested in查明 /弄清情况find out代替做instead of doing决定做decide to do sth读完一本书finish reading a book改变的生活change one s life发现学英语很难find it to learn English承诺做promise to do sth天生具有beborn with不但而且not only but also圣诞节前夕

6、Christmas EveUnit 2一个 另一个one , the other 泼水节the Water Festival开 -人的玩笑play a trick / joke on sb龙舟节the Dragon Boat Festival吃月饼eatmooncakes春节the Spring Festival拜访亲戚visitrelatives灯笼节the Lantern Festival赏月admirethe moon中秋节Mid Autumn Festival警告某人做某事warn sb to do母亲节Mother s Day父亲节Father s Day两周后in twoweeks

7、增加(体重)/发胖/穿上put on相互泼水throw water each other从到from to如此 - 以致so that和 相似 (相同) be similar to / the same asUnit 3担心worry about / be worried about取钱get some money私人时间private time买一些杂志get / buy some magazines和朋友闲逛hang out with friends获取一些信息get some information放弃做give up doing一双鞋a pair of shoes想 /考虑 .thin

8、k about怎样到达how to get to听流行音乐listen to pop music沿着go along/ go down至少at least在银行的旁边beside the bank公众in public在右边、左边on the right / left在足球队on the soccer team去三楼go to the third floor寻找 .look for向左转turn left / right照顾take care of / look after在之间between and 感到孤独feel lonely做 激动 be excited to do ,上课缺席be a

9、bsent from classes对感到兴奋be excited about sth考试不及格fail the exams以开始start/ begin with做决定make a decision以 -结束end up with sth和一交朋友make friends with sb需要做need to do亲自 /亲身in person起初at first建议某人做advise sb to do ,在那个时刻at that time叫某人做ask sb to do礼貌地寻求帮助ask for help politely以 .为自豪take pride in / be proud of学

10、会怎样才是礼貌的learn how to be polite寄宿学校boarding school在去往 的路上 on one s way to 取得好成绩、分数get good grades / scores擅长于be good at、do well in 足够勇敢brave enough盼望做look forward to doing这样好的一个主意such a good idea取决于/依靠depend on如此受欢迎so popular经过、路过pass by对 -感兴趣be interested in一个吃饭的好地方a good place to eat着手做take up doin

11、g那边overhere一个8 岁男孩an 8 year old boy开始做startto do / start doing能 - beable to / can我不确定Imnot sure几年前afew years ago更礼貌morepolite建议做suggest doingUnit 5 短语停车场parking lot为人知晓be known for ,打扰一下Excuse me因用著名be famous for告诉某人做tell sb to do不论 /无论no matter 剪纸paper cuttingUnit 4由构成be made of / be made from过去常常u

12、sed to do ,在被制造be made in习惯于be / get used to doing在被生产be produced in 被用于做be used for doing据我所知as far as I know过去不常didn t use to do全世界all over the world时常 /有时from time to time对 -有好处be good for变化很大change a lot和都both and和 .谈话talk to/ talk with即使even if / even though对付 /处理deal with避免做avoid doing sth敢做不敢

13、做dare to do sth / dont dare to do sth查明find out不再 .not anymore去度假go on vacation一直 /总是all the time放风筝fly a kite得到很多关注get tons of attention例如such as / for example把变成turn into 足够认真serious enough好运good luck和朋友度过时spend time with friends手机mobile phone对感到兴奋be excited about sth一些树叶some leaves拍照take bphotos使

14、用闪光灯use a flash确保 / 确定make sure/ be sureUnit 6 短语举起lift up被人发明be invented by sb咳嗽得厉害cough badly我很荣幸My pleasure!上学迟到be late for school日常生活daily life呆在外面stay out偶然的/意外的by accident ,后悔做了regret doing sth错误地by mistake后悔没做regret to do sth最受欢迎的饮料the most popular drink有机会做have a chance to do sth据说It ssaid t

