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1、广西省南宁市英语试卷一、单选题(共10小题)1. . 一 Hello! Could I speak to Betty, please?Hello!A . Can you help me? B. Are you OK?C. This is Betty speaking. D. Have a nice day.2. 一 What' s your QQ number?一 is 355994127 .A. I B. HeC. It D. She3. Maori people in New Zealand touch when they meetA . trees B. nosesC. caps

2、 D. desks4. Jim sits behind me, so I sit him .A . at the top of B . at the end ofC. in the middle of D. in front of5. Look! Some visitors for the bus over there .A . are waiting B. is waitingC. waiting D. wait6. Nothing is than riding . I like it best .A . enjoyable B. more enjoyableC. most enjoyabl

3、e D . the most enjoyable7. The WWF is working hard the animals in danger .A . save B. to saveC. savesD. saved8. -Sorry, I won . I 't ll pick it upA . Try to keep the classroom clean .B. Don' t make any noise in publicC. Let' s pick up the litter on the groundD. Don' t throw litter ev

4、erywhere.9. We have been friends.A . last year B . one year agoC. since we met last year D. when we met last year.10. Have you ever heard of the news is about the Strawberry Concert?A . who B. what C. which D. when二、完形填空(共2小题)11.阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳答案。One day, a little schoolboy wen

5、t home w rith a pain in his stomach .“Well, sit down and _1_ a cake," said his mothYour stomach _2_ hurting because it ' sempty. It ' ll be all right when you' ve got something in itFive minutes later, Dad came home _3_ the office . And he said he had a headache."That' s be

6、cause your head is _4_,1. A. do2. A. is3. A. in4. A. fullB. buyB. areB . toB . emptyC . eatC. wasC. forC . bigD. sellD. wereD . fromD . smallsaid his cleve r sou' ll be all right if you have got _5_ in it. " His dad and mum laughed5. A . nothing B . everything C . something D . anything12.阅

7、读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳答案。Some people like to put their life in order . They are never late for work, they return their books to the library on time, they _1_ people' s birthdays and they pay their bills as soon as theyarrive . Mr. Robinson is _2_ a person.Mr Robinson works at a ban

8、k and lives alone . His sister live in the next town with her husband, and her son, Jack. Mr . Robinson doesn ' t visit his sister or her _3_ from one year to the next, but he _4_ Christmas cards to them, and he hasn' t forgotten each one of Jack .' s 20 birthdaysLast week Mr . Robinson

9、drove home from the bank at the _5_ time, driving neither too slow nor too fast. He parked his car where he _6_ parked it, out of the way of other cars and he went into the house to make _7_ evening meal. Just then there was a knock _8_ the door. Mr Robinson opened the door and found a policeman sta

10、nding on the doorstep .“What have I _9_ wrong? ” MRobinson asked himself in surprise, “Have I driven on the wrong side of the road? Has there been any trouble at the _10_? Have I forgotten to pay an important bill?“Hello,Uncle, “ said the policeman, “My name s Jack!”1.A.forgetB . refuseC.rememberD.

11、find2.A.soB. suchC.likeD.as3.A .friendB . familyC.motherD . father4.A .collectsB. asksC.,sendsD. hangs5.A.usualB. certainC.,otherD. busy6.A.neverB. sometimesC. alwaysD . hardly7. A. ourrB. theirC . herD . his8. A . downC. onD. by9. A . drivenB . doneC. parked D. opened10. A . doorstep B . townC . li

12、brary D . bank三、其他(共1小题)13. 根据表格内容,判断下列句子正误。正确为“T,”错误为“F;iPhoneHam PonerStar WaoRubik* s. Cube Totalsit«: 516 niiilio-n unitsiPhone usrs can listen to music, visi! websites and play games一 just by tQurhing the screent The iPhone 55 and 5C were the nvc top-selling stii.a_rtph&nes it,F止bmarv.

