



1、Unit 12一、单项选择(    )1. We _ for supper yesterday. A. had a fish     B. had fishes    C. had fish       D. were had fish(    )2. Mike is good _ math and John does well _ history.

2、0;A. at ; at    B. in ; in     C. at ; in     D. in ; at(    )3. We had great fun _ the football match.   A. watch     B. watched      C. watching  &#

3、160;  D. to watch(    )4. The little girl studied from morning _ night. She was so tired. A. and     B. till     C. of      D. for(    )5. She isnt at home now. Please co

4、me to see her _.   A. late     B. later    C. yesterday      D. an hour ago(    )6. Today is his birthday. Many friends come to see him. He feels _. A. sad    B. happily 

5、     C. happy       D. sadly(    )7. Who _ the window of our classroom last night.  A. breaks     B. break      C. broke      D. breaking( &

6、#160;  )8. “ When did you see him?”    “ _.”   A. Two hours        B. For an hour      C. An hour ago     D. Its two oclock(    )9. Do you know t

7、he new student _ John Smith?   A. call      B. called       C. calling       D. to call(    )10. You had better _ at home. It is raining hard outside. A. stay &

8、#160;     B. stayed     C. staying   D. to stay(    )11. I found _ easy to learn English well.A. this       B. that      C. it      D.

9、so(    )12. Alice enjoys _ story books. A. read    B. reads     C. reading      D. to read(    )13. When he _ young, there _ little food for him.A. is ; is      

10、; B. was ; was       C. are ; are       D. were ; were(    )14. Mike didnt come to school yesterday _ he was ill. A. because    B. so       C. but 

11、60;      D. when(    )15. He _ his lost pen everywhere, but he didnt _ it anywhere. A. looked for ; look for          B. found ; find C. looked for ; find       

12、0;      D. found ; looked for(    )16. Yesterday Tom and I stayed at school _. A. every day      B. each day      C. all day      D. whole day(    )17

13、. That old song made us _ sad.      A. feel     B. felt     C. feeling      D. to feel(    )18. We dont have _ money to buy such a big house.   A. many 

14、60;     B. much       C. little       D. some(    )19. “ How was your weekend?”  “ _. I had a great time with my friends.    A. Fantastic    B. Awful&

15、#160;  C. Not good    D. Terrible(    )20. “ _ did you go on vacation?”   “ The Great Wall.”      A. What    B. How       C. When       

16、; D. Where(    )21. “ _ were the mountains?”   “ They were fantastic.”  A. What      B. How       C. When         D. Where(    )22. It was sunny and w

17、e _ all morning.     A. play     B. played       C. were play      D. did played(    )23. The TV show was _ boring.     A. a kind of   

18、  B. kinds of   C. all kinds of     D. kind of(    )24. What _ your brother do last Saturday?  A. does   B. did      C. is       D. was(    

19、)25. Lucy helped me _ my lost pen yesterday.    A. find     B. found       C. finding      D. to finding(    )26. Yesterday I spent two hours _ my homework.  A. do  

20、  B. did      C. doing     D. to do(    )27. Its time _ dinner.    A. have  B. had   C. having   D. to have(    )28. Its time _ class. Please stop talking.

21、      A. have    B. to      C. for       D. of(    )29. There _ some water in the glass.  A. is     B. are     C. has &#

22、160;     D. have(    )30. “ _ were the people there?”   “ They were very friendly.”     A. What     B. Who       C. Why       D. How(&#

23、160;   )31. The children had great fun _ games in the park.  A. play       B. played       C. playing        D. to play(    )32. Lucy went _ with her parents la

24、st weekend.     A. shop       B. shopped       C. shopping       D. to shop(    )33. Last weekend I stayed at home and did some _.  A. clean  

25、60;B. cleaned       C. cleaning       D. to clean(    )34. I found some girls _ in the park last Sunday.    A. dance      B. danced     C. dancing 

26、60;    D. to dance(    )35. John and Mike are good at _.     A. swim     B. swam       C. swimming      D. to swim(    )36. There

27、are some birds _ in the tree.    A. sing    B. sang        C. singing       D. to sing(    )37. I watched the students _ soccer yesterday afternoon.    

28、60;A. play      B. played     C. playing       D. to play(    )38. Mary usually helps her mother _ the housework on weekends.  A. do      B. did  

29、0;     C. doing        D. to does(    )39. You had better _ your homework now.      A. do     B. did       C. doing    &

30、#160; D. to do(    )40. The teacher made the lazy boy _ the new words three times.     A. write     B. wrote      C. writing      D. to write(    )41. Why not _ to the action movie tonight?  A. go     B. went      C. going   


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