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1、The Phantom of the OperaReadingnHave you ever been to an Opera house? nWhat can you see in an Opera house? Lead-in2022-4-23Sydney Opera HouseShanghai Grand TheatreA Fill in the right words in the picture.the conductortheaudiencea singerthe stagethe orchestra2022-4-23Skimming How many characters are

2、mainly involved in this story? What did the Phantom look like? What is the story probably about?Title + picturesWhen did the story happen?2. This story is probably _.a. true b. not true3. The Phantom is probably _. a. an animal b. a man c. a young woman4. What happened to the Phantom in the end?One

3、hundred years ago.bbHe disappeared and was never seen again.Skimmingfirst paragraph + last paragraphP 1. _P 2. _P 3. _P 4. _P 5. _P 6. _e. where the Phantom lived d. about Phantom and his lifef. what the Phantom did for Christineb. how the Phantom kidnapped Christine and captured Raoula. how Christi

4、ne learnt to feel sorry for the Phantom.c. the Phantom letting Christine and Raoul goedfbacE 1: Match paragraphs with main ideasScanningLife(Pa 1-2)He was made to _ because he was ugly and forced to _. He finally found his home _ beneath _. Love(Pa 3)Who did he fall in love with?2) What did the Phan

5、tom do to help Christine?Revenge(Pa 4)The Phantom _Christine for himself he_ her in front of_ Raoul tried to _ her the Phantom _ himRebirth(Pa 5-6)Scanningwear a maskThe Paris Operaleave homeon the islandChristinesang, taught, helpedwantedkidnappedthe audiencerescuecapturedpulled off, saw, was shock

6、ed, felt sorry, understood, kissed cried, released, told, burst in, disappeared( )( )( )( )( )( )( )( )( )937154682d His mother forced him to leave home.i He went to live on the island.b He fell in love with Christine.f He sang to Christine.e He kidnapped Christine.g He captured Raoul.c He was kisse

7、d by Christine.h He released Raoul.a He disappeared.E 2: Order events left-lived-loved-sang-kidnapped-captured-was kissed-released-disappearedRetellingPlease summarize the story briefly with the key verbs below. 1. The Phantom was born on an island on a lake under the Pairs Opera House.2. The Phanto

8、ms mother was cruel to him.3. At first, the Phantom was kind to Christine and helped her.4. Raoul saved Christine from the Phantom. “True” or “False”FTTF1. The Phantoms face was ugly because of an accident. 2. The Phantom did not spend long wandering the Earth.3. At first, Christine could not see th

9、e Phantom.4. The Phantom helped Christine by kidnapping her. 5. Under the mask, the Phantom had a yellow nose and no eyes. 6. Christine felt sorry sad that the Phantom had suffered so much. 7. When Christine kissed the Phantom, he was so moved that he changed his mind.8. In the end, the Phantom took

10、 Christine to a safe place. “True” or “False”FFTFFTTFDiscussion What turned the trend of the story? Why?2. Can you describe Phantom/Christine/Raoul with some adjectives?Phantom: ugly, lonely, selfish, cruelChristine: beautiful, lovely, kind, brave Raoul: brave, devoted3.If you were the Phantom(boys)

11、/Christine(girls), what would you do after you fell in love with Christine/Roual?Post readingChristines kiss. Key words: D1 and D2Watch the filmAppreciate and DiscussTHANKSJosiebeneath: adv./prep. under somebody or something在下面,下方beneath the tree 在树下在树下The farmers sat beneath a tall tree to have a r

12、est. The dolphins disappeared beneath the waves. He was standing on the bridge looking at the water beneath. beneath the clam surface 在平静的表面下在平静的表面下Beneath the surface she was very angry. beneath me 有失我的身份有失我的身份Speaking like this is beneath me. is beneath my notice 我不屑一顾我不屑一顾syn. underneath Language

13、 Points2022-4-23An island was on the lake.-On this lake was an island.The Phantom lived on that island. -On that island lived the Phantom. 完全倒装:做地点状语的介词短语放在句首时,完全倒装:做地点状语的介词短语放在句首时,句子要用完全倒装结构句子要用完全倒装结构, 即谓语动词放在主语前面即谓语动词放在主语前面(但当主语是人称代词时不需要倒装)(但当主语是人称代词时不需要倒装)On the bed lay a baby. Under the tree sat

14、 a black-haired girl. By the door stood an armed soldier. Around the corner was walking a man with his dog. wear(wore, worn)穿着,带着 Some people like to go shopping, wearing pajamas. Most short-sighted girls like wear contact lens now.(脸容等)显出,带有 He wore an embarrassed smile when played a joke on. He wo

15、re a terrified look at hearing this piece of news. sb. is worn out 某人筋疲力尽某人筋疲力尽wear sb. out 使某人筋疲力尽使某人筋疲力尽 wear sth out. (使使)耗损,磨损耗损,磨损Cheap socks wear out quickly. Im worn out by the boring work and my patience is worn out. mask: 1. n. sth. that is worn over the face to cover it 面具Nowadays many peo

16、ple go out wearing masks because of the heavy air pollution. Doctors must wear masks when operating on patients. under the mask of在在的掩饰下的掩饰下Under the mask of seriousness, he is a very easy going man. a Halloween mask facial mask 面膜面膜2. v. mask the noise, mask the smell Men often mask their true feel