15、hat 搬出去move out掉入里/落入/陷入fall into早早地完成考试finish a test early被带到be brought to考试失败fail the test发生take place参加考试take the test毫无疑问/确信without doubt通过考试pass the test突然all of a sudden晚点考试take the test late足够的咸salty enough对某人要求严格xr-M UP 七5nz 土be strict with sb1 乂1口八make sb happy/ cheer sb up对某事要求严格be strict

16、in sth最后in the end , finally长大grow up多余 /超过more than / over对认真be serious about sth人们相信It s believed that在上花费时间spend time on sth把分成divide into 做选择make this choice与此同时at the same time有机会做have a chance to do sth阻止做stop from doing戴耳环wear earrings的梦想the dream of 不但而且not only but also的数量the number of Unit

17、 8 短语钦佩 /仰慕look up to属于某人/是某人的belong to sb鼓励做encourage sb to do= besomeone s实现梦想achieve one s dream追逐 /追赶run after想出come up with同时at the same time不值得一提Don t mention it .可能是could / might be把 翻译成-translate into一:日一定是must be不可能是can t be去野餐go to a picnicUnit 7 短语拾起 /捡起pick up顶嘴 /回嘴talk back彼此each other

18、/ one another远离keep away from奇怪的声音strange noise自己做决定make one s own decision感到不安feel uneasy/ feel nervous当了的路/妨碍get in the way of离开 /走开go away/ be away允许做allow sb to do sth感到困倦feel sleepy被允许做be allowed to do sth在空中in the sky选择自己的服choose one s own clothes赶车catch the bus十六岁的孩子们sixteen-year olds与交流commu

19、nicate with sb兼职工作part-time jobs指出point out扎耳眼get one s ears pieced19 唯一的小孩the only little kid1220 谁的发带whose hair band21 收到一个礼物receive a gift22 . 穿着一件外套wear a coat23 参加会议attend a meetingUnit 9 短语既然那样in that case坚持 /固守stick to大量 /充足plenty of关上shut off偶尔 /间或once in a while总共 /合计in total随着跳舞dance to随着唱

20、歌sing along with空闲时间spare time/ free time取决于/依靠depend on尽某人最大努力去做try one s best to do有一个快乐的结局have a happy ending及时、准时in time , on time查阅look up sth被人写be written by sb出生be born教做teach sb to do sth赚钱make money结婚get married继续做go on to do / continue to do sth以这种方式in this way与 相比,更喜欢prefer - to哪种类型的组合wha

21、t kinds of groups24. 演奏不同类型的音乐play differentkinds of musicUnit 10 短语 顺便拜访drop by毕竟 /终归after all大动肝火/气愤get mad作出努力make an effort把擦掉clean - off脱下 /起飞take off特地 /格外努力go out of one s way使某人宾至如归make sb feel at home握手shake hands被期望做/应该做be supposed to do被期待着做be expected to do(做)是重要的It s important to do首次见面

22、meet for the first time欢迎晚会the welcome party伸手hold out one s hand使一惊讶的是to one s surprise做计划做 make plans to do sth按时/准时on time邀请某人做 invite sb to do sth插入 里stick - into 在盘子里on the plate撞击一个空碗hit an emptybowl指着某人point at sb最大的挑战the biggest challenge玩得高兴/过得愉快have a good time,have fun / enjoy oneself与 不同

23、be different from相当奇怪pretty strange切碎cut up露面、到场show up一 - 就as soon as没有打电话without calling在中午at noon穿牛仔裤、西装、领带wear jeans / suit / tieUnit 11 短语1. would rather do 宁愿做2. be friends with sb 和 -人成为朋友3. neither -nor 既不 -也不 , either or 或者 -或者4. leave out 忽略5. drive /make sb crazy / mad 使某人发狂、生气6. to start

24、 with / at first 首先7. let -down使 -失望8. rather than 而不是9. kick sb off 开除某人10. be hard on sb 对某人苛刻11. pull together 齐心协力12. lose weight 减肥13. call in 召见14. make me cry 使我哭15. make him relaxed / nervous /sleepy 使某人放松、紧张、困倦16. I m not sure 我不确定17. want / would like to do , feel like doing 想做18. take one

