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1、【基础知识巩固】 1、The telephone rings while Jane is practicing the violin.简在练习小提琴的时候,电话铃响了。While在此意为“当.的时候,与.同时”,引导时间状语从句。从句中要用延续性动词。辨析:我出门不在时,有人破门而入。误:Somebody broke in while I went out.正:Somebody broke in while I was out.比较:when 和while的用法 联系:when和while在句中充当连词,引导时间状语从句时,都译为“当.的时候”,两者都表示主句动作与从句动作同时发生。区别:wh

2、en是at or during the time that, 既可以表示一个时间点(when引导的从句中谓语动词用非延续性动词),也可以表示一段时间(when引导的从句中谓语动词用延续性动词)。表示时间点时,从句用一般过去时或一般现在时;表示时间段时,从句用进行时态。主从句所述动作、事情可同时发生,也可有先后。 我们到达那里时正在下雪。When we _there,it was snowing.(同时) got他做完工作就回家了。He went home _ he _ his work.(表示动作的先后)when finishedwhile是during the time that,只指一段时

3、间,即while引导的从句中谓语动词必须用延续性动词,也就是从句用进行时态。主从句中两个延续性动作同时发生。爸爸看电视的时候妈妈在做饭。Mother was cooking while father was watching TV.因此when引导的时间状语从句中的动词可以是终止性动词,也可以是延续性动词,而while从句中的动词必须是延续性动词。 e.g.While/When I was having supper,someone knocked at the door.(was having supper为一个时间段,have为延续性动词)When you leave the room,p

4、lease turn off the lights.(leave为非延续性动词,因此从句不能用while引导)2、What were you doing at this time yesterday?昨天这个时候你在干什么?-What are you doing?-We are having classes.-What were you doing at this time yesterday?-We were having classes.过去进行时(1) 定义过去进行时:表示过去某一具体时刻或过去某一段时间内正在发生或进行的动作。常与then,at this time yesterday,

5、at that time,at nine oclock yesterday,at that moment,that week(那周),those days(那些天),from seven to nine last night,all day yesterday等时间状语连用,或者用另一动作来表示过去的时间。可以从两个方面来理解:1 过去某一具体时刻正在发生或进行的动作。e.g They were playing football at ten oclock yesterday morning&#

6、160;  My mother was cooking when I got home  I was washing my clothes at this time yesterday  2 过去某一段时间内持续进行的动作作e.g. They were playing basketball from seven to nine yesterday morning. It was raining a

7、ll day yesterday.昨天下了一整天雨。注意:yesterday与last night既可用于一般过去时也可用于过去进行时,要根据上下文情境进行判断。如:He was reading books last night.昨晚他(一直)在读书。He read books last night.昨晚他看书了。(2) 构成过去进行时由be动词的过去式was/were加动词现在分词构成,即“was/were +doing (现在分词)”。基本句型结构1)  肯定形式:主语 + was/were + 动词的现在分词v.ing.+.2)  否定形式:主语 

8、+ was/were + not + 动词现在分词 v.ing. +.3)  疑问形式:Was/Were + 主语 +动词现在分词 v.ing. +.肯定回答:Yes,主语(人称代词)+ Was/Were.否定回答:No,主语(人称代词)+ Wasnt/Werent.e.g. Were you playing computer games? Were you reading newspapers when I called you last night?练习:1.Were they doing (do)their

9、homework then?Yes,they were./No,they werent. 2.A: What were you doing from seven to nine yesterday ? B: I was learning English(learn).Were you playing (play)computer games? A: Yes, I was. / No, I wasnt.翻译:Werent you playing computer games?_ They were playing basketball at four oclock yesterday after

10、noon. 昨天下午4点他们在打篮球。 We were working from seven to eleven last night. 我们昨晚从七点工作到九点。填空:_ they_ (feed) the animals at 5:00 yesterday afternoon?MrsGreen _ (not wash) clothes at this time yesterdayGrandpa _ (mend) his clock when I reached home答案:1 were feeding 2 wasnt washing3 was mending(3) 现在分词的构成规则:规律

