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1、环球雅思学科教师辅导教案学员编号: 年 级:高三 课 时 数:3学员姓名: 辅导科目:英语 学科教师:授课类型高三英语复习系列之冠词星 级 授课日期及时段教学内容高三英语复习系列之冠词课前导入名词是秃子,常要戴帽子。可数名词单,须用a或an。【辅音】前用a,an在【元音】前。 若为特指时,则须用定冠。复数不可数,泛指the不见。知识清单 一、 冠词的定义1. 冠词是置于名词之前,对名词起限制作用的一种虚词。 2. 冠词可以说是名词的一种标志,它不能离开名词而独立存在。二、 冠词的种类1. 定冠词: the 2. 不定冠词: a / an 当紧跟不定冠词之后的单词是辅音发音开头时,不定冠词应该用

2、a;当紧跟不定冠词之后的单词是元音发音开头时,不定冠词应该用an.a + 辅音 a wallet, a European country an + 元音 an 8-year-old boy,an hour三、 冠词的位置冠词一般要放到名词或名词短语(形容词+名词、副词+形容词+名词、或其它修饰语+名词)的前面。如:the last few days 最近几天 a very lovely girl注意: 在以下六种词中,只能使用其中的一种词修饰名词:1)冠词2)指示代词(如:this, that, these, those)3)形容词性物主代词(如:my, your, his, her)4)名词

3、所有格(如:Toms, the Smiths)5)不定代词(如:every, each, any) 6)疑问代词(如:which, what)如:1. 我的一位朋友 (不能说: my a friend) 应:a friend of mine 或 one of my friends2. 你的这两位老师 (不能说:your the two teachers) 应:the two teachers of yours3. 哪一把伞是你的? (不能说:Which an umbrella is yours?) 应:Which umbrella is yours? 4. 一辆这种自行车 (不能说:a thi

4、s kind of bike) 应:a bike of this kind5. 每隔几天一次 (不能说:once every a few days) 应:once every few days四、 冠词的功能泛指- 首次提到的,不限定的人或事物特指- 上文提到的 被限制性修饰语所限定的 说话双方都默认的 世界上独一无二的 类指- 具有共同性质或典型特征的一个类别 the + 单数n 如: The car goes faster than the bike. a/an + 单数n 如: A tiger is a type of very large fierce wild cat. 零冠词 +复

5、数n/不可数n 如: Farmers are busy in autumns.专指- 类别中的一员或一部分具体事物 如:The Frenchman are playing tennis now. 考试三步走 一、冠词用法总原则名词前用不用冠词,用哪一类冠词,通常取决于三方面因素:是特指的,还是泛指的意义是可数名词,还是不可数名词是单数名词,还是复数名词冠词和这三个因素之间的关系,如下表:名词种类特指泛指可数名词单数thea/an复数the零冠词不可数名词the零冠词可以通过翻译句子来区分特指还是泛指: 特指“the”相当于汉语中的“那个/些”或“这个/些”的意思,泛指“a/an”表示“一”的意

6、义。链接高考: _ village where I was born has grown into _ town.A. The; a B. A; the C. The; the D. A; a India attained _ independence in 1947, after _ long struggle. A. /; a B. the; a C. an; / D. an; the 二、冠词的基本用法不定冠词(a/an)的基本用法1. 表示“某种类别当中的一个”,“该类中的一例”A cat is an animal.猫是一种动物。 Hes a Frenchman.他是个法国人。2. 第

7、一次提到某物 I looked up and saw a plane. 我抬头看见了一架飞机.3. 用在称呼前,表示“某一个”,含有“我不认识的感觉”(=a certain) A Mr. Smith is waiting for you.一位史密斯先生正等着要见您。 4. 可以表示量度单位,表示每(=per/every)40 km an/per hour 每小时40公里 twice a/per day 每天两次5. 特殊位置: quite/rather +a/an(+adj.)+单数名词; what/such/half +a/an+单数名词;so/as/too/how/however + ad

