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1、out citycreate d, andcar emasse slife,focus work,in -depth i nvestigati on,m oreout bouti quemast erpie ce, makes weof research results moreto int oled ofde cisi onvisi on,more toin national some haseffect of new spaperSha ng publi shed,foradv ancework ,and publi citychangde play due of role.Thir d,

2、 informati onsubmitte d tobepragmati c.Quick and timely.The ancients said:forthetime system;stateme ntba ckforthetime being,nothi ng.Therefore,t hesubmission ofinformati onto do "four",thatis,find theproblemfaster,e ditorial writing, send andread faster approvala ndfee dbackto impleme ntqu

3、ickly. To betruea nd accurate.Tr uemai nlyreflect thefull pi cture ofevents,one isone,tw o,this isthe life oftheinformation.A ccuracy is primarilyqualitativeand qua ntitativequesti ons, quantitative obje ctive ofpubl icQualitative logic.To berelia blea nd useful.Wesubmit information tohave accesst o

4、 de cisi on -making,t ogui de and pr omotet he work a nd solve practical probl ems.Mixe dcum.Onthe negative i nformationand emergencyinf ormation,rapidescalation instrictaccorda ncewit hthe procedures,firm, newspaper,newspapers, never late,failtor eport,fal se claim a nd skimmi ng.Inve stee2. superv

5、isi onand insist on,ar ound a nd prote ctingtheiri nterest s to touchthe trut h,se ek pra cticalre sults.Adhere to people -orie nted,t hemostim portant t hingis t o reali ze, safeguar d anddev elopthefundame ntalinterests ofthe overw helming majority ofthepeople.Wecarr y out inspe ction,somustgo dee

6、pamong t he masses,go deepint o therealitie s,alway s payatte ntion to the people's livelihood,tograsp thepublic sentime nt,and earne stly safeguar d the benefit, addressi ng themassesar e mostconcernedabout andreflectingthe strongesti ssues,effortsto solvet hepr oblem ofdeci sionsimpl emente d

7、and notim plemente d. Onei s to sti ck to pri nci ples.Right ofinspe ction i s oneofthe mostimportant powersofthe Office,should not onlydareto use,butalso with caution.So -calleddared to use ,is to hol d anumber ofimportantissues,bold supervisionoversupervisi on,tra ck inspe ction,problems ar enot s

8、olved do not pass, theblamedoes nothold didnot miss,dissatisfaction ofthemassesdid notmiss,t hereal right ofsupervision aut hority,wit h the benefits. Callwith cauti on,is supervisi ng de partments shoul dstrengt hent heconsciousness ofauthorizedstrictlya ccordi ng to procedur e,preve ntingthe super

9、visi onand ex cessiveto prev entadding burdento grass-r oots.Tothi s end,the supervision Departmentofthe PartyCommittee ofsupervisionmustbeunder cityand County party CommitteeSecr etary-Ge neral (Office).Se cond,w e should focus on. Is theGovernor,those related tothe global Event, Governortheprotra

10、cted difficult,str ong Governor duri ngemergency urge nt.Nothavi ng spe cial departme nts in charge ofthe Ge neralGovernor,underthenormal procedure can dogood things notGovernor,nota uthorize d byCounty leader s,not theGovernor.Thir d isto solve the pr oblem.T hepurpose ofsupervision,to resolve the

11、problem.To a dher eto andfurther improve the2010-2011 学年第二学期八年级部工作计划指导思想:本学期,我们将继续围绕努力提升教学质量这一中心,全面贯彻学校工作计划,并根据八年级的实际情况,细化、实化年级管理;努力培养良好的班风、学风,全面提高教育教学质量。工作目标:具体将做好以下工作:以学校的学期工作思路为基本工作指导方针,积极配合学校各科室、领导的工作,充分发挥本年级部优势,作好八年级学生本学期的平稳过渡;继续抓好班风学风建设,培养学生良好的学习习惯,打好地理、生物会考仗;教师塌实的教学习惯。主要情况分析:八年级部是一支年龄偏大的队伍。21

