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1、1PEP 人教小学英语六年级上册第一单元Unitl How can I get there?试题满分: 100 分 考试时间: 90 分钟姓名: _ 分数: _一、根据汉语意思写出单词或短语。 (21 分,每空 1.5 分) 电影院十字路口医院博物馆_ 科学_ 右_邮局书店 笔直地7-IsGrandpa there?A. Yes, he isnBt.No, he is. C. No, he isn t.) 8.-_ Where is the school? -It s next to the museum.转弯餐馆特点()1.A.cinemaB. hospitalC.museum D. bik

2、e()2. A.parkB. bookstoreC.turnD. shop()3. A. whereB. howC . wowD. what()4. A. planeB. footC. busD. ship()5. A. pearB. nearC.onD. behind三.单项选择。(25 分)()1.-_ is the cinema?It s near here.A. What() 2. What _ interesting film!A.aB. / C. an()3. Where is the hospital? - It s _ the museum.C.When4.can I get

3、to the science museum? A. WhereB.HowC. What5.left at the school.A. GoB. AtC. Turn6. Iwantto see. A. hospitalB. post officeC. cinema. 选出不同类的单词10 分)B. WhereA. nextB. near to C. next to2A. Sorry B. Thank youC. Excuse me3( ) 9. The park is_ Dongfang Street.A. at B. to()10. Turn left_ the bookstore. A. a

4、t B. to C. on四翻译成中文。(8 分)1.1want to send it today. _2.1don t know._3.It s n ear the door._4._A talki ng robot.五. 阅读短文,选择正确的答案。(6 分)Zoom: Zip, where is the shoe store? I want to buy a pair of shoes.Zip: It s n ear the post office.Zoom: Thank you. But where is the post office?Zip: Go straight and tur

5、n right at the bookstore.Zoom: And the n?Zip: Then tur n right at the post office. You will see the shoe store. Letbuy a pair of shoes, too.Zoom: OK. Let s go.()1. What does Zoom want to buy?A. Books. B. A pair of shoes()2. Where is the shoe store?A. It s n ear the post office. It s n ear the museum

6、.( )3. Does Zip want to buy shoes?A. Yes , she does . B. No , she does n t .六. 句型转换。(15 分)1.1know (改为否定句)2.The post office is near the bookstore 对戈 U 线部分提问)C. ongo together. I want tos43.There is a hospital near cinema 改为一般疑问句 )4.What do you want to buy.明信片,根据提示回答问题)5.lt s near there the museum s 写出

7、同义句)七. 作文。(15 分)Chen Jie 的生日快到了,她要在周日晚上 7:00 举行生日 party,不过她的生日邀请卡还没有写好,你能帮帮她吗?Chen Jie 家线路提示:1. 从学校向左转,然后直着走 3 分钟。2. 在医院向左转在向右转,你会在你的左侧看见科学博物馆,Chen Jie 家就在科学博物馆旁边。这是她给 Amy 的邀请卡,开头已写好,请把正文补充完整。Dear Amy,Please come to my birthday party at 7:00 on Sunday.Now,l II tell you how to come._ Yours,Che n JieP

8、EP 人教小学英语六年级上册第二单元Unit2 Ways to go to school试题Name_听力部分I选出你所听到的单词。5()1. A. kettleB. gasC. getD. guess()2. A. vanB. fanC. catD. father()3. A. southB. rightC. northD. west()4. A. bookstoreB. shoestoreC. museumD. zoo()5. A. mouseB. mouthC. northD. southn听音,补全所漏掉的单词。A:_me, where is the_ , please?B: It s

9、_the bookstoreA:_can I_ there?B: You can_straight this road. Turn_ .Take the No._ bus, and the n_ at the zoo.A: Is it_ _ here?B: No. Bye!川选出你所听到句子的正确答语。()Go straight, then turn right.()Because you must stop at a red light.()I go to school by bus.()I can see 3 lights.()It s n ear the cin ema.笔试部分IV .

