



1、七年级上册英语重点、难点知识总结:Starter Unit 1.1. Good morning / afternoon / evening. 早上好/ 下午好 /晚上好.2. How are you!你好吗?/ How is your mother? 你的妈妈好吗?I'm fine / OK, thanks.我很好,谢洲t! / She is fine.她身体好.And you?你呢?你好吗? Starter Unit 2.1. What's this in English? 这个用英语怎么说?What's this?这个是什么?It s a map / an oran

2、ge.它是一张地图 /它是一个桔子.2. Spell it, please.请拼写它. How do you spell it? 你怎样拼写它? Starter Unit 3.1. What color is it? 它是什么颜色?What color is your pen? 你的钢笔是什么颜色?2. It's red / blue / black and white.它是红色 /蓝色 /黑白色.Unit 1.1. What's your name?你叫什么名字?What's her / his name?她/他叫什么名字?2. What s your first n

3、ame 你的名是什么?What s your last / family name? 你姓什么? last name = family name3. I m Mary. = My name is Mary.我叫玛丽.She is Mary. = Her name is Mary.她叫玛丽.4. Nice to meet you!见到你真快乐.Nice to meet you too.见到你也很快乐.5. What s your telephone number? 你的 号是什么?对 号提问用whatUnit 2.1. Excuse me.打搅了.Is this / that your penc

4、il? 这个 / 那个是你的铅笔吗?YesJ! is. / Noisn't.是的,它是./不,不是.答复时常用it替代上文中的this和that2. This / That is my ruler.这个/那个是我的尺子.3. Please call Mary at 495-3539.请给 Mary 打 :495-3539. call sb at + 号 Please call Mary.请给 Mary 打 . Please call 495-3539.请拨打 495-3539.4. 本单元短语:call sb at + 号at译为“根据,此短语意思是“根据某个 号给某 人打 penci

5、l case文具盒 computer game 电月而游戏lost and found 失物招领 lostand found case 失物招领箱Unit 3.1. This / That is my sister.这位/那位是我的姐姐.此句的复数形式是:These/ Those_aie my sisters.这些 / 那些是我的姐姐们.this/ that 的复数分别是 these / those2. J1 is a. watch. 复数形式是: They are some watches. he / she / it 复数都是 they, 和 this/that 的 复数不同3. Is h

6、e / Guo Peng your brother? 他 / 郭鹏是你的哥哥吗?Yes, he is. / No, he isn't.是的,他是./ 不,他不是.4. Thanks for the photo of your family.感谢你寄来你的家庭照全家福.旬中 thanks = thank you, 另外 the photo of your family = your family photo5. Here is my family photo. 这儿是我的家庭照.Here are some books. 这儿有一些书.There is a picture and thre

7、e pencils on the desk. 桌子上有一幅画和三支铅笔.There are many photos in the drawer.抽屉里有许多照片.here / therebe动词单复数形式要以紧随其后的名词单复数来定Unit 4.1. Where is my backpack? 我的背包在哪儿?Where are the books?那些书在哪儿?2. It's / They're in the drawer / under the bed / on the bookcase.它/它们在抽屉里/床底下/书柜上.注意主语和be动词照应3. Is it / Is t

8、he book / Are they on the bed / in the backpack / under the desk?它/这本书/它们在床上/背包里/桌子下吗?4. Can you bring some things to school? 你能带些东西去学校吗?some一般用在肯定的陈述句中,any用在否认句“任何或疑问句“某些,一些"中.但 如果表示期待对方肯定的答复或表请求和建议,疑问句中常用some.如上旬.5. taketo 把带到Please take your sister to school.请把你的妹妹带到学校.bring表从另一处带到这儿.take表从这

9、儿带到另一处.方向正好相反.Unit 5.1. Do you have a soccer ball?你有一个足球吗?Yes, I do. / No, I don't.Does she have a tennis racket?她有个网球拍吗?Yes, she does. / No, she doesrt.谓语是实义动词的时候,疑问句形式:do / does提前到主语前,主语后面的动词用原形2. I don't have a soccer ball.我没有一个足球.She doesn't have a volleyball.她没有排球.谓语是实义动词的时候,否认形式:do

10、 /does +not +动词原形3. Let me / him / us play soccer.让我/他/我们踢足球吧.let后面的动词用原形4. That sounds good / great / interesting / boring.那听起来不错 /好极了 /有趣 /无聊.that 指代上 文之事5. I / We / They / You / The kids have 8 baseballs.我 / 我们 / 他们 / 孩子们有 8 个棒球.She / He / My brother / The boy has 8 baseballs.她 /他 /我哥哥 /那个男孩有 8 个

11、棒球.注意以上各句主语和谓语的照应:主语是单三,谓语也用单三;主语不是单三,谓语也不用单三.6. 本单元短语:tennis racket网球拍 ping-pong bat乒乓球拍ping-pong / soccer / tennis ball 乒乓球/ 足球/ 网球指物品play tennis /basketball /baseball /ping-pong /volleyball /soccer /football 打, 踢指运动 play computer games打电脑游戏on TV在电视上通过电视every day每天Unit 6.1. Do you like bananas / h

12、amburgers / salad ?你喜欢香蕉 / 汉堡包 / 沙拉吗?Yes, I do. / No, I don't.是的,我喜欢./不,我不喜欢.2. like doing sth. = like to do sth. 喜欢做某事.如:She likes helping / to help students.她喜欢帮学3. 短语:for breakfast / lunch / dinner / dessert 对早餐/ 午餐/ 晚餐/ 甜食来说running star 跑步明星lots of = a lot of 后既可接可数名词复数,又可接不可数名词 healthy food

13、健康食品Unit 7.1. How much are these pants? =What _s the price of these pants? 这条裤子多少钱?They 're twenty dollars.这条裤子 20 美元.How much is_this sweater? =What 4 the price of this sweater? 这件毛衣多少钱?JiJs 60 yuan.它60元.2. How much 力口不可数名词,how many 力口可数名词复数. 如:how much food, how many students3. Can I help you?