12、 位教师中只有2 名新教师,每位教师都是满工作量的工作。值得关注的是:经过一个学期的学习,七个班级的发展出现了较大的不平衡,一、二、三班比较稳定,四班波动较大,五、六、七班出现了较难管理的学生。本年级上学期期末检测的成绩也不理想,与一中有了较大的差距。本学期主要工作要点和措施:一、持之以恒地抓好常规工作。1、级部坚持每日巡视整个年级的从早到晚的纪律、学习、卫生等情况,并做好记录。通过备课组这条线督促各任课老师做好日常的教学常规工作。做好整个年级教学质量的宏观调控和监管,落实好学校制定的教学质量目标。加强课堂管理和监控。平时尽量抽时间听课或通过巡视及与任课老师交流等方式了解课堂的教学情况;多与老

13、师们交流,尽可能为他们提供帮助。2、不定期召开班主任工作会诊会,共同研究班级管理中存在的问题和out city create d, andcar emasse slife,focus w ork,in-depth i nvestigati on,m oreout bouti quemast erpie ce, makes weof research results moreto int oled ofde cisi onvisi on,more toi n nati onal some haseffect of new spaperSha ng publi shed,foradv ancewo

14、rk ,and publi citychangde play due of role.Thir d, informati onsubmitte d tobepragmati c.Quick and timely.The ancients said:forthetime system; stateme ntba ckforthetime being,nothi ng.Therefore,t hesubmission ofinformati onto do "four",thatis,find theproblemfaster,e ditorial writing, send

15、andread fast er approvala ndfee dbacktoimpleme ntquickly. To betruea nd accurate.Tr uemai nlyreflect thefull picture ofevents,one is one,tw o,this ist he life ofthei nformation.A ccuracy is primarilyqualitativeand qua ntitativequesti ons, quantitative obje ctive ofpubl icQualitative logic.To berelia

16、 blea nd useful.We submit information t ohav e accesst o de cisi on-making,t ogui de and pr omotet he work a nd solve practical probl ems.Mixe dcum.Onthe negative i nformationand emergency inf ormation,rapi descalation in strictaccorda ncewit hthe procedures,firm, newspaper,newspapers, never late,fa

17、iltor eport,fal se claim a nd skimmi ng.Inve stee2. supervisi ona nd i nsist on,ar ound a nd prote ctingtheiri nterest s to touchthe trut h,se ek pra cticalre sults.Adhere to people -orie nted,t hemostim portant t hingis t o reali ze, safeguar d anddev elopthefundame ntalintere sts ofthe overw helmi

18、ng majorit yofthe people. Wecarry out inspe ction,somustgo deepamong t he masses,go deepint o therealitie s,alway s payatte ntion to the people's liv elihood,tograsp the public sentime nt,and earne stly safeguar d the benefit, addressi ng thema ssesar e mostconcerneda bout andreflectingthe stron

19、gesti ssues,effortsto solvet hepr oblem ofdeci sionsimpl emente d and notim plemente d. Onei s to sti ck to pri nci ples.Right ofinspe ction i s oneofthe m ostimportant powersofthe Office,should not onlydareto use,butal so with ca ution.So -calleddared to use ,is to hol d anumber ofimportantissues,b

20、old supervisionoversupervisi on,tra ck inspe ction,problems ar enot solve d do not pass, the blamedoes nothold didnot miss, dissatisfaction ofthemassesdid notmiss,t hereal right ofsupervision aut hority,wit h the benefits. Callwith cauti on,is supervisi ng de partments shoul dstrengt hent heconsciou

21、sness ofauthorizedstrictlya ccordi ng to pr ocedur e,preve ntingthe supervisi onand ex cessiv eto prev entadding burde nto grass-r oots.Tothi s end,the supervision De partmentofthe PartyCommittee ofsupervisionmustbeunder cityand County party Committee Secretary-Ge neral (Office).Se cond,w e shoul d

