Section 3.7 书信规范 Formatting Your Business Letter教学课件_第1页
Section 3.7 书信规范 Formatting Your Business Letter教学课件_第2页
Section 3.7 书信规范 Formatting Your Business Letter教学课件_第3页
Section 3.7 书信规范 Formatting Your Business Letter教学课件_第4页
Section 3.7 书信规范 Formatting Your Business Letter教学课件_第5页
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1、Section 3.7书信规范 Formatting Your Business Letter2. 2 Formats of Business Letters 1. the indented style 2. the full block style 3. the modified block style 4. the simplified style S t G a n g s g a ta n 1 4 3 S to c k h o lm , 1 0 5 4 5 S w e d e n T e le x : 5 3 8 9 2 S H E L E C S S O u r R e fe re

2、n c e N o . H /W T 0 0 8 T e l: 4 6 -8 -7 3 8 -6 0 0 0 Y o u r R e fe re n c e N o . F a x : 4 6 -8 -7 3 8 -6 0 1 6 E -m a il: h w le e e le c tro lu x .c o m D a te : 3 0 th M a rc h , 2 0 - M e ssrs. W illia m & W a rn e r 1 0 5 R o lle r R o a d S y d n e y, A u stra lia A tte n tio n : M r.

3、D o n n a so n , M a rk e tin g D e p t. D e a r S ir, R e : S h ip p in g A d v ic e o f F re e z e rs W ith re fe re n c e to y o u r o rd e r N o . F 2 5 6 o f F e b ru a ry 5 fo r 1 ,0 0 0 se ts o f F re e z e rs, w e re p le a se d to in fo rm y o u th a t th e g o o d s h a v e b e e n lo a d

4、e d o n b o a rd th e s/s “ P e a c e ” , w h ic h is sa ilin g fo r y o u r p o rt o n A p ril 1 st. W e v e se n t a te le x to th e a b o v e e ffe c t th is m o rn in g . P le a se in su re th e g o o d s a s c o n tra c te d a n d m a k e p re p a ra tio n fo r ta k in g th e d e liv e ry. W e

5、a re n o w m a k in g o u t th e n e c e ssa ry d o c u m e n ts fo r n e g o tia tio n . W e a ssu re y o u th a t o u r g o o d s w ill b e fo u n d sa tisfa c to ry u p o n a rriv a l a t y o u r p o rt. W e a lso h o p e th a t w e c a n c lo se m o re b u sin e ss w ith y o u in th e fu tu re .

6、 Y o u rs fa ith fu lly, T h e E le c tro lu x C o rp . H oris D e W olley H o ris D e W o lle y (M a n a g e r) 缩进式示例日期靠右具体收信人和事由居中段首缩格结尾敬语和落款偏右 2. The full block style 1 J & J P l a z a N e w B r u n s w i c k , N J 0 8 9 3 3 3 U . S . A . T e l : 7 3 2 - 5 2 4 - 0 4 0 0 F a x : 7 3 2 - 5 2 5

7、- 0 6 2 2 E - m a i l : c a r r i e j n j . c o m D a t e : 2 2 n d J u l y , 2 0 - - S o f t H e a l t h C a r e P r o d u c t C o r p . R o o m 2 3 0 1 Y i l i B L D , 3 5 N a n j i n g R o a d , S h a n g h a i , C h i n a A t t e n t i o n : M r. W a n g , I m p o r t D e p t . D e a r S i r, R

8、e : S H A M P O O W e v e r e c e i v e d y o u r l e t t e r o f J u l y 1 0 t h e n q u i r i n g a b o u t o u r J O H N S O N S B a b y S h a m p o o W i t h N a t u r a l L a v e n d e r, b u t u n f o r t u n a t e l y , t h e s t o c k o f t h i s p r o d u c t i s r u n n i n g l o w d u e t

9、 o t h e h e a v y d e m a n d . B u t w e w i l l i n f o r m y o u a s s o o n a s t h e n e w s u p p l i e s c o m e u p . W e s e l l a w i d e v a r i e t y o f B a b y s S h a m p o o . A l l o f t h e m a r e m a d e o f t h e N O M O R E T E A R S f o r m u l a . F o r y o u r r e f e r e n

