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1、2020年1月襄阳市普通高中调研统一测试高二英语试卷2020J. 15- " _ _ _ 一 本试题卷共10页,67题口全卷满分150分。考试用时120分钟。祝考试顺利去注意事项:L答卷前,先将自己的姓名、准考证号填写在试题卷和答题卡上,并将准考证号条形 码粘贴在答题卡上的指定位置口,2 .选择题的作答士每小题选出答案后,用合乎要求的2B错笔把答题卡上对应题目的 答案标号涂黑口写在试题卷、卓稿纸和答题卡上的非答题区域均无效口3 .非选择.题的作答:用合乎要求的签字笔直接答在答题卡上对应的答题区域内写 在试题卷、草稿纸和答题卡上的非答题区域均无效4 .考试结束后,请将本试题卷和答题卡一

2、并上交。第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)做题时,先将答案划在试卷上,录音内容结束后,你将有两分钟的时间将试卷上的 答案转涂到客观题答题卡上口第一节(共5小题;每小题L5分,满分7.5分)听下面5段对话每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、E、C三个选项中选出最 佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小 题和阅读下一小题.每段对话仅读一遍 例: Ho* much is the shirt?A £19.15,B. £9J&C. £9. 15.答案是 仁.VI hal was the womans first job?A

3、. A teacher.B. A secretary.C. A doctor.2. What can 加 known from the conversation?'、, 癌 man drank some wine.H,Hie Iwq speakers arc classmates,匚 Ihe man doesn't have a driving license.加20年l月襄阳市普通高中遍研统一港试高二英语试卷第I页(共10页)15 In r<> did ihe woman get a copy <>l the novel?A. At a booksto

4、re. B. At the school library. Whzii will the man do next?A. Gel a candle.B. Give u phmie call.When will ihe man probably check in?A. On Friday.B. On Saturday-第二节(共5小题,每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)C At the man * home.(1. Closib ihf drawer4C. On Sunday.听下面5段对话或独白:每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个 选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置听每段

5、对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读 各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间口每段对话或独白读 两遍。听第6段对话,回答第6和第7两个小题。.What does theA. Strict.woman think of Mark?B. Helpful.10.11.7- What is Tme about Jack?A. lit* performed poorly in his report,B. He is popular in office.C. Hr ckstries a promotion.听第7段对话,回答第8和第9两个小题08- What is the possible

6、relationship between the two speakers?A. Mother and san.B. Doctor and patient.9. How is the woman feeling now?A. Very well.B. Relaxed.听第8段昨话,回答第10至第12三个小题日How many countries were involved in the rssearch?A. 94.B. 8LC.Manager and clerk.C.PainfulC.45.M hat do most online customers think of female mode

7、ls?A. Healthy(B. Beautiful.C.Skinny.1,1 讨N品 countn might people prefer skinny models?A. New Zealand.B. Japan.C.Switzerland.听第Q段对话,回基弟B至第16四个小题© Whal does the man ask Jane to do?'、W riw 四 report. B. Go over a report. What kind U busineaa are the two speakers in? 丸 Athletic 仙m日 Sport9 cloth*C

8、.C.Make a plan.Sports equipment.2020年I月襄阳市普通高中调研统一测试高二英语试卷第2页(共10页)C. Tennis.C. i7:00p m.C, By phone.C, The 46-10-55 gmup.19. Vi hat canchildren tlo in ih?A. By leller.B. By e-mail.5. hai fa ihr secund choict, of sjwrt ucEiviiy in ihe8斯 PnHIP B. Skiing.A. Jcgging.%, ti wJiich group are men nu»r

9、f ar dvr thin wuTiipn?A, The 18-tn-25 group. B, The 26-io-J5 gnmp.听第10段独白,回答第17至第20四个小趣17 4 1A hal can we learn aboul I he film?A.abuuL nature.B, It% a children film4C, H has won a natkmal prize.18. W hen does ihfi museum close?A. At 5:00 p, m. B, At 6: 00 p. m.A. Draw pictures on compyteni.H. U alc

10、h a working slenm fngtne.C. See a life-sized nintlel of a 印areship.0. How will the listeners get in touch with the prograni to get free tickets?第二部分:阅读理解(共两节,满分35分)第一节(共10小题;每小题2.5分,满分25分)阅读下列短文,从每题所绐的四个选项和中,选出最佳选项并在答题卡上将该项涂黑' 口The phone nngs+ 韩疝 for the answering machine lo 皆时 it, but it does n