13、 2014. Total sales: 450 millioacopiesAs from mid-2013, about 450 mi Ilion Harry Poiwr books had been sold in 73 differed languages. This made ft rhe bot-sci ling book xriE系列)of all tim& Totalsals: 54.6 billtcn al thbox otGei5wr Wars is one of the best science Action film? in the US, Luke SltAvil

14、ker, a fknn bo trains to be a hero and save5 a princess and th.c galaxy. T<?talsaks: 350 million unit 3Forty years ago+ Hungarian Profess-or Emo Rubik wanted to find 2 wav to ttich stud mis geometry (A 何)-So he made tlie Rubik's Cube. Mats Vmlk frcni Holland is the fastest person ro solve a t

15、ube. It took him only 5.55 sccpnds!1. The two top-selling smartphones were the iPhone 5s and 5C in February, 20142. Harry Potter was the best-selling film series of all time .3. The hero is Star Wars saves a princess and the galaxy.4. Mats Valk invented the Rubik : s Cube5. The fastest person to sol

16、ve a cube is from the US .四、阅读理解(共3小题)14.阅读下面短文,从每题所给的四个选项( A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项。The American secret service began in 1865 . It has many important jobs . One is to stop different types of fraud (诈骗),such as printing fake (彳民的)money, credit card fraud and computer fraud . The other is to protect the pres

17、ident at all times .The secret service; s earliest job was to stop people from making fake money. The secret service agents (特工)still have to do that because the criminals (罪犯)are smarter now. They are better at using computers and other expensive equipment. But agents are much smarter.Protecting th

18、e president is hard . The most dangerous places are outdoors. Agents can ' t check every person in the crowd, so they must watch the crowd carefully . And they always follow the president. They' re just like the president “ow. ' s shadUnluckily, some people do want to give the president

19、trouble, or even hurt him . The secret service agents try to find them and stop them when they want to do something bad . It ' s a dangerous, but important job . The secret service helps keep the president and the country safe.1. The American secret service.A . isn ' t to protect the preside

20、ntB . makes fake credit cardsC. began in 1865D . has only one important job2. At the very beginning, the secret service' s job was toA . protect the presidentB . stop computer fraudC. watch the crowd carefullyD . stop fake money making3. When protecting the president, .A . agents must be careful

21、 at all timesB . agents don ' t always stay near himC. agents check every person in the crowdD . agents are afraid of indoor places most 4. The underlined word them " means theA . presidentsB. criminalsC. secret service agents- D. people in the crowd5. The hardest place to protect the presi

22、dent would be in.A . the White HouseB . a hotel roomC. a public park D . a main hall15 .阅读下面短文,从每题所给的四个选项( A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项。Time managements is the greatest challenge for me in high school . I have to take good care of my subjects, activities, social life and rest . I was often angry with my family

23、members just because I didn ' t plan my time well . For example, I might shout at them for troubling me when I was working . And sometimes I might say something bad to them when I missed deadlines, even if it was actually my fault for cramming everything in ( 把所有的事情堆积起来 )at the last minute .As t

24、ime goes by, I real ize that time management is very important in our everyday life . The best advice to deal with time management is“ brea k It iH tosortsally important for you to learn how tobreak a big project into small, manageable tasks . Then you can work progressively and have a sens e of ach

25、ievement whenever you ' ve done with a small partAnother piece of advice is to plan a timetable for yourself . It doesn ' t have to be the one that you follow completely . It ' s just there sterve as a guide. You can compare your actual timetable with the planned one to see how well you

26、actually use your time . The final suggestion is to always set deadlines for yourself .1. Why was the writer angry with the family members?A . The writer was weak in subjects .B . The writer didn ' t plan the time wellC. The writer had no chance to plan activities .D . The writer ' s social

27、life was boring2. For the writer, what ' s the best advice to manage time?A . To miss deadlines .B . To cram everything in at the last minute .C. To break a big project into bits .D . To follow the timetable completely3. According to the passage, which of the following is TRUE ?A . The writer st

28、udies in a university .B . It ' s impossible to break a big project into small tasksC. The writer always knows how to manage time well .D . A timetable can serve you as a guide .4. How many pieces of advice does the writer give?A . One.B. Two.C. Three.D. Four.5. What' s the best title for th