25、 s position代替某人的位置19. search for 搜寻Unit 12 短语1. by the time到 时候2. give sb a lift 捎某人一程3. by the end of 到 结束时4. wait in line 排队等5. show up露面6. sell out 卖完7. AprilFool s Day 愚人节8. be fooled by sb 被 -人愚弄9. left backpack at home 忘家作在家10. go off 发出响声11. rush out 冲出11 wake up 醒来12. be fullof 充满13. be abou

26、t to do即将做14. go into the bathroom 进入浴室15. play a joke/ trick on sb 开 -人的玩笑16. thousands of / hundreds of好几百的、好几千的17. arrive in ( at ) / get to / reach 到达小学二(2)班班规一、 安全方面1、 每天课间不能追逐打闹。2、 中午和下午放学要结伴回家。3、 公路上走路要沿右边走,过马路要注意交通安全。4、 不能在上学路上玩耍、逗留。二、学习方面1、每天到校后,不允许在走廊玩耍打闹,要进教室读书。2、每节课铃声一响,要快速坐好,安静地等老师来上课。3

27、、课堂上不做小动作,不与同桌说悄悄话,认真思考,积极回答问题。4、养成学前预习、学后复习的好习惯。每天按时完成作业,保证字迹工整,卷面整洁。5、考试时做到认真审题,不交头接耳,不抄袭,独立完成答卷。三、升旗排队和两操方面1、升旗时,要快速出教室排好队,做到快、静、齐,安静整齐地排队走出课室门,班长负责监督。2、上午第二节后,快速坐好,按要求做好眼保健操。3、下午预备铃声一响,在座位上做眼保健操。四、卫生方面1、每组值日生早晨7: 35 到校做值日。坐如钟 站如松 快如风 静无声班规:课堂听讲坐如钟,精神集中认真听;排队升旗站如松,做操到位展雄风;做事迅速快如风,样样事情记得清;自习课上静无声,

28、踏实学习不放松;个人努力进步快,团结向上2、要求各负其责,打扫要迅速彻底,打扫完毕劳动工具要摆放整齐。3、卫生监督员(剑锋,锶妍,炜薪)要按时到岗,除负责自己的值日工作外,还要做好记录。五、 一日常规1、每天学生到齐后,班长要检查红领巾。2、劳动委员组织检查卫生。3、 每天负责领读的学生要督促学生学习。4、 上课前需唱一首歌,由文娱委员负责。5、 做好两操。6、 放学后,先做作业,然后帮助家长至少做一件家务事。7、 如果有人违反班规,要到老师处说明原因。班训:集体荣;我为领巾添光彩,标兵集体12连续一周该组值日卫本组值日4生达标每人加2 ,记我功。加分标准序号考核项目加分值独分标准1单兀考试满

29、分+2序扣分值2单兀考试85分以上+ 1号考核项目3课堂小测满分+ 11没交作业、不做晚作业-14期中、期末考试满分+32忘带书本、学具-15在红领巾广播站投稿一次+23迟到-14在课堂上被老师点名-26在校级活动中秋奖+55不穿校服,不戴红领巾-17作业十次全对得一颗星+36吃零食、带钱、带玩具-27说脏话、打架-3-28课堂上得到表扬+ 18座位周围有垃圾糜不认-19班干部工作认真负责+ 19课间操、眼保健10做好事、有利于班集体和学校的事+2具似10升旗时违反纪律-2,在走-111进步比较明显+211J IX1士加无打闹注:每人基本分60分起,学期末核算总分,作为学期评先依据。小学二(2)班班规一、 安全方面1、每天课间不能追逐打闹。2、中午和下午放学要结伴回家。3、公路上走路要沿右边走,过 马路要注意交通安全。4、 不能在上学路上玩耍、逗留。二、学习方面1、每天到校后,不允许在走廊 玩耍打闹,要进教室读书。2、每节


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