10、找出划线部分发音不同的一项。()1. A. peak B. beat C. bread D. team()2. A. pigB. bigC. likeD. dish()3. A. catB. asC. SamD. same()4. A. getB. bedC. veryD. cinema()5. A. fetchB. veryC.sevenD. vanV.请你选出下面每组单词中不同类的一项。6()1. A. by)2. A. northB. onB. eastC. forC. bestD. twoD. south()3. A. bankB. libraryC. bananaD. booksto

11、re()4. A. trainB. mi nuteC. subwayD. pla ne()5. A. after school B. n ext toC. nearD. in front ofW.按要求写出各词的正确形式。far ( 对应词)_ east (对应词) _go (三单式)_ twelve (序数词)_ turn right 对应词)_VD .选择填空。()1. Is it far_ here?A. toB. and C. fromD. n ear()2. I want to buy a_of shoes.A. pairB. cup C. piece D. glass()3._ i

12、s the post office?A. What B. How C. Where D. Who()4. It s_the ci nema.A. next B. next to C. next D. after()5. He always_to school by bus.A. goB. wentC. goes D. going()6. Get_at the cin ema.A. offB. ofC. for D. in()7._ there a cin ema n ear here?A. Are B. IsC. Am D. is()8. The n walk straightfive min

13、u tes.A. ofB. atC. onD. for()9. The hospital isthe left.7A. inB. onC. atD. for()10. It s eastthe cin ema.A. ofB. onC. i nD. atVffl.按课文内容排序。()Thank you! () It s east of the cin emg. )And the n?()Excuse me. Where is the post office?()Tur n left at the ci nema, the n go straight. It s on the left.IX.连词

14、成句1. please is the where cin ema ?2. hospital is ton extthe it .3. Zho ngsha n how can I get park to ?4. I to go onschool usually foot .5. do you schoolhow to go ?X.阅读理解。(一)Mr. Black teaches us English this term. He is a tall man. He likes wearing a white and black shirt.He speaks En glish very well

15、. We like his less ons very much.His home is n ear the school.Sometimes Mr. Black walks to his home. He has two little sons. They look the same. They often wearthe same clothes. He loves to see then and play with them. Mr. Black calls the two sons Damao andXiaomao.请你根据短文内容选择出合适的一项。8( )1. _ is our En

16、glish teacher.A. Mr. Black B. Mr. Wang C. Miss Black( )2. Mr. Black likes wearing _ .A. white shirt B. black shirt C. white and black shirt( )3. Damao and Xiaomao are Mr. Black_s_._A. friends B. sons C. daughter ( )4. Mr. Black oftenwith the two boys.A. plays B. does exercises C. studies( )5.Mr. Bla

17、ck s home is _ .A. near our schoolB. in our school C. far from our school (二) There are forty-twostudents in our class . There are also two American boys . They are Jack and Mike . They are ourgood friends . They like watching TV ,but they dont likep-labyailnl.gTbhaesykoeften go toschool by bike . A

18、nd I often go to school on foot . There is one English girl in our class . Her name isLucy . She likes playing basketball and she also likes swimming . She usually does her homework inthe evening . She often watches TV on Saturday afternoons . She is my good friend . All of theChinese students are Y

19、ong Pioneers .根据短文内容,判断正(门误(F)。() 1. There are thirty-nine Chinese students in our class .() 2.There are two American girls and one English boy in our class .() 3.Jack and Mike are our good friends .() 4.Jack and Mike like playing basketball .() 5.Lucy often does her homework on Saturday afternoons

20、.9PEP 人教小学英语六年级上册第三单元Unit3 My weeke nd pla n试题班别:_姓名、请在四线格里按字母表的顺序默写出26 个大写字母。二、请你找出与图片相对应的单词,将其字母标号填写在图片的括号内。11.拜访 - 12.月亮二 13.价格14.单词- 15.下周- 16.课20.傍晚17.在今晚18.看电影-19.明天A.supermarketB. dictio naryC.comic book D.see a film E.postcard)3、()i ri n ra m nF. Christmas DayG. Natio nal DayH. Spri ng Festi

21、valI.swimmi ng poolJ. make a sno wma n& ()7、()8、()9、()10、()10四、请你判断各组单词划线部分的发音是V否对目同()1. A. dad B. appleC. banana()8 . My familygoing to get together.11()2. A. mouthB. thoseC.jha nks()3.A. needB. teaC. great()4. A. footB. foodC. room()5. A. showB. howC. flower五、读一读,找出每组单词中不同类的一个。()24. A. timeB.

22、after noonC. eve ning()25. A. cin emaB. dictio naryC. library()26. A. post cardB. Comic bookC. toni ght()27. A. doB. isC. are()28. A. tomorrowB. n ext weekC. yesterday六、读一读,选出正确的答案并把序号填在题前的括号内。()1. Whathe goi ng to do?A. amB. isC. are()2. My pare nts are going toa film.A. lookB. watchC. see()3.1 wan

23、t to look for(寻找)some_ .A. leaf B. leafs C. leaves()4. I will_ to visit my gran dpare nts tomorrow.A. to go B. go C. going()5. -_ are you going? - - To the ci nema.A. When B. Where C. What()6. Do you have_ ?A. some comic books B. any comic books C. comic book()7. I want to buy two_ .A. dictio nary B

24、. dicti on arysC. dicti on aries( )6. I am going to learn _ to swim.12A .amB. is C. are( ) 9 . I _ sports every day.A. play B. will play C. plays( )10 . I want to go to the zoo _ Sunday morning.A .onB. at C. in()11. Theyregoing to Beijing _ next week .A. inB. atC. /()12. Imgoing_ train.A. byB. onC.

