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1、外研版七年级英语下 M1 U1导学案(学生版)学习目标1、能掌握本单元的单词和短语。2、能理解Activity 3的有关自我介绍的对话,掌握be动词一般现在时形式并能正确运用于自我介绍中。3、学会用and 衔接句子。4、能掌握/i:/, /i/, / e /,/ ae /的发音。课堂准备1、试读单词表中本单元的单词,不会读的在单词下打“”。2、试读第2页Activity2单词,Activity3对话,不会读的单词在下面打“”。自学交流1、仔细预习Activity3的对话,找出be动词的三种不同形式:- 、 -、 -。2、读对话,找答案: My name Miss Li. I

2、 Chinese. He - my friend. We - students. What your name? Where you from?合作探究1总结am、is are的用法:2互译下列单词短语句子:1.close_ 2.open_3.遇见_ 4.十二_ 5.学生_ 6.英语_7.practise_ 8.match _ _9.起立_ _ 10.坐下_ _11.Whats your name?_ _12.Where are you from?_ _13.Nice to meet you._ _14.我十三岁。_ _3.Match the words with the pictures.(

3、完成Activity8)巩固提高1、Work in pairs. Ask and answer.(Activity5)A: Whats your name? B: My namesA: Where are you from? B: Im fromA: Nice to meet you, B: Nice to meet you ,too.2Listening and repeat (Activity 6)1)Listen carefully 2)Repeat after the tape3、Listening and repeat (Activity 7)First,read aloud; Th

4、en,repeat after the tape.总结s在单词末尾的读音。_拓展延伸单项选择: 1. -Nice to meet you. - . A Good morning B You are welcom C Nice to meet you, too D Goodbye 2.He from Beijing, I from Shanghai. A is,is B am, am C is, am D is, comes 3. Please match the words the picture. A to B and C with D too 4. is Mary from? -She i

5、s from . A When, American B Where, America C What, French D Where, French 5. My sister is . A twelve year old B twelve years old C twelve-years old学后反思通过本课学习,我的问题表现在: 外研版七年级英语下 M1 U2导学案(学生版)学习目标1、能掌握本单元的单词和短语。2、能理解Activity2的有关自我介绍的对话,掌握be动词一般现在时形式并能正确运用于自我介绍中,掌握be动词的否定形式的运用。3、学会用and 衔接句子。4、学会说写进行自我介

6、绍课堂准备课前预习 读熟单词并能理解意思,预习课文。(检查)1. Match: city 十一English 十四England 英国的fourteen 英国eleven 城市 2. 单项选择 1)- are you? -Im thirteen years old. A What B Where C How old D How 2) Mike is from and he is . A Chinese, China B America, American C English, England D China, China自学交流 1、Introduce yourself to the clas

7、s.(自我介绍) My name is Im a Imyears old. Im from 2、Work in pairs. Ask and answer.(互相问答)A: Whats your name? B: My name isA: Where are you from? B: Im from ImA: How old are you? B: Im years old.合作探究 1读Activity2的课文完成作业。(在正确的句子后面打勾,错的后打叉)Read the first passage. Check the true sentences.1 )Daming is in Clas

8、s Two. 2 )Daming isnt from Beijing. Read the second passage. Check the true sentences.3) Lingling isnt English. 4) Lingling and Daming arent good friends. Read the second passage. Check the true sentences.5) Wang Hui is Chinese. 6 )Daming and Wang Hui are English. 2Read the passage again and complet

9、e Activity3.(再读一遍文章,完成Activity3)巩固提高Writing(写)1、 Say something about Daming, Lingling and Wang Hui. (有关大明、玲玲,王慧)His/Her name is Hes/Shes from Hes/Shes Hes/Shes years old.2、Write about yourself.(写自己)拓展延伸1用be动词的适当形式填空:1.My mother _ a teacher. 2.Your sister _ ten years old.3.His students _ all in the c

