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1、退回丈夫的女人当然 作品的名字是向这个地方致敬Of course,the title is a nod to the place.但更具体来说But more specifically,是向建设了美国的移♥民♥女性致敬it's a nod to the immigrant womenwho make America,这是通过来自她们原籍国的纺织品传达的as told through the textilesfrom their country of origin.这些女性比如我的母亲 就是这位Women like my mother righ

2、t here.你能不能再给我们讲讲Can you tell us a bit more这件作品的材料来源?about the sourcing of the materialsfor this piece in particular?好 我们是从世界各地进口的Yeah. We importedthem from all over the world.都是围绕着It's all surrounding(萨雷娜米什拉 2021年近期作品)你跟那个保安聊天的时间You spent more time talkingto that security man比跟你女儿和她朋友聊的时间都长than

3、 you did to Sareena and her friends.莫里斯 他是从塞内加尔来的 人不错Maurice, from Senegal. Nice man.我真为你的行为难为情I'm so ashamed of your behavior.-你想热多久?50秒?-还是45秒吧-How long do you want? Fifty seconds?-Let's say 45.你干嘛这么大惊小怪的?Why are you making such a problem?我没有 你才是I am not. You are.我终于出去做点新鲜的事情Finally I get

4、out of this houseto do something new认识一些新的人 可是不行and meet new people, but no.不行 相反 你想回家的时候我们就得回家No! Instead, we come homewhen you want to come home做这些一成不变的无聊事情to do the same old,same old bloody, darn thing.你没必要离开 你可以搭德士回来You didn't have to leave.You could have taken a cab home.给 接着Here. Take it.不

5、够热的话告诉我And tell me if it's not warm enough.挺好的 天啊 我不知道你为什么发脾气It's fine. Geez.I don't know what's gotten into you.这太荒谬了This is beyond ridiculous.我需要叉子 亲爱的I'll need a fork, darling.祝你生日快乐Happy birthday to you阿努 祝你长命百岁、幸福快乐May you have a long and happy life, Anu.愿神明保佑你 也保佑维卡斯May the

6、 gods bless you and bless Vikas,给你们很多很多年的and give you many, many,many more years of-哎呀 阿努 你在哭吗?Arre, Anu, are you crying?没有No.别因为变老而难过 我们都在变老Don't be upset becauseyou're getting old. We all are.-对 是的-是的 瞧瞧纳里尼-Yeah. Yes!-Yes. Look at Nalini.以前多么美丽 现在看起来多么疲惫Used to be so beautiful,now looking

7、so tired.医生说我贫血Doctor says I'm anemic.不 是维卡 我受够他了No, it's Vik.I've really had it with him.-算了-天啊-Come on.-Goodness gracious.-马努在用这些软件-我不知道-Manu is on these apps.-I don't know what他发出这种声音He's making this sound.不这次我是认真的No, no.I am serious this time.昨晚在萨雷娜的艺术展上我看到女儿过着自♥由&

8、amp;hearts;的生活Last night at her artist show,I saw my Sareena living her life so free.然后果不其然维卡无缘无故地要我们早回家And then of course, Vik made uscome home early for no reason.我给他做晚饭 然后I serve him dinner, and it's-每天都是一成不变的老一套我感觉被困住了it's just the same routine day in,day out, and I feel so trapped.是 可是婚

9、姻难道不就是Yes, but what is marriage两个人同意被困在一起的协议吗?if not an agreement for two peopleto be trapped together?可我当时知道吗?But did I know that?我根本不知道婚姻是怎么回事就结了婚I got married without even knowingwhat it would be like.我那时太年轻、太愚蠢I was so young, so stupid.我们都是 包办婚姻都是这样We all did. That's just what was done.现在除了忍

10、♥ 还能做什么?What to do now but endure it?那我们点菜吧?Shall we order, then?可是 普什帕 不 我不想只能忍♥But, Pushpa, no,I don't wanna just endure it.我想过得快乐 而维卡在妨碍我I wanna be happy,and Vik is holding me back.哎呀 妨碍你什么?Arre, from what?你觉得你错过了什么重要的事?What grand old thingyou think you're missing?我6

11、0岁了 每天做的事就是满足他的需求I'm 60 years old, and all I dois attend to his needs,而他从来不满足我的需求and he never attends to any of mine.我知道不一定非要这样And I know it doesn't have to be this way.你可以退货呀You could return him.-什么?-乌达娅-What?-Udaya,你胡说些什么呀?what rubbish are you saying?在美国 如果你不喜欢你的丈夫In America,if you don'

