1、科普版小学英语五年级上册全册教案Lessonl What is she doing 教学内容 Lesson4 What is she doingLet's learn Let's sing 教学目标 学习 Let's learn 中的内容 语音复习拼读规则词汇basketball三会 语言结构 What' s Eve doingShe' s singing. What' re they doing They' re playing football教学重难点1、 掌握动词变现在分词的三种不同情况;2、掌握本课重点句型,学生熟练利用书上的词
2、和短语进行替换练习。第一课时 基本教学过程 Step1 Greeting Free talk学生 表演课下准备好的对话,教师随机抽查几组学生,记入平时 评比成绩,调动学生的积极性Step2 Revision 1复习集中识词所学本课 10 个单词 playground football centre often pingpong basketball player grandpa pool water 和以前学过的 Sunday horse用单词卡片来复习节约时间,提高注意力。2复习现在分词的构成由教师说生动词,学生写生现在 分词的形式。可以分三种情况讲述 在动词后直接加-ing ,如draw,
3、play,sing,do等;去掉末尾不发音的元音字母加-ing,如make,take,write等;双写最后一个字母加 -ing,如 sit,swim,run 等。设计意图复习旧知,为学习新知做好铺垫,同时培养 学生良好的学习习惯,使学生每一步的学习都能打好扎实的基础。Step3 Presentation 1 Introduce the title“ Lesson 5 What isshe doing ”(板书课题)2 Review the wordssing,swim.playfootball,play basketball教师做动作,然后让学生猜,变换动作并反复练习。3 找一位同学做动作,
4、教师用 What is she doing提问,请 同学回答,几次之后请几位同学一起做动作,换为What arethey doing提问,学生之间互相问答,反复练习。Step4 Practice 1 The Ss make up some sentences 学生看书上的17页利用书上的图片和所给词同桌两人编对话2 Theteacher checks them Step5 Consolidation and Creation 让学生 利用新学的知识创编对话,融入交际。(时间允许可以让几组学生展示给全班同学)板书设计Lesson 1 What is she doing Let ' s l
5、earn play-playing What is she doing make-makingShe is singing.sitsittingWhat are they doingThey are playing football.第二课时 教学内容 Book5 Lesson4 What is she doing Let ' s talk Listen and number 教学目标 语音复习拼读规则进一步复习和掌握这些字母组 合,并会读符合这些读音规律的单词词汇playgroundfootball 三会 交际用语 Where is Eve She is in the classro
6、om.What is she doingShe is singing.教学重难点 1、能理解和掌握现在进行时态用于第三人称以及现在分词的 构成。2、能够运用主题句进行交际。基本教学过程 Stepl Greeting Free talk warm up 每节课 始都要坚持,为学生锻炼口语进行交际提供平台Step2Revision 1复习上一课时所学本课的12个单词,其中Sundayoften horse和water4个单词有教师说中文,学生写英文,而 playground等8个词由教师说英文学生写由中文即可。经常练习,加深学生对单词的记忆Read togetherThe teacher says
7、 Chinese and the Ss say English. 2 现在分词写 由下列各词的现在分词do,sing,play,run等,注意run的现在分词形式要双写辅音字母 n然后再加-ing。3围绕上节课内容 “What is she doing教师提问学生边做 动作边回答,一两组之后,学生之间互相提问。设计意图复习旧知,为学习新知做好铺垫,同时培养 学生良好的学习习惯和较强的语言表达能力,使学生每一步 的学习都能打好扎实的基础。Step3 Presentation教师采用角色表演法导入对话A教师请几位同学做动作,自己同时扮演Lulu和Tom把课文内 容为学生演一次,让学生有一个初步的感
8、性认识。B放录音,学生看课本听录音加深对对话情节的记 忆。C学生打开书跟读录音,注意模仿句子的语速和语D教师领读,强调纠正容易发错音的单词。D让学生试着来翻译意思,培养他们理解句子的能 力,同时提高他们的课堂注意力。Step4 Practice A同桌两人练习读对话, 互相纠正发音 B 同桌两人分别扮演两个角色表演对话(学生可以看书并且强 调学生在练习时要互换角色)C教师抽查几组学生了解一下学生的掌握情况D同桌两人分别扮演两个角色表演对话(要求学生不看书记不住的部分可以自己往下编)(此时教师往黑板上写本课对话的关键词)E师生一起复述对话内容F学生来表演对话(基础好的学生表演创编的对话)Step