11、总结例词以不发音的字母e结尾的动词,先去掉e再加-ing.makemakinghavehaving以重读闭音节结尾,且末尾只有一个辅音字母的,要双写这个辅音字母,再加-ing.swimswimmingrunrunning以-ie结尾的动词, 变ie为y, 再加-inglielyingtietyingdiedying大多数动词直接在词尾加-ing.playplayingsingsinging注意:1、如果以e结尾的单词发音,则不能去掉e,直接在词尾加-ing,如:see-seeing;agree-agreeing2、 初中阶段常见的需要双写最后一个辅音字母变现在分词的动词有: shop, sto

12、p, drop, run, get, sit, dig, put, begin, swim, chat, prefer, hit,let,babysit。练习:carrycatchdrinkenjoyhurrycarryingcatchingdrinkingenjoyinghurryingcomechatstopridewritecomingchattingstoppingridingwritinghitletputshopbeginhittinglettingputtingshoppingbeginning(四)用法   1、表示过去某一段时间内持续进行的动作或者事情。常

13、用的时间状语this morning, the whole morning, all day yesterday, from nine to ten last evening等。e.g.We were watching TV from seven to nine last night.昨天晚上七点到九点的时候我们在看电视。       What was he researching all day last Sunday?上周日他一整天都在研究什么? My brother fell while he was riding his bi

14、cycle and hurt himself.我哥哥骑自行车的时候从车上摔下来,受伤了。 It was raining when they left the station.他们离开车站的时候天正在下雨。2、表示在过去某个时间点正在发生的事情。时间点可以用介词短语或从句来表示。e.g. What was she doing at nine o'clock yesterday?昨天晚上九点她在做什么? (介词短语表示时间点)When I saw him he was decorating his room.当我看见他的时候他正在装饰房间。 (when引导的从句表示时间点)3、在复合句中,

15、如果主要动作和背景动作是延续的或同时发生的,那么主从句的动词都可用过去进行时,连词常用while。e.g. While he was waiting for the bus, he was reading a newspaper.他边等车边看报。 (两个动作都是延续的)He was cleaning his car while I was cooking.他擦车时我在做饭。(两个动作同时进行)4、在英语中,当两个动作在过去某时间同时发生时,通常动作持续时间较长的动词用过去进行时,表示另一动作发生的背景;而另一动词则用一般过去时,表示动作发生的事实。e.g. The teacher came i

16、n when we were talking aloud. When I was watching TV this morning,the telephone rang.练习:【温馨提示】(1)表示两个延续性动作在过去某一时刻同时进行, 不考虑动作的先后顺序, 主句和从句的谓语动词都用过去进行时, 连词常用while。例如: The students were reading while the teacher was grading their homework. 学生们在看书, 而老师在批改他们的家庭作业。(2)在含有时间状语从句的复合句中, 延续时间较长的动作用过去进行时, 另一个短暂性

17、动作用一般过去时。例如: My pen dropped on the ground when I was walking in the park. 在公园散步的时候, 我的钢笔掉到地上了。5、过去进行时和always,constantly(不断地),continually(频繁地),forever,all the time,repeatedly等表示动作屡次发生的副词连用时,蕴含较强的感情色彩,此时的进行时态已不强调动作正在进行。翻译:She was always thinking of others.她老是想到别人。(表示赞扬) He is forever going on line.他总是

18、爱上网。(表示不满)6、通常不能用于过去进行时的动词主要有:agree, be, believe, belong, care, forget, hate, have(拥有), hear, know, like, love, mean, mind, notice, own, remember, seem, suppose, understand, want, wish等。 感官动词:hear,see,notice,feel,taste 表示态度感情的动词:like,love,hate 表心理状态:feel,want,prefer 表占有:own,have, 表存在状态和持续:look,owe,b

19、e e.g.误:I was knowing the answer. 正:I knew the answer. 我知道答案。判断正误: 误:I wasn't understanding him. 正:I didn't understand him. 我不明白他的意思。(五)做题时常见错误如下:1、易把be现在分词记成be过去分词例:He was talked (talk) to his mum at that time答案:was talking解析:过去进行时与现在进行时结构上的区别体现在be动词上。2、丢掉be动词或忘记把动词变成现在分词例:(1)I watching (wa