12、;t like your husband,就可以去退货 换一个新丈夫simply exchange him and get a new husband.不 这不行No. This will not do.我只想说 阿努如果你不快乐 就让自己快乐起来All I'm saying is, if you're not happy,Anu, make yourself happy.快乐?Happy, happy?如今人们太在意快乐了Nowadays people care too much about that.人生不仅仅只有快乐Life isn't all about hap

13、piness.人生还要忍♥受艰难困苦Life is about enduring hard things.现在我们可以点菜了吧Now can we please order some food不然我要饿晕了before I collapse from starvation?我的肚子咕咕叫了My stomach is making gurra, gurra, gurra.不好意思 我们要点菜了Excuse me? We're ready here.我能不能给大家点菜?那样会快一些Can I please order for everyone?It'll be

14、 quicker.(丈夫质保单)你今天退货的原因是什么?And what's the reasonfor your return today?原因?The reason?是的 女士 你退回丈夫的原因是什么?Yes, ma'am. What's the reasonfor returning your husband?从何说起呢?Where to start?是 大概归根结底是我希望在人生接下来的20年中Yeah, I guess it boils down to melooking at the next 20 years of my life,过一种不同的生活当然老天

15、要保佑我能再活20年God willing,and wanting something different.没有我的 说出来呀你想过一种没有我的生活From me. Just say it.You want something different from me.我们的选项有“尺寸不对”“制♥造♥缺陷”、“送货迟误”Our options are: "does not fit,""manufacturing defect," "arrived late,"“货到损坏”、“不合适”"

16、arrived damaged," "not suitable."就说“不合适”吧Just say "not suitable"不再合适了anymore.对了 我还有这个Yeah, I also have this.不知道你要不要这叫什么来着 丈夫质保单?Don't know if you need the-What's it called, the husband's warranty?是的 谢谢Oh, yes. Thanks.哇 37年婚姻Wow. Thirty-seven years of marriage.我知道

17、这结束了 不过这还是了不起的成就呢I know it's donezo, but still,that's quite an accomplishment,所以祝贺你们so congrats on that.谢谢Thank you.那么 接下来怎么办?So, what now from here?是这样 我们会把你维卡斯先生 带到后面去Well, we'll take you,Mr. Vikas, right here into the back,根据年龄、质量、历史、相关技能进行价格评估assess for pricing based on age,quality,

18、history, relevant skills好吧Okay.关于我的技能 别听我妻子说的因为我有很多技能Don't listen to what my wife says aboutmy skills, because I have many skills.我知道很多地理知识 我I know a lot about geography, I-然后我们会改善你的外观做任何必要的整修Well, then we'll shine you up,do any necessary refurbishments然后让你回到卖♥♥场 作为二手货品

19、销♥售♥before putting you back out on the floorfor resale purposes.回到卖♥♥场?Back out onto the floor?就在这里 我们的丈夫区Right here, our husbands section.(丈夫)好吧 阿努 这我想该说再见了Okay, Anu.Well, I guess this is me.好吧 谢谢你 维卡Okay. Well, thank you, Vik.好吧All right, well(退货)好吧All r

20、ight.我叫易卜拉欣 欢迎I'm Ibrahim. Welcome.嗨 我叫萨尔Hey. I'm Sal.我叫维卡斯I'm Vikas.写下最后一个换货号♥码Taking down one last numberfor your exchange,然后你们俩就正式分手了and then you twowill officially be finito.换货?不 我不想要另一个丈夫Exchange? No, no.I don't want another husband.我只能为你提供在店内换价值相同或更低的I'm afraid I

21、 can only offer youan in-store exchange for a husband丈夫或妻子的服务or wife of same or lesser value.但我查过了 协议条款说But I looked it up,and the terms of agreement said-很不巧Unfortunately,那不适用于1986年之前在境外购买♥♥的货物that doesn't apply to out-of-countrypurchases made before 1986.纸巾?Tissue?谢谢Thank

22、 you.你想看电视吗?Do you wanna watch TV?好呀 你想做什么都行Sure. Whatever you'd like to do.好吧 看新闻怎么样?Okay. How about the news?看新闻太好了News is just perfect.官员们指出如果在下周初Officials noted thatif both parties are not back双方不回到谈判桌上at the bargaining tableby early next week,那么在自我设定的最后期限前chances are not goodat reaching a r

23、esolution达成解决方案的希望就会十分渺茫before the self-imposed deadline arises.罢♥工♥酒店的发言人今天说The spokespersonfor the striking hotel workers said today.员工们仍对达成新合同持乐观态度The rank and file remains optimisticthat a new contract can be agreed upon我在遇到维卡前想当画家I wanted to be a painter before I met Vik.我