11、ut.干北前门呼 七 annoyed because I know the call would be the latest of 300 mtempts to sell me products.“Daddy, it" me/' kfs Alycet my 124叫r-Q】d daughter, “Mommy was just 加 a car 耻ridftiL "My heart stops and dien begins beating wildly."Are you all right?"b Is Mommy?" *、:殳或/A d

12、eep sob " den t know1 don'i think so. Come quick.''1 Sprint a blocks to wha* looks like a scene of a disaster movie. bus is on 也 1Vm呼 RM of (he road, in frunl of which art- the remains of Susan B car. Susan is 一七鬲¥ injured bui kniimatelyt still aitve. Alyce 运 standinp on the co

13、rner, uninjured,2。黑年1月耍阳市普通高中药研统一测试高二英语试卷第3页(扶io页)1'wo years later 肌 an rxrul. our lempk's musical director insisted ihtil Susan and I hail M meet someone. He returned with a nmnn with a bright smile. She told us, " Q hm |he accidenl happened ihat morning, 1 had rushed In t|i(* slrrpt a

14、nd seen Alyce standing by the side of thr car, crying. She warded In call you but hpr phone was trapped inside the damaged vehicle. So I lent her my phone* "We had our photo taken together and introduced ouisdves to each other. After hearing my name, she paused t us if maybe she hadn't hear

15、d me.Then suddenly t she said h ' ft ait, vour name is Susan'/' Susan ncxlded. "And your name is Douglas?h,22.X 一 Why did the wriler refuse in pick up the phone himself al first?A.C.D.Because hr was too b 灼,BecaiiHe he ilidn'l heEir ihr phone ring, Because he thought ihr call is

16、 coTnmerciaLBecause hr uatUt'd to test the answering tnachine.hat does the writer mean hy saying LLI spnnl a few blocks”?A.irC.1).He went b) a roimdabcHil route.He walked :M'ross a few barriers.He wandered leisurely along the slrreLs.ran ven fast through several streets.W'hal ran we l+ar

17、n from die story?A, Alyctj as hurt seriously in ihc car accident-B. fhr 'inqile and the woman had met betore.C. Tlie womun lent Alyce her phone to call her father,B. The mian wasn't surprised when hearing "5usun' *BTlir hn瓜底 st iison is a joyful lime packed with partied and traditio

18、ns. But br miJlions “A nit 旧 3Hls 1 i d tip with deprtssion, anxiety, addiction or ether men Lid illnesses the season tail bi- esprcialEv rhalienging. According to a suntJY by National Alliance on Mental Illness, about 64% 6 those with rental illness sav that the holidays make things worse. Therefor

19、e, ius imperative that 叱 look out for friends, family and community members 中h。struggle with 11""4H htHth te %返1 thentAs a neun>scienti(t studying the brain biology of depression and annety, 1 am encouraged 切尿俄w mk und available behavioral treaimems. bill m吃 treatments dre only hflpful

20、if20切年月疆阳市普通高中调研统一制试高二英语试卷第4页(共10页)“Oh my 即xMness J the woman said. "My name ia Susan Douglas."ll»r holiday曲吹*"Mi *.e,”many lo avoid mental health service*,M'dson is athiEiily a wrfeci Hme"川,h <>ul for signs of mental illness and dep由“m menuJ health probkmB. We cun

21、 allIi'rlnkg> 川,“iiny ur sadness, and extreme changes in moodeinn in friends and lovedone* includingAll 川 us can plav a role in reJieving menial LTth,tg,dJ ”闻山 Plenis, canns for one anothert Hn<lciu vtmigin); rm h ,ither lo seek out professional haln J I 】,P ,Onal 11 州 g addM lo 皿5加一叩port,

22、 wr ran go h slrp further lo build support networks.People who ndy tended a conveon 小d penal M屋 al.ut 山. menlal hedlh journey Attendees reived input &om mental health pmfds . local EW Many said they had waited for yean, to talk about these topics hui had no pW to di-hem. And they fell better inf

23、ormed about rurces for addressing mental health 加Hllrng, hoping this kind M rr叩eNH, hzgI and infunnaiive convaGon can lake place jn riMUiinniihs cirnosj; ihe counln.24. Whm diwN the underhned word Tnipmlive" in parapruph I rnran?A. EssrntiaJ. B. Setisiliven C. Improper. ), Unnecessary.25. Vi

24、9;haCs the second paragraph mainly about?Thr lea lures of menial illness,B. Thr eatfguries of mental illness.C. Ilie reasons for people s refusal of treatment,1>. The inQKjriance of the new tools and Lreatments.B. A health magazine.D. A travel guidebook.2p. Whert* is the text most probably from?

