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1、【英语】七年级英语上册任务型阅读压轴试题分类汇编及答案经典一、七年级英语上册任务型阅读专项目练习(含答案解析)1 .根据短文内容,完成时间表。Andy plays basketball for the children's basketball club. He usually gets up at around 5:30 andruns in his school from 5:40 to 6:40.After running , he has breakfast at 7 o'clock. For breakfast ,he eats some eggs and veget

2、ables. At around 8 : 00, he plays basketball with his friends. Theyplay basketball for around four hours. At about 12: 00, they have lunch. For lunch , Andy haslots of vegetables , chicken and fruit. At 3 o'clock in the afternoon , Andy goes to the children'sbasketball club. He is never late

3、 for the club. Then Andy has dinner at about 7:00.After dinner ,he watches basketball games on TV. Andy usually goes to bed at 10:30.TimeActivity5: 30gets up5: 40 to 6:40has breakfastaround 8 : 00about 12 : 00has lunch3: 00about 7: 00has dinner10: 30【答案】runs in the school ; 7:00;plays basketball; go

4、es to the children's basketball club ;goes to bed【解析】【分析】文章大意:介绍Andy忙碌的一天。(1)细节理解题。根据文中的语句He usually gets up at around 5:30 and runs in his schoolfrom 5:40 to 6:40.可知,Andy从5:40至U 6:40在学校跑步,故填run in the school。(2)细节理解题。根据文中的语句 AndyAI早晨七点钟吃早餐,故填(3)细节理解题。根据文中的语句After running , he has breakfast at 7

5、 o'clock. 理解可知,at 7:00。At around 8 : 00, he plays basketball with his friends. 可知,Andy在早晨八点钟与朋友一起打篮球,故填plays basketball o(4)细节理解题。根据文中的语句basketball club.理解可知,下午三点,(5)细节理解题。根据文中的语句上十点半去睡觉,故填 goes to bed 。At 3 o'clock in the afternoon , Andy goes to the children'sAndy要到篮球俱乐部,故填 goes to the

6、 children'sbasketball club 。Andy usually goes to bed at 10:30.理解可知,Andy 在晚【点评】考查任务型阅读。注意首先理解问题所问,带着问题从原文找到答案。2 .阅读下面的短文,然后根据其信息填写表格,每空一词。My name is Jack. I'm 25 years old. I think I can help you for your Beidaihe School Trip. I like sports. I can play basketball, soccer and tennis. And I lik

7、e music, too. I can sing and dance and play the drums. And I can also work on the computer. I believe (相信) I can help kids with these things. I like kids and want to be their friends. I'm a funny man. I'm sure children like me. Please offer (提供)me this job.NameAgeSports Jack can playHe can p

8、lay, soccer and tennis.Music Jack can do and playHe canand dance and play the.【答案】Jack; 25 (twenty-five ) ; basketball; sing; drums【解析】【分析】大意:本文是一篇找工作的自我推荐。(1)根据 My name is Jack.可知,姓名为 Jack。故答案为 Jack。(2)根据 I'm 25 years 01d.可知,年龄为 25。故答案为 25 (twenty-five)。(3)根据I can play basketball, soccer and te

9、nnis. 可知,他会打篮球、踢足球和打羽毛球。 故答案为basketball。(4)根据I can sing and dance .可知,他会唱歌。故答案为sing。(5)根据and play the drums.可知,他会打鼓。故答案为drums。【点评】考查任务型阅读,关键在看懂文章,然后根据题目要求作答,注意尽量用文章的 语言填写答案。在文章中找不到答案时,要完全理解句子,根据同义词,句型转换的方式 找到可以替换文章中的单词,短语或者句子的词。3 .根据短文内容,回答下列问题。It's June 6. It's Jenny's birthday. She com

10、es home and sees a card on the table. It says, "There is a present for you, Jenny. Go and look for it in your bedroom (比卜室)."Jenny runs to her bedroom. She sees a red box on her bed. She opens it. There is another (又一) card in it. Jenny takes it out and reads, "Dear Jenny, I'm you

11、r present. My first letter is in 'some', but not in 'come'. My second letter is in 'have', but not in 'save'. My third letter is in 'live', but not in 'love'.My fourth letter is in 'for', but not in 'of '. My fifth letter is in 'tak

12、e', but not in 'cake'. What am I?"Jenny thinks and then she says, "Aha, I know! But where is it?" Jenny finds (找至 U) it behind the door.(11) When is Jenny's birthday?(12) What does the card on the table say?(13) What does Jenny see on her bed?(14) What is Jenny's b