29、e passage?A . A Sense of AchievementB. Time ManagementC. A Timetable PlanningD. Deadline Setting16 .阅读下面短文,从每题所给的四个选项( A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项。How much do you know about the bird world?Birds use three gaits: walking, running and hopping .In walking, the left and the right feet move in turn ( 轮流).Each foot

30、is on the ground for more than half the time, so there are more times when both feet are on the ground . In running, each foot is on the ground for less than half the time, and there are more times when both feet are off the ground . In hopping, the feet move almost at the same time. This means that

31、 for much of the time both feet are off the ground .Middle-sized and large birds walk at low speed and either run or hop at higher speed. Small birds, such as sparrows and swallows, usually do not walk, because walking may be too slow for them . It seems that the more time a bird spends in trees, th

32、e more likely it is to hop . Perhaps there is wide space in a tree between one thin branch (树枝)and the next, so walking is not a good choice, while on each small branch there is enough room to set both feet down side by side, so hopping seems to make sense.1. How is the bird moving when both feet ar

33、e on the ground for more tha rn half ther time?A . By flying .B . By running .C. By walking .D . By hopping .B . Speeds of moving .feC. There is little room to set the birds et on.D . Branches are high in the air off the ground .4. Which of the following usually moves by hopping?A . A duck .B . A ch

34、icken .C. A snake.D . A sparrow .5. What does the underlined word gaits" mean?A . Directions of flying .C. Ways of moving .D . Times of staying in trees .五、信息匹配(共2小题)17.根据对话内容,从下面方框中选出五个适当的句子补全对话,其中有两项是多余的。A: Hi, Bill . I notice you are reading the novel again . 1B: Three times . Every time I r

35、ead it, I can learn something new .A: Really? Who wrote it?B: Richard Adams . 2 I like writers who have special opinions .A: Me, too . Could you please tell me more?B: OK . Richard wrote a book for his daughters in the early time . 3A: Sounds interesting . Where did you buy this book?B:4A: Is it far

36、 from here?B: No . 5 Just next to the People s CinemaA. Only 10 minutes7 walk from here»B What a woDderful 口口工 el!J ! the Rose Bookshop.A: Oh, I see . Thank you!D . He a great English uriter.£ How m any times h ave you read it?F 'ft'hatareycu doinghere?nG . In 1974, the book came o

37、ut and k became very popular.18.请根据所给句子的内容,从下面的方框中选出适当的词,并用其正确的形式填在答题卡相应的 横线上。每空一词,每词限用一次。cloud walk able hobby teach choose see pride rut er luckily1. My English is Miss Lane2. 一 What' s the weather like?It s3. Sam hopes to the film Big Hero 6 again .4. 一 What was Linda doing at that time? Oh,

38、she was going for a.5. 一 Do you like to go climbing at the weekend?- No. I like dancing and painting . They are my.6. Congratulations! You' re the winner-Thanks! It ' s my day today7. Last month, many boys the 1000-metre race in the PE test .8. I ' m very sorry I am to play tennis with y

39、ou after school.9. At the start of this term, Lingling was as our class monitor .10. We Chinese feel very of the China,. s astronauts六、选词填空(共1小题)19.请根据所给句子的意思,从下面的方框中选出可以填入句子中的单词,并将其字母标号填在答 题卡相应的横线上。A* canB-C .嗝七eED - sn enwenE. volleyballF. withG-mayH. nintte-cnI. Vrith outJ. dailv1. Can you play/?

