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1、北京成人本科学位英语统一考试(A卷)Part I Readi ng ComPrehe nsio n (30%)DireCtions: There are three PaSSageS in this part. EaCh PaSSage is followed by somequestiOnS or UnfiniShed Statements. For each of them there are four ChOiCeS marked A, B, C and D. You should decide on the best ChOiCe and mark the COrreSPOnding

2、Ietter on the AnSWer Sheet With a Single Iine through the Center.PaSSage 1Many a young PerS On tells me he WantS to be a Writer.(76) I always en COUrageSUCh people, but I also explainthat there ' S a big differencebetween“ being aWriter ' and Writing. In most CaSeS these individuals are drea

3、ming of WeaIth andfame, not the Iong hour alone at a typewriter.“ You ' Ve got to Want to write,to them, “ not want to be a Writer”.The reality is that Writing is a Ionely, PriVate and poor-paying affair. For everyWriter kissed by fortune there are thousa nds more whose Ionging is n ever rewarde

4、d.When I Ieft a 20-year Career in the U.S. Coast GUard to become a freela nce(自由栏目)writer, I had no PrOSPeCtS at all. What I did have WaS a friend who found me myroom in a NeW York apartme nt buildi ng. It did n' t even matter that it WaS cold andhad no bathroom. I immediately bought a USed manu

5、al typewriter and felt like a genuine writer.After a year or so, however, I still hadn ' t gotten a break and began to doubtmyself. It WaS so hard to sell a story that I barely made eno Ugh to eat. BUt I knew IWanted to write, I had dreamed about it for years. I WaSn' t going to be One oftho

6、se people who die Won deri ng: What if ? (77 ) I would keep PUtting my dream tothe test even though it mean t Iivi ng With Un Certa inty and fear Of failure. ThiS is theShadOWIa nd of hope, and anyone With a dream must Iear n to live there.1. The PaSSage is meant to.A. WarnyoUng people of the hardsh

7、ips that a SUCCeSSfUI Writer has to experie nceB. advise young people to give UP their idea of beco ming a PrOfeSSi Onal WriterC. show young people it' S Un realistic for a Writer to PUrSUe WeaIth and fameD. enCOUrage young people to PUrSUe a Writing Career2. What Can be Con CIUded from the pass

8、age?A. GenUine WriterS ofte n find their work in terest ing and reward ing.B. A Writer' S SUCCeSS depe nds On IUCk rather tha n On efforts.C. FamOUS WriterS usually live in POVerty and isolation.D. The Cha nces for Writer to become SUCCeSSfUI are small3. Why did the author begin to doubt himself

9、 after the first year of his Writing career?A. He WaS nt able to ProdUCe a Sin gle book.B. He had n' t See n achi ng for the better.C. He WaS n' t able to have a rest for a whole year.D. He though that he IaCked imag in ati on.4. "people who die Wondering:What if ?” (Lin4-5, Para- 3) re

10、fers to “ thoseA. who thi nk too much of the dark Side of lifeB. who regret givi ng UP their Career halfwayC. who think a lot WithOUt making a decisi OnD. who are full of imagi nati OneVen UPon death5. “ ShadOWIand” in the last SentenCe refers to.A. the Won derla nd On Ofte n dreams aboutB. the brig

11、ht future that One is look ing forward toC. the State of UnCertainty before One' SdacaieJOal isD. a world that exists Onlyinone' S imagi natio nPaSSage 2UeSti OnS 6 to 10 are based On the follow ing passage:Man is a Iandanimal, but he is also closely tied to the sea. ThrOUghOUt historythe Se

12、a has SerVed the n eeds of man. The Sea has PrOVided man With food and aConVenient Way to travel to many PartS of the world. Toady, experts believe thatnearly two- thirds of the world ' S)OPUIationlive Within eighty kilometers of theSeaCoast.(78)In the modern technological world the Sea OfferS m

13、any resources to helpmankind survive. ReSoUrCeS On Iand are beginning to grow less. The sea, however,still OfferS hope to SUPPIy many Of man' S n eeds in the future.The riches of the Sea yet to be developed by man' S tech no Iogy are impressive.Oil and gas exploratiOnS have existed for nearl