13、irthday present, do you know? Where is the present?【答案】(1) It's June 6.(2) It says, "There is a present for you, Jenny. Go and look for it in your bedroom."(3) A red box.(4) A shirt. It's behind the door.【解析】【分析】文章大意:六月六日是 Jenny的生日,她回到家中找生日礼物的故事。(1)根据It's June 6. It's Jenny

14、's birthday.可知Jenny的生日是 June 6六月六日,故答案为 It's June 6.(2) 根据 She comes home and sees a card on the table. It says, "There is a present for you, Jenny. Go and look for it in your bedroom(卧室)."可知桌子上的卡片上写着的内容, 故答案为 It says, "There is a present for you, Jenny. Go and look for it in

15、your bedroom."(3)根据 She sees a red box on her bed.可知在她的床上有一个红色的盒子。故答案为Ared box。(4) 根据 My first letter is in 'some', but not in 'come'. My second letter is in 'have', but not in 'save'. My third letter is in 'live', but not in 'love'. My fourth let

16、ter is in 'for', but not in 'of '. My fifth letter is in 'take', but not in 'cake'.可知谜底是 shirt,衬衣,故答案为 A shirt。(5)根据Jenny finds (找到)it behind the door.可知Jenny在门后面找到了它,故答案为 It's behind the door.【点评】考查学生的阅读理解能力,在通读全文的基础上,掌握大意,根据问题在文章中 找到具体的依据,锁定答案。4.任务型阅读There is a

17、new shopping mall near my school. It is very easy to find. It is near the bus stop and the taxi rank. The mall is very big. There are five floors of shops and each floor is very big. There are lots of clothes shops. It is great for girls. However, there are not many shops for boys. There is only one

18、 sports shop. I think the mall needs some more. There are lots of restaurants on the top floor. You can eat different kinds of food from different countries. I like Chongqing Restaurant best. It has great food from Sichuan. I like the big cinema. I like watching a film before I go shopping. I do not

19、 like the computer games center. It is small and there are too many people. The mall is a fun place to go. It is a good place to meet friends.A newmallWhereIt'sthe bus stop and the taxi rank.FiveThere are manyshops for girls. There isOnly oneshop.There are lots ofon the top floor.You can watch a

20、beforeshopping.The computer games center isn'tenough to hold too many people.I think it's a good place to meet.【答案】shopping ; near; floors; clothes; sports; restaurants; film; going; big; friends【解析】【分析】大意:本文介绍购物广场的一些情况,包括它的位置和设置。(1)本文主要介绍购物广场,shopping mall,购物广场,故填 shopping。(2)根据It is near t

21、he bus stop and the taxi rank. 可知,它在公交车站和出租车站附近,故 填 near。(3)根据 There are five floors of shops.可知,购物广场有 5 楼,故填 floors。(4)根据 There are lots of clothes shops. It is great for girls.可知,有许多卖女孩衣服的商 店,故填 clothes。(5)根据There is only one sports shop.可知,只有一家体育用品店,故填 sports。(6)根据There are lots of restaurants on

22、 the top floor. 可知,最顶上的一层楼有许多餐馆, 故填 restaurants o(7)根据I like watching a film before I go shopping.可知,购物之前可以先看电影,故填 film。(8)根据I like watching a film before I go shopping.可知,你可以购物之前先看电影,goshopping去购物,before介词,后接动名词,故填 going。(9)根据 It is small and there are too many people. 可知,电子游戏中心很小,is small 可以换成 isn

23、't big enough , 故填 big。(10)根据It is a good place to meet friends.可知,作者认为这是见朋友的好地方,故填 friends。【点评】考查任务型阅读,关键在看懂文章,然后根据题目要求作答,注意尽量使用文章 的语言填写答案。在文章中找不到答案是,要完全理解句子,根据同义词,句型转换的方 式找到可以替换的文章中的单词,短语或者句子的词。5.阅读下面的材料,完成后面的表格,每个空格只能填一个单词。I am a student of a middle school. My class teacher is Mrs. Green. She

24、 is more than 30 years old. She is our English and History teacher. She is strict (严格) and at the same time she is very kind.In our school, there is a playground. We do morning exercises, play basketball and volleyball there. Our PE teacher, Mr. Jackson teaches us to do ball games. He was once a suc

25、cessful sportsman. He is our hero. Our school also has a swimming pool. We take swimming lessons there.Our school building is very large and the school hall is on the ground floor. Every year, we have a prizegiving ceremony (颁奖典礼)in the hall.My schoolClassroomt is. On the ground floor, there is a. W