25、At( )13. Imgoing_ visit my grandparentsA. andB. toC. with( )14. Imgoingto_ a trip.A. take B. has C. having()15.What are you going to do _ Saturday morning ?A. in B. on C. at( ) 1. Lucy and Lily _ watch a football match this afternoon.A. goes to B. is going C. is going to D. are going to()2. Where ar

26、e you going _ the weekend ?A. to B. in C. at D. on()3.Im going to thseupermarket _ my mother at noonA. by B. with C. toD, for()4._ are you going this afternoon?A. what B. which C.where D. when()5.I am going _ 4 oclock _ _ the weekend.A.at, on B. in, on C. at, inD. in, at13A. where B. when C. how D.

27、what( )7. What are you going to do in 20 _ time?A. yearBs. yearsC. years D. year( )8 . Im going to buy some fruit . I can go to the _.A. pet shop B. shoe store C. fruit stand D. cinema()9. -_ are you going to the book store?-I am going by subway.A. Where B ,What C. How D. How old()10.Its too late ,

28、Im going to _ .A. go homeB. go to homeC. come home()11. Im going to buy _ comic books.A. any B. a pair of C. some()12. Im going to buy _ art book?A. a B. an C. /()13. Im going to the bookstore to buy_.A. a skirt B. a watermelon C. a Chinese book D. a pair of shoes()14.When are you going to the Great

29、 Wall? - _A. Sunday B. Sometimes C. Next Saturday()15. -_ are you going to buy?-IA. what B. where C. when D. which七、读句子,选出正确的答语。() 1. What is he going to do?() 2. Are you going to play ping-pong?() 3. When is she going?() 4. Where are you going ?() 5. Do you have comic books?八、我会填 is ,am, are.m goin

30、g to buy a dictionary.A Next morning.B To the post office .C Yes, I do.D He is going to buy some booksE Yes, I am.()7.Tomorrow eve ning they are going to the ci nema.141.1_ going to the zoo this after noon.2. She_going to take a trip tomorrow.3. He_going to read a storybook toni ght.4. We_ going to

31、the cin ema this eve ning.5. What_ they going to do this weeke nd ?九、用下列所给单词填空:When Where What Who Why HowMy name is Amy. Tomorrow is Saturday. We have no classes. My parenisen going to wor k, butwe are going to be very busy tomorrow. My mother is going to buy someth ing for n ext week. My father is

32、 going to visit my aunt and uncle. I ngoing to the bookstore by bus. Then ngoi ng to buya dictionary. Tomorrow evening we are going to visit my grandparents and have a big d inner. Afterthat we are going to the cinema. I think we are going to have a nice weekend.()I.Tomorrow is Saturday.()2. Amy smo

33、ther is going to buy something for next week.()3.Amy father is going to visit his grandparents in the morning.()4.Amy is going to play computer games with his sister.()5. Amy is going to the bookstore by bike.()6. Tomorrow eve ning Amy is going to watch TV()8. Amy is happy!1)_can I get to the zoo?Yo

34、u can go by bus.2)do you go to school on foot?Because my home is n ear.3)_ are you going after lun ch?I am going to the bookstore.4)_ are you going?I am going at 4 ock. clo5)_ are you going to do?根据短文内容,判断(T)正误(F)I am going to play football(足球).15PEP 小学六年级上册英语期中试题、选出不同类的一项。 (10 分)() 1.A.follow()2.A.

