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1、九年级阶段检测(全)、听力理解(20小题,每小题1分,共20分)(略)、阅读理解(20小题,每小题2分,共40分)阅读下面四篇语言材料,然后按文后要求做题AWhy is Clea n Water SO importa nt to develop ing COun tries?A rece nt report shows that about 80PerCe nt of diseases in develop ing coun tries are CaUSed by poor Water and low San itati卫生) conditionsn those countries, wome

2、n and girls SPend SeVeraI hours collecting water,but often polluted,far away from their families. The polluted Water more or less in flue nces their health .In this case,there is an Urgen迫切的)need for people in developing countries to have access t有(机会或权 禾U使用)clean Water to improve their health.Here

3、is a short story about Hadjara Zakari,a 12-year-old girl in Niger.Havi ng access to clea nWater Cha nged her life.She lear ned about the importa nce of han d-washi ng Whe n the school firstreceived clean Water three years ago. That evening,she told her father,“You shouldn ' t eat WilUnl ess you

4、CIeal your han ds. ” Her father WaS Very angry and ShOUted at her,“It ' S not UP to you tme What to do! ” StUnIle瞪口呆的),Hadjara Sat in silence. BUt She knew She WaS right.In protest,Hadjara refused to eat dinner that night. After her father questioned HaSlra ' S head teacher,heUnderstood the

5、importance of hanCWaShing and his daughter ' S inIntJoiThe girl really Wantedher family to live Ion ger and healthier lives.For people in develop ing coun tries, clea n Water Can Cha nge many thin gs, especially improvetheir health.So,from now on,let' S avoid WaSting Water and take action to

6、 SaVe water, WhiCh is important to people all over the world.根据材料内容选择最佳答案。21. Accordi ng to the rece nt report, poor Water and low San itati on con diti OnSCan CaUSeA. traffic problems B.forest fires C.many illnesses22. The key to improving people' S health in developing countries in ParagraPh 1

7、.A. to get clean Water B.to exercise oftenC.to refuse drugs23. What Can We infer推断)from ParagraPh 2?A. Hadjara IaUghed at her father ' S foolishness.B. Hadjara refused to eat dinner that ni ght in order to lose weight.C. Hadjara ' S father Understood his daughter' S love and Care for him

8、 later.24. The Underlined word“ PrOteSt ” in this PaSSage meansA. 抗议B.保护C.节约25. The PUrPOSe of the Writer is to.A. teach people how to WaSh handsB. call on people all over the world to SaVe WaterC. show develop ing coun tries are rich in clea n WaterB(2019河南省实验中学三模)Whe n your Pen is broke n, the bat

9、tery in your toy runs out, or you have some leftover food, Whatdo you do With these thin gs? You will PrObabIy throw them all into one bin. BUt actually, all of thesePieCeS of trash n eed to be SOrted SeParateIy .In rece nt years, some Chin ese CitieS have bee n work ing hard on it.Shanghaihas WOrke

10、d With AIiPay to Create a“ gre绿色a账C户u"” SerViCe for people.Acco Unt holders get POintS by COrreCtIy sort ing their garbage. ThrOUgh the AIiPay app they Can exchange the POintS for milk, phone CardS and other products. The City is asking all of its people to sort their garbage into four groups:w

11、et, recyclable, harmful and dry.Wet WaSte is also known as household waste.“ They are things you don ' t Want but that PigS Caeat, ” GUangzhou Daily explained.Paper, metal, glass and other thi ngs that Can be reused are recyclable waste.HarmfUI WaSte in CIUdeS things like medici ne, batteries an

12、d fluoresce nt bulb荧光灯泡).Finally, any WaSte that ' S not wet, recyclable or harmful will go in the“ dry WaSte ” biMany Other Chinese CitieS are also USing this method to sort their garbage. FOr example,Shen Zhe n has bee n sort ing its garbage into the Same four groups SinCe 2012. StUde nts ther