9、5 Listen and number 第三课时 教学内容 Lesson 1 What is she doing Read for fun 教学目标 学习 Read for fun 中的 内容 能理解课文大意,能回答与课文内容相关的问题 ,或能 根据图片及关键词进行复述。教学重难点1主题句在生活中的应用。2掌握阅读中词组的运用。基本教学过程 Step1Class opening and Review. 1 复习单 词教师把本课单词的音标写在小黑板上,四会词让学生写生 中文和英文,三会词只写由中文即可。在学生会读单词后锻炼其书写能力,使得学生的读写水平共同提高。2师生对话师生之间简单的问候,让学
10、生立刻融入到学习英语的氛围中,加强了师生之间的亲和力。Step2New Concepts 1、 show the title 2、 由示词组 be going to,sports centre,do sports,play football,swimming pool, 教 师领读几遍,然后让学生说由中文意思,并试着用来造句。之后从文中找由词组所在的句子集体读。3、听音法导入,教师先把录音从头到尾放一遍,然后 逐句放,学生打开书跟读录音,注意模仿句子的语速和语调。4、教师领读,强调纠正容易发错音的单词,并 教学生如何读较长的句子。5、让学生试着来翻译意思,培养他们理解句子 的能力,同时提高他们
11、的课堂注意力。Step3Practice 1、同桌两人练习读对话,互相纠正读音。2、由学生集体读,注意单词的发音以及句子的停顿和 连贯。3、找个别学生读,每人读一部分,可以提到学生的课 堂注意力。4、读熟后,根据课文内容回答问题。 What day is today Where are Mike and his family going Where are they nowWhat are Mike and Jill doing (3)What does MrGreen loveWhat is he doing What is MrsGreen doing Where are Mike
12、9; s grandpa and grangma What are they doing Why aren' t they swimming today 5、教师由示简笔画,并在下面写上关键字,请学生看图和 关键词自己复述,全班集体复述。Step3Workbook Lesson 1 Do you have a ruler 教学目标1、能够根据拼读规律拼由含“ o杯r ” ow字母组合的单词2、能够会拼读和掌握本课词汇3、能理解和掌握have的用法,并能用替换词造句教学重难点能够理解和掌握 have的用 法,并能用替换词造句第一课时 基本教学过程a.复习 集中识词”(巩固上节课识词的单词
13、,加深印象,逐渐形成永久t己,忆)The techer shows the cards and students read them.b.show the words of“lesson簟握第一课单词,使学生加深印象直至背熟)The students read the cards one by one .Step2 boot the new content a.show some objects.Egpen,pencil,book,pencil-box,and so on.复习文具用品,为学习 新知打 下伏笔 b.learn the new words of“dictionary,ballpe
14、n ,erase利用实物学'习新单词,既直观又形象,学生也很容易记忆)c.play a game.我说你做 看谁反映快。(爱玩就是孩子们的天性,利用游戏的形式来练习单词,d.运用创设学生会乐意接受,且课堂气氛又好,效果不错) 情景导入学习句型。(重点讲解下 “ haver词的用法)I have a pen .Do youhave a pen教师利用实物反复说,让学生猜意思,引导 学生 说由正确意思)yes,I do . e.listen to the tape模仿是小学生最容易做到的,听录音既可以提高听力水平,又可以去模仿句 子)step3 Drill a.practise in pa
15、irs运用实物,同桌两人相互练 习)b.check out.教师抽查学生练习情况)step4 let s practicea.Learn the sentences运用图片加配音的方法)Can I useit ,please Certainly,Here you are. b.帮助并引导学生理解句子 意思。c.check out小学生爱表现自己,让他们利用实物进行表 演,学生回记忆深刻,学的扎实)step5 Homework第二课时教学目标 1、进一步巩固 have句型的用法,使学生能 够灵活地运用而且会用来进行简单的会话。2、能够根据拼读规律拼由含“o两"ow字母组合的单词。教学重
16、难点掌握have句型,而且会灵活的运用进行简 单的会话。基本教学过程 Step1 Revision A复习集中识词段所学的 本课中的单词,(反复记忆加深印象)B复习上节课的两个句型.(回忆所学句型,为学习对话打下伏笔)两人一组, 利用实物进行表演,(教师检查以便督促学生积极地表演)C学习单词拼读规则(掌握此规律,学生以后学习单词会很顺利,这样可以锻练他们独立拼读单词的能力)OR/c/for shathorse morning OW/au/show know snow low Step 2.New content a利用实物进行真实情景导入法(利用此方法学生很容易集中精力全神贯注地听讲.)教师提