10、 c e , w e e n c l o s e a n i l l u s t r a t e d c a t a l o g u e o f o u r s h a m p o o s a n d w e h o p e y o u w i l l f i n d i t i n t e r e s t i n g . W e h o p e t h a t w e c a n c l o s e b u s i n e s s t o o u r m u t u a l a d v a n t a g e i n t h e f u t u r e . Y o u r s f a i t

11、 h f u l l y , J o h n s o n & J o h n s o n D o r i s F e r g o s o n D o r i s F e r g o s o n ( M a n a g e r ) 齐头式示例除信头外全部左对齐 3. The modified block styleS A M S U N G E L E C T R O N I C S 3 1 0 T a e p y u n g - r o 2 - g a , C h u n g - g u S e o u l , 1 0 0 - 1 0 2 , K o r e a T e l : 8 2

12、 - 2 - 3 7 0 6 - 1 1 1 4 O u r R e f e r e n c e N o . O D L - 1 1 E - m a i l : q s l s a m s u n g c o r p .c o m Y o u r R e f e r e n c e N o . D a t e : 2 3 r d D e c e m b e r, 2 0 - - S h a n d o n g S c i e n c e & T e c h n o l o g y C o . L t d . 2 1 / F B r i g h t P l a z a 1 3 8 J i

13、 n n i R o a d , J i n a n S h a n d o n g , C h i n a A t t e n t i o n : M r. Z h o u J u n , I m p o r t D e p t . D e a r S i r, R e : O u r O f f e r f o r P D A T y p e I I I - H T h a n k y o u f o r y o u r i n t e r e s t i n o u r l a t e s t P e r s o n a l D i g i t a l A s s i s t a n t

14、 T y p e I I I - H . A s r e q u e s t e d , w e o f f e r y o u 5 0 0 s e t s o f P D A a t U S D 1 4 0 p e r s e t F O B I n c h o n f o r s h i p m e n t i n F e b r u a r y , 2 0 - - . W e r e q u i r e p a y m e n t b y L / C . B e c a u s e t h e r e i s a n i n c r e a s i n g d e m a n d f o

15、 r t h i s p r o d u c t , o u r p r i c e i s n o n - n e g o t i a b l e . W e l o o k f o r w a r d t o y o u r r e p l y . Y o u r s t r u l y , S a m s u n g E l e c t r o n i c s L a v i s K i m L a v i s K i m ( M a n a g e r ) 改良齐头式示例案号和日期靠右落款偏右 4. The simplified style简化式示例 2.5 Envelope Addr

16、essing No punctuation is used at line end; Use single space within the block; The recipients address should be the same with the inside address and be centered on the front side of the envelope. The return address should be in the upper left corner, on the second line from the top of the envelope an

17、d three spaces from the left edge of the envelope. It can also be written on the back of the envelope.Three basic requirements:accuracylegibility good appearanceIndented Form 3. What are the basic requirements in writing a good business letter? 单击此处添加标题Essential PartsEssential PartsOptional PartsOpt

18、ional Parts Open the letter with a courteous greeting; Explain the relevant situation because the more the reader understands the reasons, the less likely he will think that the decision is unfair; Present the bad news, which should be the logical and natural outcome of the explanation; Close with a

19、 positive paragraph or sentence. Your buffer paragraph-do not give the bad news in the opening paragraph.Explain WHY before you tell or infer the bad news that the guarantee will not cover the repair.Always try to tell what you CAN do to help solve the problem End with your CALL FOR ACTION and a pos

20、itive statement. 1.China National Cereals, Oils and Foodstuffs Imp & Exp Corp.8 Jianguomen Nei DajieBeijing 10005, ChinaTelephone: 86-10-6526-8888Fax: 86-10-6527-6028E-mail: 2.Our Ref. Your Ref. Date: 15th November, 20-3.Messrs H. Ronald & Co. 556 Eastcheap London, E.C. 3, England8.Attention