13、e also receive WaSte-SOrt ing guidebooks that they must study.China is improving its WaSte-SOrting efforts. There is still a long Way to go. BUt it' S never toolate to lear n how to sort your trash PrOPerIy and PrOteCt the en Vir Onment.If you don ' t sort your garbage, all of it will go tan

14、aifill and be buried together. TheSeIandfills Can take UP large areas of ground that could have been USed for planting trees or crops. The electro nic WaSte you throw away, SUCh as batteries, Can pollute the soil and groun dwater. Other PieCeS of garbage, like the metal Part of a pen, Can be USed to

15、 make other things if they are PrOPerIy recycled.根据材料内容选择最佳答案。26. How is Shan ghai en COUrag ing people to sort their garbage?A. By Pay ing people to sort their trash correctly.B. By PrOViding its people With guidebooks to help them.C. By allowi ng people to excha nge garbage With each other.D. By C

16、reating a“green accoUnt ” SerViCe With the help of Alipay.27. Which of the followi ng would be SOrted as Wet waste?BCD28. What does the Underlined word“ Iandfill” mean?A.里程碑 B.地下水 C.填埋场D.风景区29. What do We know about garbage sort ing in China?A. It Started its garbage sorting SyStem in 2012.B. There

17、is still a lot of work to be done in this area.C. Landfills are a great method of dealing With garbage.D. Stude nts have to take WaSte-SOrti ng CIaSSeS in school.30. What is the main idea of the last paragraph?A. Where We Can deal With our waste.B. Why We should sort our garbage PrOPerly.C. What kin

18、ds of WaSte Can pollute the en Vir Onment.D. How some kinds of WaSte Can be reused and recycled.(2018 河南郑州一模 )High-tech machines have made life easier for millions of people around the world. However, some people still prefer low-tech ways of doing things. Here' s an example of why this is happe

19、ning.You can microwave a frozen hamburger in 60 seconds. However, it won ' t taste as good as the one you COOk On the StOVe火炉).And if you ' re in that much Of a hurry, you PrObabIy WOn' t take time totoast烘烤)the bread. HighteCh cooking SaVeS time, but it doesn' -tmane beetes.Most peo

20、ple get their n ews from high-tech SOUrCeS来 源)like televisio n or the In ternet. ThiS has many adVantages. For examPIe, eIectronic neWs is more uP-to-date than neWsPaPers or magazines. It ' s also more exciting to see liVe and Videotaped neWs eVents than photographs.HoWeVer, neWspapers and magaz

21、ines haVe some important adVantages. They giVe more backgro UndSand details® 节).They also let you read the PartS that are importa nt to you and SkiP the rest. Other high-tech timesaVers haVe similar disadVantages. For example, most people use the phone or email to stay in touch With friends and

22、 family members Who liVe in other places. But When you use the Internet or the phone, you don' t alWays think carefully about What you are saying, and sometimesyou forget the important things you Want to communicate. Similarly, When you do your homeWork on the computer, you needn ' t check y

23、our spelling by yourself. HoWeVer, you are so busy With the computer that you don ' t pay enough attention to the actual Words you are Writing.31. What adVantages of high-tech machines does the Writer mention in the text?A. They make more delicious meals.B. They can saVe time and make life easie

24、r.C. They can proVide neWs With detailed information.D. They can make students do their homeWork carefully.32. HoW many adVantages does the neWs from high-tech sources haVe according to the text?A.TWo.B.Three. C.Four. D.FiVe.33. Which of the folloWing is NOT true according to the text?A. We sometime

25、s forget to say the important things When talking on the phone.B. We Won' t miss important information While reading neWspapers and magazin.esC. We can get the latest neWs from high-tech sources like teleVision or the Internet.D. When We email our friends, We are alWays careful to choose the rig

26、ht Words to say.34. What is the Writer ' S attitude towarechmachines?A. The Writer thi nks high-tech machi nes are perfect.B. The Writer shows no in terest in high-tech thi ngs.C. The Writer expresses that each COin has two sides.D. The Writer expects people to USe more high-tech thin gs.35.ln W