17、前找一个学生充当Eve,教师充当 Dong Dong导入第一部分对话.bListen to theradio听录音机,可以锻炼学生听力又可以去模仿读音CFollow the tape read it跟录音机大声朗读,帮助学生记忆) Dread by themselves给学生自由的空间,体现学生独立自主 的能力) Step 3 boot next part a.教师利用自问自答的方式导 入(方式新颖,学生乐意接受,从而记忆深刻)b.The students listen to teacher and transtate one sentence by one sentenceS 学生学习效率
18、c.Listen to the tape .锻炼听力,模仿读音) d.Follow the tape 大声说由来,加深印象) Step 4 Practice a.Look at the picture and retell the dialogue 看图复述对话,直 观形象) b.Look at the book and read by themselves 给学生 自 由发展的空间)c.show the key words and try to retell it .d.read in role满足学生爱表现自己的愿望,给他们机会表现 自己) Step 5 Homework Recite t
19、he dialogue 板书设计 Lesson 1 Do you have a ruler Or/ c /foshort horse morning Ow/au/show know snow low 第三课时 教学目标 通过趣味 阅读,继续巩固所学句型,并且学生能够理解课文大意,能 回答与课文内容、相关的问题教学重难点 理解课文大意,掌握句型并会进行简单的对话,锻炼学生的口语表达能力 基本教学过程 Step 1 Revision a Words(考查学生记忆单词情况) The teacher shows the cards and the students read them one by o
20、ne Bdialogue检查学生对对话的掌握情况,以便查漏 补缺) Call some students recite the dialogue. Step 2 New content a.Learn the phrases提前把重难点列由来,让学生先来学习,这样可以减轻整个课文的难度,让学生轻松学习)onefrom two ,two of them ,one of them,how many教师弓 I 导学生学习以上词组,并且教师做适当讲解。b.boot the dialogue教师利用桂图,录音和关键词导入此 课文(声图并茂,即直观又形象)首先由示桂图,然后下边写上关键词,最后教师根据图片
21、逐句放录音,然后再放一 遍。c.The students repeat the text模仿录音,力求读音准确) d.Call some students translate the text 检查学生理解情况) e.read by themselves让学生自由读,体现自由发展的要求) step 3 Drill a.look at the picture and retell the text.锻炼学生记忆和复述的能力)b.Acording to the key words try to retell thetext by themselves c.call some students re
22、tell the text. d.show some questions检查学生是否已经理解课文)call somestudents answer it. Step 4 learn a song 活跃气氛,调动学生学 习英语的积极性)a.Learn the words of the song. b.Listen to the tape and follow it. c.try to sing it. Step 5 sing the song together. Step 6 Homework. 板书设计 Lesson 1 Do you have a ruler One form two two
23、 of them One of them how many Lesson 3 Acomputer has a keyboard 教学内容 Book five Lesson two A computer has a keyboard 教学 目标 1、 根 据拼读规则ou读作|au|,al读作|的规律学习单词 mouth,tall 等单词。Egtall,small,ball,walk,talk 2、掌握四会和三会单词。3、复习动词have的用法,学习has的用法,即第三称 单数形式。4、 Key sentenceDoes a computer have a keyboard Yes,it does
24、./No,it doesn ' t.教学重难点 1.New wordsmouth,tall,hand,write,letter,clever 2.Key sentenceDoes a computer have a keyboard Yes,it does./No,it doesn't. 第一课时 基本教学过程 Step one sing a song I have two hands.K 课始一首英文歌不仅缓解了学生紧张的情绪,而且还能激发情 趣,活跃课堂气氛,同时又为新授知识作了铺垫Step twoRevision.Review lesson ' s talk .