14、y thirty years. VaIUabIe amounts ofmin erals SUCh as iron, COPPer and so On exist On the ocea n floor.BeSideS oil and gas, the Sea may Offer new SOUrCeS of energy. For example,Warm temperature of the ocea n Can be USed as the Steam in a SteamShip. Sea mayalso Offer a SOUrCe of en ergy as electricity

15、 for mankind.TeCh no Iogy is en abli ng man to explore even deeper Un der the sea. It is obviousthat the tech no Iogy to harvest the Sea Con ti nues to improve. (79) By the 2050, experts believe that the ProblemS to explore the food, minerals and energy resources Of the Sea WiIl have bee n IargeI7y

16、solved.6. What is the beat title for the passage?A. NeedS of Man.B. Sea HarVeSt and FoodC. Sea and SoUrCeS Of En ergyD. Sea Explori ng TeCh no logy.7. It Can be in ferred from the PaSSage that.A. man hasn ' t completely made USe of the riches of the SeaB. tech no Iogy for explori ng the Sea has

17、bee n solvedC. harvesting rice in the Sea will be made POSSibIeD. in the n ear future man Can live On the ocea n floor8. Why does the author men ti On a SteamShip?A. To illustrate that man Can make USe of SOUrCeS of energy from the sea.B. To show that a SteamShiP is better tha n Other kinds of ships

18、.C. To argue that man should USe SteamShips.D. To indicate that it is Warmer in the ocean than on land.9. ACCOrd ing to the author, tech no Iogy is importa nt because.A. resources On Iand are running short in ten yearsB. man Can USe it to explore the deeper SeaC. it is a lot of fun divi ng into the

19、SeaD. ancient people USed it to explore the Sea10. ACCOrding to the author, When will the problems to explore the deeper Sea largely be solved?A. In the n ext gen erati on.B. By the end of the 20th Century.C. In the n ear future.D. By the middle of the 21st Cen tury.PaSSage 3QUeStiO ns 11 to 15 are

20、based On the follow ing passage:Today, Cigarette smok ing is a com mon habit. About forty-three PerCe nt of theadult men and thirty-One PerCe nt of the adult wome n in the Un ited StateS smokeCigaretteS regularly. It is enCOUraging to See that milliOnS of people have given UP smok ing.It is a fact t

21、hat men as a group smoke more tha n wome n. Among both men andwome n the age group With the highest proporti On Of SmOkerS is 24-44.In come, educati on, and occup atio n all play a Part in determ ining a PerS Onsmoking habit. City people smoke more than people IiVing on farms. Well-educatedmen With

22、high in comes are less likely to smoke CigaretteS tha n men With fewer years of schooli ng and lower in comes. On the other han d, if a well-educated manWith a higher in come SmOked at all, he is likely to smoke more PaCkS of CigaretteS Per day.The SitUatiOn is SOmeWhat different for women.(80)There

23、are Slightly moreSmokerS among Wome n With higher family in Come and higher educati On tha namong the lower in comeand lower educati Onal groups. TheSe more highlyeducated wome n tend to smoke more heavily.Among tee nagers the PiCtUre is similar. There are fewer tee naged SmOkerS fromUPPer- in come,

24、 well-educated families, and fewer from families livi ng in farm areas.ChiIdren are most likely to Start smoking if One or both of their Parents smoke.11. What do We know from the first ParagraPh ?A. More and more people take UP the habit of smok ing.B. There are more smok ing wome n tha n smok ing

25、men in USA.C. It is good n ews that more people have give n UP smok ing.D. The U.S. has more smok ing people tha n any Other CoUn try.12. What factors determ ine a PerS On' S smok ing habits ?A. Age, in come and educati on.B. Age, SeX and in come.C. OCCUPati on, in come and sex.D. OCCUPati on, i

26、n come and educati on.13. Which of the follow ing is true accord ing to the PaSSage ?A. City people are less likely to smoke.B. People in rural areas are more likely to smoke.C. Men With higher in come tend to smoke.D. Well-educated men With high in comes are gen erally less likely to smoke.14. What