24、想这是我选择你的原因I think that's why I chose you.我感到受宠若惊你是一个很前卫的女人 知道吗?I'm flattered. You're a rad woman, youknow that?你一直想成为艺术家吗?Have you alwayswanted to be an artist?没有 不可能No. No way.让我想想Let's see.我做过日营辅♥导♥员、冰淇淋销♥售♥员I've been a day camp couns

25、elorand an ice cream scooper.我在西尔斯百货的库房♥工作过I worked at Sears in the stockroom.我很喜欢西尔斯百货I love Sears.然后在大学里 我做过太多工作了Then in college, I did a million things.我做过校园导游我在哥斯达黎加一个高空滑索工作过I was a campus tour guide.I worked a zip line in Costa Rica.说来话长Long story.有个暑假修理办公椅 这说来话更长了Spent a summer fixi

26、ng office chairs.Longer story.我做过模特I did some modeling.你做过模特?You were a model?很短的时间Briefly.什么 是服装模特吗?What, like a fashion model?加油 阿努 你能行的Come on, Anu. You got this.不 我不行 都是垃圾No, I don't. It's all rubbish.不都是垃圾It's not all rubbish.这样吧 我来看看Here, I'm gonna come see.这很棒 很棒 真的很棒This is g

27、reat. It's great.It's really, really great.好吧 你越是说“真的很棒”Yeah. The more you say"really, really great,"我就越是知道你在说谎the more I know it's all lies.是很棒 作为第一次尝试已经很不错了 很有活力It is. It's an awesome first effort.It's dynamic.真的 你透视画得不错 对吧?Yeah, your perspective'sall at play, rig

28、ht?比例也都正确Your proportions are all happening.-没关系 你可以放松-我很放松-It's okay, you can relax.-I am relaxed.真的吗?你的肩膀都耸到耳朵这里了Really? 'Cause your shouldersare all the way up by your ears.真有意思 我妈妈以前也是这样It's funny,my mom's used to be like that too.我让你想起你妈妈了吗?Do I remind you of your mom?有一点 不过不是令人

29、不适的那种A little, but, like, not in a creepy way.“对我而言 运动不仅是锻炼身体它有疗愈效果”"For me, exercise is more than physical.It's therapeutic,"米歇尔奥巴马说的Michelle Obama.我一直想健身Well,I've always wanted to get in shape.“你必须运动不然在某个时间你就会垮掉”"You have to exercise or at some point,you'll just break do

30、wn,"当然是巴拉克奥巴马说的 跑起来Barack Obama, obviously. Let's go!加油 你能行Come on, you can do it!五、六、七、八Five, six, seven, eight!出拳、踢腿、出拳、踢腿Punch, and knee. Punch, and knee.决定、承诺、成功Decide, commit, succeed.决定、承诺、成功Decide, commit, succeed.记住 耐心等待的人才会有好结果Remember, good thingscome to those who wait.-加油 动起来-我知道

31、-Come on! Move it!-I know.出拳Punch and punch!这很好which is nice,因为维卡唯一移♥动♥的距离只有从厨房♥到躺椅because the only place Vik ever movedwas from the kitchen to the La-Z-Boy.劳尔 你在听我说吗?Raoul, are you hearing me?阿努 你不觉得烤饼上抹了太多黄油吗?Anu, don't you think that'sa little too much but

32、ter on your chapati?你该先来问问我You should have asked me.我可以告诉你这些人里面谁是懒汉I could've told youwhich fellows were the loafers.阿努 你看见那个可怜的家伙了吗?You see this poor bastard here, Anu?戴棒球帽的?The one in the baseball hat?对 很差劲 已经减价四次了Haan. No good.Reduced his price four times.不会吧No.还没有人买♥♥你吗

33、?No one taken you off the shelf yet?目前还是看的人多Just a lot of window shopping so far.但这给了我一些时间 让我看到我But it's been giving me timeto see that I-我全身上下需要做一些改变I need to make, you know,a couple changes here and there.是吗?Oh, yeah?是 我跟萨尔和易卜拉欣聊了很多Yeah. I've been talking a lotwith Sal and Ibrahim.易卜拉欣的工作是

34、家庭心理治疗师Ibrahim is a family therapist by trade.我想弄明白我哪里做错了Trying to figure outwhere I went wrong and-也许你退回我的时候说的话是对的and maybe what you saidwhen you were returning me was right.也许我们不再适合对方了Maybe we weren't suitablefor each other anymore.我现在明白了我本来需要做出那些I can see now that I neededto make these, you k

