1、北京科技大学2021- 2021学年第 二学期1. Choose from the following the one that best fits the blank and write down the correct answer below (1x15):语言学概论 试卷(C)院(系)班级 学号 姓名试卷卷面成绩占课程考核成绩平时 成绩占30%课程考核成绩题号一一三四五六七八九十小计得分自 觉 遵 守 考 试 规 那么诚 信 考 试绝 不 作 弊1. Which of the following is NOT a d
2、esign feature of language?A. Duality B. Creativity C. Conventionality D. displacement2. Concerning the origin of language, the existence of onomatopoeic words seem to be a convenient evidence for .A. the bow-wow theoryB. the pooh-pooh theoryC. the yo-he-ho theoryD. the evolutionist theory3. The dist
3、inction between linguistic competence and performance was proposed byA. Jacobson B. Bloomfield C. D. H. Hymes D. Chomsky4. Consonants and vowels are distinguished by.A. place of articulationB. manner of articulationC. obstruction of airflow D. total stopping of air5. Which of the following sounds is
4、 described as voiced alveolar fricative ?A. d B. z C. g D. lfunction of6. Our language can be used to talk about itself. This is referred to as the .language.A. recreational B. metalingual C. interpersonal D. emotive7. In the word displayed, the root is.A. dis B. play C. display D. ed8. The basic un
5、it of phonological analysis is the.A. allophone B. phoneme C. sound D. minimal pair语言学概论 试卷C 第1页共7页9. Boy: Girl is an example of.A. gradable antonymyB. converse antonymyC. complementary antonymy D. complete antonymy10. The study of language through the course of its history is called.A. synchronic s
6、tudyB. diachronic studyC. descriptive studyD. prescriptive study11. Pragmatics is a discipline that concentrates on.A. connotative meaning B. social meaningC. contextual meaning D. reflected meaning12. The theory of the illocutionary act was proposed by.A. William James B. John Austin C. John Searle
7、 D. Paul Grice13. The distinction between langue and parole was proposed by.A. Saussure B. Halliday C. Chomsky D. Bloomfield14. The boy smiledis an example of structure.A. endocentric B. exocentric C. coordinate D. subordinate15. Which of following semantic change is known as zero-derivation?A. Broa
8、dening. B. Narrowing. C. Meaning shift. D. Class shift.II. Decide whether the following statements are true or false and write the answer below (1x 15): By cardinal vowels,we refer to a set of basic vowels in the received pronunciation of British English.2. When
9、 dividing syllables, we normally put consonants in the coda position.3. Since language is arbitrary, learners of a foreign language should pay more attention to the arbitrariness instead of the conventionality of the target language.4. Paradigmatic relation is a term used by Saussure to refer to the
10、 relation of substitutability.5. For sounds to be allophones of the same phoneme they must be complementarily distributed and must have phonetic similarity.6. The distinction between free morpheme and bound morpheme is whether they can be added to other morphemes to form words.7. A relative clause i
11、s joined to the sentence through a process called conjoining.8. Poly-morphemic words are also called compounds, as they consist of at least two different morphemes.自觉遵装守、考订试线规那么内诚不信考得试,答绝不题作弊9. The distinction between open-class words and closed-class words is based on whether the membership of the
12、group is fixed or limited.10. The distinction between ens$ and reference is comparable to that betweendenotation and connotation, the former referring to abstract properties, the latter concrete entities.11. is used for narrow transcription while / for broad transcription.12. In Katz and Fodors sema
13、ntic theory, there are two parts: a dictionary and a set of projection rules.13. Propositional logic and predicate logic are branches of logical semantics, which is concerned with the meaning of propositions.14. The fact that we can refer to Confucius or the North Pole, which are far away from us in
14、 time or space, is a typical example of the creativity of language.15. The only difference between /p/ and /k/ is that the former is a bilabial while the latter is a velar sound.得分|III. Define the following terms (5x 6):1. recursiveness2. synchronic linguistics3. inflectional affix:4. endocentric co
15、mpounds:5. loanshift:6. acoustic phonetics得分|IV. Answer the following questions briefly (10 x 2):1. Answer briefly why total synonyms are rare.2. Explain with examples the main characteristics of subjects in English.语言学概论试卷C第7页共7页自 觉 遵 守 考 试 规 那么诚 信 考 试绝 不订 线 内 不 得 答题得分V. What is the Cooperative Pri
16、nciple? What are its maxims? Please illustrate with atleast two examples how the violation of the maxims can give rise to conversational implicature (20):北京科技大学2021 2021学年度第二学期语言学概论试题答案及评分标准I. 15分,每题1分1.C2. A3. D4. C5. B6. B7.B8. B9. C10. B 11. C12. B13. A14. B15.DII. 15分,每题1分1. F2. F 3. F4. F5. T6.
17、 F7. F8.F9. T10. T 11. F12. T13. T14. F15. TIII. 30分,每题5分1. Recursivenessmainly means that a phrasal constituent can be embedded within another constituent having the same category, but it has become an umbrella term for different means of extending sentences, such as coordination and subordination,
18、 conjoining and embedding, hypotactic and paratactic.2. Synchronic linguistics is a study of language which takes a fixed instant as its point of observation. For example, most grammars are of this kind.3. Inflectional affixes are bound morphemes that are added to stems to add a minute or delicate g
19、rammatical function to the stem, which do not change the word class of the stem. For example, -es in teaches, -ing in teaching, etc.4. Endocentric compounds refers to those compounds in which one constituent is the centre and the other is the modifier. The center, also called the head, is usually de
20、rived from a verb and the modifier is a participant in the verbal process. For example, self-control.5. Loanshift is a kind of borrowing. This is a process in which part of the form is native and the rest has been borrowed, but the meaning is fully borrowed. For example, China-town.6. Acoustic phone
21、tics is a branch of phonetics which studies the physical properties of speech sounds.IV.每题10分,共20分1. There are no real synonyms. Some are out of use. For example, wireless and radio are two synonyms, but today wireless is no longer used. Other synonyms may differ in collation. For example, deep and
22、profound can both be used to modify sympathy, but only deep can be used to modify water. Still other synonyms differ in connotation. For example, statesman and politician are synonymous, but statesman is commendatory while politician is pejorative.2. English subjects have the following properties:1)
23、 Word order: Subject ordinarily precedes the verb in statement. (2 points)2) Pro-forms: The first and third person pronouns in English appear in a special form when the pronoun is a subject. This form is not used when the pronoun occurs in other positions. (2 points)3) Agreement with verb: In the si
24、mple present tense, an -s is added to the verb when a third person subject is singular. (2 points)4) Content questions: if the subject is replaced by a question word (who or what), the rest of the sentence remains unchanged. But when any other element of the sentenceis replaced by a question word, a
25、n auxiliary verb must appear before the subject. (2 points)5) Tag question: A TAG QUESTION is used to seek confirmation of a statement. It always contains a pronoun which refers back to the subject, and never to any other element in the sentence. (2 points)V. (20 分)According to Paul Grice, when we are engaged in a conversation, we try to make our conversational contribution such as is required, at the stage at which it occurs, by the accepted purpose or direction of the talk exchange in wh
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