35、left()7.Tomorrow eve ning they are going to the ci nema.16()3.A.Sunday ( )4.A.near B.buy6._ How many to go to the park can you find?A.ways B.way C.wayes7._ ,where is thescience museum?B.cinemaB.fastB.Monday( )5.A.postcard B.dictionaryC.tonightD.word book、根据汉语意思写单词。 (16 分)1._ My parents aregoing to t

36、he_超( 市)by bus.2.I am going to buy a_(词典) .3._ Are they going there_ (今晚)?4._ First_ _(向右转) .Then _ (直行)5._ Wu Yifan is going to_(拜访) his grandparents.1._ Lucy and Lily see a film thisafternoon.A.are B.is going C.are going to2. When are you going to do homework?A.Every morning B.Every day C.Tonight3

37、._We are going toforbeautiful leaves.A.look B.looks C.looking4. What are you going to buy?A.Play football B.Some word books C.Take a trip5._ to the park and play with us.A.ComeB.ComingC.ComesC.next to D.in front of17A.Excuse me B.sorry C.Excuse8.I want_ go to the park.A.to B.of C.by9._are you going

38、this afternoon?A.WhereB.When C.Which10. _ can you get to the library? I can walk. A.Where B.How C.When四、 给下列问句选择正确的答语。 ( 12 分)()1.What are you going to do?A.You can take the No.12 bus()2.When are you going?B.By bike.()3.Where is the cinema,please?C.I m going to buy a comic book.()4.How can I get to

39、Zhongshan Park? D.Imgoing at 3 oclock()5.How do you go to school?E.No,I don t.()6.Do you often see a film?F.It s near the bookstore.五、连词成句。 (12 分)1.going take I am to trip a(?)2.go workI usually car by to (.)3.turnrightthe at park(.)4.can I how get there (?)六、用所给词的适当形式填空。 (20 分)1._ What s hed_o()now

40、? He s_ (have)an English lesson.And he ll_(have) a Chinese lesson at 10:30.2._ What_(be) they going to(do)tonight?3._ Where_(be)she(go)next week?184._ John sometimes(tell)stories to his sister.5._Mike usually(go)to shool by bus.6.I like_(draw)pictures.七、阅读理解。(10 分)Tomorrow is Sunday.WangJie isnt goi

41、ng to school.He is going to getup early. In themorning,he is going to visit a science museum.Hesgoing there by subway.Hesgoing to have lunchin McDonalds. In the afternoon,he is going to play football with his friends,At about 3:30,he is goinghome to do homework.Then he is going to clean his bedroom.

42、Hes going to cook the meals for hisfather and mother in the evening.()1.What day is it today? Today is_ .A. Sunday.B. Saturday.()2. What s Wang jie going to do on Sunday morning ? He is going to_.A. visit a science museum B. visit his grandparents()3. Wang Jie is going to have dinner?A. At home . B.

43、 In McDonalds()4. Wang Jie is going to the science museum by _ .A. train. B. subway.( )5. Is Wang Jie a good child?A.Yes,he is.B. No,he isnt.1.play(现在分词形式)2.collect(现在分词形式)19PEP 人教小学英语六年级上册第四单元 Unit4 I have a pen pal 试题、选择正确的答案。(20 分))1. What is your pen pal?s hobb?yA. He likes riding a bike. B. He

44、likes ride a bike.)2. Does your father teaches English?)3. Can he go with us?)7. 当有人询问你的爱好时,你可回答:B. I read newspapers every day.)8. 你想询问对方的朋友是否乘公交车上班时,应问:A. Do your friend go to work by bus ?B. Does your friend go to work by bus?)9. 我有一个新笔友,应翻译为:A. I have a new friend. B. I have a new pen pal.)10. J

45、ohn 居住在农村,应翻译为:A. John lives in the city. B. John lives in the country.姓名班别分数A.No ,he don t.B. Yes, he does.A.You are welcome.B. Sure.)4. Nice to meet you.A. Thank you.B. Nice to meet you, too.)5. I like listening to music.A. He like listen to music ,too. B. He likes listening to music,too.)6. 你想知道对

46、方的爱好,应该问:A. What is your hobby?B. What do you do?A. I like making kites.20、词形变化 : (16 分)3._teach 第三人称单数形式)_ 4.go 第三人称单数形式)_5.read 现在分词形式)_6.watch 第三人称单数形式)_7.do(第三人称单数形式)_ 8.work(第三人称单数形式)_三、按要求进行句型转换:(15 分)1.1like drawing pictures/对划线部分提2. Chen Jie likes playing the violin.(对划线部分提问)3.Sarah likes li

47、stening to music.变成一般疑问句,并做出否定回答)4. He likes collecting stamps.变成否定句)5.My father doesn t like watching 变成肯定句)四、改错:(10 分)1.Sam likeridi nga bike. _2. L like collect stamps.3.Do your father ljkereading newspapers?4.My mother teach_ En glish.5.Sarshsunt lives on Beijing. _五.把下列单词组合成正确的句子.(14 分)1.a. Sun