35、now调整 可是我没有adjustments, and I didn't.我也对自己有了更多了解I have been learning a lotabout myself as well.我终于意识到我一直在错误的地方寻找快乐I finally realized I've been lookingin the wrong direction for happiness.-真的?-是 我需要在内心寻找-Really?-Yeah. I need to look within.我需要弄明白自己是谁I need to figure out who I am.独自一人会让我快乐Bein

36、g alone that will make me happy.对 也许这样最好Right, right. Maybe that is for the best.祝你好运Good luck with that.谢谢 维卡Thank you, Vik.我得走了 我会I gotta go. I will-也许下周我再顺道来看你-好的-I'll drop in and see you next week maybe.-All right.-好的-对-Okay.-Right.-再见-好的 再见-Bye.-Okay, bye.(独自游遍意大利)韦尔纳扎Vernazza.真理之口Bocca del

37、la Verità.你好漂亮Ciao bella.意粉培根蛋面Spaghetti carbonara.欢迎来到我的蓝色陋舍Welcome to my humble,blue abode.这就是我刚才说的前院花♥园♥This is whatI was talking about, the front garden.我相信你已经见过一百万次了I'm sure you've seen thisjust a million times.我是说 你可以看见I mean, you just look.嗨 阿努Hi, Anu!来 能帮我拿

38、一下吗?Here, can you hold this for a minute?阿努 你去哪了?Anu, where'd you go?-嗨-你没事吧?-Hi.-Are you okay?你刚才好像摔倒了It looked like you fell down.嘿 我刚刚从商店捡了哇 一个大便宜Hey, I just picked up- Wow!A steal of a deal at the store.其实 我一直以来就很喜欢他Actually, I've always sorta had a crushon him.而且价格便宜到离谱 老实说 我不能错过And it

39、was such a bargain,I just couldn't pass it up, frankly.会不会有些尴尬?Is it gonna be awkward?不 行了 根本不尴尬No, come on. Not awkward at all.太好了Good, good.是啊 我当时就想不会的因为 是啊 是你把他退了Yeah, I didn't think so, because, yeah,you're the one who returned him.是啊 就Yeah, yeah. Just-是-是-Yeah.-Yeah.你把他退了You returne

40、d him.我买♥♥了他I picked him up.所以这个前院花♥园♥是个失败So, this front gardenis just kind of a washout.我认为我们应该去看看后院I think we oughta look at the back因为后院好看得多because some really good thingsare happening in the back.进来吧Come on in.-好吧-那太好了-Well, okay.-That's just great

41、.嗨 阿努Hi, Anu.你来做什么?What are you doing here?嗨 芭芭拉Hi, Barbara.我在家里做了大扫除I have just been doingsome cleaning up at home想把这箱维卡的旧衣服送过来万一他需要呢and wanted to drop by this box ofVik's old clothing in case he needs it.你真好Well, that is just so nice of you.这很重 其实It's quite heavy, actually.我可以进来给你放下 如果你愿意I

42、 can come in and put it down if you like.不 他不需要这些了Yeah. No. He won't be needing that.-不需要?-不-No?-No. Oh, no.我给维卡斯买♥♥了全新的衣服I bought Vikas all new clothes.维卡斯?Vikas?-芭比?-怎么了?-Barbie?-Yeah?-没事吧?-看起来很帅-Everything okay?-Whoo! Looking good.你好 阿努Hello, Anu.他是不是很帅?Doesn't he lo

43、ok great?这样吧Yeah, you know what?我觉得我们现在还没准备好接待不打招呼就来的访客I think that maybe we're not readyfor unannounced visits quite yet.你说什么?Excuse me?我认为我们需要再多一点时间I think that we need a little more time让大家习惯这个新常态for everyone to getused to this new normal.我就知道你会同意 再见I knew you'd agree. Bye-bye.你还好吗?最近在做什么

44、?How you hanging in there, Mom?What have you been up to?有好多事情 我的萨鲁Well, so many things, my Saru.我想想Let's see. Let's see.我在做一些园艺I've been doing some gardening好 下一句Okay, the next phrase,“我想要一间 双人房♥”"I would like a room for two."好的All right.我想要一间双人房♥Je voudra

45、is une chambre pour deux.会了吗?Got it?我想要一间双人房♥Je voudrais une chambre pour deux.说得好 我们真棒Good job. We're good.在读一些书catching up on some reading观鸟some bird watching好 你知道我为你感到骄傲Well, just know I'm really proud of you.也许什么时候我们甚至可以来个四人约会Maybe we can even goon a double date sometime.我在努力