20、tch) TV when he came in(2)They were play (play) games at 5:00 pm yesterday答案:(1)was watching (2)were playing解析:现在进行时中“be现在分词,缺一不可”的规律也可应用于过去进行时。3、对动词或动词词组提问时丢掉doing例:We were flying kites at 5:00 pmyesterday (对划线部分提问)What were you at 5:00 pmyesterday?答案:What were you doing at 5:00 pmyesterday?解析:现在进行

21、时中“Whatdoing”?句式同样适用于过去进行时。4、易与现在进行时弄混例:My mother is cooking (cook)when I got home答案:was cooking解析:这两种时态的共同点是都表示动作正在进行,但现在进行时前提是现在,而过去进行时前提是过去,由when I got home可看出前提是过去。5、易与一般过去时弄混例:昨晚我在读一本故事书。I read (read) a story book yesterday evening答案:was reading解析:这两种时态的共同点是都用于表示过去发生的动作。但过去进行时强调动作正在进行,而一般过去时则表示

22、过去某一时间所发生的动作或存在的状态,它表示的动作往往已经完成。“在”说明正在进行,而“I read a story book yesterday evening”的意思是昨晚我读了一本故事书,言下之意已经读完了。故用过去进行时。另外,在宾语从句中当主句为过去时,从句若是现在进行时,需变成过去进行时。eg He said that he was drawing a cat at noon yesterday过去进行时与一般过去时的区别:1、过去进行时表示过去某时间正在进行或持续的动作,强调过程,不一定完成; 一般过去时往往表示过去某一动作已经完成。e.g.The children were w

23、atching TV yesterday evening.昨天整晚孩子们都在看电视。(可能没看完) The children watched TV yesterday evening.昨天晚上孩子们看电视了。(看完了) I was typing a letter last night. 昨晚我在打一封信(可能没打完) I typed some letters last night. 我昨晚打了一些信(已经打完) 2、一般过去时表示只做一次动作,而过去进行时却表示动作反复地进行。 e.g.The man jumped into the poor.那个人跳入了水池。 The man was jum

24、ping into the poor.那个人一直跳个不停。3、当叙述过去发生的事,尤其是过程中发生的一系列动作时,就必须用一般过去时。e.g. I woke up at six.Then I got up,and wash up.At seven I came downstairs for breakfast. 我6点醒来,然后起床洗漱,7点下楼吃早饭。练习:1、Mary _ a dress when she cut her finger.A. made B. is making C. was making D. makes答案C. 割伤手指是已发生的事情,应用过去时。同时,when表时间的同

25、时性,“玛丽在做衣服时”提供事情发生的背景,因此用过去进行时。2、As she _ the newspaper, Granny _ asleep.A. read; was fallingB. was reading; fellC. was reading; was fallingD. read;fell答案B.句中的as = when, while,意为"当之时"。描述一件事发生的背景时,用过去进行;一个长动作发生的时候,另一个短动作发生。句意为 "在她看报纸时,奶奶睡着了。"句中的 fell (fall的过去时),是系动词,后跟形容词,如:fall s

26、ick。3、What _ she _ at nine oclock yesterday?A did;do B.was;doing C.is;doing D.were;doing B4、When I _ him,he _ his room.A.was seeing;decorated B.saw;was decorating C.saw;decorate D.saw;decorating B【典型例题讲解】( )1. I _ a museum with my friends at this time yesterday. A. am visitingB. was visitingC. visit

27、edD. will visit( )2. He is _ small _ to school. A. too; to goB. cant; goC. too; goD. so; to go( )3. Many people read newspapers on the train to _ the time in Britain. A. saveB. wasteC. passD. take( )4. It was raining hard _ I got up this morning. A. ifB. whenC. afterD. until( )5. Look! The girl is p

28、laying with a snake. How _ she is!A. braveB. happyC. strongD. excited( )6. The old man died _ a cold snowy night. A. in B. on C. at D. over( )7. You look very sad. Whats wrong? Its OK. There is _. A. something seriousB. serious somethingC. nothing seriousD. serious nothing( )8. “Now I told you a sec