27、hiCh SeCti On Of a magaz ine may the text appear?A.News.B.Music and art.C.Sports.D.Scie nce and tech no logy.DFunnythingS may happen in different PIaCeS around the world. 36 Yes, every year, it is held by the OXfOrd and the Cambridge in Iate MarCh or early April on ThameS River, En gla nd. ThiS boat

28、 race is as famous as the two oldest Uni VerSitieS in Brita in.37 It Came from two frie nds CharIeS Merivale, a StUde nt at Cambridge, and his frie nd CharIeS WOrdSWOrth who WaS at OXford. They decided to Set UP a boat race betwee n the two UniVerSities. On MarCh 12, 1829, the Cambridge Sent a chall

29、enge to the OXfOrd first.The first boat race took place in a small town in Thames. 38CrOWdS of twenty thousandtraveled to watch. It WaS so exciting. And the OXfOrd WaS the clear winner. Later on, not onIy did the StUde nts from the two Uni VerSitieS take part, but also some social groups atte nded t

30、he eve nt. By 1845, With the small town becoming too crowded, the boat race had moved SiX miles UP to the villag PUtney. 39 ThiS boat race is conSidered to be“ the world ' S oldest sporting challengeThe race is four and a quarter miles in just 20 minutes and the COmPetitOrS often face difficulti

31、es.40 In the past, the OXfOrd WaS mostly the Winners. BUt things have Changed from 1993. The Cambridge has won more.根据材料内容,从下面五个选项中选出能填入文中空缺处的最佳选项,使短文意思通顺、内容完整,并将其标号填写在下面题号后的横线上。A. From 1856, the race has bee n held every year except War years.B. It usually takes SiX mon ths for the two teams to Pre

32、Pare for the big day.C. Eight StUde nts from each Uni VerSity became the COmPetitors.D. Have you heard a boat race held betwee n two famous Uni VerSities?E. Maybe people won der who thi nks of the idea of hold ing the boat race.36. 37. 38. 39. 40.三、完形填空(15小题,每小题1分,共15分)先通读短文,掌握其大意,然后从A、B、C、D四个选项中选出一

33、个可以填入相应空白处的最佳答案。A few years ago, the COmPa ny I WOrk for Sent my Wife and me to IiVe in NeW YOrk for a year.I ' Ve always loved running, so I WaS really41 When I found out the apartment they had rented forUS WaS next to Central Park. ThiS meant that I could go to the Park to 42 every morning bef

34、ore I Went to work.A lot of people had told me to 43 robbers抢劫者)in the park, so usually I didn' t take any44With me. What could robbers do to me? BUt one morning, my Wife gave me a $10 bill and askedme to buy some bread on the way. 45 I WaS running through the park, another jogger慢跑者)knoCked int

35、o me. JUSt as I WaS 46 What WaS happening, he Said sorry to me and 47 rUnning.I thought it WaS kind of 48 , and SUddenly it rem inded me of my money, so I CheCked my POCketand found that the money WaS 49 .Without thinking twice I ran after that jogger. The minUte I held him by the arm, I 50, “ GiVe

36、my money back! Now! ” I am not USUaIIyhaalod PerSon,51_I got really angry this time. ThiS Seemed to frighten使害怕)him, and he 52 the money and gave it to me. Then he ran away as 53 as he could.I bought the bread and went home. AS soon as I got home, I bega n to tell my Wife my54_. “You won' t beli

37、eve What happened to me, ” I started. She immediately StOPPed me,“I know55_the money for thebread on the kitche n table.”41. A.freeB.proudC.happyD.patie nt42. A.ru nB.chatC.readD.da nce43. A.be mad at B.be StriCt WithC.be CarefUI of D.be afraid of44. A.dri nkB.m oneyC.foodD.medici ne45. A.Before B.A

38、fterC.S in CeD.While46. A.watching B.wonderingC.reportingD.reviewing47. A.stopped B.forgotC.practicedD.continued48. A.strange B.scaryC.crazyD.dangerous49.A. SafeB.broke nC.missi ngD.remai ning50.A.expla inedB.l aughedC.thoughtD.shouted51.A.butB.u ntilC.u nlessD.although52.A.used UPB.took outC.put do