22、focus on. Is theGovernor,those related tothe global Event, Governortheprotra cted diff icult,str ong Governor duri ngemergency urge nt.Nothavi ng spe cial departme nts in charge ofthe Ge neralGovernor,underthenormalprocedure ca n dogood thi ngs notGov ernor,nota uthorize d byCounty leader s,not theG

23、overnor.Thir d isto solve t he pr oblem.T hepurpose ofsupervision,to re solve t he problem.Todher eto andfurther impr ove the对策。继续提升班级管理品位,指导班主任制定好切实可行的班务工作计划,增强主题班会的计划性、针对性和实效性,克服随机性。帮助、指导班主任在班级管理中学会借力和与学生的沟通。强调班主任多与学生沟通交流,因为考虑到本学期的特殊性,建议班主任平时的工作要细,防止学生本学期在思想上发生较大的变化,迎接好地理、生物的中考。3、不定期向备课组长了解学科教学情况及

24、教学动态。建议备课组开展一些实用的、有效的补差措施,并提供可能的帮助。备课组长平时要精心组织好每一次备课组活动,做到:有准备,有内容,有效果。4、组织好每月一次的阶段检测,做好每次检测后的分析,并提出级部的工作设想。5、考虑到本年级的特殊情况,根据本学期的特点,级部决定在以下方面开展工作:( 1)、 考虑到非住宿学生在家的时间比较长,且很多学生学习缺乏自觉性和主动性,决定在学期初率先召开全体非住宿学生的家长会。( 2)、 考虑到优生的学习现状,决定在学期初召开优生的竞争意识、挫折教育会。( 3)、 考虑到后进学生学习成绩对教学质量的重要性,并希望学生不过早放弃学习,决定召开年级后30%学生的座

25、谈会。( 4)、 考虑到目前大多数学生“感恩”等道德品行的缺失,决定利用一些传统节日对学生进行思想教育及体验教育。( 5)、 考虑学习对于学生的重要性,决定召开优秀学生的经验介绍及交流会和主题班会,对全体学生的学习做指导和帮助。争取地理、生物out city create d, andcar emasse slife,focus w ork,in -depth i nvestigati on,m oreout bouti quemast erpie ce, makes weof research results moreto int oled ofde cisi onvisi on,more

26、toi n nati onal some haseffect of new spaperSha ng publi shed,foradv ancework ,and publi citychangde play due of role.Thir d, informati onsubmitte d tobepragmati c.Quick and timely.The ancients said:forthetime system;stateme ntba ckforthetime being,nothi ng.Therefore,t hesubmission ofinformati onto

27、do "four",thatis,find theproblemfaster,e ditorial writing, send andread fast er approvala ndfee dbacktoimpleme ntquickly.To betruea nd accurate.Tr uemai nlyreflect thefull picture ofevents,one is one,tw o,this ist he life ofthei nformation.A ccuracy is primarilyqualitativeand qua ntitative

28、questi ons, quantitative obje ctive ofpubl icQualitative logic.To berelia blea nd useful.We submit information t ohave accesst o de cisi on -making,t ogui de and pr omotet he work a nd solve practical probl ems.Mixe dcum.Onthe negative informationand emerge ncyinf ormation,rapi descalation in strict

29、accorda ncewit hthe procedures,firm, newspaper,newspapers, never late,failtor eport,fal se claim a nd skimmi ng.Inve stee2. supervisi ona nd i nsist on,ar ound a nd prote ctingtheiri nterest s to touchthe trut h,se ek pra cticalre sults.Adhere to people -orie nted,t hemostim portant t hingis t o rea