29、ret,”he said to me _ a low voice. A. withB. atC. inD. use( )9. Which team _ the match, Team One or Team Two? Team One _ Team Two. A. won; wonB. beat; beatC. beat; wonD. won; beat( )10. I feel tired, but I dont want to stop _. A. workB. to workC. worksD. working【随堂练习巩固】. 情景交际。(5分)在下列横线上填入适当的句子,补全对话。(

30、A new week returns. Lisa and Maria meet at school. )Hi, Maria. Glad to see you!Hi, Lisa! Glad to see you, too. It was weekend yesterday. 11. _I did my homework and then helped my mother do some housework. 12. _From 8:00 a. m. to 9:00 a. m.? Oh, I was playing the piano. Wow, you work so hard! 13. _Ye

31、s. To be a musician like Langlang is my dream all the time. Wish you success! 14. _Im going to the school library. 15. _Yes, Id love to. Lets go. . 完形填空。(10分)Last week, I had a wonderful summer camp with my classmates. We 16 at the bus station early in the morning. After saying 17 to our parents, we

32、 got on the bus. We 18 two hours arriving at the campground. When we got there, everyone got off the bus 19 , laughing and shouting. We jumped and ran around the campground. It was the 20 time for us to be away from parents. So some of us began to feel homesick (想家的). 21 , when the night party and d

33、ances began, the homesickness disappeared. The next day, we had a 22 of climbing a mountain. At first, we climbed quickly. But on the half way, we were so 23 that we would like to give up. Our teacher 24 cheering us on. We believed that we could do better than others. Finally, we did well and my tea

34、m won the match. “ 25 is difficult in the world if you keep trying”, said our teacher. I also learnt a lot from the camp. ( )16. A. leftB. sawC. metD. got( )17. A. goodbyeB. sorryC. yesD. hello( )18. A. tookB. spentC. paidD. cost( )19. A. cheerfullyB. bravelyC. sadlyD. warmly( )20. A. oneB. firstC.

35、lastD. finally( )21. A. AndB. OrC. HoweverD. So( )22. A. interestB. ideaC. chanceD. match( )23. A. tiredB. excitedC. happyD. active( )24. A. stoppedB. keptC. enjoyedD. preferred( )25. A. SomethingB. EverythingC. NothingD. Anything【课后强化练习】. 阅读理解。(30分)(A) Mike and Dick work in the same office. They do

36、nt like the cold weather. And one day they decided to take their holiday in Australia. Their plane arrived in Sydney at nine in the morning. They had a good rest in a hotel. The next morning they rented (租) a car in the city and began their travel. A few hours later, the sun was shining in the sky a

37、nd there were no shade trees (遮阴树) beside the road. It was so hot that they could hardly go on driving. They had to stop to look around. Mike found a river about half a kilometer away from them. They were both very happy and drove the car quickly. Soon they got to the river. Before they jumped into

38、the water, Dick saw a boy playing under a big tree. He asked,“Are there any sharks (鲨) in the river, boy?”“No, there arent,”answered the boy. So they began to swim in the river. After a while, Dick felt something hit against his leg. He told Mike about it. They were afraid and stopped swimming. Dick

39、 asked loudly,“Is it true that there arent any sharks in the river?”“Yes, sir,”said the boy,“Therere a lot of crocodiles (鳄鱼) in the water. All the sharks have swum away!”根据短文内容,回答问题。26 . When did they arrive in Sydney? _27. What was the weather like the next day? _ 28. What did they do in the river

40、? _29. A shark hit Dicks leg, didnt it? _30. Why werent there any sharks in the river? _(B)When Abraham Lincoln was just a boy, he had to help his father to look after their farm. It was hard work and there wasnt anything interesting for him. Abraham wanted to go to school, but there was no school t

41、here. He was sad most of the time. Mrs. Lincoln loved the boy very much. She tried her best to make Abraham happy. One morning she got up early and went to the town. It was a long way, so it took her a long time to get there. She bought something there and went back. It was late in the evening when