10、lassroom. 4.You and I _ good friends.5.Lucy _ an English girl.She _ in Class Two this year.6.You _ our Chinese teacher this term.2句型转换:I am from Shanghai. ( 否定句 ) I _ _ from Shanghai.学后反思通过本课学习,我的问题表现在: 外研版七年级英语下 M1 U3导学案(学生版)学习目标1.掌握本模块的单词:meet first English lesson class student Miss twelve year th

11、irteen too from close open match write practice blackboard twenty-nine fifty2.能够正确使用be ,明了一般现在时态中be的用法。3了解Be 动词的肯定,否定,一般疑问句的简单用法。4了解中西方姓名结构。课堂准备读熟单词并能记住本模块所有单词及重要短语Dictate all the words and phrases of this module. (按要求用手写体规范书写)自学交流1 Talk about you and your friends to your group.(在组内介绍自己或朋友)Activity1

12、 Im . Hes my friend . Im old. Hes old. Were and were in Class .2 .Match(Activity3)China AmericanEngland Chinese America EnglishStep 3 Look at the pictures and complete the sentences of Activity 2.3.Match the words with the pictures of Activity 4.(搭配图片和单词)合作探究1、1)先再复习一下系动词 be (is, am, are) 动词的用法。我(I)

13、用_ 你(you) 用_, _用于他he (她she、它it)。其他的:单数用_,复数用_。2)在老师的指导下尝试完成Activity2,然后和同学讨论总结含be 动词句子的陈述句、否定句、一般疑问句构成及变化规律。1) 陈述句:否定句:含有be (is, am, are) 动词的句子在变否定句时,在be(is, am, are)动词后加 一般疑问句:含有be (is, am, are) 动词的句子在变一般疑问句时,只要把be(is, am, are)变成 2、请同学们仔细读Around the world的内容,和同学讨论中西方姓名的结构:比较中国人的姓名和英美人姓名的不同。试一试你能用英语

14、写出你和朋友或家人的姓名吗?结构: 姓名拼写: 巩固提高句型转换:1. I am from Shanghai. ( 否定句 ) I _ _ from Shanghai.2. She is thirteen years old . ( 疑问句 ) _ _ thirteen years old ?3. Is Daming in Class One ? ( 陈述句 ) _ _ _ Class One.拓展延伸自我介绍My name is _. Im _ years old. Im from _ (地点) and Im _(某国人). Im in Class _ (One/ Two/ Three/ F

15、our/Five/Six).I can _ and I can _. I can_ but I cant _. I like _ but I dont like _. My favourite colour is _. My favourite food is _. I like sports. My favourite sport is _. (或My favourite sports are _ and _.) My hobby is _. (运动或爱好可以是:v-ing 或n)学后反思通过本课学习,我的问题表现在: 外研版七年级英语下 M2 U1导学案(学生版)学习目标单词:parent

16、, can, basketball ,piano ,tennis, table tennis, ride, horse, welcome, international 短语:ride a horse, ride a bike, play the piano, play basketball, play football, play tennis句型: I can speak English. I cant speak English Can you speak English? Yes, I can. No, I cant.This is Betty. Welcome Betty and Da

17、ming to our school.课堂准备预习单词及课文,做一下练习:1. 中英文互译。1) parent_ 2) international_3) ride a bike_ 4) play the piano_ 5)play tennis_ 6)table tennis_ 7) 踢足球_ 8) welcome to Beijing_ 9)说英语_ 10)骑马_ 2写写你会做的活动。(用动词短语表达)_ 自学交流1 Homework checking 预习情况检查:交流预习中遇到的困难或存在的问题。(师生互问探讨)2 Warming up and Matching.(Activity1,搭

18、配单词与图片) 搭配好后互相检查,看看哪些运动自己会做,试用I can的句型来说说。 例如:我会游泳。-I can swim.合作探究 1. Listening(Activity2)Listen and check what Lingling can do.(听玲玲会做什么,在正确的句子后打“”)Lingling can play football. Lingling cant play tennis. Lingling can ride a horse. Lingling can swim. .2Activity3.听一听、读一读对话。Betty 和Tony 会做和不会做哪些事,会的打“”,

