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1、 Unit 1 Whats the matterhead eararm handstomachleg footeyenosetoothmouth two feettwo teethPeriod 1 The names of body part词组中译英词组中译英 have/has a 喉咙疼喉咙疼 背疼背疼 牙疼牙疼 头疼头疼 胃疼胃疼 感冒感冒 咳嗽咳嗽1. 发烧发烧 have a sore throat have a sore back have a toothache have a headache have a stomachache have a cold have a cough

2、have a feverPeriod 2 The expression of illnessWhats the matter?He has a headache.She has a toothache.He has a stomachache.A: Whats the matter with you?B:I have a Work in pairs(请加上你个性化的动作请加上你个性化的动作)同义句Whats the matter (with you)?Whats wrong ( with you)?Whats up?你怎么了?你怎么了?period 3 What is the matter?

3、should的结构及表达Whats the matter with her?She has a sore throat.What should she do?She should drink some hot teawith honey.Whats the matter with him?He has a stomachache.What should he do?He should lie down and have a rest.PAIRWORKRole play the conversations A: Whats the matter? B: I have a toothache. A

4、: Maybe you should see a dentist. B: Thats a good idea.Grammar Focus1.Whats the matter with sb?= Whats the trouble with sb?= Whats wrong with sb?2. have a +名词名词 “得得病病 ”Eg: have a cold/fever/headache/sore back3.Should是情态动词,没有人称和数的变化是情态动词,没有人称和数的变化。 should +动词原形动词原形 “应该应该”Eg: You should see a dentist.

5、should + not =shouldnt “不应该不应该.”Eg: You shouldnt go to that party.怎么了怎么了Do you know?An apple a day keeps the doctor away.每天一只苹果,健康有保障。每天一只苹果,健康有保障。 a close mouth catches no flies. 病病从口入从口入 Music is the medicine of the breaking heart.音乐是医治心灵创伤的好药。音乐是医治心灵创伤的好药。Heath is not valued till sickness comes.有

6、疾病方知健康的可贵。有疾病方知健康的可贵。健健 康康 之之 道道 3. Suppose you are ill, please write a leave message for your teacher. And i will give you some words: A cold, a fever, doctor , should, have a good rest, more water.The driver saw an old man lying on the side of the road.see sb. do sthsee sb. doing sth notice sb. do

7、 sthnotice sb. doing sthwatch sb. do sthwatch sb. doing sthhear sb. do sthhear sb. doing sthhave a toothache have a headache have a stomachache have a cold have a cough have a feverListen to sb. do sth.Listen to sb. doing sth.have a toothache have a headache have a stomachache have a cold have a cou

8、gh have a fever“get”词组搭配 get the picture 明白;get along with 与相处;get through 渡过难关;get in touch with 与联系;get down to business 言归正传;get away with 侥幸成功(或取走):get going 开始从事某事; get hold of 把握;get ready准备好;get rid of 摆脱 到达到达购买购买 上车上车下车下车离开离开陷入困境陷入困境回来回来和谁相处的好和谁相处的好get to=reach, arrive in/at get in get on ge

9、t off get out of get in trouble get back get on well withHe got off and asked the woman what happened.相处,进展相处,进展做好准备做好准备 起来,起床起来,起床get on/alongget ready forget up As a mountain climber, Aron is used to taking risks.be used to 是固定搭配是固定搭配,后跟后跟动词的动词的-ing.take risks=take a risk意为意为冒险冒险 重点短语重点短语 1、be use

10、d for be used for意思为“被用来做”,表示用途或目的,for为介词,后加名词或动名词。即be used for sthdoing sth=be used to do sth例如: They are used for energy of the machines. 它们被用来作这些机器的能源。 It is used for cleaning the classroom. 它是用来打扫教室的。 =It is used to clean the classroom 由由use组成的其他相关词组组成的其他相关词组 (1)be used to(doing) sth习惯于习惯于(做做) 例

11、如:例如: She is used to opening the window in the morning. 早晨她习惯打开窗户。早晨她习惯打开窗户。 (2)be used as把把用作用作as在此是介在此是介词词“作为作为”的意思的意思。例如:。例如: The room is used as a reading room 这个房间用作阅览室。这个房间用作阅览室。 (3)used to do sth“过去常常做某事过去常常做某事”,意思为现在已不做这件事。意思为现在已不做这件事。例如:例如: 1 used to be short我过去是矮的。我过去是矮的。 They used to play

