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1、自觉遵装守考订试线规那么内诚不信考得试,答绝不题作弊1. Choose from the following the one that best fits the blank and write down the correct answer below (1x15):A. place of articulationC. obstruction of airflowA. nasalizationB. velarization北京科技大学2021- 2021学年第 二学期语言学概论 试卷(B)院(系)班级 学号 姓名试卷卷面

2、成绩占课程考核成绩平时 成绩占30%课程考核成绩题号一一三四五六七八九十小计得分1. Consonants and vowels are distinguished byB. manner of articulationD. total stopping of air2. Which of the following is the correct description of ?A. high back lax rounded vowel B. low back lax rounded vowelC. high back lax unrounded vowel D. low back lax

3、unrounded vowel3. Which of the following sounds is described as voiceless alveolar fricativeA. s B. z C. t D. l4. In -tU, the underlined sound can be described as a.A. pure vowel B. vowel glide C. monophthong D. diphthong5. The change that happens to the r-J sound in 帝我 *Y is an example of.C. antici

4、patory coarticulation D. regressive assimilation6. Which of the following is an example of exocentric compounds?A. time-consuming B. sun-tanned C. breakthrough D. foot-warmer7. The English expression China-town, in which China comes from Chinese, is an exampleof .A. loanword B. loanblending C. loans

5、hift D. loan translation8. Which of the following pairs can be taken as an example of converse antonymy?A. cool: warm B. boy: girl C. cooler: warmer D. boyish: girlish9. can refer to Confucius even though he was dead 2,000 years ago. This shows that language has the design feature of.A. arbitrarines

6、s B. creativity C. duality D. displacement10. We can form tens of thousands of words out of about 48 sounds in English. This is the advantage of.A. dualityB. recursiveness C. displacement D. arbitrariness11. Which of the following theories takes as the origin of language the instinctive sounds of pa

7、in, anger and joy?A. The bow-wow theoryB. The pooh-pooh theoryC. The Vo-he-ho theoryD. The Winnie-the-Pooh theory12. Which of the following is a branch of macrolinguistics?A. linguistic semantics B. inflectional morphologyC. articulatory phonetics D. anthropological linguistics13. If we could embrac

8、e the sum of word-images stored in the minds of all individuals, we could identify the social bond that constitutes language. This social bond that constitutes language is referred to as.A. langue B. parole C. competence D. Performance14. An outstanding representative of the formal approach to lingu

9、istics is.A. Saussure B. HallidayC. Chomsky D. Bloomfield15. Which of the following doesnt belong to the relation of substitutability?A. associative relation B. syntagmatic relationC. vertical relation D. choice relation得分|II. Decide whether the following statements are true or false and write the a

10、nswerbelow (1x 15): Randolph Quirks A ComprehensiveGrammar of the English Language can claim to be a diachronic study of the English language.2. The Chinese lines 枯藤老树昏鸦,小桥流水人家 stand as a typical example of paratacticrelation between sentences.3. Edit, peddle, e

11、nthuse, calm etc. are all examples of abbreviation, as part of the original wordis cut off in forming the new word.4. A woman and a tiger is a typical exocentric construction, as there is no clearly definablecenter and modifier in the expression.语言学概论试卷B第2页共8页自觉遵装守、考订试线规那么内诚不信考得试,答绝不题作弊5. p and p ar

12、e two allophones in English while they are two phonemes in Chinese.6. As in the class animal we have members like bird, fish, insect and animal, animal can becalled an auto-hyponym.7. According to Leech, collocative meaning is an associative meaning, which refers to what iscommunicated through assoc

13、iation with another sense of the same expression.8. Ogden and Richards proposed the semantic triangle, arguing that the relation between a word and a thing it refers to is not direct, but mediated by concept.9. The recreational function of language enables us to talk about talk and think about think