19、不会的打“×”。NamePlay footballPlay basketballSpeak EnglishSpeak ChinesePlay table tennisRide a bikeswimBettyTony巩固提高再反复阅读Activity3的对话,练习Activity7,你能尝试总结一下吗?和同学一起试试吧。(一) Can的用法(二)can 的三种句式结构:拓展延伸1.用恰当的词填空。1) -Can you dance?- Yes,I _.2) -_ he paint? -No,he _.3) -Can she _English?-Yes, she _-2. 把下列句子变为

20、否定句。 1) Lingling can ride a horse. 2) He can speak Chinese. 3. 把下列句子变为一般疑问句。1) She can swim. 2) She can ride a bike. 学后反思通过本课学习,我的问题表现在: 外研版七年级英语下 M2 U2导学案(学生版)学习目标单词: factory, hotel, university, hospital, office, doctor, worker, manager, secretary, at ,句型: Whats your fathers / mothers job?This is m

21、y mother. My mother is a doctor at the hospital. These are my parents. They are factory workers.课堂准备你能写出至少5个表示职业的名词?_你能写出至少5个表示工作场所的名词吗?_自学交流中英文互译。(熟练掌握下列职业及相关工作地点的词,比比谁完成的又快又好。)1). factory_ 2). hotel_ 3).university_4).hospital_ 5).office_ 6)secretary_,7)工人_ 8).老师_ 9) 医生_10)经理_ 11)职业(工作)_ 合作探究1 完成课本

22、Activity1,Activity2.2 Activity3.学会询问同学父母的职业。运用下列句型。Eg:(例如)A: What are your parents jobs?B: My mother is a teacher. My father is a doctor. What about your parents?A: My mother is a secretary. My father is a factory manager。说一说,再写一写:_ 3Reading.()Get students to read the passage : 1)finish exercises in

23、 Activity4. 2)fill in the following form.NameNationality Father's JobMothers JobBetty Rixon(1)(2)(3)Tony Smith(4)(5)(6)Daming(7)(8)(9)Wang Lingling(10)(11)(12)巩固提高Activity6: Get the students to write using correct capital letter and full stop.(正确使用大写字母和句号)正确书写下面的句子。1)he can draw a chinese pictur

24、e _2) that English girl is very beautiful_3)these are english books _ 4)my friend lily is from America _ 拓展延伸 复习第一单元中的Activiy3 以及第二单元中的Activiy4,自己回忆情态动词can的具体用法。根据课文内容填空:1) Betty is from . She is . She play football, but she speak Chinese. 2) Tony is from . He is . He play football and table tennis.

25、 3) Damings mother is a at the hospital and his father is a .4) Linglings parents are .5) Bettys mother is a . 学后反思通过本课学习,我的问题表现在: 外研版七年级英语下 M2 U3导学案(学生版)学习目标1.掌握本模块的单词:parent, can, basketball, piano, tennis, table tennis, ride, horse, welcome, international,factory, hospital, hotel, office, univers

26、ity, doctor, manager, secretary, at, photo, family, her2.能够正确使用can,并能介绍自己和他人的职业。课堂准备1读熟单词并能记住本模块所有单词Dictate all the words of this module.(按要求用手写体规范书写)自学交流1Activity1.Talk about your family photo.(运用本模块所学句型进行交流) 范例:This is my family. These are my parents. My father is a worker and he can play table te

27、nnis. And this is my mother. She is a teacher. She can play tennis. I have a happy family!合作探究自主练习1 Look at the pictures and complete the sentences of Activity 3.2 Match the jobs with the work places.(Activity4)结队练习:Work in pairs. Ask and answer.A: Whats your name? B: My name isA: How old are you? B

28、: Im years old.A: Where are you from? B: Im from ImA: can you speak English? B: Yes, I can.巩固提高选择填空 ( )1). They often play _ football in _ university after school. A. 不填an B. aan C. 不填a ( )2). -Can you play tennis? - _. A. No, I can't B. Yes, I am C. No, I'm not ( )3). Can she _ her name? A.