12、 on the road他们过他们过去常在公路上玩。去常在公路上玩。 (4)useto do sth。意为。意为“用用做做”。to do sth表示目的表示目的。例如:。例如: We use the machine to do some exercise 我们用这个机器锻炼身体。我们用这个机器锻炼身体。 But when his water ran out, He knew that he would have to do something to save his own life.Run out用完,用尽,不及物用完,用尽,不及物动词短语。动词短语。Run out of用完;用完;从从跑出

13、来跑出来of 后接宾语,后接宾语,主语通常表人的名词。主语通常表人的名词。I have run out of paper.用完用完The dog ran out of the room.跑了出来跑了出来All the money ran out.So he used his knife to cut off half his right arm.cut off切除切除take off起飞;脱落起飞;脱落put off 推迟推迟 break off突然停止突然停止give off散发散发 get off下车下车fall off质量下降质量下降set off=set out出发出发In this

14、book, Aron tells of the importance of making good decisions, and of being in control of ones life. 2)make a decision决定;下决心决定;下决心3)be in control of 掌管;控制掌管;控制1)important重要的重要的unimportant 不重要的(形容词)不重要的(形容词)importance重要(名词)重要(名词)give up 放弃放弃keep on doing sth.继续做某事继续做某事dead, die与与deathdead是形容词,表示状态,常用作表

15、语或是形容词,表示状态,常用作表语或定语。定语。The dog is dead.那条狗死了。那条狗死了。They found many dead birds on the beaches.在海滩上,他们发现了很多死鸟。在海滩上,他们发现了很多死鸟。dying adj.快要死的,快结束的快要死的,快结束的 a dying bird快死的鸟快死的鸟 dying words临终遗言临终遗言 ones dying wish临终心愿临终心愿; 遗嘱遗嘱die是动词,表示动作,是动词,表示动作,用作谓语。用作谓语。He died two years ago.他两年前去世了。他两年前去世了。The boy

16、has died.那男孩已经死了。那男孩已经死了。death是名词,用作主语或宾语。是名词,用作主语或宾语。He is afraid of death. 他怕死。他怕死。注注:die是非延续性的动词,不是非延续性的动词,不能和表示一段时间的状语连用。如能和表示一段时间的状语连用。如“他去世两年了他去世两年了”不能说成不能说成“He has died for two years.”或或“He has died since two years ago.”He has been dead for five years.()fall down,fall off和和fall over都表示都表示“摔倒、

17、跌摔倒、跌倒倒”的意思,但它们各自的的意思,但它们各自的含义不同。含义不同。 fall over强调的是强调的是“向前摔向前摔倒、跌倒倒、跌倒”。 fall down强调的是“滑倒、倒下”,后接宾语时应加上介词from。 The boy hit the tree to hard that he fell down. 男孩重重地撞在树上,结果自己倒下了。 If people run across the road,they may fall down. 如果人们跑过马路的话,他们可能会摔倒。 fall off强调的是“跌落、从掉下来”,后直接接宾语。 The girl is falling of

18、f the bike. (= The girl is falling down from the bike.) dying adj.快要死的,快结束的快要死的,快结束的 a dying bird快死的鸟快死的鸟 dying words临终遗言临终遗言 ones dying wish临终心愿临终心愿; 遗嘱遗嘱die是动词,表示动作,是动词,表示动作,用作谓语。用作谓语。He died two years ago.他两年前去世了。他两年前去世了。The boy has died.那男孩已经死了。那男孩已经死了。death是名词,用作主语或宾语。是名词,用作主语或宾语。He is afraid o

19、f death. 他怕死。他怕死。注注:die是非延续性的动词,不是非延续性的动词,不能和表示一段时间的状语连用。如能和表示一段时间的状语连用。如“他去世两年了他去世两年了”不能说成不能说成“He has died for two years.”或或“He has died since two years ago.”He has been dead for five years.()fall down,fall off和和fall over都表示都表示“摔倒、跌摔倒、跌倒倒”的意思,但它们各自的的意思,但它们各自的含义不同。含义不同。 fall over强调的是强调的是“向前摔向前摔倒、跌倒倒

20、、跌倒”。 hurt, injure, harm, woundhurt, injure, harm 和 wound 都有伤的意思,但各自的含义和用法不同。hurt普通用语,既可指肉体上的伤害,也可指精神上、感情上的伤害。如:The driver hurt himself badly in the accident. 那位司机在这次事故中伤得很重。She hurt her leg when she fell.她跌倒时,一条腿受了伤。injure比比hurt正式正式,hurt 多指伤痛。多指伤痛。而而injure则指损害健康、成就、容貌则指损害健康、成就、容貌等等,强调功能的损失。如强调功能的损失。如:A bullet injured his left eye. 一颗子弹伤了他的左眼。一颗子弹伤了他的左眼。Drinking can injure ones health.


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