48、 day, stamp, there, show, is, on.212.together, let, go, us.223.go, he, us, can, with4.togetger,let,go,us5.go, he, us,can, with6.have,pen,I,new,to,happy,am, a,pal7.things,don, twe,the, same, like_六,仿照例句写句子:(10 分)NamehobbyIswimmi ngMy fatherwatchi ng TVMy mothersi ngingLin Taoplay ing footballLucylist

49、e ning to musicJackdancing例:I like swimming.1.23 _234七、用所给单词的正确形式填空。(15 分)1. He_ (like) collecting stamps.2. My pen pal_ (watch) TV at night.3. Mike_ (go) to work by bus.4.1 like_ (make) kites.5. Mr. Bill_ (teach) English24PEP 人教小学英语六年级上册第五单元Unit5 What does he do?试题、单词变形记。写出单词的名词形式play_ drive_sing_

50、dance_write_ clean_二、圈出合适的单词补全句子。1.Is Does_ your father here today?2.GoesgoMy teacher ofte n_ to other coun tries.3.Bus in essma n bus in esswomanMr Liu is a4.Be is She ll_here today.5.Stude nt teacher-What does Miss White do?-She is a .三、看图片补全句子1. My aunt is a2. -Is your father a3. I want to be a4.

51、 Zhou Chang s mother is a四、连词成句1. What do your does mother (?)_2. Her is father a factory worker (.)_3. father My goes often countries other to (.)_4. want I be to a driver taxi (.)_4. father Is a postman your (?)_2526培优新乐园A:_does your mother do?B: She is a police officer.A: Cool!_ you want to_a pol

52、ice officer?B: No.A: What do you want to be?B: I m so tall. And I m good_basketball.A: Oh, you can be a basketball_.B: Great!六、阅读短文, 判断句子对一瞇错XjI live in a city with my parents. My father is a car designer. His company is not far from our home, so hegoes to work on foot every day. My mother is a fact

53、ory worker. She goes to work by car. They both workhard. I am a stude nt. I want to be a bus in essma n one day. What about you?()1.1 live in a village with my parents.()2. My father goes to work by bike.()3. My father is a taxi driver.()4. My mother is a factory worker.()5. I want to be a bus in es

54、sma n one day.Part B、用所给词的适当形式填空。271. My un cle_a sea. (work)He_ a fisherma n. (be)2.1 like_computer games. (play)l want to_a secretary. (be)3. -What_ Zhou Jielin do?-He s a singer.( do)4. -How does Ann go to school?-She_to work by bike.( go)5. -Do you_ to be a dan cer?-Yes, I do. (want)三、连词成句。1.wor

55、k go I to bus by(.)_2. at good I am basketball (.)_3. does he How work to go (?)_4. has He healthy very life a (.)_5. does Where John work (?)_ 培优新乐园四、选词填空。()1.-does your father do? -He s a doctor.() 2.-does your mother go to work?-By car.() 3.you like sports, you can be a coach, a sports reporter o

56、r a PE teacher.() 4.-does your aunt work?-She works in a factory.() 5.-is the head teacher?-Mr White.五、 英汉互译。1. 有一天, 我要成为一名飞行员。 _2.Tim is a fisherman, and he works at sea._3.你在哪里工作? _284. 你想成为一名警察吗? _5. If you can type quickly, you can be a secretary._六、根据实际情况回答问题。1. What do you do?2. What does your

57、 father do?3. Where does your mother work?4. How does your mother go to work?5. What does Zhou Jielun do?七、阅读短文,判断句子对一vflx IISam and Daming are good frie nds. Sam s father is a doctor. He works in a hospital. Hegoes to work by bus every day. His mother is an En glish teacher. She goes to work by bik

58、e. Samlikes playing football. He good at football. He wants to be a football player. But, Daming is good atbasketball. He ofte n plays basketball on the weeke nd. He wants to work in a uni versity.()1. Sam and Jim are good frie nds.()2. Sam s father goes to work by bike every day.()3. Sam sother is

59、an English teacher.()4. Sam and Daming are good at football.()5. Sam wants to work in a university.Part C基础起跑线29火眼金睛找不同。)1.A. factory30()1. Where does your father work?()2. What does your mother do?()3. How does Amy s aunt go to work?1. Leeis a2. Ann is a scie ntist.3.Guo Wei is a pilot.4. Tim is a

60、fisherma n.5. Zhou Jing is a coach.a. He works in a sea.b. He works in a hospital.c. He works in a rescue pla ne.d. She works in a gym.e. She works in a uni versity.培优新乐园问答句连线)2.)3.读一读,并连线B. hospitaI31()4. Is your gran dma a clea ner?()5. Who works in a hospital?IIA. She goes by car.B. He works in a fac


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