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1、精选优质文档-倾情为你奉上小学英语北京版五年级下册Unit7 Are you going away forthe holiday?lesson25公开课优质课教案比赛讲课获奖教案1教学目标知识与技能:1. 能够正确理解课文对话,获取文中相关信息,正确朗读或表演对话。2. 能够表达及询问某个城市以什么而闻名“What is Sanya famous for?  Its famous for its sandy beaches.”3. 能够听说、认读中国城市的英文名称:Sanya, Beijing, Kunming ,Suzhou, Hangzhou, 以及相关城市的著名景观单词muse

2、ums, sandy beaches, gardens.4. 能够运用旧知和本课新知,就“旅游”这个话题和他人进行讨论。(Where/What/When/Who/How/How long?)情感态度与文化:1. 初步了解英语国家如加拿大、美国、澳大利亚、英国的著名景点;2. 初步了解中国省份城市对应的著名景点,欣赏祖国的秀美河山;3. 了解旅途中的常识性知识,感受旅游带来的乐趣,形成和他人主动交流的意识。2学情分析教学内容分析:本课教学内容是北京版小学英语教材五年级下册第七单元的第25课。本课围绕旅游这一话题展开讨论,共有一课时。本课由Yangyang和Sara的对于暑假去哪玩的对话展示,引出

3、本课的功能句型,即:Whatsfamous for? 及答语:Its famous for.学生已有知识:学生已掌握关于旅游地点及名胜词汇:museum, garden, flower, London, Australia, the U.S.A , Terroa Cotta Warriors. capital city, Europe, Asia, North America, London, Washington D.C. Ottawa, maple.学生已掌握相关句型: Why do you like .? Because.3重点难点教学重点:1. 学习询问及表达某个城市以什么而

4、闻名的表达方式。教学难点:2. 能够运用旧知和本课新知,就“旅游”这个话题和他人进行讨论。4教学过程活动1【导入】导入T: How is the weather today?Is it cold?Ss: No. its hotT: Yes. Its hot. And it will be hotter in July and August. Do you like it?Ss: No. T: Oh. Dont worry. We dont have to go to school, and we dont have to go to work in July and August. Do yo

5、u know why?Ss: Because its summer holiday.T: Yes, very good. We also call it summer vacation. (带读summer vacation)T: I dont have to work. I want to go for a tour. Whats the meaning of tour?Ss:.T: It means travel. “Go for a tour”means go for a travel.(带读tour)设计意图:通过谈论天气,引出暑假及旅游话题。为学习It is  famous

6、 for这个句型做铺垫。活动2【讲授】学习本课主要句型Step1:呈现本课主要句型T: Where can I go? Can you tell me some famous places?Ss:     T: I know there are a lot of interesting places in the word. Look! Where is it? (Prezi展示加拿大国旗)Ss: Its Canada.    T: Good. What do you know about Canada? (教师可以在此时展示枫叶图片

7、。)Ss: Maple leaves.    T: Excellent! We know Canada because it is famous for its maple leaves. (此时将关键句型中的答句贴在黑板上。)Do you the meaning of be famous for?Ss: .    T: (如果学生回答不出来be famous for的意义,教师可以引导) It means Canada is famous because of its maple leaves.Ss: 因而著名。 

8、0;  T: Yes. And we can also say Canada is famous for its ice sports. (Prezi展示冰上运动图片。)T: Well done. Next, we go to another place. Where is it? (展示美国国旗)Ss: Its America.T: Yes. Tell me what is America famous for? ( 这句话板书) Look! (播放the statue of liberty and basketball的图片)Ss: Its famous for its stat

9、ue of liberty. (带读发音) Its famous for its basketball.设计意图:通过谈论加拿大和美国,呈现What is famous for? It is  famous for.Step2:练习本课主要句型what is famous for? is famous forits让同学以重点句式作问答练习,并以问答的形式练习其它地方及其著名景点的问询。T: Next, we will go to Australia, who can ask?S1: What is Australia famous for?T: You can choose one