26、e have a prize 一buildinggiving ceremony there every year.PlaygroundWe do morning exercises, playand volleyball there.Swimming poolWe takelessons there.TeachersMrs. Green tus English and History. She is30 years old.She is strict and.Mr. Jackson is ourteacher. He teaches us to dogames. Hes our.【答案】 la

27、rge; hall; basketball; swimming; teaches; over; kind; PE; ball; hero【解析】【分析】主要讲了作者学校的教室、操场、游泳池和老师。(1)根据 Our school building is very large可知学校建筑物是非常大的,故填large。(2)根据 and the school hall is on the ground floor.学校礼堂在一楼,故填 hallo(3)根据 We do morning exercises, play basketball and volleyball there. 可知我们在操场上

28、做 早操、打篮球和排球,故填 basketball。4 4) 根据 Our school also has a swimming pool. We take swimming lessons there. 可知在游泳 池那上游泳课,故填swimming。5 5) 根据 My class teacher is Mrs. Green. She is more than 30 years old. She is our English and History teacher.可知格林老师教我们英语和历史,teach sb. sth.教某人某物,固定搭配,时态是一般现在时,主语 Mrs. Green是

29、单数,所以用单三 teaches,故填teaches。(6)根据 She is more than 30 years 01d.可知格林老师 30 多岁了,more than=over 超过,故 填 over。(7)根据 She is strict (严格)and at the same time she is very kind.可知格林老师是严格的 和友好的,故填 kind。6 8)根据 Our PE teacher, Mr. Jackson teaches us to do ball games.可知 Jackson 老师是我们的 体育老师,故填PE9 9)根据 Mr. Jackson t

30、eaches us to do ball games.可知Jackson老师教我们球类游戏,故填 ball。(10)根据He is our hero.可知Jackson老师是我们的英雄,故填 hero。【点评】考查任务型阅读,首先读懂题意,然后从文中仔细寻找答案。6 .根据短文内容,回答下列问题。Hi, I'm Wang Li. Today my father buys a new computer for me. It has a keyboard, a screen, a mouse and a printer. I am very happy because I can down

31、load(下载)some things from theInternet and print my homework. Do you know how to do your homework on the computer? Let me tell you! First, turn on the computer. Next, click the mouse on new document. Then, write your homework in the new document.Of course, I can play computer games on Saturdays and Su

32、ndays. I love the computer. What about you, my friend?(1) Who buys a computer for Wang Li?(不超过 2 个词)(2) Does Wang Li know how to use the computer?(不超过 3 个词)(3) What can Wang Li use the computer to do?(不超过 8 个词)【答案】 (1) Her /His father.(4) Yes, she/be does.(5) Download things, do homework and play co

33、mputer games.【解析】【分析】主要讲了王丽介绍了爸爸给她买的新电脑。( 1)根据 Today my father buys a new computer for me. 可知王丽爸爸给她买的电脑,不知道其性别,所以用 her/his ,故填 Her /His father. 。( 2)根据I am very happy because I can download (下载)some things from the Internetand print my homework. 可知作者会使用电脑,故填Yes, she/he does.。( 3)根据I am very happy be

34、cause I can download (下载)some things from the Internetand print my homework. I can play computer games on Saturdays and Sundays. 可知作者所有电 脑下载东西、做作业和玩电脑游戏,故填Download things, do homework and play computergames.。【点评】考查任务型阅读,首先读懂文章大意和题意,然后带着问题从文中仔细寻找答 案。7 根据短文内容,完成下列各题。In China, September 10th is a speci

35、al day. It's Teachers' Day. Teachers' Day began in 1985. It is a great day for all the teachers and also a happy time for us students. How do w e spend Teachers Day every year?On that day, we go to school early in the morning, and put a bunch (束) of flowers on our teacher's desk to g

36、ive him or her a big surprise. Some of us help him or her to do some easy work. And others stand at the school gate to say hello to teachers when they go into the school.In the afternoon, we have a party. We sing and dance with the teachers.All of us are very happy. The teachers say that the best re

37、ward (奖励,奖赏) for them is to see our great progress (进步) .( 1 ) When did Teachers' Day start?( 2 ) Which country celebrate Teachers' Day?( 3 ) what do we do on that day ?( 4 ) What is the best reward for teachers ?( 5 ) Do we sing and dance with the teachers in the afternoon?(1) In 1985.2) Ch