21、: Import Dept.4.Dear Sirs,9.Aquatic Products 5.We thank you for your enquiry of 5 November. In compliance with your request, we are sending you herewith a copy of our illustrated catalogue and a quotation sheet for your reference. All prices are subject to our confirmation for our aquatic products h

22、ave been selling well this season. Therefore, we would suggest that you advise us by a fax in case of interest. We await your early favorable reply. 6.Yours truly, 7. China National Cereals, Oils and Foodstuffs Imp & Exp Corp. Sig. _ (Manager)10.QS/ our Shanghai Branch Office

23、13.P.S. We require payment by L/C for a total value not exceeding USD50 000.信函组成部分示例组成部分分项示例1. China National Cereals, Oils & Foodstuffs Imp & Exp Corp.8 Jianguomen Nei DajieBeijing 10005, ChinaTelephone: 86-10-6526-8888Fax: 86-10-6527-6028E-mail: 2. Our Ref. Your Ref. Date: 15th November, 2

24、0-信头日期3.Messrs H. Ronald & Co. 556 Eastcheap London, E.C. 3, England8.Attention: Import Dept.4.Dear Sirs,9.Aquatic Products收信人名称和地址具体收信人称呼事由5. We thank you for your enquiry of 5 November. In compliance with your request, we are sending you herewith a copy of our illustrated catalogue and a quota

25、tion sheet for your reference. All prices are subject to our confirmation for our aquatic products have been selling well this season. Therefore, we would suggest that you advise us by a fax in case of interest. We await your early favorable reply. 6.Yours truly, 7. China National Cereals, Oils and

26、Foodstuffs Imp & Exp Corp. Sig. _ (Manager)结尾敬语信文落款10. QS/AN11. Enclosures12. cc our Shanghai Branch Office13. P.S. We require payment by L/C for a total value not exceeding USD50 000.案号附件抄送附言Sample FaxSample Fax Letter HeadInside AddressDate SalutationBodyComplimentary CloseSignatureBusiness E-

27、mail Guidelines( 8 ) End the message in a polite way. ( 9 ) Include your name at the end of the message. (10) Follow all rules of proper spelling, punctuation, and correct word choice. (11) Check your electronic mailbox at least once a day. (12) Never use email for confidential message. assume worth

28、 cater for retrieve flush with legibility concern countersign layout formulaic expressions position address due salutation free from scope of businessfeel free initials communicate signatures1. Fill in the blanks with the words and phrases given in the box. Change the forms where necessary.Exercises

29、(1) We will _ the responsibility for organizing the trade fair.(2) This new product of ours is well _ your effort to promote.(3) Shops _ the do-it-yourself craze by offering consumers bits and pieces which they can assemble at home.(4) The company is fighting to _ its market share.(5) In contrast, _

30、 describes how easily or comfortably a typeset text can be read.(6) When business people open a letter, their first _ is to know what the letter is about, what its purpose is and why they need spend their time reading it. (7) Enclosed you can find our signed Sales Confirmation NO.0968 in duplicate,

31、both of which please _ and send back one copy for our file.(8) In block style, the date and reference are on the right while everything else is placed _ the left margin. (9) Letterheads may _in the center or at the left margin for full block style or flush at the right margin for indented style. (10

32、) We refer to our Order No. 320 for 20 metric tons of walnuts _ to be shipped at the end of this month. assume worth cater for retrieve legibility concern countersign flush with be positioned due (11) The _ varies according to the writer-recipient relations and the formality level of the letter.(12)

33、 Once the other person uses your first name, _ to use his first name in return.(13) It is standard business practice to type both the dictators and typists _ following the title line. (14) Some formal _ such as “Yours faithfully” in business letters are not considered so appropriate in emails. (15)

34、Business writing aims to _ for a shared purpose rather than to impress the reader with your literary style. (16) They expressed concerns that after the transition period any linkage between an enterprises _ and the right to trade would constitute a restriction on the right to import and export.(17)