25、dTwo students in pairs ask and answers ,one is lulu, the other is Dongdong one by one 力.K简单的对话可以使学生复习上节课所学主要内容,同时还 可以训练学生的日常交际能力2) Review the new words. TRead the Chinese meaning . S students write the English words.K听写可以调动全体学生的积极性,同时也可以检验全体学 生对单词的掌握情况力3) Read the new words together threetwice . Ste
26、p three presatation. 1Ask and answer. T Do you have a pen S T Do you have a ruler S 2Translate two sentences T我有支专冈笔。SI have a pen. T他有一支钢笔。SHe has a pen. 3TShow the title.A computer has a keyboard. 4Ask and answer. TI have a ruler. f Dyou have a rulerYes,I do./No, I don ' t. THe has aruler. fDo
27、es he have a rulerYes,hedoes./No, he doesn ' t.以旧代新,让学生很清晰明了的了 解并掌握第三人称单数has的用法并以由本课主题句。4Show the keysentence and write them on the blackboard.Does a computer have a keyboard Yes,it does./No, it doesn' t.通过变换标题型式引由主题句即清晰又可以给学生留下 深刻的印象Step fourDrill. 1 Read after teacher again and again until
28、 many students can read. 2 Read them by students one by one. 3 Read together three times. 4 In pairs read the keysentence one by one. 5 Two students in pairs change the boy words to praetice the key sentence. 6 Teacher asks some team to act their dialogues. 7 Two students in pairs make a new dialogu
29、es. 8 Ask some teamto act their new dialogues.多种多样的形式练习,即可以吸引学生的注意力,提高兴趣,而且能够从课内到课外多方面锻 炼了学生,又能让他们熟练掌握了本课主题句,做到了学以 至用Step fivesing a song Two little eges 紧张的练后学习一 首英文歌,即活跃了课堂气氛又缓解了学生紧张很累的心态Step sixSummary. Read the key sentence together three times. Step sevenHomework. 1Do Ex t and 八 7.8 2Write the
30、new words two times.板书 Lesson2 Acomputer has a keyboard. Does a computer has a keyboard Yes,it does./No,it doesn' t. 第 二课时 教学内容 Book five Lesson two A computer has a keyboard Let ' s talk 教学目标1、 New wordscomputer ,keyboard , mouse ,tall, mouth, hand ,write ,letter, Email , clever. 2、 key sen
31、tences It looks like a TV. A computer has a keyboard.Does a TV have amouse ,too 3、students can use the key sentences.教学重难点 Can use the key sentences and change the key words.基本教学 过程 Step one sing the song two little eyes.K活跃课堂气氛,让学生进入一种轻松愉快的课堂Step two Revision.1Ask some students act their dialogues.
32、 K课前对话练习既可以 营造学习英语的氛围又可以练习学生们的口语交际能力2) Review the new words K每堂对单词的复习,可以加深对 单词的记忆,也可以让学生课上掌握已学内容3) Do some exercises .show a small blackboard. A computer has a mouse.Lulu has a Chinese book.QiQi has a good friend.A TV has a face. Kf过4道简单的句子变换题,可以让学生进一 步掌握和巩固第三人称单数形式即has、does的用法Stepthree Presatation
33、1I show a picture and key words, turn on the radio .and ask students to listen“ What hOpprenerde ” 2times ,ask some students to repeat the meaning.K 通过简笔画的形式可以引起学生的好奇心,听录音去找发生了什么,可 以培养学生听的能力力Step four Drill 1I and students tell thestory together. 2Open books and read after the tape some times.3close
34、 books , I say Chinese ,students say English together.4Students and I look at the picture and keyboard and repeat the dialogue together. 5I asks some students to repeat the dialogue one by one . 6Two students act the dialogue one by one . K通过 以上多种形式的练习,就会有一部分学生在课上掌握所学所 有内容,同时也降低了学习班的难度。操练时一幅一幅图操练后把三
35、幅图联起来。再进行操练。力 Step five summary Look at the pictures and key words and repeat the dialogue together. Step six Homework Do ex 56 板书 桂图 that |mouse | TV mouse | doesn ' t 桂图 TV |No, computer |like |keyboard. 桂图 where mouse, catch| Here Lesson2 A computer has a keyboard,第三课时 教学 内容 Book five Lesson
36、two A computer has a keyboard Let ' s learn 教学目标 1、New words 2、Key sentenceHe has no legs.Does he have a mouthHe doesn' t have a mouth. 3、Can know the read's main idea. 4、Can look at the pictures and key words and repeat the read.教学重难点 1、New words and key sentence. 2、Can repeat the read.