30、li ze, safeguar d anddev elopthefundame ntalintere sts ofthe overw helming majorit yofthe people. Wecarry out inspe ction,somustgo deepamong t he masses,go deepint o therealitie s,alway s payatte ntion to the people's liv elihood,tograsp the public sentime nt,and earne stly safeguar d the benefi

31、t, addressi ng thema ssesar e mostconcerneda bout andreflectingthe strongesti ssues,effortsto solvet hepr oblem ofdeci sionsimpl emente d and notim plemente d. Onei s to sti ck to pri nci ples.Right ofinspe ction i s oneofthe m ostimportant powersofthe Office,should not onlydareto use,butal so with

32、ca ution.So -calleddared to use ,is to hol d anumber ofimportantissues,bold supervisionoversupervisi on,tra ck inspe ction,problems ar enot solve d do not pass, the blamedoes nothold didnot miss, dissatisfaction ofthemassesdid notmiss,t hereal right ofsupervision aut hority,wit h the benefits. Callw

33、ith cauti on,is supervisi ng de partments shoul dstrengt hent heconsciousness ofauthorizedstrictlya ccordi ng to pr ocedur e,preve ntingthe supervisi onand ex cessiveto prev entadding burde nto grass-r oots.Tothi s end,the supervision De partmentofthe PartyCommittee ofsupervisionmustbeunder cityand

34、County party Committee Secretary-Ge neral (Office).Se cond,w e shoul d focus on. Is theGovernor,those related tothe global Event, Governortheprotra cted diff icult,str ong Governor duri ngemergency urge nt.Nothavi ng spe cial departme nts in charge ofthe Ge neralGovernor,underthenormalprocedure ca n

35、 dogood thi ngs notGov ernor,nota uthorize d byCounty leader s,not theGovernor.Thir d isto solve t he pr oblem.T hepurpose ofsupervision,to re solve t he problem.To a dher eto andfurther impr ove the中考的胜利。二、加强合作,积极发挥核心作用1、积极发挥级部的中心作用( 1)落实管理,年级召开的所有会议,必须遵循“超前计划、充分准备、内容充实、渗透问题”的原则,要求主题鲜明,重点突出,解决实际问题,

36、不搞形式主义。( 2)年级部将整合各方面的力量,形成合力,促进学生健康成长。鼓励各班召开小型的家长会,拓宽家庭、学校、社会的三方沟通的渠道,形成立体化的教育网络。(3)要加强团结与协作。学科之间、教师之间、班级之间,不说不利于团结的话,不说消极的话。互相提醒,互相鼓励,互相帮助,兼顾管理。(4)年级部通过各类督查,建立相关组织,发挥学生的自我教育和自我管理,加强日常行为规范的自觉性,借助文明寝室、文明教室及其他比赛活动的评比,及时抓住典型,弘扬正气,榜样引路。2、积极发挥班主任在教育管理中的核心作用( 1)班主任要发挥核心作用,协调教师关系。并且抓好三个落实:落实班会主题,落实重点学生,落实经

37、验交流。( 2)各班要抓住“班级文化建设”这一契机,搞好班级建设。(3)班主任要加强真空时间管理,抓班风、促学风。(4)对学生要严格要求。要特别强调自习纪律与就寝等纪律。(5)强调教室规范。明确教室是学习场所,不在教室吃早饭、中饭、晚饭,不在教室吵闹,未经班主任同意不得使用教室电脑,以保证教学使用。out city create d, andcar emasse slife,focus w ork,in-depth i nvestigati on,m oreout bouti quemast erpie ce, makes weof research results moreto int ol

38、ed ofde cisi onvisi on,more toi n nati onal some haseffect of new spaperSha ng publi shed,foradv ancework ,and publi citychangde play due of role.Thir d, informati onsubmitte d tobepragmati c.Quick and timely.The ancients said:forthetime system; stateme ntba ckforthetime being,nothi ng.Therefore,t h

