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1、Finding Nemo(1)下一页上一页小结页- Yes, Marlin. No, I see it. Its beautiful.提示ocean英 n 美 on n. 洋; 海洋; 大海; (地球上划分出的)洋 复数: oceans Ocean ExampleOne afternoon, she went for a swim in the ocean.一天下午她到海里去游泳。As weve seen, oceans cover more than 70 of the earth.据我们所知, 海洋占地球面积的70以上view英 vju: 美 vju n. 看法; 风景; 视域; 建筑学视

2、图 vt. 看; 看待 复数: views 过去式: viewed 过去分词: viewed 现在分词: viewing 第三人称单数: views view(1)英 vju: 美 vju -The view from a window or high place is everything which can be seen from that place, especially when it is considered to be beautiful.-If you view something, you look at it for a particular purpose.-If y

3、ou have a view of something, you can see it.View(2)Ill sit here and look at the view.下一页上一页小结页So, Coral, when you said you wanted an ocean view you didnt think youd get the whole ocean, did you?提示breath英 bre 美 br n. 呼吸; 一口气; 呼吸力; 复数: breaths breathe英 bri: 美 bri vi. 呼吸; 活着,生存; vt. 呼吸; 吸进(如香气); 过去式: b

4、reathed 过去分词: breathed 现在分词: breathing 第三人称单数: breathes Hold your breath for a count of five, then slowly breathe out.屏住气息数五下,然后慢慢地呼气。deliver英 dlv(r) 美 dlv vt. 发表; 递送; 交付; vi. 投递; 传送 过去式: delivered 过去分词: delivered 现在分词: delivering 第三人称单数:delivers I have orders to deliver it to Mr Demiris personally.

5、我奉命要把它送给德米里斯先生本人。As long as I deliver the goods, my boss is very happy.只要我做好本职工作,我的老板就很高兴。Oh, yeah. A fish can breathe out here.Did your man deliver, or did he deliver?提示下一页上一页小结页desirable英 dzarbl 美 dzarbl adj. 令人满意的; 值得拥有的; n. 称心如意的人东西 复数: desirables My desire(愿望) for a desirable house will come tr

6、ue in the near future.我要买一幢称心如意的房子的愿望在不久的将来会实现For this job it is desirable to know something about medicine.做这项工作最好能懂点医学。amazing英 mez 美 mez adj. 令人惊异的 vt. 使大为吃惊,使惊奇( amaze的现在分词); 使惊异:感到非常好奇 n. 吃惊; 好奇 比较级: more amazing 最高级: most amazing But, Marlin, I know that the drop off is desirable with the great schools and the amazing view,but do we rea


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