14、我能帮你吗?What can I do for you? 我能为你做什么?理安三超假设爆£4. Yes, please.是的,请吧. No, thanks.不了,谢谢.5. I want a sweater.我想要件毛衣.6. What color do you want? 你想要什么颜色?7. Here you are. =Here it is 给你这件毛衣 / 钱等.8. How much is it? / How much are they? 多少钱?9. I 'll take it. = I ll get it. = I ll have it.我买下它了.10. Th

15、ank you. / Thanks a lot.多谢.You're welcome. =That's all right.别客气.11. Come and buy =Come to buy . Go and see =Go to see12. Anybody can afford our prices. 任何人都能承当得起我们的价钱.13. 短语:at a good price 以合理的价格have a look at"看一看 =look at for girs / boys / sports.对姑娘/男孩/运动来说 sellto 把卖给 buy from 从 买 o

16、n sale在出售Unit 8.1. When is your / her / his birthday? 你的/她的/他的 生日是什么时候?My / Her / His birthday is May 14 th.我的/她的/他的生日是5月14日.此处无on2. How old are you? = What 's your age?你多大了 ? I'm 8. / I m 8 years old.我 8 岁了.3. Monday is the second day of the week.周一是一星期中的第二天.序数词前常有theIt s my eighth birthday

17、.序数词eighth前已有限定词 my,故不再加the.4. 短语:birthday party 生日聚会 English speech contest 英语演讲比赛music festival音乐节school day校庆日 school trip学校组织的旅行volleyball game排球比赛Unit 9.1. Do you / Does she want to go to a movie?你想 / 她想看电影吗?2. What kind of movies do you like? 你喜欢什么种类的电影?3. June really likes action movies.琼真的喜欢

18、动作片.really可修饰动词,但 very不能.4. Mike is English.迈克是英国人.注意English前无冠词an.5. I often go to movies with my friends. 我常和朋友起看电影.with , “用;和 起6. 短语:learn about学习有关 的知识Chinese history中国历史on weekends.在周末action movies 动作片 go to a movie 去看电影want to do sth.想要做某事7. 语法:并列连词and和or.都译为“和,or常用于否认句.and常用于肯定句.He likes P.E

19、. and art.他喜欢体育和美术.=He likes P.E. and he likes art.He doesn't like P.E. oLart. =He doesn 't like P.E. and he doesn't like art.or只用于连接否认句中的短语.假设连接两个否认句时仍用and,如后一句.Unit 10.1. Can you play the guitar? Can you dance / swim? 你会弹吉它 /跳舞 /游泳吗? Yes, I can. / No, I can't.是的,我会./不,我不会.2. I want

20、 to join the art / music club. 我想参加美术/音乐俱乐部.3. What club do you want to join? 你想参加什么俱乐部?4. Can you play the piano well? 你弹钢琴弹得好吗?5. Are you good with kids? 你善于和孩子相处吗? be good with sb.善于和某人相处6. May I know your name? 我可以知道你的名字吗?= What s your name?7. What can you do?你会做什么?8.短语:play the piano / the drum

21、s / the trumpet 弹钢琴/打鼓/吹喇叭乐器前有thechess / English / swimming / music club 象棋 / 英语 / 游泳 / 音乐俱乐部 a little 一点,一些修饰不可数名词.Unit 11.1 . What time do you/ does she usually go to school/ get up? 你通常何时上学 / 起床? I usually run/ She usually gets up at around 7:00. 我 / 她通常大约 7:00 跑步 / 起床.2 . When do people usually

22、eat dinner? 人们通常什么时候吃晚饭?3 .短语:in_ the morning / afternoon / evening 在早上 / 下午 / 晚上用介词 in 假设有其它修饰词,常用介词 on: on Sunday morning; on the evening of May 1 st.go home 回家 get home 至U家go to bed 上床睡觉take a shower 洗澡 get up起床best wishes致以良好的祝愿listen to music / me听音乐/听我说all day and allnight整天整夜brush teeth 刷牙 ta

23、ke the No. 305 bus to school 乘 305 路车去学校 write a letter to sb=write to sb =write sb. 给某人写信4 .时刻表达:分钟未过半点;7: 20,可以读作:seven twenty, 或twenty past seven12: 08,可以读作:twelve oh eight, 或 eight past twelve 分钟刚好半点:9: 30,可读作:nine thirty, 或half past nine 分钟超过半点:8: 46,可读作:eight forty-six, 或 fourteen _ nine5 . wh

24、at引导的感慨句的结构:what + a / an +形容词+名词+主谓What a clever boy he is!他是多么聪明的孩子啊!What an interesting book you have!你的书多么有趣啊!what +形容词+名词复数: What clever boys you are!你们是多么聪明的孩子啊! what +形容词+不可数名词: What difficult work it is! 那是多么困难的工作啊!6 .宾语从句的语序用陈述句的语序,见下文画线局部:I don't know when your birthday is. 不是 when is

25、your birthday Can you tell me where you come from?不是 where do you come fromUnit 12.1. What s your favorite subject? 你最喜爱的学科是什么?形容词性物主代词+favorite+名词,“最喜爱的.2. My favorite subject is science.我最喜爱的学科是科学.3. Why do you / does she like science? 你 / 她为什么喜欢科学?Because it s interesting.由于它有趣.4. Who is your art teacher? 谁是你的美术教师?5. When do you have math?你什么时候上数学?6. I have volleyball for two hours. 我打排球两个小时.for +时间段,“到达一时间7. 短语:TV show 电


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