35、We _ this letter to you in order to ascertain whether cooperation to the advantage of both parties would be established. (18) As most _ today are illegible it is good practice to type the name of the signer at the foot of the signature space. (19) Choice of _ is a matter of individual taste, but it

36、is better to follow established practice, to which the business world has become accustomed. (20) Whatever you write should be _ grammatical blemishes, and also the slightest possibility of being misunderstood. salutation feel free initials formulaic expressions communicate scope of business address

37、 signature layout free from II. 商界名言 Business Sayings III. 核心词语核心词语Core Words and Phrases (omitted) 要求课前背诵重要术语要求课前背诵重要术语 IV. 经典句式经典句式Typical Sentences (omitted) 要求首先思考如何翻译?有多少不同的路径?变换词性、要求首先思考如何翻译?有多少不同的路径?变换词性、主语、从句会产生什么不同的效果?主语、从句会产生什么不同的效果?VBH Australia Pty Ltd4/40-45 Hartnett DriveSeaford VIC 31

38、98, Australia18 October 2009Our ref: TR/0058 The Sales Director L.A Bird & Sons Ltd. 4-6 Bell Lane London WC17 10ZAttention: The Sales DeptDear Mr. Jenkinson,Re: Cars and MotorcyclesIn response to your inquiry of 12 October, we wish to inform you that a copy of our illustrated catalogue, price l

39、ist asked for in your above letter have been airmailed to you separately.The prices quoted are understood to be on CIF London basis. A discount of 10% may be allowed if the quantity for each specification is more than 1 000. Our terms of payment are by an irrevocable L/C, available by draft at sight

40、.By the way, we wish to inform you that our newly-developed motorcar ITM005-12 has become very popular on the world market because of their durability and reasonable prices and it has been difficult for us to meet the increasing demand. However, if you place your orders before the end of this month

41、we assure you of our prompt shipment.We look forward to receiving an order from you soon. Yours faithfully,P. JohnsonSales ManagerEnclosure: 4 price-listsC.C. Our branch office in LondonP.S. The illustrated catalogue will be airmailed to you tomorrow.Reference Key for Ex. 2找素材就上变色龙PPT:。本素材来自网络分享,仅供免


43、材就上变色龙PPT:。本素材来自网络分享,仅供免费学习交流,严禁商用 1)讨论:俗话说,“巧妇难为无米之炊”,商务英语写作也是如此。背诵常用的核心词汇和经典句式,储存在自己的大脑,完成语言的输入(input)对语言习得具有积极的正面意义。在实际工作中,许多商贸文书都是在电脑前面直接完成的,几乎没有时间找模板来依葫芦画样,所以首先要重视语言的输入。 其次,语言的输出(output)对语言习得也同样具有积极的正面意义。即语言的应用能促使语言学习者从语意的理解转到语言知识的应用和巩固。实践恰恰是应用语言的最好机会。实践是课堂教学的延伸,课堂教学如何与实践活动相互结合,关系到组织能力,交际能力,思维能

44、力和创新能力的培养和发展。教学的目标就是将课堂所学到的语言技能应用到实践当中去,解决实际问题。为了培养这种实际能力,使自己真正成为独立的学习者和研究者,学生还需要学习如何使用图书馆、如何利用互联网来获取知识、寻求答案,这样才有可能独立地提出问题,独立地寻找答案,独立地解决问题。 另外,还要积极的参与课堂讨论。在课堂上,要关注同学们是怎么写的?他写得好的地方在哪里?哪些地方很有创意,值得借鉴?哪些地方存在欠缺,需要改进?自己是不是会犯同样的错误呢?如何客观地评价他人习作中的优劣?怎样从他人的语用失误中吸取方面教训?在写作时对于特定意思的表达,我们自己能否根据需要写出不同的表达模式加以对比分析决定