25、A private diary.C, A(K)pular novel.?7v What is the best tide for the text?A. the Best You Can Make 1LB. People in need of health services.C. Mv experience in dealing with menial illness.D. A challenging season for those with menial illness.cSince the early 1980s, sponsorshiphas become a major pari o

26、f spoil. But how effective is jp2 e some big changes to footbdl 曲沁 in the early 1980s. In 心心领理 you the name of the learn. they gave you 小e name of a rtmpany. Al tim叫'l 出魁111 c.2020年1月襄阳市普通高中调研统一测试尚二英语试卷第诙"";Em playing was Manchester United or Sharp EMmg However, fans soon 酬 X to :i* lo

27、ok 力沁 until they changed agam; fW t0 Vodafone, .hen to American nsumnee 咖网号 AIG, and #的 to American re-inauranee company A»n. Irs hard to keep track somelimes.So, why has 咿出 sponsorship keome so popular? Both sides clear aihanst &l gt* com|Kinies are keen to link their brand to a well-known

28、 sporting penmnalily becaust they Wve racing their 加驿 in this way will increase sales. And the _ 3 they offer 加 do so is a hig im en"e (激励)后山仁川也side. TTiere hs a ioi of money involved in sports sponsorship, and many predict that 施 sums will be rising over ihe mmi哗 years.But problems ean cinse.

29、por fXampL, whal happens if they sponsor an unsuccessful player or team? Will they hmk stupid at ihp end of the season if their team has lost? And what happens if they sponsor a team or player who gels inlo trouble? DeutscheTelekotn was one of (he nidjor Mponsors of the fainmis( yclisL Jjiiice Amisk

30、ong but foutul ii in an awkward situatiun when he failed drugs tests. As a result of this scandal(丑闻),many companies have movedfrom >|x>nM)nng cyclists. Instead many now choose lo sponsor events rather than die |K“pIe, Of rnurse il 由心” nwtt产r which team wins because the autiiences will see lot

31、s of ( ompany ads and hgos everywhere and the companies know that ihy will win.But the real I, important question is, dues sponsorship work? Will you buy their products after ihe game jusl because you ve swcn their ads and logos? There's clearly more research to be done.28. Hhal'g one of tbe

32、 effects uf sports sponsorship on the football fank?A. They can buy cheaper football shirls.B. I liry recognize the learns more easily.C. They welcome the changes of sponsorship*D. They are confused about the names on the shirts,?9. According to the passage , we can know that,A. Sponsorship is often

33、 a win-win situation.B. Many sports teams aclutilly dislike sponsorship.C. Tlie money on sports sponsorship will decrease”D. Sports sponsorship certainly promotes a company s sales.30. Why do many companies sponsor events instead 油 players now?A. To belter spread their brands.B To cut the cost of sp

34、onsorship.& To attract more people* attention.D. To avoid unexpecied troubles of the players.2020年月亮阳市普通高中调研统一测试高二英语试卷第6页(共1。页)第二节(共5小题,每小题2分,满分10分)根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选斯选项中有两项为 多余选项.,r, 2016, nearly 57 percent of Ameriran households owned a peU according lo the American Vetef 兽医)Medical A

35、swd皿叫 bm 脑 safe to say thal 100 penl of them wW) lheir 皿 or cal Lo live longer. In facl. advances in velerinan medicim- have made il 3前 ,han ever to 卜即园 your pet's life. However, there are so many care options available that“tiding the ones that are worthwhile for your pel can be time-consuming.