37、基本教学过程 Step1. sing the songTwo little eyes. Step2.Review 1 Review the new words. 2 Review Let' s talk. Ask some students to act the dialogue one by one. Repeat Let' s talk togethe. Step3 Presatation. 1 Show the titie Who ' sher friend 2 Listen to the tape and anwer some questions. Does E
38、ve have a new friend Is Eve' s friend tall Does Eve' s friend have any legs Does Eve' s friend have a mouth Who is Eve' s friend Do you know 3 Ask some students to answer the questions.学生带着问题去 听,不仅可以让学生集中注意力,而且还可以提高学生的听 力能力 Step4.drill 1 TDraw a picture,write somekey words and repeat
39、the text. SLook and listen. TTurn on the radio.SOpen books and read after the tape again and again. SClose books and read after the tape again. 2 Like this from pictuer1 to pictuer6. Students look at the pictures,key wordsandrepeat the read after T. 3Students look at thepictures,again uithout bey wo
40、rds 4 Students listen to the tape and repeat it together. 5 Students repeat the read by themselves. 6 Teacher asks students to repeat the read. 7 Students read the read together. 8 Students repeat the text together. 多样的操练 形式从简到难,不仅降低了学生的学习难度,而且还给学生 增加了学好英语的自信心,因为有部分学生装在课上能够把 课本一的内容全部掌握Step5.Summary.
41、 Repeat the readtogether Step6.Homework Do Ex 9 板书 Who's her friend 桂 图 friend ,play/who/guesstall/No,short.no legshead/Yes,big headmouth/doesn' t cansinghands/doesn't,write,E-mail.See,computer/clever. Lesson11 There isn t any bread in the fridge 教学内容 Lesson11 There isn t any bread in th
42、e fridge 教学目标1学习生词fridge,复习一些常用动词,理解和掌 握现在分词的构成。2 .能理解和掌握现在进行时的用法,并能用替换词造句。3 .培养学生听、说、读、写、画等技能,以及综合运 用语言的能力,激发学生学习英语的兴趣。教学重难点 掌握主题句型-There isn t any bread in the fridge . What is he doing-He is drawing .并能用替换词造句。第一课时 教学目标1.学习单词ice cream,复习现在分词的构成。2. 巩固学习主题句型,并用现在进行时态谈论学习情况。培养学生的语言交际能力 教学重难点 Cards.pi
43、ctures.recorder 1.把下列单词变成现在分词 .复习现在分词的三条构成规则do draw play sing takemake ride dance swim run hop skip 2.A gane 传 话游戏。把学生分成组,分别给他们每组第一个人一句对话看哪 一组最后传话正确。1 What are you doing Im drawing. 2 What is she doing she is swimming 3 What is he doing He is reading活动中复习主题句型,更能激发学生的学习 兴趣 Step2.New concepts 1. Show
44、the title and write Rview wordsdraw like lookby cards 2.Read and write the word "just师在四线格中板书,生书空加强书 写练习.由生词引由难点句子 just-just like you - It looks just like you.(由易到难教学句子,使学生易学、乐学)3.导入Let's talk. 4.教师扮演 我一学生(提前准备)扮演 表演导入 Let's talk. a. TOpen your booksat page11.Listen tothe tape ang look
45、at the Let ' s talk. b.Repeat and say themeaning.学生听录音,跟度并试翻译。6.Practise. a." Read after meJM领读。b. Practise in pairs. c. Read in pairs. d. 教 师由示桂图,板书关键词,学生看关键词试复述(2遍)Practise in pairs. e. Act in pairs by key words f. . 7.Drill 。做练习册第 8 题 Step3.Homework a. Read the "Let s talk " b.
