



1、1. 九年级英语短语集锦:2. have an accident 出事故3. nothing serious 不严重4. take care /be careful/look out 小心5. at/on the edge of 在的边缘 6. warn sb( not) to do sth警告不要做7. be mad at/be angry with 对生气8. pretend to do sth 假装做9. in the1670s 在17世纪60年代10. fall on top of 掉到 的上面11. be careful with小心对待12. stop sb from doing

2、sth13. prevent sb from doing sth14. keep sb from doing sth 阻止做15. in a hurry 匆忙地16. make a noise制造噪音17. enough to do足够做18. instead of 代替19. put out扑灭20. refuse to do sth 拒绝做21. leave sb alone/leave sb by oneself 把单独留下22. be late for去迟到23. be famous for/be well- known for因而出名24. take .to 带去25. be sca

3、red of 害怕26. the poor穷人27. the North Pole 北极28. get out of从出来29. a new safety rule 一条新的安全规则30. take care of /look after 照顾31. get to/arrive in(at)/reach 到达32. fall off 从摔下来33. hurt oneself 伤到自己34. dont have to 不必35. so that 以便于36. come up with 想出的办法37. It is said that 据说38. set an example 树立榜样39. ma

4、ke an example 举一个例子40. at the age of 在岁41. in a difficult situation 在困难的情况下42. give first aid 急救43. day after day 一天又一天44. be busy doing sth/be busy with sth 忙于做45. operate on sb 给动手术46. devote to/devote oneself to 致力于,献身于47. be honoured with 被授予48. in ones spare time在业余时间49. notuntil 直到 才50. since

5、then 从那时起51. between and在 和 之间52. die of 死于53. because of 因为,由于54. graduate from 毕业于55. be different from 不同于56. be buried in 被埋葬在57. wake up 唤醒, 醒来58. get dressed 穿好衣服59. catch/have a fever 发烧60. catch/have a cold 患感冒61. have/catch a headache 头痛62. look up a word in the dictionary 查找单词63. in poor s

6、pirit64. miss school65. be bad for 对有害处66. be good for 对 有好处67. fall ill/sick 生病68. get ill/sick生病69. be unable to 不能做70. hold ones breath 屏住呼吸71. out of breath 上气不接下气72. whats wrong with you你怎么了73. whats the matter with you74. whats the trouble with you?75. be made up of 由 组成76. plenty of 许多,大量77.

7、for example 例如78. live a happy life 过幸福的生活79. marry sb to sb 把 嫁给80. be married with 和 结婚81. fall asleep/get to sleep/go to sleep 入睡82. fall into the habbit of 养成 的习惯83. fall behind落后84. give up smoking/stop smoking 戒烟85. take medicine 吃药86. brush ones teeth 刷牙87. have a good rest 好好休息88. take ones

8、temperature 测量体温89. prefer (doing) to (doing) 喜欢做 胜于做90. stay/keep healthy 保持健康91. business English 商业英语92. business hours 营业时间93. return to 94. deal with/do with 处置,处理95. put up 支起,搭建96. be full of/be filled with 充满,装满97. learn by oneself/teach oneself 自学98. know/learn by heart 背诵99. pay for 付款100.

9、 in order to 为了101. the final examination 期末考试 102. by chaque 用支票103. succeed in doing sth 成功地做104. be successful in105. succeed to do sth106. have success in sth 在方面取得成功107. on the Internet 在因特网上108. as soon as 一就109. make money 挣钱,赚钱110. take turns 轮流111. break a world record 打破一项世界纪录112. hold /ke

10、ep a world record 保持一项世界纪录113. be located in/on 坐落于,位于114. on average 平均而言115. on record 有纪录的116. four times asas 是的四倍117. find out 找出,发现118. all over the world/around the world 全世界119. feel tired 感到累120. without stopping 不停地121. stand on one foot 单脚站立122. compare with 和做对比,比较123. think of 想起,想到124.