38、ina.3) Put a bunch of flowers on our teacher's desk, help him or her to do some easy work. And others stand at the school gate to say hello to teachers when they go into the school.(4) Our great progress. Yes.【解析】【分析】这篇短文给我们讲述的是中国的教师节,每年的 9月10日是教师节,学 生们和老师一起庆祝这个节日,他们帮助老师做一些简单的工作,在学校门口问候老师。老师说学生们

39、的进步是对老师最大的奖励。(1)根据短文中 Teachers' Day began in 1985r知,教师节是从 1985年开始的。(2)根据短文的开头 In China, September 10th is a special day 可知,在中国,9月10日是 一个特殊的节日,由此可知,是中国这个国家在 9月10日庆祝教师节。(3)根据短文第二段的内容On that day, we put a bunch (束)of flowers on our teacher ' sdesk Some of us help him or her to do some easy work

40、. And others stand at the school gate to say hello to teachers when they go into the school 可知,在教师节那天,我们在老师的桌子 上方一束鲜花、帮助老师做一些简单的工作、还有的人在学校门口问候老师。(4)根据短文的最后 The teachers say that the best reward (奖励,奖赏) for them is to see our great progress可知,学生们的进步是对老师对好的奖励。(5)根据短文中 In the afternoon, we have a party

41、. We sing and dance with the teachers 可 知,下午的时候,学生们和老师一起唱歌、跳舞。由此可知这个答案是肯定的。8.阅读下面“失物招领"和"寻物启事",回答下列问题。Lost:I lost my school ID card. The card number is 428668. My name isMike.Please call me at 685-6036.Found:A watch is in the classroom. It is a red watch. Is it yours? Email Cindy Brow

42、n at cindy .(1) What's Mike's telephone number?(2) What color is the watch?(3) What's the card number?(4) What's Cindy's last name?(5) Is that Cindy's watch?【答案】 (1) It's 685-6036./ 685-6036.(2) It's red./ Red / The watch is red.(3) It's 428668./ 428668.(4) It'

43、;s Brown./ Brown / Cindy's last name is Brown. No, it isn't.【解析】【分析】主要讲了 “失物招领"和"寻物启事"。(1)根据 My name is Mike.Please call me at 685-6036. 可知 Mike 的电话号码是 685-6036 , 故填 It's 685-6036./ 685-6036.(2)根据 It is a red watch.可知手表是红色的,故填 It's red./ Red / The watch is red.(3)根据 Th

44、e card number is 428668 可知学生证号码是 428668 ,故填 It's 428668./ 428668.(4)根据 Cindy Brown 可知 Cindy 的姓是 Brown,故填 It's Brown./ Brown / Cindy's last name is Brown.(5)根据第二篇 Found Email Cindy Brown at cindy .可知是 Cindy 捡到了手表, 所以不是Cindy的,故填No, it isn't.【点评】考查任务型阅读,注意从文中仔细寻找答案。9.任务型阅读A poor (贫穷的) m

45、an goes to a rich(富有的)man's house. On the way, he sees a boxunder a tree. He opens it and sees some apples in it.The man thinks, "I will have dinner in the rich man's house. He will give me nice food to eat. It will be very delicious." So he doesn't eat the apples. He throws th

46、em away(扔掉)The man walks on and comes to a river. He can't go across it. He waits for some time, but there is no boat coming. "What a bad day! I can't go to the rich man's house today," he thinks.The man has to go back home. He doesn't have any food at home. He is very hung

47、ry. He thinks of the apples. He goes back to the tree. He is very happy to see them near the tree, and he eats them quickly.The story tells us: Do not throw away good things; you may need them some other time.根据材料内容完成下列任务。判断正误,选择最佳答案,简要回答问题,将划线句子翻译成汉语。(1) The poor man sees some apples on a tree.(2)

48、The poor man is very hungry, so he goes home for dinner.(3) What does the word “delicious " meSn是)?A.实惠的iB.方便的C.快速的iD.美味的(4) Why can't the poor man go to the rich man's house?(5)将划线句子翻译成汉语。【答案】(1)00(3) D(4) Because he can't go across a river.(5)不要扔掉好东西,他日你可能会需要它们。【解析】【分析】短文大意:一个穷人在去