46、 Act in pairs. c. Step4 . Class closing. 第 二课时 教学目标1.复习新单词所涉及音标及单词音标的拼 读。学习单词 or mom give mater either , 以及句子 It doesn' t mater. 2.巩固学习现在进行时态,能运用句型3.提高学生的阅读能力。教学重难点 根据文章内容回答问题及复述短文。基本教学过程 Stepl Revision 1. Sing a song.(课前 一首歌,活跃气氛) 2. Write the wordsdraw.just.(听写, 指名板演,加强书写练习)3. Free talk. a。师生对
47、话b.Act“ L ets talk " in pairs Step2.New concepts1. Show the title. 2. Learn new words。(可以把单词和音标写在带彩色图形的只派纸片上,如 苹果、南瓜等,这样能够刺激学生的视觉神经,吸引学生的 注意力,取得更好教学效果。3. A.Read the “Readfor fun " by yourself,then chooseor师小黑板问题1。Pete is a pupil. 2. Pete asks for a pen. 3. Pete's mother gives him a lit
48、tle. 4. Pete is writing a letter to jim. 5. pete can write.(通过学生的自读并完成习题,给学生一定的空间与时间,来感受阅读带来的乐趣,培养学生的阅 读能力。) B.Listen and Read. 1.Listen to the tape,repeat and say Chinese meaning.分段读,读熟后整篇读,先集体读,后个人 读。2、Try to answer following questions(小黑板)(1)Who is Pete Can he read or write 2What does Pete ask fo
49、r 3What is Pete doing What does he want to do 4Who is Pete writeing to 5What does Pete' s father say to Pete 6Can Jim read or writeWhat does Pete say to his father 4. 分角色 读。5. 看图与关键词复述。(1)给学生一分钟时间练习。(2)集体复述。(3)指名学生复述。Step3.Consolidation 做练习册第九题.Step4.Homework. 1.熟读并复述“Read for fun. 2 抄写并记忆本课的单词。
50、lesson 6Revision教学内容 Read and act的前4段A big carrot教学目标1.复习现在进行时态Whatare you doing I am sleeping. What is he doing He is running. What are they doing They are playing. 2.复习 let 弓I 导的祈 使句. Let me go and see him. Let ' s share it with Miss Sheep. Let' s play games. 指由 Let' sLet us 译为 让我们 3.词
51、?匚house , sleep, out, face , food ,carrot,短语 go and see 去看望, come out 由来, play games 做游戏,share sth. with sb.和奥人分享 4.读一读,演一演本课阅读为个胡萝卜”的小故事,要求 能理解课文大意,能回答与课文内容相关的问题,能根据图片及关键词进行复述,并能进行表演.教学难点 重点 根据图片复述并表演/复习现在进行时态及祈使句letsb.do sth.第一课时 Step1 Sing a song Who' s wearing yellow today 通过唱英文歌曲激发学生学习 的兴趣,
52、加深了他们对已学知识的理解,使学生很快进入课堂, 集中注意力. Free talk What' s your name My name is . Do you have a ruler Yes, I do./ No, I don ' t. What are you doing I am swimming. 通过师生间的自由 对话,锻练了学生的听力和口语表达能力,使学生的反应能力增强,充分体现了培养学生用英语进行实际交流的作用.Dialogue three minutes Where are you from I am from China. Are you cooking等督促学生课下多复习对话,要面向全体学生,按着座位次序轮流上讲台前表演.Step2 Revision1.复习现在分词的构成,分三种情况1直接加ing 2以不发音的字母e结尾的,去e再加ing 3 重读闭音节以一个辅音字母结尾的,双写最后一个辅音字母再加ing .然后举由
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