45、取舍方案并进行综合自评?总之,共同参与式外语教学理论就是要鼓励学生成位独立自主的学习者、研究者和应用型人才。2)示例: 我们生产这些产品差不多已有半个世纪了,在世界各地均有销售,客户完全满意。相信质量和工艺都符合你方的要求。习作:These products, we have produced half a century and they have saled in all over the world. Our customers all satisfied. We trust the quality and the art can meet your request. “生产这些产品差不

46、多已有半个世纪”说明“已经开始、还在生产并且仍将继续”,就应该使用现在完成时We have been producing these products才合乎时态;they have saled中的sale的意思是“销售”但是应该用动词却误用了sale这个名词,应改为sell的过去分词,在此最好使用现在完成时的被动语态;all over the world前面多了一个介词in导致词组破坏,改为in every corner of the world也可;“客户满意”可以说是customers are all satisfied 而不是customers all satisfied“客户全部去满足

47、某事”;另外,“要求”是requirement不等于request“请求”,而art的含义是“艺术”,用来表达“工艺”不妥 建议改写: We have been producing these products for almost half a century and they have been sold well throughout the world to the full satisfaction of all our customers. We are confident that both the quality and the workmanship would meet y

48、o To facilitate typing the date and the closing lines, set the tabular stop at the center or slightly off to the right of the paper so that you can tabulate it whenever you wish.Remember to always leave a space between the salutation and the name, so the person who is sending this has plenty of room

49、 to sign the letter.Sincerely,MonicaSignature This letter is typed in blocked style. Note that all lines begin at the left margin except the date, complimentary close, and signature block. They start from the center, or slightly to the right off center on the page. Some authors refer to this form as

50、 the “modified block with block paragraphs.”This style is usually typed with mixed or standard punctuation. The salutation is followed by a colon, and the complimentary close, by a comma. This form of punctuation is widely used in most business correspondence. Dear Sirs We have your name and address

51、 from the Commercial Counsellors Office of the Chinese Embassy in Ghana .we wish to inform you that we specialize in both industrial and pharmaceutical chemical, and shall be pleased to enter into trade relations with you To give you a general idea of our products, we enclose a complete set of leafl

52、ets showing various products being handled by this corporation with details specifications and meanings of packing .Quotation and samples will be sent upon receipt of your specific enquires Business between us will be concluded on the basis of shipping quality and weight while testing and inspection

53、 will be made by the Shanghai Commodity inspection Bureau prior to shipment. Necessary certificates in regard to the quality and quantity of the shipment will, of course, be provided. We look forward to your early reply with much interest. Yours sincerely China National Import & Export Corp. 先生:

54、先生: 我们重中国驻加纳使馆商务处得悉贵公司的行名。兹告我公司专营工我们重中国驻加纳使馆商务处得悉贵公司的行名。兹告我公司专营工业和药物华工原料,并想同你们建立业务关系。业和药物华工原料,并想同你们建立业务关系。 为了使你们对我方的产品有个全面的了解,现附上我公司经营的各种为了使你们对我方的产品有个全面的了解,现附上我公司经营的各种产品的一整套小册子,内有详细规格和包装情况。一收到你们的具体询价,产品的一整套小册子,内有详细规格和包装情况。一收到你们的具体询价,我们马上寄样报价。我们马上寄样报价。 我们将以货物在装运时的质量和重量为准达成交易,而货物在出运前我们将以货物在装运时的质量和重量为准

55、达成交易,而货物在出运前将由上海商检局进行检验,有关货物和质量等的证明将由上海商检局提供。将由上海商检局进行检验,有关货物和质量等的证明将由上海商检局提供。盼早日收到你们的回信。盼早日收到你们的回信。 中国进出口公司中国进出口公司 经理经理 19年年11月月15日日 What are the two main formats and how to pick a good style? Blocked /indented styles What is blocked format? Which is by far the most popular format in use nowadays?

56、What is the semi-blocked format/ What are the basic requirements in writing attractive business letters?Tendency of business letter writing How can we make use of the winning tactics? Know our aims. Be aware of the facts Understanding the reader Compose a draft- -Use good paper &envelope -Type or write according to the circumstances- -Send a card rather than a letter-use entries- -Choose a suitable for


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