36、Watch Their WeightAbout 60 percent of cats and 56 percent of tings aie over-weight or obese example, overweight increases iht risk of conditions like diabetes (糖尿病),same camera, and certain breathing pntblems, nd bring overweight uhortenrd dogs,life by 叩 lo 2, 5 yeans compared with their ideal-wrigh

37、l peers.Visit the Vet33 _ " Bause pets agr niurv quickly ihan humans, Lheir problems may women fast. H sa?s Pa Linds, iiiretlor ol emergency al Saint Francis etrrinar), Center in Swedesboru, New Jersey. So keep up on routine Irealmenls.34Pels nerd daily uorkouls to slay healthy, so a fonnal wor

38、kout plan is a good idea. Aim for helMtTn 30 minutes and Iwo houni of daily activity, such as walking or running* Athletic breeds uill requir? more exerrise, while smaller dugs such as bulldogs can beneGl from a short walk around the neighborhood. And believe it or not, some devices can track vour p

39、et's stepst ht'arl rale, and other indicators.Brush Their TeethAccording to Banfield Pet Hospital t 68 percent of cats and 76 perceni of dogs have dental disease. 5 To avoid thal, brush your pets teeth every day. You should also get your pel,s lerlh prvfessionally cleaned by your vet at leas

40、t once a year.A. Make an Exercise Plan.B. That can lead to big trouble.C. Ar company your pels every day.D. This guide is a good place to start.E. And il may be linked lo the development of heart and kidney diseaseF. With the right care, you can improve the quality and quantity of life for your pe5(

41、k As with humans, early exams can spot problems soon enough furin Ainu 川2020年1月案阳市普通高中调研统一浦试高二英语试卷第7页(共I。认,第三部分:英语知识运用共两节,满分45分)第一节 完形填空(共20小黝;每小题1J分,满分30分)阅读卜面短文.从短文后各题所给的四个选项(AJLC和D)中,选出可以填入空白 处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上耨该项涂黑“WaRhinton is home to IoIh nf tie % Fi replace and wood-burning stoves* Bui whnj if 1皿

42、lived Iherr* and cmildnl cul w(«d or amldn t 36 lo pay 的刖加 E do it? Luckily, Shane MrWmiel ami his twin 可用,Harrison and lk-nr> McDaniel, he 37 Io lend nn ax(斧 f) They cut truckloads of wood-then 38 it to those in need.The iden 斜ailed as a project In slrrnglhcn falhrr-fioh ionship fitiring u】

43、v rhilflh,K)d,“ Shjtnr h»ld msn. com. Now. he wanted to 39 that feelings bo hi, and thf? twinw spenl the sirrinnrr of 2()IX rulling WiMKln, leaving u grrul wall uf40 up urnuiul ihear hoiiM,.Technically, it whs 40 cords(绳索)a cord 41 four feel high, four frrt wid* and eighi feel(lwp442 , ihe wood

44、 was too much for ihr McDunieln lo use ihemselvest and Shane* Iiarte(l thinking of olhere wlwn Ihe 43 set hl Hr _44_ 0n Rnbcwik: alF YOU ARE I、NEED 011 MREWOODt PLEASE PM 叫加词 rm哺刈即:ME!1ytm know 日丽加加巴 hn HUHNS WOOD, please 4之 附 jusi muking 导ure NO ONE COES COLD L OUR HOOD."The 46Olhers 47Ha、imme

45、diate. One man offend Io clonal a wood-burning furriar匕(火炉.).to Shane's little shop, with more 48 for the pile. It docs helpSinghlirjl ,It mem Katelyn and her daughter 49 a wck)(I-burning stove as their 50someone.source ofso it was a 51 In nweive so much firewwMJ from the McDaniels before the hn

46、lidjvs."To get ihal much wood brought me to tears, she told msn. com. "So much 52 is off my mind. I couldn't be more thankful.However, nut Mery receiver is 3 enthusiastic. Some arc even _53 Shane >ays. “They are mad al the world and the fact thal ihey had lo j4 help. " Bui Shan

47、e is UK withto do with how well it's received; it *thiil. "iving is the rvwafd T +,he says. " It has 55 ah nil how much it's needed.6A. cillemptB.afibnC.expectD. wait17.A. aggrrwiveB.surprisedC.delightedD, poliie以A. oweB.mentionC.applyD, donate9A, pas$B.moveC.runD. getA. linedB.fix