17、ings with humor. force: v.: to make sb. do sth. which they do not want to do 强迫 force sb. to do/into doing sth. I had to force myself to get up this morning. Government troops forced the rebels to surrender. 政府军队迫使叛乱分子投降。政府军队迫使叛乱分子投降。n. by force 用武力用武力 by force of 凭借凭借 put sth. into force 实施某事实施某事 c

18、ome/go into force (法律法律)开始生效开始生效 the police force 警察部队警察部队 the force of gravity/nature/evil 地心引力地心引力/自然力自然力/邪恶势力邪恶势力 with all ones force 用全力用全力He then spent years wandering the Earth until he found his home on the island. wandering the Earth 是动名词结构,在句中充当介词宾是动名词结构,在句中充当介词宾语(语(spend years in wandering

19、 the Earth)More examples:He had a difficult time (in) adapting to the strange environment. The bride was engaged in preparing for the wedding ceremony. wander: v. 1) to go from place to place aimlessly 流浪;漂泊wander the Earth wander around/about sth. I wander around the mall for half an hour. He was f

20、ound wandering the streets of New York. 2) ones mind wanders 走神走神3) wander off the topic 走题走题n. go for/take/have a wander 漫步,闲逛漫步,闲逛wanderer: 漂泊者,流浪者漂泊者,流浪者wonder:v. wonder at sth.: feel surprised at sth. I was wondering if you could borrow me your car?n. the eight wonders of the world 浪迹天涯浪迹天涯monst

21、er: n. an ugly or frightening creature 怪物怪物The little girl was frightened when she saw a monster with three heads on TV. love/like to dowould love/like to dolove/like doingfall in love with: 爱上某人爱上某人 一见钟情:一见钟情:fall in love with each other at first sightThe Phantom fell in love with Christine at firs

22、t sight. role: n. the part an actor plays 角色the leading role 主角主角best actor/actress in a leading role 最佳男最佳男/女主角女主角play a role (of) in play an important/major/an active/a passive role in role model I want to be a positive role model for sister. role-play 角色扮演角色扮演However, the Phantom wanted Christine

23、 for himself. for oneself: 为了某人自己,亲自地,独自地为了某人自己,亲自地,独自地Anyone who saw that ring would like to keep it for themselves. 任何一个见过那只戒指的人都想把它据为己有。任何一个见过那只戒指的人都想把它据为己有。Teachers and parents should make it clear to the children that they study for themselves. 老师和家长们应该让孩子们明白学习是为了他们自己。老师和家长们应该让孩子们明白学习是为了他们自己。ki

24、dnap: v. to take someone away illegally and hold them in order to get money to return them 绑架The British princess was kidnapped and held for ransom (赎金赎金). kidnapped, kidnappingn. kidnapper 绑架犯绑架犯rescue: to save (someone) from a dangerous situation 营救,救援营救,救援v. rescue sb. from(fire/water)The fireman

25、 rescued the woman from the burning house. n. come/go to sbs rescue 来来/去营救某人去营救某人 carry out the rescue 实施救援实施救援 rescue work 救济事业救济事业 capture: v. 1. to catch and keep a person or an animal as a prisoner 抓住capture the criminalcapture the tiger 2. to succeed in recording, showing or describing a situat

26、ion or feeling using words or pictures 纪录,描述,纪录,描述,捕捉捕捉capture the beauty of the Opera HouseThe robbery was captured on police video cameras.capture the headlines 占据头条占据头条prison: n. jail 监狱监狱go to prison be in prison throw/put sb. in/into prison put him in a prison? be sent to prison for life 被被终身监禁

27、终身监禁be released from prisonescape from prison 越狱 Prison Breakn. prisonerpull off: to take sth from over sth else 撕下,扯下pull on (急忙急忙)穿上穿上pull in (列车列车)入站入站pull up 停车停车pull ahead 加速超车加速超车pull down the old house 拆掉旧房子拆掉旧房子pull the curtains 拉开拉开/拉上窗帘拉上窗帘be shocked at: be surprised at and upset by sth. 对

28、对感到震惊感到震惊I was shocked at the news that he should risk his life to rob the bank. 他竟然冒着生命危险去抢劫银行,我对此感到非常震惊。他竟然冒着生命危险去抢劫银行,我对此感到非常震惊。I am shocked at the large number of people hurt by the pollution haze everyday.每天这么多人被雾霾伤害,我感到非常吃惊。每天这么多人被雾霾伤害,我感到非常吃惊。shocking: adj. 令人吃惊的令人吃惊的 a piece of shocking news

29、shock: v./n. The news shocks me. =The news came as a shock. feel sorry about: to feel upset and ashamed about 感到不幸,感到惭愧感到不幸,感到惭愧The little girl felt sorry about her performance and cried when she left the stage. I feel sorry about what I have done to you and I hope that you could forgive me. sufferi

30、ng: n. the pain sb. feels in his mind or body痛苦痛苦Suffering often becomes instruction to men. (谚语谚语) 痛苦常常使人受到教育。痛苦常常使人受到教育。Tears came into her eyes when she talked of her suffering. v. sufferThe man who suffers much knows much. 受苦多的人懂得多。受苦多的人懂得多。suffer from (stress/a disease/food shortage)suffer pain/defeat/loss/damage/injuryrelease: v. 1) to let someone go free, after keeping someone somewhere 释放释放release the hostages 释放人质释放人质He was finally released from the prison when the war was over. He was


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