27、 is the smok ing SitUati On for wome n ?A. The SitUati On is quite the Same for wome n as for men .B. Better-educated wome n are likely to smoke heavily.C. There are more wome n SmOkerS With low in comes.D. Wome n With higher in comes and higher educati On do not tend to smoke.15. What Can We Say ab

28、out tee naged SmOkerS ?A. The PiCtUre about the tee nage SmOkerS is SimiIar to that of wome n smokers.B. The SitUati On among tee nagers is quite the Same With men.C. High school StUde nts are more likely to smoke tha n college StUde nts.D. FarmerS ' ChiIdre n tend to smoke more.Part VOCabUIary

29、and StrUCtUre (30%)DireCti ons: In this part, there are 30 in complete Senten ces. For each SentenCe thereare four ChOiCeS marked A, B, C and D . Choose the ONE anSWer that best completes the sentence. The n mark the COrreSP Onding Ietter On the An SWer SheetWith a Single Iine through the Center.16.

30、 If you go to the movie toni ght, soI .A. willB. doC. amD. canA. done17. You don ' t know about the difficulty I had the work then at all.B. to do C. for doing D. in doing18. is well-known, the environment in China is badly in need of improvement.A. ItB. That C. AsD. What19. Charles Babbage is g

31、enerally considered the first computers.A. to invent B. inventing C. to have invented D. having invented20. With oil prices keeping , people are hesitating whether to buy a car or not.A. risingB. arising C. raising D. arousing21. I walked out of the cinema, to return to see the wonderful film the ne

32、xtSunday.A. determine B. being determined C. determined D. to be determined22. We were very disappointed at the to our advertisement, and our productsdidn ' t sell well.A. repliesB. response C. answers D. words23. My suggestion yesterday was that a meeting to discuss the matter.A. should hold B.

33、 must be heldC. would be heldD. be held24. Before the guests come, I must get the glasses .A. washedB. to be washed C. being washed D. to wash25. Who would you rather have the computer, Mr. Lin or Mr. Chen?A. repairedB. repair C. repairing D. to repair26. It turned out that the man was an excellent

34、policeman working in New York, had contributed a lot to the case.A. thatB. whichC. whoD. where27. you dont know the rule wont be a sufficient excuse for your failure.28. She is very to ring me tonight. I can sense that.A. liableB. possibleC. likelyD. likeable29. Smalltalk is a goodway to killtime, m

35、ake friends and _ something withothers.A. argueB. replaceC. share DmatchA. It isB. ThatC. BecauseD. What30. Some people like drinking coffee, for it has effects.A. promotingB. stimulating C. enhancing D. encouraging31. you ' re early you can' t be sure of getting a seat.A. IfB. Unless C. Whe

36、nD. Because32. John likes Chinese food, but he eating with chopsticks.A. doesn ' t used to B. doesn ' t use to C. isn ' t used to D. used not to33. His wife had the front door painted green yesterday, she?A. didB. didn ' t C. hadD. hadn 't34. After the war , a new school building

37、 was put up there had once been atheatre.A. thatB. where C. which D. when35. It shames me to say it, but I told a life when at the meeting by may boss.A. questioningB. having questionedC. questionedD. to be questioned36. A modern city has been set up in was a wasteland ten years ago .A. whatB. which

38、C. thatD. where37. Professor Smith, along with his assistants, on the project day and night tomeet the deadline.A. workB. working C. is workingD. are working38. The president spoke at the business meeting for nearly an hour without his notes.A. bringing upB. referring toC. looking forD. trying on39.

39、 It is Certa in that he Willhis bus in ess to his Son Whe n he gets old.A. take overB. thi nk overC. hand overD. go over40. The Internet has broughtbig Cha nges in the Way We work.A. aboutB. outC. backD. UP41. When CIimbingthe hill, Johnsto ne.A. Un touchedB. Un familiarC. Un expectedD. Un believabl

40、eWaS knoCkedUnConSCiOUSby anrolli ng42. Her brotherto leave her in the dark room alone Whe n She disobeyed hisorder.A. declaredB. threate nedC. WarnedD. exclaimed43. Alice trusts you. Only you Canher to give UP the foolish idea.A. SUggeStB. attractC. tempt D. PerSUade44. A man is being questio ned i