40、2. Class 2 has/girl students .3. Excuse me,/I have a look at your photos?4. He often reads/newspapers in the morning .5. Do you like books/pictures or conversations?七、阅读填空(共1小题)20.请根据对话内容,在下面的空白处填入适当的词,使对话完整与正确,并将答案填在答题卡相 应的横线上。每空一词。A: Wake up, Mum! Smoke! There is a fire in the kitchen .B: Oh, my G

41、od!1 the fire station right nowA: What should we do 2 the firemen arrive?B: Stay calm . Wet a towel (毛巾)and 3 your month with it . And keep 4 of thefires.A: OK! Can we take a lift?B: Of course 5, baby! Come on! This way, downstairs!A: Look, Mum! Here come the firemen! Wd re safe now八、书面表达(共1小题)21.随着

42、南宁国际知名度的逐步提高,越来越多东盟国家的学生想了解南宁中学生的校园生活。请你用 英语写一篇小短文,简要介绍你们的校园生活。写作要点:1.校园环境;2 .文体活动及英语课外活动;3 .学习或生活的感受。写作要求:1. 80词左右;4 .文中不得出现校名和人名,否则不得分;5 .写作要点齐全;紧扣要点,可适当发挥。Our School Life答案部分1 .考点:交际用语试题解析:根据语境我么可以看出这是打电话用语,那么在回答我是的时候,应该使用Thisis speaking答案: C2 .考点:代词不定代词试题解析:It代表的是电话号码。答案: C3 .考点:名词试题解析:句意:新西兰的毛利

43、人见面的时候碰鼻子。答案: B4 .考点:词组短语试题解析:句意:吉姆坐在我的后面。那么我就应该是坐在他前面的。固执选D答案: D5 .考点:现在进行时试题解析:主语是 visitors 可知谓语动词用复数形式。再结合look 这个词,可以推断出此时动作正在发生。故用现在进行时态。答案: A6 .考点:形容词 试题解析:在 than 前面用形容词的比较级。答案: B7 .考点:非谓语动词试题解析:句意:WWF 正在努力去挽救那些处于危险中的动物。答案:B8 .考点:交际用语试题解析:根据答语得知,第一个人再说不应该到处乱认垃圾。答案: D9 .考点:现在完成时试题解析:根据have been

44、friends得知,只能选 C.因为其余三项都是一般过去时的时间状语。答案: C10 .考点:定语从句试题解析:先行词是news指物,在定语从句中做主语,所以使用关系代词which答案: C11 .考点:教育类试题解析:1根据句意可知小男孩说胃疼,他的妈妈说他是饿的,于是让他坐下来吃拿点东西。2.主语是stomach,是单数形式,时态应该是一般现在时。3根据句意可知,爸爸从办公室回家来了。4根据语境,小男孩说肚子疼,他妈妈说他独自空,他的爸爸说他头疼,所以孩子说他爸爸头里 空。5根据句意可知,如果你在里面装点东西,你的头就好了。答案:1-5 CADBC12.考点:日常生活类试题解析:1.根据句

45、意可知,这类人生活非常循规蹈矩,所以此处应该是他们记得别人的生日。2 .这里表达的意思是罗宾逊先生就是这样一个人。Such a person3 .根据句意可知,罗宾逊先生不太经常去看他的姐姐和他的家人,通过代词she我们可以看出。4 .根据句意可知这里表达的是他每年都给他们寄卡片,故选 C.5 .句意可知,那天罗宾逊先生按照通常的下班时间下班回家。6 .句意:他把车停在了他经常听的位置上。7 .句意:罗宾逊先生回到家做他的晚饭。8 .此处的意思是有敲门声,故选 C9 .根据句意可知,这里表达的是我做错了是什么事情了吗?10 .根据文章开头可知选 D.答案:1-5. CBBCA 6-10 CDC

46、BD13 .考点:判断正误试题解析:1 .根据第一段介绍的文字我们可知他们是2014年2月最畅销的智能手机。2.根据得知。b«en sold in 73 diiterent language即 This made it the b«st-seIing bock series(系列) of all time,Luke Skvvalker. a farm bov. trains to be a hero and save a3.根据.得知。pnncc&s md the galaxv.Rubik's Cube. Mats Valk from Holland is

47、the fastest person to 4 根据 soh+e & cube. It took him only 5 55 seconds?*Rubik's Cube Mats Valk from Holland is the fastest person To 5 根据 solve a cube. It tock himonlv 5.55 seconds!答案:1-5 TFTFF14 .考点:日常生活类阅读试题解析:1. 根据 The American secret service began in 1865 ,得知。2. 根据 The secret service 