8、j.+a/an+单数名词;many a /an+ 单数名词; not a /an +单数名词。Its quite a problem. 这是一个相当难的问题。My boss is such a fool! 我的老板这么蠢。However serious a problem you may have, you should face it. 无论你可能有多严重的麻烦,你都应该面对。6. 某些固定短语 have a cold, have a good/hard time, have a gift for, have a word with, in a hurry, once in a while,

9、 at a loss, for a while, once upon a time, all of a sudden, at a distance, have a population of, a waste of, a matter of, have/take a rest, have a holiday, get a lift/ride, go on a diet 等定冠词(the)的基本用法§ 世界独一二次现,序词形容高级前;§ 富人伤员按天算,方位乐器影剧院;§ 群岛河山江湖海,沙漠、海峡与海湾;§ 阶级、党派、国家名,普专复合姓氏前;§

10、; 双知年代击中脸,特指事物及习惯;§ 朝代、会议及报刊;发明物前要加the。1. 在世界上独一无二的事物the moon, the sun, the earth. 2. 重提上文提过的 He saw a house in the distance. Sam lives in the house.3. 在序数词(如first, second, next, last )前一般要加the表示顺序; This is the second time that I have seen the film.4. 在形容词最高级前一般要加the She is the most beautiful g

11、irl in our school. 在副词的最高级形式前可以加the,也可以不加the She sings (the) most beautifully in our class. 注意:形容词不起定语作用,而作表语,成为谓语的一部分时,“the”可省略 Anna is yongest.5. 在形容词或分词前加the可以表示一类人或物。the poor the sick the old the young the following the wounded6. by + the + 计量单位名词, 表示“按/论计算”by the hour by the piece(按件计) by the d

12、ozen(按打计算)Workers are paid by the month. 工人的工资按月结算。注意区别size, weight 等词在以上用法中不加”the”.7. 表方位的词 in the east, at the corner, at the bottom of, the back8. 西洋乐器名称前加“the” play the piano, play the violin, play the flute 注意此类名词作普通名词时,可以与不定冠词连用。 The old man is playing a borrowed violin. 中国乐器名称前不用冠词。 play erhu

13、9. 群岛河山江湖海,沙漠、海峡与海湾the Yangtse River, the Yellow River, the Red Sea, the Pacific (Ocean), the Atlantic (Ocean), the Alps, the Rocky Mountains, the Sahara Desert, the Gobi, the Himalayas, the Philippine Islands, the Taiwan Straits, the English Channel 注意孤岛、山峰地理名称前一般不用冠词Taiwan Island, Mount Tai, Mount

14、 Everest(Qomolangma) 但若被of 修饰则加“the”. the Island of Taiwan10. 阶级党派国家名the nobility, the working class, the proletariat(无产阶级),the Communist Party11. 由普通名词构成的专有名词前用 thethe Great Wall, the Summer Palace12. 用在姓氏复数前,表一家人或夫妇二人the Greens, the Chens13. 双方都知道Shut the door.14. “the+逢十复数数词”表示一个世纪中的一个年代He died i

15、n the sixties.他死于60年代。in the 1990s (在20世纪90年代) 15. 固定结构 “动词+sb.+介词+身体某一部位”woundbitebeatpattake + sb +介词+the+部位 He hit the thief on the head.他打中了小偷的头。She cut herself on the hand.她切到自己的手了。此外,在be red in the face(脸红), be lame in the right leg(右腿瘸),be blind in the left eye(左眼瞎)等结构中,名词前也要用the.16. 朝代报刊前the

16、 Stone Age, the Peoples Daily, the Times, the Tang Dynasty, the Spring and Autumn Period(春秋时期)17. 发明物前He invited the telephone.18. 某些固定短语make the most/best of, in the daytime, in the end, in the habit of, not in the least(=not at all), in the distance, in the way, on the whole, on the right/left, on