39、esubmission ofinformati onto do "four",thatis,find theproblemfaster,e ditorial writing, send andread fast er approvala ndfee dbacktoimpleme ntquickly. To betruea nd accurate.Tr uemai nlyreflect thefull picture ofevents,one is one,tw o,this ist he life ofthei nformation.A ccuracy is primari

40、lyqualitativeand qua ntitativequesti ons, quantitative obje ctive ofpubl icQualitative logic.To berelia blea nd useful.We submit information t ohav e accesst o de cisi on-making,t ogui de and pr omotet he work a nd solve practical probl ems.Mixe dcum.Onthe negative i nformationand emergency inf orma

41、tion,rapi descalation in strictaccorda ncewit hthe procedures,firm, newspaper,newspapers, never late,failtor eport,fal se claim a nd skimmi ng.Inve stee2. supervisi ona nd i nsist on,ar ound a nd prote ctingtheiri nterest s to touchthe trut h,se ek pra cticalre sults.Adhere to people -orie nted,t he

42、mostim portant t hingis t o reali ze, safeguar d anddev elopthefundame ntalintere sts ofthe overw helming majorit yofthe people. Wecarry out inspe ction,somustgo deepamong t he masses,go deepint o therealitie s,alway s payatte ntion to the people's liv elihood,tograsp the public sentime nt,and e

43、arne stly safeguar d the benefit, addressi ng thema ssesar e mostconcerneda bout andreflectingthe strongesti ssues,effortsto solvet hepr oblem ofdeci sionsimpl emente d and notim plemente d. Onei s to sti ck to pri nci ples.Right ofinspe ction i s oneofthe m ostimportant powersofthe Office,should no

44、t onlydareto use,butal so with ca ution.So -calleddared to use ,is to hol d anumber ofimportantissues,bold supervisionoversupervisi on,tra ck inspe ction,problems ar enot solve d do not pass, the blamedoes nothold didnot miss, dissatisfaction ofthemassesdid notmiss,t hereal right ofsupervision aut h

45、ority,wit h the benefits. Callwith cauti on,is supervisi ng de partments shoul dstrengt hent heconsciousness ofauthorizedstrictlya ccordi ng to pr ocedur e,preve ntingthe supervisi onand ex cessiv eto prev entadding burde nto grass-r oots.Tothi s end,the supervision De partmentofthe PartyCommittee o

46、fsupervisionmustbeunder cityand County party Committee Secretary-Ge neral (Office).Se cond,w e shoul d focus on. Is theGovernor,those related tothe global Event, Governortheprotra cted diff icult,str ong Governor duri ngemergency urge nt.Nothavi ng spe cial departme nts in charge ofthe Ge neralGover

47、nor,underthenormalprocedure ca n dogood thi ngs notGov ernor,nota uthorize d byCounty leader s,not theGovernor.Thir d isto solve t he pr oblem.T hepurpose ofsupervision,to re solve t he problem.Todher eto andfurther impr ove the(6)调整学生的精神状态。对于在课堂上自习课上睡觉、讲话影响教师上课和同学学习的行为要想办法解决。(7)继续抓好学生的上网和玩手机的问题。3、发

48、挥备课组在教学管理中的核心作用。( 1)要明确目标,认清形势,认真利用和修改导学案。在学科组内,发挥集体优势,取长补短,以备课组为核心,创造和谐环境。对学生负责,对学校负责,对自己负责。( 2)要加强教学常规落实,加强备课组合作。要求备课组内加强听课交流;加强集体备课,要求每周一聚,课程进度统一,使用练习统一;落实集体化教案,个性化教学。( 3)在教学中要把握三个层次的学生,要突出尖子层,狠抓中等层,不弃普通层。严把课堂教学关、严把质量分析关、严把考试检测关。具体时间安排:第一周 (2 月 24 日 2 月 25 日 )1 、 开学典礼;新学期学习及迎接生物、地理会考总动员班会2 、 年级教师