41、n relati On to themurder.A. advisedB. atte ndedC. attemptedD. admired45. Moder n PIaStiCS CanVery high and Very low temperatures.A. Sta ndB. holdC. CarryD. SUPPOrtPart InIde ntificatio n (10%)DireCti ons: EaCh of the follow ing Senten CeS has four Un derl ined PartS marked A, B,C andD. Identify the

42、One that is not correct. Then mark the COrreSPOnding Ietter on the AnSWer Sheet With a Single Iine through the Center.46. He invited me to go to a Party and I did not Wa nt to join him that evening.ABCD47. The information WhiCh She WaS injured in the accident WaS given by Liz.ABCD48. Look at the bea

43、utiful floWers here ! How WOnderfUI they are smelli ng.49. Dear HeIe n, PleaSe forgive him for his rude ness, Can you ?ABCD50. Did anyone inform you With the Change of the SChedUIe thatABChad been decided yesterday ?D51. Despite his old age, he is still Very healthful and often works in the field.AB

44、C D52. This equipment is based UPon advaneed techniques and it isABChighly reliable.D53.lt is about time that We go to supper, for We StiIl have a meeting to attend this evening.AB CD54. Every now and the n he WoUld Come here Payi ng a ViSit to his Old aunt,ABCwho lived all alone in a small house.D5

45、5. The PaSSe ngers SaW the thief stole on the bus, but theydid n ' t Say any thi ng.ABCDPart IVCloze (10%)DireCtions: There are 20 blanks in the following passage, and for each blank there are 4 ChOiCeS marked A, B, C and D at the end of the passage. You should Choose ONE anSWer that best fit in

46、to the passage. Then mark the COrreSPOnding Ietter on the AnSWer Sheet With a Single Iine through the Center.When I WaS 16 years old, I made my first ViSit to the Un ited StateS it WaS nfirst time I had been _. Like most English ChiIdren I Iearned FrenCh at SChooI and Ihad ofte n _ to FranCe, I so I

47、 WaS USeda foreig n Ian guage to people who did notUn dersta nd. BUt Whe n I Went to AmeriCa I WaS really look ing forward toanice easy holiday without any _ problems.How wrong I was ! the misunderstanding began at the airport. I was looking fora _ telephone to give my American friend Danny a _ and

48、tell her I had arrived. Afriendly old man saw me _ lost and asked _ he could help me.Yes,I saiwant to give my friend a ring. ”“ Well, that' t you a bit _?getting_? But aren“ I _ want to give a ring to tell he I phone box? ” “ Oh! ” he said,Theres_Are you Who is talking about marriage?he exclaime

49、d.ve arrived. Can you tell me where theres a phone downstairs.When at last wemeet up, Dannythe misunderstandings to me.Don ' t worry, ” she said to me .I had so many _ at first. There are lots ofll sget used tothings theysay. Most ofthetime British and American peoplewords words which the Americ

50、ans _ differently in meaning from _. Youunderstand each other!56. A. outB. aboardC. awayD. abroad57. A. goneB. beenC. gotD. comeD. to speaking of59. A. English60. A. havingB. FrenchB. buyingC.C.Russian givingD. LatinD. receiving61. A. timeB. humanC.moneyD. language62. A. perfectB. popularC. publicD.

51、 pleasant63. A. ringB. letterC. wordD. message64. A. to lookB. looking likeC. lookingD. feeling like65. A. thatB. ifC.whereD.when66. A. wellB. strangeC. niceD. funny67. A. to marryB. marryingC.to be marriedD. married68. A. smallB. smartC. littleD. young69. A. veryB. justC.soD. just now70. A. didB. c

52、ouldC. doD.can71. A. describedB. explainedC. talkedD. expressed72. A. troubleB. difficultiesC.funD. things73. A. writeB. speakC.useD. read74. A. us BritishB. British usC.us BritainD. we British75. A. suchB. theseC.someD. all theB. for speakingC. to speaking58. A. to speakPart VTran slation(20%)Section ADirections: In this part, there are five sentences which you should translate intoChinese. These sentences are


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