48、9; s earliest job was to stop people fromgmake money . 得知。3. 根据 Protecting the president is hard . The most dangerous places are outdoors. Agents can ' t check every person in the crowd, so they must watch the crowd carefully . And they always follow the president. They' re just like the pre

49、sident . 得矢s (shadow4根据Unluckily, some people do want to give the president trouble 得知。5根据第三段的叙述我们可知特工保护总统主要是惧怕户外,他们不能搜查每个人。所以可知在公园里是最难的地方。答案:1-5 ADADC15.考点:教育类阅读试题解析:1. 根据 I was often angry with my family members just because I didn 得知。 t plan my time well2. 根据 The best advice to deal with time man

50、agement is“ breOkt Jnto bits”3. 根据 It ' s just there to serve as a gujdel知。4根据 The best advice to deal with time mana gement is “ break it into b its- Another”piece of advice is to plan a timetable for yourself - The final suggestion is to always set deadlines for yourself 得知。5我们可以看出这篇文章主要讲述时间的管

51、理问题,所以可知答案。答案: 1-5 BCDCB16 .考点:自然/生物类试题解析:1 根据 In walking, the left and the right feet move in turn ( 轮流) Each foot is on the ground for morethan half the time, so there are more times when both feet are on the ground In running, each foot is on the ground for less than half the time 得知。2根据In hoppin

52、g, the feet move almost at the same time This means that for much of the time bothfeet are off the ground 得知。3根据 Perhaps there is wide space in a tree between one thin branch (树枝 ) and the next, so walking is not a good choice, while on each small branch there is enough room to set both feet down si

53、de by side, so hopping seems to make sense. 得知。4 hopping 的意思是单脚跳,所以根据四个选项我们可以看出只有第四项麻雀才会单脚跳。5通读全文我们可以看出这篇文章主要就是讲鸟移动的三种步法。答案:1-5CBADC17 .考点:补全对话试题解析:1.根据下文的回答“Three timesT知。2根据此处的语境我们可以看出我们可以知道这里说的是这位作家,所以可知这里介绍的是这位作家。3根据上下文的语境我们可以看出我们可以知道这里谈论的是他写的那本书。4根据Where did you buy this book? 得知。5根据Is it far f

54、rom here? 可知。答案:1-5EDGCA18.考点:信息匹配试题解析:1 .根据句意:我的英语老师是Lane.可知。2这里是说天气状况的,所以使用形容词。3 hope to sth:希望做某事4 go for a walk: 散步5此处的意思是说跳舞和画画是我的爱好。6根据句意; 今天是我的幸运日。7句子的时间状语是last month 所以我们呢应该使用一般过去时态。8根据句意:很抱歉放学后我不能和你一起去打网球。9根据句意:这学期初,琳琳被选为我们班班长。10 be/feel proud of: 为感到自豪答案:pround1 teacher2 cloudy3 see4 walk5

55、 hobbies6 lucky7 entered8 unable9 chosen1019.考点:词语运用试题解析:1 play basketball/volleyball2 Seventeen/nineteen girl students3我可以看看你的照片吗?4 Weekly/daily newspapers5 with/without pictures答案: 1. B/E 2. D/H 3. A/G 4. C/J 5. F/I20.考点:单词拼写试题解析:1 根据句意可知此处是祈使句。根据句子语境可知应该是打电话报警。2根据句意可知:在消防员到来之前我们因该怎么做。3句意:保持冷静,把毛巾

56、弄湿,用它把嘴捂上。4. keep out of:不进入,远离5根据This way, downstairs! 得知。答案: 1 Call2 before3 cover4 out5 not21.考点:提纲作文试题解析:这篇文章主要分三部分:1 校园环境;2文体活动及英语课外活动;3学习或生活的感受。,时态要用一般现在时。答案:Our School LifeOur School is located in downtown Nanning and covers a largearea There are many tall trees standing around our school and a beautiful lakes in the central square Here, in our schoolyard you can breathe the fresh air and really let yourself enjoy the beauty Besides the beautiful environment, the students in our school also h


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