49、富人家的路上看到一个盒子,里面装满了苹果,但是他想,富人家里有很多好吃的东西,所以他就把苹果丢掉了。途中有一条河,他 等了很久都没有船出现,最终不得不回家。家里什么吃的都没有,他饿得不行,然后就想 到了苹果,然后又开心的回去吃了苹果。这个故事告诉我们:不要扔掉好东西,他日你可能会需要它们。11)这个穷人在树上看至U些苹果。根据 On the way, he sees a box under a tree. He opens it and sees some apples in it.可知苹果在盒子里,故答案为错误。(2)这个穷人很饿,所以他回家吃晚饭。根据 He doesn't hav

50、e any food at home.可知他在 家里什么都没有吃。故答案为错误。(3) " delicious是什么意思? 根据单词意思:delicious美味的,故答案为 D。(4) 为什么这个穷人没有去富人家?根据 The man walks on and comes to a river. He can't go across it. He waits for some time, but there is no boat coming. 可知,他遇至U了条河,而又没 有船。故答案为: Because he can't go across a river. Do

51、 not throw away good things; you may need them some other time. throw away 丢 掉some other time某些时候,故答案为:不要扔掉好东西,他日你可能会需要它们。【点评】任务型阅读的关键在看懂文章,然后根据题目要求作答,注意尽量用文章的语言 填写答案。10.任务型阅读CBilly doesn't go to school today . He wants to read a storybook . His brother bought (买) one for him yesterday . Billy l

52、ikes this book .Billy goes to his bookcase. The book is not there . Billy looks under the bed, but it isn't there . No, it isn't . He looks inside his schoolbag , but he still (仍然)can't find the book . Billy isn't happy . .Billy goes to the living room (客厅). His mom is reading a book

53、 on the sofa ."" asks Billy."Which one?" says his mom ."The one about a dog," says Billy ."It's in your brother's bedroom," says his mom . "I found it on the table after breakfast. I thought it was his book . ""Great! Thanks, Mom,"

54、says Billy .根据材料内容:从方框中选择合适的句子填入文中空缺处,使材料完整、通顺。A. Is it under the chair?B. Does he lose the book'?C. It is about a nice dog .D. So I put it in his bookcase .G. Mom, did you see my storybook?【答案】C; A; B; E; D【解析】【分析】A. Is it under the chair?它在椅子下面吗?B. Does he lose the book?他丢了书吗?C. It is about a

55、nice dog.它是关于一只漂亮小狗的。D. So I put it in his bookcase .所以我把它放在他的书柜里了。G. Mom, did you see my storybook?妈妈,你看到我的故事书了吗?(1)根据上文句子 He wants to read a storybook . His brother bought (买) one for him yesterday o和下文句子 Billy likes this book .可以推测这里是说这本书的内容的,与答案 C 相符,故答案选a(2)根据上文句子 The book is not there . Billy

56、looks under the bed, but it isn't there .和下文 句子No, it isn't.可知上文应该是一个 Is开头的一般疑问句询问书在某地的,与 A相符 合,故答案选Ao(3)根据上文句子 He looks inside his schoolbag , but he still (仍然)can't find the book. Billy isn't happy , 可知Bill到处找不到书,他不开心,他怀疑他把书弄丢了,与 B 选项符合,故答案选 Bo(4)根据上文句子 His mom is reading a book on

57、 the sofa. 下文句子 asks Billy. "Which one?" says his mom .可知这里是 Bill询问妈妈是否看到了他的故事书,与答案E相符合,故答案选E。(5)根据上文句子I thought it was his book .可知妈妈误认为书是Bill的哥哥的,就把书放在了他哥哥的书本I里,与答案D相符合,故答案选Do【点评】考查任务型阅读。要联系上下文,把所给的句子带入原文中看是否与上下文协 调,可运用排除的方法去做。11.任务型阅读I go to a birthday party on October 10th.It is for my

58、 friend , Alice. She is an English girl. But she learns Chinese in China. She is in my class. I buy a sweater for her. Lots of people come to the party. We play games. The happy thing for me is to eat. I eat a lot. When I get back home(回至U家),I am not well. I think I eat too much (太多). Next time (下次)

59、I will eat only one hamburger, not five.(1)判断:The birthday party is for Alice.(2)补充句子: Alice learns Chinese(3) What does the writer (作者)buy for Alice?(4) How many hamburgers does the writer eat at the party?(5)翻译划线句子:【答案】(1)1(5) in China(6) A sweater.(7) Five.(5)对于我来说开心的事情是吃东西。【解析】【分析】本篇文章是作者记录他去爱丽丝家去参加生日派对时候发生的事。(1) 根据文中“It is for my friend, Alice.那是为我的朋友,爱丽丝。可知生日派对是为爱 丽丝准备的。故正确。(2)根据文中 “But she learns Chines


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