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1、应用文写作LETTER WRITING1. 信件格式1.1 组成部分:称谓; 引言部分; 主体部分;署名1.2 段落格式:空4个字符2. 称谓用语 信头称谓和结尾称谓 位置对象Beginning 信头Ending信尾If you dont know the name不知对方姓名Dear Sir,Dear Madam,Dear Sir/Madam,Yours faithfully, Faithfully yours, Your truly, Truly yours,If you know the surname of the person but he/ she is not a close f

2、riend认识但不熟悉Dear Mr. Smith, (Messrs.)DearMs. Charlotte(Mmes.)Dear Dr. Brown(博士;医生)Dear Prof. Brown(教授)Dear Pres. Brown(总统,校长)Dear Hon. Brown(市长,大使,法官)Yours sincerely, Sincerely yours, Yours respectfully, Respectfully yours, If the person is a friend好友Dear Allen,Dear Tim,Best regards,Best wishes,All m

3、y love.3. 内容用语In English, there are certain standard words and phrases that can be used when you want to make a request, suggestion, complaint, etc. These are called functions. You should learn some of the common functions. Here are some examples. 文体 内容(目标)正式非正式Apology致歉Im terribly sorry, butI am af

4、raid I I must apologize about Im very sorry butI am sorry about (not)ingComplaint抱怨投诉I must complain aboutI am not satisfied withI feel something should be done about Request提出请求Could you please?Could you possiblyWould it be possible toI would be grateful if you couldWould you mind doingI wonder if

5、you couldCould youCan youId like you to Would you mind doingMaking suggestions提出建议Id like to suggest thatMay I suggest thatPerhaps we couldCould you please How aboutWhat aboutWhy dont weLets3.1 Other useful expressions信件内容用语(补充)3.1.1.Suggestions & RecommendationsI am writing to you in concern wi

6、th your request ofI would suggest/ propose thatI would like to put forward the idea thatI hope you will give these proposals/ suggestions your full consideration.In my opinion you should/ ought to do sth.It seems to me that your best choices is toIf I were you, I wouldI think you should/ ought to do

7、 sth.I think youd better do/not do sth.3.1.2.ComplaintsMILD:I am writing to you in connection withI am writing to you regardingI am writing to you to complain about the poor service/quality of I am writing to express my dissatisfaction withI am sorry to inform you thatI wish to make a complaint abou

8、tI am afraid I have a complaint to make aboutSTRONG:I feel I must protest/ complain aboutI feel it a must to complain about3. Making requestsI would appreciate it if you wouldI will have to insist on a refund in full of the price/charge.I expect to be compensated for all the extra expenses.I would b

9、e very grateful if you would as soon as possible.I hope this situation will not occur again.4. Making inquiresI am writing to inquire about/ ask for information onI am writing to ask for more details of I would be very grateful if you would supply/ provide me with certain essential information/the f

10、ollowing information.I am anxious to obtain information aboutFirst of all, I would like to/ need to knowThanks a lot in advance for your sincere assistance/help.5. ExplanationsI am writing to explain/inform you ofThe main reason forI am afraid I cannot6.ThanksI am writing to express hearty gratitude

11、 to you forI and writing to thank you for4. 主体结构The body is the middle part of the letter which contains most of the important information. There are several standard patterns for organizing the body of your letter in an English style. It seems easier for you to divide your letter into four parts. T

12、ype of letter信件内容(目标)Plan主体结构If your letter is making a request提出请求Introductory paragraph介绍自己Explain the situation解释问题Details of your request 提出要求Closing paragraph收尾If your letter is giving an apology致歉Introductory paragraph介绍自己并道歉Explain why you must apologize解释道歉的原因Alternative plan (if appropriate

13、)Closing paragraph收尾If your letter is making a complaint抱怨;投诉Introductory paragraph介绍自己Explain the problems解释存在问题Say what you think the addresseeshould do讲明自己希望对方做的事情Closing paragraph收尾If your letter is giving information提供信息Introductory paragraph介绍自己Information offered提供信息Offer more information (if

14、 appropriate)如果可能提供更多信息(相关)Closing paragraph收尾If your letter is making suggestions提出建议Introductory paragraph介绍自己Make first suggestion提出建议(最合适)Provide an alterative to this suggestion or make a second suggestion提出建议(供选择)Closing paragraph收尾These plans are just examples only. Sometimes, the test questi

15、ons will give you more than one purpose for writing the letter. If this happens you will have to choose from two or more of the above plans. You should practice as much as possible to be familiar with those plans and patterns.5. 收尾用语The content of the closing paragraphs depends on what you have writ

16、ten in the rest of your, but some possibilities are listed here. 文体内容正式非正式If your letter is making a request: Mention what the addressee will do 提出请求Thank you for your attention to this matter.I look forward to prompt response.Thanks for your help.Please write soon.If your letter is giving an apolog

17、y:Make a final apology道歉Once again, I am sorry for any inconvenience caused.Please accept my apologies once more.I hope I didnt cause you too much trouble.Sorry again!If your letter is making a complaint:mention what theaddressee will do投诉/抱怨I expect to hear from you soon.Please give this matter yourimmediate attention.If your letter is giving information:say you hope you have been helpful: 提供信息offer more informationI hope this information will help you.Please feel free to contact me for more information.I hope all this helps.If I can tell y


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