



1、中考英语人称代词练习含答案TTA StandaIdiZatiOn OffiCe TTA 5AB- TTAK 08- TTA 2C2 0 17 年英语中考常考人称。代词练习1、 They Can teachhow to USe a COmPliter.A. theirs B. they C. their D themselves2、AUnt Tina Will ViSit US SOOnis arriving tomorrow morningA. She B. Her C. HiS D. He3、Hi, Mary! Win you PIeaSe ShOWyour newr bag?OK. Her

2、e you are.A. I B. my C. mine D me4、TOnl and Mike are good friends.Often help each other.A. They B. Their C. Them D. TheirS5、He began to teachEngIiSh IaSt yearA. h己 B. IliS C. he,s D. Iiiinself6、I rreally enjoyedat the Party IaSt nightA. myself B. I C. me D. my7、MUm COUrIdn't find any IIeIP and h

3、ad to do the houseworkA. her B. hers C. herself f D. She8、Lady Gaga Perfbnlled a WOIldeI'Rl Song UJUSt DaIlCe byA. she,s B. hers C. herself D. She9、HiS name is JameS but he CanSJim.A. himself B. him C. / D. his10、We've decided to decorate OUr new flat bythis WeekendA. our B. US C. OllrS D. O

4、lIrSeIveSIlSl COUld IOOk afterWhen I WaS six.A. himself B. yourself C. myself D herself12、-一IS your father in the room? 一-Yes,is.A. sheB. he C. his D. it13、Don't WOrry about ,m OId enough to think forA himself B . herself C . yourself D . myself14、He enjoysat the Party.A. herself B himself C. yo

5、urself D themselves15、After She got dressed, She IOOked atin the mirror.A. her B. She C. herself D. hers16、MOSt Of them Want to do the jobA. himself B .herself C. themselves D OllrSelVeS17、The box is too heavy. Lethelp you to Carry it.A. I B. me C. She D. hers18、PeOPIe in JaPan are SUPPOSed to bow W

6、henmeet for the first time.A. them B. they C. trheir19、一 WhO taught your brother to SUrf一 NObOdy He Iearnt all byA. him B. himself C. his D. he20、一WhOteaCheS-Painting?Nobody, I teach-.A . yourl mine B . your, my C . your, myself D . you, me21、一HOW OId is UnCIe Li? 40.A. Ifs B. He,s C. She,s D. HiS22

7、、He Iearned SWimming all by A. he B. him C. JIiS D. himself23、一 DO you Often help your COUSin With his English?No. He IearnS EngIiSh by A. himself B. yourself C. herself D. myself24、The boy always makescry.A. She B. her C. hers25、We ShOUld take good Care OfWhen We are in foreign countries.A. US B. O

8、IIr C. OllrS D. OUrSeIVeS26、-WhO teaches you music? -NorTbOdy. I teach A. meB my C. myself D mine27、The number Of IiOnS is becoming Smaner and smaller.We ShOUld try OUr best to PrOteCtbetter.A. they B. their C. theirs D. them28、一 HOW WaS your ViSit to the Green EXPO Garden ?Wonderful! We enjo,yed Very InUCh during the WhOle trip.A. itself B. myself C. yourselves D CHlrSelVeS29、一DO you know everyone in the meeting?No, but I know SOme Of30、MiSS Smith is Very kind. We all IikeA. it B. her C. him D. them参考答案1、D2、A3、D4、C5、D6、A7、C8、C9、A10、DIlS C12、B13、D14、B enjoy OneSeIr玩得高兴,过得


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