10、 of you classmates to answer your question.S1:S2: Its famous for its kangaroos.T: You can ask. And choose one of you classmates to answer your question.S2: What is Australia famous for?S3: Its famous for its koalas.接下来以这种学生问,学生选同学回答的方式来将之后的地方及其著名景点及食物用重点学习句型表达出来。地点及著名景点及食物有(表格):Canadamaple leaves; i

11、ce sport.The U.S.A statue of liberty; basketballAustraliakangaroos; koalasThe U.K.rugby; BigBen; London Bridge.BeijingTianan men square; Birds nest; Great Wall; Summer Palace; roast duck.Jiangsu Suzhougardens.Yunnan Kunming   flowers; Stone Forest.Sichuan  Chengdu  

12、;Du-jiang-yan; pandas.Shaanxi Xian     Terra-Cotta WarriorsGansu  DunhuangMogao Caves.Tibet  Lhasa:        Potala PalaceHainanSanyasandy beaches.(除了北京,其它地点均给出相应的图片以支撑,北京著名之处可让学生自由发挥,并注重学生生成。)设计意图:通过谈论国内外的多处著名景点,让学生熟练掌握What is

13、 famous for? It is  famous for.活动3【讲授】学习本课对话Step1:导入课文对话T: (出示三亚的图片)Wow! Look! Whats it?Ss: Its sand.T: Yes. Its sand. And whats this? (展示沙滩图片)Ss: .T: Its a sandy beach. (强调beach的读音。) We always say rainrainy, sunsunny, cloudcloudy. Thats why we say sandy. Sand-sandy. (带读sandy).Ss: Sand-sandy. T

14、: This is a sandy beach. How about them? (展示多幅沙滩图片。)Ss&T: They are sandy beaches.T: Do you know where they are?Ss&T: They are in Sanya.T: Sanya is a beautiful place, I want to go toSanya, one of our friends alsowants to go to Sanya.Who is she? Who is he? Lets watch the cartoon, andlater, you

15、 will tell me who wants to go to Sanya too.Step2: 学习课文对话T: Now, take out your paper (教师边说边向学生展示听力纸), Ill give you one minute to read the questions and then answer the questions on the paper. After listening, you can tell me your answers.(Play the cartoon twice)T: Ok, Now open your book. Turn to page

16、 .Tell me who will go to Sanya thissummer vacation?Ss: Yangyang will go to Sanya this summer vacation.T: S: 设计意图:因为重点句型在前一个环节已经学习,所以本课课文以听力的方式呈现,教师通过核对听力内容, 对课文进行讲解,一方面练习了听力,一方面又对课文进行了梳理和学习。Step3: 操练课文对话a.跟读练习b.分角色练习c.小组展示设计意图: 通过跟读原版录音和分组练习,让学生达到熟练朗读课文对话的目标。活动4【活动】拓展运用Step1:活动导入并示范T: I will go to S

17、anya this summer vacation, and I will follow the tour guide, butbefore I go to Sanya, I have many questions for the tour guide. (播放录制视频,在开头暂停) How about you? If you are visitors, what will you ask?Ss:T:(把学生问的问题,用特殊疑问词板书,构成思维导图)T: Ok, lets see what they areasking? ( 把视频播放完)T: Now, work in groups, one

18、 student is the tour guide, and others are visitors,visitors you can ask any questions you want. Ok, go.设计意图: 教师设计和真实生活场景相近的拓展活动,并用课前录好的视频导入并示范活动规则。活动5【练习】分组练习给出范例及语言支撑如下:What is famous for?When will we go?Where will we go?What can we do there?How long does it take to get there?How can we get there?

19、What can weeat there?表格:Canada12 hours by planemaple leaves; ice sports.The U.S.A12 hours by planestatue of liberty; basketballAustralia11 hours by planekangaroos; koalaThe U.K.10 hours by planerugby; Big Ben; London Bridge.Beijing2 hours by busTianan men square; Birds nest; Great Wall; Summer Palace; roast duck.Jiangsu Suzhou5 hours by traingardens.Yunnan Kunming   3 hours by planeflowers; Stone Forest.Sichuan  Chengdu  3 hours by planeDu-jiang-yan; pandas.Shaanxi Xian     12 hours by trainTerra-Cotta WarriorsGansu  Dunhuang3 hours


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