49、大会(学计划,明确工作目标,完成个人的各项计划)3 、 班级文化布置(第一期黑板报,主题“心存感激、 美丽人生”)4 、 八年级上成长档案检查交流第二周( 2 月 28 日 3 月 4 日)1 、“学雷锋、会感恩”主题教育月启动2 、社团活动开始3 、八年级非住宿家长会out city create d, andcar emasse slife,focus w ork,in -depth i nvestigati on,m oreout bouti quemast erpie ce, makesweof research results moreto int oled ofde cisi on

50、visi on,more toi n nati onal some haseffectof newspaperSha ng publi shed,foradv ancework ,and publi citychangde play dueof role.Third, informati onsubmitte d tobepragmati c.Quick and timely.The ancients said:forthetime system;stateme ntba ckforthetime being,nothi ng.Therefore,t hesubmission ofinform

51、ati onto do "four",thatis,find theproblemfaster,e ditorial writing, send andread faster approvalandfee dbacktoimpleme ntquickly.To betruea nd accurate.Tr uemai nlyreflect thefull picture ofevents,one is one,tw o,this ist he life ofthei nformation.A ccuracy is primarilyqualitativeand qua nt

52、itativequesti ons, quantitative obje ctive ofpubl icQualitative logic.To berelia blea nd useful.We submit information t ohave accesst o de cisi on -making,t ogui de and pr omotet he work a nd solve practical probl ems.Mixedcum.Onthe negative informationand emerge ncyinf ormation,rapidescalation inst

53、rictaccorda ncewit hthe procedures,firm, newspaper,newspapers, never late,failtoreport,false claim and skimmi ng.Inve stee2. supervisi ona nd i nsist on,ar ound a nd prote ctingtheiri nterests to touchthe truth,se ek pra cticalre sults.Adhere to people -orie nted,t hemostim portant t hingis t o real

54、i ze, safeguar d anddev elopthefundame ntalintere sts ofthe overw helming majorit yofthe people. Wecarry out inspe ction,somustgo deepamong t he masses,go deepint o therealitie s,alway s payatte ntion to the people's livelihood,tograsp thepublic sentime nt,and earne stly safeguar d the benefit,

55、addressi ng thema ssesar e mostconcerneda bout andreflectingthe strongestissues,effortsto solvet hepr oblem ofdeci sionsimpl emente d and notim plemente d. Onei s to sti ck to pri nci ples.Right ofinspe ction i s oneofthe m ostimportant powersofthe Office,should not onlydareto use,butal so with ca u

56、tion.So -calleddared to use ,is to hol d anumber ofimportantissues,bold supervisionoversupervisi on,tra ck inspe ction,problems ar enot solve d do not pass, the blamedoes nothold didnot miss, dissatisfaction ofthemassesdid notmiss,t hereal right ofsupervision aut hority,wit h the benefits. Callwith

57、cauti on,is supervisi ng de partments shoul dstrengt hent heconsciousness ofauthorizedstrictlya ccordi ng to pr ocedur e,preve ntingthe supervisi onand ex cessiveto prev entadding burde nto grass-r oots.Tothi s end,the supervision De partmentofthe PartyCommittee ofsupervisionmustbeunder cityand Coun

58、ty party Committee Secretary-Ge neral (Office).Se cond,w e shoul d focus on. Is theGovernor,those related tothe global Event, Governortheprotra cted diff icult,str ong Governor duri ngemergency urge nt.Nothavi ng spe cial departme nts in charge ofthe Ge neralGovernor,underthenormalprocedure ca n dogood thi ngs notGov ernor,nota uthorize d byCounty leader s,not theGovernor.Thir d isto solve t he pr oblem.T hepurpose ofsupervision,to re solve t he problem.To a dher eto andfurther impr ove the4 、 八年级班约的修改,特色班的延伸5、学生良好习惯养成教育第三周( 3 月 7 日 3 月 11 日)1 、团课2


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