29、 writes B. write C. writing( )4). My favorite sport is _. A. singing B. swimming C. shopping ( )5). I'm a student. I study in a _. A. middle school B. factory C. office 拓展延伸连词成句。1) play, Lingling , piano, can, the _?2) can, horse, Tony, ride ,a, not _.3)teacher,an,in,English,university,a,mother,

30、my,is_.4) parents, are,her, these _.5) is, my, friend, Kate, good _.学后反思通过本课学习,我的问题表现在: 外研版七年级英语下 M3 Gramma导学案(学生版)学习目标There be 句型表示存在的用法。课堂准备一、 你能介绍一下我们的教室有哪些东西吗?(看谁说的最多?)二、你们知道如果用英语表达“地方有”该如何表达呢?一般采用There be 句型。看下面的例句:There is a book on the desk.桌子上有一本书。There are some students in our classroom.我们的

31、教室里有一些学生。There is a ball under the bed.床底下有一个球。根据上面的例子,你知道be 的单复数由谁来决定吗?(组内讨论)自学交流请完成下面的句子:1、There _(be) an apple on the table.2、There _(be) five pictures on the wall.3、There _(be) twenty-one girls in our class.4、There _(be) some milk in the glass.5、There _(be) a pen and two pencils in her pencil-bo

32、x.6、There (be)some books and an eraser on the desk.7、There (be)some students on the playground.8、There (be)some chairs.9、There (be) a blackbord here.10、There (be) some warter in the cup.11、There (be) a teacher in front of the blackboard.12、There (be) some rice and vegetables on the table.(核对答案,你知道第4

33、、5、12题用“is”还是“are”吗?)三、总结一下吧!There be 句型的陈述句结构:合作探究看下面的表格,你能发现的There be 句型一般疑问句和还定句是如何构成的吗?肯定否定疑问回答There is a computer on the desk.There isnt a computer on the desk.Is there a computer on the desk?Yes, there is.No, there isnt.There are some students on the playground.There arent any students on the

34、playground.Are there any students on the playground?Yes, there are.No, there arent.小组讨论,总结:1、否定形式:_2、疑问形式:_ 肯定答语: 否定答语: (注意:如果肯定句中出现some,变否定和疑问应该怎么办呢?)巩固提高一起练练吧:1、There is some water in the bottle .(一般疑问句)_ _ _ water in the bottle? Yes ,_ _.2、There are some books in the bag.(否定句)There _ _books in th

35、e bag. 拓展延伸用 some ,any填空1、 - Are there books there? - Yes, there are science books.2、 - Is there rice in the bowl? - No , there isnt .3 、There are labs in our school.4 、There arent apples in the basket.5 、Would you like milk in your coffee?学后反思通过本课学习,我的问题表现在: 外研版七年级英语下 M3 U1导学案(学生版)学习目标1、 熟悉本课所学的新词汇

36、。2、 能用“there be”句型描述自己的教室及学校。3、 正确应用“there be”句型的各种句式。课堂准备1、在课文中划出下列新词汇,弄清其汉语意思,大声朗读。blackboard library dictionary picture teacherclassroom television computer desk student 2、完成Activity1,然后讨论自己教室里有哪些东西并记录下来,每组选一名代表展示。比一比谁说的最多。自学交流1 复习数字110。默写他们的英语写法。 2 完成Activity6听读数字。3 完成Activity7 ,搭配数字。(思考并讨论,你发现什

37、么了吗?英语数字的构成有规律吗?)11( ) 14( ) 15( )18( ) 19( ) 19( )21( ) 34( ) 56( )72( ) 87( ) 99( )合作探究1和你的同桌读对话并找出含有“there be”的句型的句子,并翻译成汉语。(Activity3)2Lisen and underline the correct answers.(Activity4) 23.Work in pairs . Write about your classroom. Use numbers.(Activity8)NumbersNumbers41desksblackboardstelevisionsteachers desksstudentspictures


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