48、edC.piledD. grownA. measuresB.weighsc.assessesD. tests吐A. HardlyB.Deliberutely&ObviouslyD. Previously3A. diseaseB.winter&hungerD. troubleH.A. announcedB.releasedc.postedD. published6A. noticeB.approachc.motivateD. inlbrm电A. pirssiiTfB.responsec.significanceD. cumphintP.A* meed overB,Midc.app

49、ealedD. gavp wav第8页(共10页)2020年1月矍阳巾杵通高中调研统一测试商二英语试卷18.Atmon?)K, "ahC.wcmkI1).axefi机A,believ* inIk liout upc.expMr withD.rely on50.A.ulkiiiidaiiiH. IHM”c.onlyD.worsl51.A.ndaxaluntB. burdenC.necessilyD.relief52.A.puzzlftiintIL slrrsHC.guiltD.rommilmijil53.A.UiifricriilhB. ushurnt'dC.convenl i

50、onolIhdihraurugrd54.A.di'idr onI. get dost, UjC.look forD.pul up wilh55.A.阳 wlhin.B everythingC.nnylhingD.nothing第二节(共10小题海小题I3分.满分15分)阅读F面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容1个单词)或拈号内单词正确形式U hul do vuu du bhrn ”川 ihtiI t<> liwik sunirthiiig up? Th cm- dn)s+ nmsl pt*<tph* go to Wikipedia, the oiilim1 rncyclo

51、pfdiy, Rui htiVk, 56 J rely) is it?Th.”" n<» <lrnying the 57 (popular) un(9 usefulness of VI iki|H-(lia. Thr sih1 i> uvuiluhlF in more than 270 dillrrent lunguugrsT 58 (aUrut l) a niasxiv* 78 million、曲口卷 even iTionlh. Being une of Ihe most(rnpn*ht*iisive resources available, il go

52、t n)uch more informalion than 59 ordinary encyclopediaf Anyone wilh an internet connection ean log cm and edit ihe contents.Of course I here are some controls. Wikipedia has a team of over 1,500 虱minirrakMs. 60( ipck for fiilw gnfornialiun. 61, with more than 16 million articles to keq) an eye62 , i

53、t isn't easv. So. while Wikipedia benefits from being 63 (constant) updated with infonnulion* it's also 叩en In " vandah"(券意破坏者).Some of ihe damage is easy lo noli(uf ; but cither things art? hard to spot. Tht* mnsl cummon Ibnii in vol some fals infbm 闻 inn 64 ( add) into the biogra

54、phy of a famous ptrsmL Incmlihly, of this misinfumiatioii 旦 (appear) tn newspapeib st> far. vsilh The Daily Mail and The Guardian both falling victim to the pranks(恶作剧).So, if you're going Io use any informal ion from Wikipedia, make sun* you douhle-chpck it lirsL第四部分:写作(共两节,满分40分)第一节 应用文写作(满

55、分15分)假如你是李华,一批来自澳大利亚的师生将于下周六来你校交流访问,校学生会正 在招某志限者为他们也任英语导游,你想成为其中一员:承你给校学生会写一豺申请 馆,内容包括:I.写信目的。2 .个人优势。3 .能做的If.注意:L词数80左右4 .可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯;3,开头结束语已为你写好2侬年1月鼻阳市舁通商中调研统一测试高二英语试卷第9页(共10页)参考词汇:学生会Sludents* Union Dear SludentsT Uninn.J'm LiHua. . .Yours sincerely, LiHua第二节 读后续写;阅读下面短文,根据所给情节进行续写,使之构

56、成一个完整的故事。 (满分25分)A ftbw weeks hclore Thanksfdving one yearmy husband and I decided to invite a 菖uesl over for the holiday, I ( ailed a 田tiinr Mnlar and they suggesled Ilse, Sht* a stuhl)om 78- War-old lady, who Favored sequined(亮片的)T-shirts.On Thanksgiving, minutr of amving, II” weleometl I he ghiss

57、 of wine n husbaiul offered with a wide smiie. By the end of (he evening, we Gil as if we were old friends. The more time 1 spent with Use, the more she became like a suirogal©(替代的)卬andiiKL So when her only son Ralph died, I realized she was too upset to 枚 left alone and helped h尸r him a caregiver. For me, she was like n Lmiily and 1 was I he only cne leit in her tribe.Each time I stopped by her apartment, Ilse seemed more disconnectetl than the tinw Iwforf. lai? one


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