39、w nD.gave away53.A.an grilyB.quietlyC.quicklyD.carefully54.A.storyB.eve ntC.secretD.tour55.A. gotB.leftC.tookD.brought四、语篇填空(15个小题,每小题1分,共15分) 第一节(10个小题,每小题1分,共10分)(2019河南新乡二模)阅读短文,从方框中选择适当的词并用其正确形式填空,使短文通顺、意思完整。每空限填 一词,每词限用一次。he twice Play PrOmiSe how at score IOOk SurPriSe together“ Whoosh!” The b

40、all flew into the net and the game Waally over. ThiS game had gone into OVertime(加 时赛) 56 . Un til the last goal WaS 57 no one knew WhiCh team would Wi n.DaVe felt Very bad because his team had lost. He liked playing soccer, but he liked Winning much more. Now the two teams that Came from differe nt

41、 high schools should have a PiC nic 58 . DaVe didn ' t Want to have IUnCh With the other team because the other team would PrObabIy吹rag( 嘘)by talking about how they won the game.DaVe Went to the locker room 更 衣室)to Cha nge 59 SOCCer clothes. There the coach talked to the team about What they had

42、 done. They also talked about 60 they could improve their skills. Then everybody WaIked OUtSide towards the PiC nic table.One of the 61 from the other team WaS Sta nding n ear the PiCniC table. He han ded DaVe a PaPer Plate. “ Hi,I ' m Miguel, ” he said.“ Hi, ” DaVe replied62 down at the ground.

43、“You PIayed well, ” MigUeI said. “I didn ' t think We Were going to Win.”DaVe WaS 63 . MigUeI WaS not bragging 64 all.“Thanks, ” DaVe Said to MigUeI.“ You PIayed well,too. ”On the Way home, DaVe felt happy. DaVe 65 himself that the next time his team WOn agame, he would not brag to the other tea

44、m. It WaS wonderful to win, but it WaS more important to be a good winner.5.第二节(5个小题,每小题1分,共5分)(2020河南中考原创)阅读短文,根据语篇要求填空,使短文通顺、意思完整。每空限填一词。On ce, there WaS a wild don key驴子)and a tame 驯养的)don key. The wild don key WaS th in andsmall. He SPent his life outdoors. The grass

45、on the hill 66 his food all the year around.Sometimes, he had to walk miles to find fresh Water and at ni ght there WaS always dan ger from wolves. The tame don key WaS fat and strong. DUring SUmmer he WaS fed on the rich grass while in Winter he WaS given corn and hay干草)to eat. There WaS always fre

46、sh Water for him 67 drink and at ni ght he WaS ShUt SafeIy in the StabI畜舍).The wild don key always WiShed he 68 live like the tame don key.One day, the wild don key WaS look ing for grass on the hill. Look ing dow n, he SaW 69 tamedon key walki ng slowly along the road, Carry ing a heavy load of woo

47、d. AS he watched, the tamedon key StOPPed to eat grass by the roadside. SUdde nly, his owner bega n to beat him With a stick.“I Cha nge my mind about your Way of life,” thought the wild don key.“I See that you have toheavily 70 the food they give you. ”66. 67. 68. 69. 70.五、补全对话(5个小题,每小题2分,共10分)根据下面对

48、话情景,在每个空白处填上一个适当的句子,使对话的意思连贯、完整A:You look worried, Peter. 71.?B:I ' m WOrried about my English. I having'trouble learning English.A:72.?B:SOmetimeS I Can ' t pronounce some words correctly.A:Well, I think listening to electronic books Can help you. You Can follow What the SPeakerS Say in

49、electro nic books. 73B:That ' S a good ide4. ?I always forget them.A:YOu Can Write the new words in your small no tebook or On a PieCe of paper. Then you Can take it anyWhere you go and StUdy them from time to time.B:That might help!Tha nks.A:You' re welcome. By the way, Can you Understanwhat people Say When they talk to you?B:No, not always.A:75.?B:Maybe I will joi n an En glish club.A:


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