14、ing.10. Auditory linguistics is concerned with the perception of speech sounds.11. The eight primary cardinal vowels include 4 front vowels and 4 back vowels in the received pronunciation of British English.12. The word 6pen includes 2 syllables, in which the sound p is the coda of the first syllabl

15、e.13. A conversational implicature is attached to the semantic content of what is said, not to the linguistic form. This is called cancellability or defeasibility.14. / can be used both for broad transcription and phonemic transcription.15. Meaning shift in the narrow sense, in which the change of m

16、eaning has nothing to do with generalization or restriction, is also known as conversion.得分|III. Define the following terms (5x 6):1. diacritics2. maximal onset principle语言学概论 试卷B第10页共8页3. bound morpheme4. metathesis5. propositional logic6. embedding得分IV. Answer the following questions briefly (10 x

17、 2):1. Whats the difference between Sensd and reference?自觉 .-r . . .,2. Illustrate with examples the characteristics of gradable antonymy.遵装守、考订试线规那么内诚不信考得试,答绝不题作弊得分V. The following conversationseemsquite incoherent. Try to account for its!coherence by reference to Austin s Speech Act Theory and Gri

18、ce s| Conversational Implicature Theory. (20)Husband:Thats the phone.Wife:I m in the bathroom.Husband:Okay.北京科技大学2021 2021学年度第二学期语言学概论试题答案及评分标准I. (15分,每题1分)5. B6. C7. B13. A14. C15. B8. C1. C2. A 3. A4. B9. D10. A11. B12. DII. (15分,每题1分)1. F2. T 3. F 4. F5. T9. F10. T 11. F12. F13. F6. T14. F7. F15.

19、 F8. TIII. (30分,每题5分)1. The diacritics are additional symbols or marks (1 point) used together with the consonant and vowel symbols (1 point) to indicate nuancesof change in their pronunciation (2 points). For example, the raised h in ph to indicate aspiration. (1 point)2. This is a principle used i

20、n dividing syllables in polysyllabic words. (1 point) According to this principle, when there is a choice as to where to place a consonant, it is put into the onset rather than the coda. (3 points) For example, p in 6pen should be put as the onset of the second syllable instead of coda of the first

21、syllable. (1 point)3. Morpheme is the smallest meaningful unit in a language. (1 point) Bound morpheme refers to morphemes that cannot come alone but must be combined with at least another morpheme. (3 points) For example, -s in boys. (1 point)4. This is a process involving a change in the sequence

22、of sounds. (2 points) Metathesis had been originally a performance error, which was overlooked and accepted by the speech community. (2 points) For instance, the wordbird was brid in O.E. (1 point)5. Propositional logic, also known as propositional calculus or sentential calculus, is the study of th

23、e truth conditions for propositions (2 points): how the truth of a composite proposition is determined by the truth value of its constituent propositions and the connections between them. (3 points)6. Embedding refers to the means by which one clause is included in the sentence (main clause) in synt

24、actic subordination. (4 points) The three basic types of subordinate clause are complement, adjunct (or adverbial) and relative clauses. Conjunctions like when, where, since, if, that, who, etc. are used in this case. (1 point)IV.每题10分,共20分1. One difference between sense and reference is that sense

25、refers to the abstract properties of an entity, while reference refers to the concrete entities having these properties. This difference is similar to the difference between connotation and denotation. (5 points) Another difference between sense and reference is that every word has a sense, that is

26、to say, every word has some conceptual content; otherwise we cannot understand and use the word. But not every word has a reference. For example, grammatical words dort have a reference. (5 points)2. First, they are gradable. (2 points) That is, the members of a pair differ in terms of degree. The d

27、enial of one is not necessarily the assertion of the other. There is a great common ground in between.(2 points) Something can be neither good or bad, but just so so. And they can be modified by “very (1. point) And they may have comparative and superlative degrees. Something may be better or worse than another. Something may be thebest or worst among a number of things. (1 point)Second, antonyms of this kind are graded against different norms. There is no absolute criterion by which we may say something isgood or ba


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