17、 one hand,on the other hand, at the same time, at the moment, the other day, to the public, to tell you the truth, on the spot, on the phone/radio, for the time being零冠词的基本用法1. 物质抽象专有名 water, rice, Shanghai, Asia, Knowledge is power. 注意:不含普通名词的纯专有名词前不用冠词,如:Beijing, New York.但在一些地名前有形容词修饰时可用 不定冠词,表示“

18、一个的地方”。 The visitors here are greatly impressed by the fact that people from all walks of life are working hard for a new Jiangsu.2. 两节星期月份前 Christmas Day, Monday, May, spring 注意:中国的传统节日习惯上都要加上the,如the Spring Festival,the Lantern Festival,the Dragon Boat Festival ,the Double Ninth Festival 等3.

19、学科球棋三餐饭 I was major in journalism. basketball, chess4. 头衔官职有要求作表语,同位语,宾语补足语或主语补足语的职务头衔名词前不加冠词. We elected him monitor.(宾补)He was elected monitor. (主补) He is monitor. (表语) Tom, monitor of our class, is popular. (同位语) The monitor came later. (主语)5. turn表示”变成”,即使表语是单数可数名词,也不用冠词。 She turned doctor. Has

20、he turned scientist?6. as/though 构成的倒装句Hero as/though he is, he has some shortcomings.Child as he is, he is very brave. 三、冠词的特殊用法 1. 在三餐饭前或在四个季节前不加冠词.如果在三餐饭、四个季节的前面或后面有形容词或其它修饰语,则应加冠词.In the autumn of 1949, our hometown was liberated. In a cold winter, he left his hometown for Shanghai.We had a good

21、 supper at her home.2. 不可数名词表泛指时零冠词, 但若在前加上形容词或抽象名词具体化的时候,则需加上“a/an” a big surprise, a black tea(一种), a great noise(一阵),a big rain(一场),a great help(一件),a concern(一件)a good time(一段),a good understanding of, a musthave a good knowledge of (对很了解,通晓)have no knowledge of (对一无所知)3. “the + 形容词比较级”表示“两者当中较的

22、”,而“a+形容词比较级”表示“更的”。“the+ most+ 形容词” 表示“三者或三者以上中最的”,而“a+most+形容词”无比较含义,此时most等于very。Which is the larger country, Canada or Australia?If there were no exams, we should have a much happier time at school.It is a most useful book. (= a very useful)4. “the+序数词”表排序,“a/an+序数词”不表示排序,而表“又一,再一”;Can you give

23、me a second chance, please? (= another chance)It is the second chance.课堂小结1. 用定冠词与不定冠词的区别如: the second student(第二个学生)- a second student(又一个学生);the most interesting book(最有趣的书)-a most interesting book(一本非常有趣的书)the world(世界)-a better world(一个更好的世界)2. 用零冠词与不定冠词的区别如:Mr Li(李先生)-a Mr Li(一个自称姓李的先生)have lun

24、ch(吃中餐)-have a rich lunch(吃一顿丰盛的中餐)wind(风)-a strong wind(一阵大风)have words with sb(与某人争吵)-have a word with sb(与某人谈话)help(帮助)success(成功)experience(经验)-a help(帮手)a success(成功的人或事)an experience(一次经历)。3. 用零冠词与定冠词的区别如:Shanghai(上海)-the Shanghai you see today(你今天所见的上海)history(历史)-the history of the Qing Dyna

25、sty(清朝历史)in bed(躺在床上)-on the bed(在床上)in hospital(住院)-in the hospital(在医院)小小提示 牢记高考中常见的纯不可数名词,他们是:baggage(luggage), furniture, health, weather, fun, space, news, word(=news), advice, progress, information .以上不可数名词永远不能与不定冠词连用。课堂检测 1. A bullet hit the soldier and he was wounded in _ leg. A. a B. one C. the D. his2. Jumping out of _ airplane at ten thousand feet is quite _ excitin


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