11、 write down 写下,记下125. make a list of 列的清单126. agree with 同意127. be far from 远离128. help sb (to)do sth 帮助做129. help sb with sth130. be proud of 为而骄傲,自豪131. have fun 玩的高兴,过的愉快132. have a good time133. enjoy oneself 134. any other 其他的135. be surprised at 对惊奇136. win a gold medal 赢得一块金牌137. up and down

12、上上下下138. set a world record 创造一项世界纪录139. do ones best 尽最大的能力140. give up 放弃141. believe in 信任142. be able to 能做143. keep/catch up with 跟上,赶上144. at age 13 在13岁时145. compete in 参加竞赛146. compete with/against和竞争147. be amazed at 对吃惊148. get ready for 做好准备149. be good at 擅长于150. do well in 151. at the s

13、ame time 同时152. the others 其他的(人或物)153. take part in 参加154. at the Olympics 在 奥林匹克运动会上155. notany more 不再156. keep doing sth 持续做157. practice doing sth 练习做158. good luck to you 祝你好运159. have an accident 出事故160. nothing serious 不严重161. at/on the edge of 在的边缘 162. warn sb( not) to do sth 警告不要做163. in

14、the1670s 在17世纪60年代164. fall on top of 掉到 的上面165. be careful with小心对166. instead of 代替167. put out扑灭168. leave sb alone/leave sb by oneself 把单独留下169. be late for去迟到170. a new safety rule 一条新的安全规则171. take care of /look after 照顾172. dont have to 不必173. so that 以便于174. It is said that 据说175. set an exa

15、mple 树立榜样176. make an example 举一个例子177. in a difficult situation 在困难的情况下178. give first aid 急救179. day after day 一天又一天180. be honoured with 被授予181. in ones spare time在业余时间182. notuntil 直到 才183. die of 死于184. because of 因为,由于185. be buried in 被埋葬在186. wake up 唤醒187. in poor spirit188. miss school 不到校

16、189. hold ones breath 屏住呼吸190. out of breath 上气不接下气191. be made up of 由 组成192. live a happy life 过幸福的生活193. marry sb to sb 把 嫁给194. be married with 和 结婚195. fall into the habbit of 养成 的习惯196. fall behind落后197. give up smoking/stop smoking戒烟198. take ones temperature 测量体温199. business hours 营业时间200.

17、in order to 为了201. .the final examination 期末考试 202. .by chaque 用支票203. .on the Internet 在因特网上204. as soon as 一就205. make money 挣钱,赚钱206. take turns (to do /doing) 轮流 做207. be located in/on 坐落于,位于208. feel tired 感到累209. without stopping 不停地210. stand on one foot 单脚站立211. be far from 远离212. help sb (t

18、o)do sth 帮助做213. any other 其他的214. .believe in 信任215. compete in 参加竞赛216. compete with/against和竞争217. at the same time 同时218. .the others 其他的(人或物)219. be related to和有关220. again and again 再三地,反复地221. depend on依靠222. from now on从现在起223. get sick of对感到厌恶224. make room for 给腾地方225. shop for 购买226. work

19、 for为工作227. give sb some advice给提建议228. be worth doing值得做词类互换:1. Little(比较级) 2. many(比较级) 3. mend(过去式) 4. throw(过去式) 5. take( 过去分词 ) 6. rubbish(同义词) 7. pollute(同义词) 8. sun(形容词) 9. rain(形容词) 10. pick(过去式) 11. explain(名词) 12. north(形容词) 13. ring(过去分词) 14. ever(反义词) 15. different(名词) 16. fail(反义词) 17.

20、fail(名词) 18. succeed(名词) 19. succeed(形容词) 20. hero(复数) 21. care(形容词) 22. dead(反义词) 23. prefer(过去式) 24. live(形容词) 25. dangerous(名词) 26. humorous(名词) 27. invent(指人名词) 28. invent(指物名词) 29. almost(同义词) 30. hardly(反义词) 31. worry(形容词) 32. hurry(形容词) 33. hurry(副词) 34. marry(形容词) 35. amaze(形容词) 36. babysit(

21、名词) 37. die(名词) 38. imagine(形容词) 39. imagine(名词) 40. dry(最高级) 41. agree(过去式) 42. suddenly(形容词 43. mouse(复数) 44. key(复数) 45. write(过去分词) 46. problem(同义词) 47. buy(过去式) 48. present(名词) 49. fill(形容词) 50. observe(名词) 51. hide(过去式) 52. friend(名词) 53. leaf(复数) 54. knife(复数) 55. wife(复数) 56. empty(反义词) 57. lose(形容词) 58. press(名词) 59. heavy(副词) 60. happy(副词) 61. happy(名词) 62. mix(名词) 63. theory(复数) 64. discover(名词) 65. discover(反义词) 66. mouth(复数) 67. inside(反义词 68. monkey(复数) 69. photo(复数) 70. piano(复数) 71. potato(复数) 72. tomato


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