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1、Unit 1 Winter HolidaysLesson 2 I didnt ski.Learning goals 能听懂、会说、认读并规范书写单词:them、so、dog、also、lake。 能听懂、会说、认读单词和短语:ski、ice hockey、dog sledding、ice fishing、got、got a big fish,并能结合句型灵活运用。 能听懂、会说、认读并运用句型:“I went ice fishing in the holidays.”“I didnt go ice fishing. I went skating.”“Did you visit your fri

2、ends? Yes, I did/No, I didnt. I didnt ski. ”。看图片,猜单词或短语。holidayBeijing OperaReview play footballtake picturesLead-inHow were your winter holidays? What did you do?1. Listen and say.课文讲解Peter: Come on! Look at my pictures!Wang Hong: Wow! So beautiful! Where did you take them?Peter: I took them in Ott

3、awa.So beautiful! 这么漂亮!Ottawa 渥太华 渥太华:加拿大的首都Wang Hong: What sport is this?Peter: It s ice hockey, my favorite sport. I played it with my friends.Wang Hong: Where are you in the picture?Peter: I m here, behind the tall boy.在高个子男生后面ice hockey 冰球运动Li Ming: I can t find you in this picture.Peter: I didn

4、 t ski. I took pictures for them.Danny: Look! So many beautiful dogs!Peter: Yes. I went dog sledding with my dad.Li Ming: Cool!狗拉雪橇运动dog sledding在国外的雪场,狗拉雪橇算是贵族娱乐。 拉雪橇的一般都是纯种西伯利亚哈士奇、阿拉斯加雪橇犬或萨摩耶。 玩狗拉雪橇的规则:一部雪橇上两人。通常四只或六只强健的雪橇犬被套在雪橇前面,一人坐在铺鹿皮的椅子上,另一人站在后面雪橇的滑行板上。玩之前先把雪橇拴在树上,一旦松掉绳子狗儿便开始向前狂奔。狗不易被操纵,因此要保持

5、雪橇的稳定或用钩子插入雪地以停止雪橇,一旦钩子缩回,狗会继续前进。通常雪橇最前面的雪橇犬,俗称“领头狗”的雪橇犬。Peter: I also went ice fishing on the lake.Li Ming: Oh, you got a big fish!Danny: I didn t go ice fishing, but I got a fish, too. Look!在湖面上冰钓运动而且,还辨析also和tooice fishing 冰钓运动回答问题1. Where did Wang Hong take the pictures?2. Where s Peter in the p

6、icture?3. Did peter ski? What did he do?He took them in Ottawa.He is behind the tall boy.No, he didn t ski. He went dog sledding with his dad.重要句型如何描述自己过去没有做某事 注意: did是助动词do的过去式,没有实际意义。didnt是did not的缩略式;在此句型中,didnt后面接动词(短语)原形。ExampleI didnt go ice fishing. I went skating.我没有去冰钓。我去滑冰了。 I didnt take p

7、ictures. I went dog sledding with my friends. 我没有拍照。我和朋友们一起坐狗拉雪橇了。2. Lets talk.ExampleI went to Beijing.Did you visit the Great Wall?What did you do in the holidays?Yes, I did. I had a good time.Did you watch Beijing Opera play?No. I didnt went there.3. Lets do.I didnt Summary so dog also lake skiice hockey dog sledding ice fishing gotExercise


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