46、慢慢地I'm trying. Slowly, slowly.你准备好了就告诉我Whenever you're ready.市中心有家新寿司店 我觉得你会喜欢There's this new sushi placedowntown I think you'd like.-天啊 妈妈 你没事吧?-我回头打给你-Oh, my God. Mom, are you okay?-I-I'll call you back.哎呀 糟了 芭芭拉 你没事吧?Arre. Oh, no. Barbara, are you okay?我真抱歉 我没看见你I'm so so

47、rry.I didn't see you there.你怎么能没看见我 阿努?你没有后视镜吗?How could you not see me, Anu?Don't you have a rearview mirror?我走神了I was distracted.你知道 我现在才慢慢开始习惯开车You know, I'm just gettingused to this driving thing,因为我们在一起的时候总是维卡开车'cause Vik used to doall the driving when we were together.好吧 行吧 好Ok

48、ay. All right. Yeah.听着 至少让我把你扶回家Look, at least let me help youback into the house.我肯定你想那样 不是吗?不用 谢谢 我没事I'm sure you'd love that,wouldn't you? No, thank you. I'm fine.不要 谢谢 我没事No! Thanks. I'm fine.该死 天啊 见鬼Son of a gun! God, dang it.维卡斯 亲爱的 来帮帮我Vikas! Honey, a little help.-是阿努干的-来吧

49、 好-Anu did this.-Come on. Okay.好了All right.-可以吗?谢谢 好的-可以 好吧 来吧-Can I? Thank you. All right.-Yes. Okay, come on.你行吗?You got it?-靠在我身上-开什么玩笑-Yeah, just lean on me.-You've got to be kidding me.去死吧Go to hell.谢谢我们热情的观众And thank youto all of our wonderful guests,谢谢在家里观看节目的各位and thank you at home for w

50、atching.-嗨 克拉克-啊 阿努-Hey, Clark.-Anu.你正好赶上情人节促销Just in time for Valentine's Day.我们的丈夫区有清♥仓♥大减价Huge closeout in ourhusbands aisle.不用 谢谢No, thank you.维卡?Vik?怎么回事?What happened?芭芭拉退回了我 说婚姻生活不适合她Barbara returned me.Said married life wasn't for her.还穿着她给你买♥&hea

51、rts;的夹克 看上去像个英雄Still wearing the jacket she gave you,looking like a hero.我需要一切帮助 所以I need all the help I can get, so别 不要 不要看我的标价No, no, don't. Don't look at my price.不行 维卡 这价格太低了No, Vik. This is too low!我已经被退回两次了所以现在是“跳楼价商品”了I've been returned twice, so I'm,I'm "bargain base

52、ment" now.过来坐下 来嘛Come, sit. Here.嘿 想喝点冰饮吗?Hey, want something cool to drink?你为什么为她做出了改变?Why did you change for her?什么?What?37年来 我为你做了一切 而你停止了Thirty-seven years I've done everythingfor you, and you stopped doing为我做任何事anything.然后你去和芭芭拉生活突然之间你变成了勤快的约翰尼And then you go live with Barbara,and sudd

53、enly you're Johnny Mr. Helpful.“快看我 为芭芭拉做饭 为芭芭拉打扫"Look at me,cooking for Barbara, cleaning for Barbara,为芭芭拉梳她日渐花白、稀疏的头发”brushing Barbara's graying, sh-thinnish hair."-那么你在监视我们了?-住嘴-So, you were- you were spying on us?-Be quiet.我又没像詹姆士邦德似的爬排水管道It's not like I was James Bond,shim

54、mying up a drainpipe.-詹姆士邦德才不爬呢-你知道我的意思-James Bond doesn't shimmy.-You know what I mean.我们刚结婚的时候 我会修理东西When we were first married, I would fixsomething,而你只会说:“你什么那样修理?”and all you could say is,"Why- Why did you fix it like that?"我做什么都是错的Everything I did was wrong只是因为我没有按你的方式去做just beca

55、use it wasn't donethe way you would do it.我做的任何事在你眼里都不够好 所以我Nothing I did ever seemed to begood enough for you, so I,所以我就停止尝试了so I stopped trying.这么多年来 我以为问题是你All these years,I thought the problem was you然后我自己过了一段时间and then I spent time alone with myself.我意识到自己也没有那么容易相处I realized I'm not that easy either.不 你不好相处No. You're not.我们在很多方面视对方为理所当然So many wayswe took each other for granted.我很抱歉I'm sorry.那么 接下来怎么办?你So, what's next? Are you-你是来买♥♥易卜拉欣的吗?Are you here to buy Ibrahim?不 我谁都不买♥♥了No, I&#


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