42、she got home. The next morning Mrs. Lincoln said to Abraham,“Today is your birthday, so were going to have a party.”She put some food on the table, and then brought out a present. “A book!”Abraham cried. It was an old book, but he liked it. A smile came on his face. He looked up at Mrs. Lincoln and

43、said,“Thank you, Mom.”根据短文内容,选择正确答案。( )31. Abraham Lincolns father was a _. A. farmerB. soldierC. workerD. teacher( )32. Abraham Lincoln couldnt go to school because _. A. his family had no moneyB. his mother wanted to teach him herselfC. he didnt like schoolD. there was no school near his home( )33

44、. On the farm most of the time little Lincoln was _. A. happyB. unhappyC. worriedD. angry( )34. It took Mrs. Lincoln _ to make a trip to the town. A. a whole dayB. a quarter of a dayC. three hoursD. two days( )35. What was the present for Abrahams birthday?A. A mooncake. B. A new book. C. An old boo

45、k. D. A school bag. (C)Beijing Opera is our national play. You can learn the music, dance and art when you enjoy Beijing Opera. It has a long history and is very famous around the world. In order to make Beijing Opera wider and make the middle school students love and develop (发展) our Chinese cultur

46、e, our country makes a project. That is to take Beijing Opera into students music classes. Now many students can enjoy Beijing Opera in class. However, only a few people think its important and useful for middle school students. Most people think that students are very busy with their lessons and it

47、s a waste of time to learn Beijing Opera. Most people are afraid that some music teachers know little about Beijing Opera and its history. Most parents always ask “Is it useful for childrens future to learn Beijing Opera?”We need a long way to go to make Beijing Opera come into classes. 根据短文内容,完成任务。

48、任务一:判断正误。( )36. Many people agree with the countrys project. ( )37. Most people think students are too busy to learn Beijing Opera. 任务二:将画线句子译成中文。38. _任务三:选择正确答案。( )39. Which of the following statements is TRUE?A. Learning Beijing Opera can make students learn about Chinese culture. B. Some people t

49、hink Beijing Opera can help students little. C. Beijing Opera has a long history in China. D. Both A, B and C. 任务四:回答问题。40. Do you think its helpful for middle school students to learn Beijing Opera? why?_第三部分 写作(25分). 词汇。(10分)(A)根据句意及首字母提示补全单词。1. I feel h_ and I want to eat something. 2. I like lis

50、tening to Yang Kuns songs because his v_ sounds beautiful.3. Every morning the clock makes me w_ up. 4. I want to be a u_ person for the society when I grow up. 5. Beijing roast d_ is famous all over the world. (B)根据句意及汉语提示填空。6. The woman _ (出售) out the vegetables in a short time. 7. It was _ (黑暗的),

51、 but the farmers were still working hard on the farm. 8. My little son likes to collect _ (火柴) boxes. 9. I visited the National _ (博物馆) of China with my classmates last Sunday. 10. I wanted to play computer games after finishing my homework, but my mother didnt _ (同意). 句型转换。(5分)11. I was making mode

52、l planes when my mother came back. (对画线部分提问)_ _ _ _ when your mother came back?12. I think classical music is boring. (改为否定句)I _ _ classical music is boring. 13. My mother was doing the dishes at that time. (同义句转换)My mother was _ at that time. 14. He read a story-book last night. (改为过去进行时)He _ _ a s

53、tory-book at eight oclock last night. 15. He wasnt old enough to go to school. (同义句转换)He was _ young _ go to school. . 书面表达。(10分)以“How did you spend last Sunday? Did you have a good time? What were you doing at different times last Sunday?”为内容,写一篇80词左右的短文。提示:watch a movie, climb mountains, play basketball, visit friends, play computer games, do housework . . ., happy, excited, sad . . . 1. B由at this time yesterday 时间状语可知, 动作或事件是持续地发生在过去的某一个确切时间内。此类情况要用过去进行时态来表示。故选B。2. A考查固定搭配too to “太而不能”。故选A。3. C根据句意“英国人习惯在火车上看报纸来打发时间”,而pass the time有“排遣、打


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