已阅读5页,还剩134页未读 继续免费阅读




1、教学进度计划周次月日至月日教学内容节次主备课人18.25-8.26Lesson 1128.29-9.2Lesson 2-3239.5-9.9Lessons 4-5249.12-9.16Lesson 6 Again,Please!259.19-9.23Again,Please! Lesson 7269.26-9.30Lesson 8 Lesson 92810.10-10.14Lessons 10-112910.17-10.21Lesson 12 Again,Please!21010.24-10.28Again,Please!Mid-exam 21110.31-11.4Mid-exam Lesso

2、n 1321211.7-11.11Lessons 14-1521311.14-11.18Lessons 16-1721411.21-11.25Lesson 18 Again,Please!21511.28-12.2Again,Please! Lesson 1921612.5-12.09Lessons 20-2121712.12-12.16Lessons 22-2321812.19-12.23Lesson 24 Again,Please!2主管领导签阅( 2016 - 2017)学年(一)学期(五 )年级( )班学情分析 五年级学生已有了一年的英语基础,一些常用单词都已经会说,但学生的基础不一,

3、出现了两极分化的现象。本学期要使用各种方法,关注英语基础不好的学生,减少差异,让所有的学生都有所收获。所以本学期我注重面向全体学生,以学生的发展为宗旨,始终把激发学生的学习兴趣放在首位,引导学生端正学习态度,掌握良好的学习方法,培养学生良好的学习习惯。 本文来自: 好词好句网(www.kj-) 详细出处参考:http:/www.kj-教学目标1、提升学生学习英语的兴趣,养成良好的朗读书写习惯。2、发音准确、朗读流利,准确掌握书中的重点内容。3、能够进行简单的日常用语交流。4、能够用简短的句子进行写作。5、掌握所学的歌曲、韵诗等、6、注重能力培养。培养学生自主学习和独立运用所学语言去做事情的能力

4、。突出兴趣激发。教学形式多样化。包括对话、歌谣、小诗、歌曲、游戏、绘画等。本文来自: 好词好句网(www.kj-) 详细出处参考:http:/www.kj-课程要求.能听读辨认语音,培养学生听说能力。.能按四会要求掌握所学的词汇,句型,掌握语言材料。.能按要求会读,会说,听懂,会写日常交际用语,提高学生语言运用能力。.能进一步感知理解语法,掌握初步的语法知识。教材的重、难点1、能掌握所学单词。2、能掌握所学句型。3、能使用日常交际用语,活用句型,进行简单的交流,做到大胆开口,发音正确。4、能在图片、手势、情境等非语言提示的帮助下,听懂清晰的话语和录音。5、初步培养良好的书写习惯,能做到书写整洁

5、、规范。学科教学计划课程实施设想 本学期的教学内容包含了一些新的语言现象,如描述正在进行的动作,;比较两个事物等。关于描述正在进行的动作和状态,要分阶段反复进行,要坚持大容量,长时间的输入。本学期要让学生掌握必要的语言知识,形成必需的应用语言的能力。实施教育教学目标的措施 1、备好课是上好课的关键。每一节课都要紧密联系学生学习的实际情况,认真备课,写出具有实际意义的教案,教学反思笔。2、根据每一个单元不同的特点,确定不同的教法与教学手段,为学生提供空间表演,练习说所学的内容,让所学真正所用,达到学以致用的目的。 3、充分利用现代化各种教学手段,将多媒体、动画等学生喜欢的东西搬入课堂,丰富课堂,

6、使课堂活起来,让每一个学生都能够参与到各项活动中来,锻炼学生的表演、会话、合作等能力。4、创设英语环境,建设有特色的英语校园文化,使学生所见、所闻处处皆英语,并鼓励学生在日常生活中发现英语、创造性地收信身边的英语学习资料,开阔眼界,增长知识。评价1.注重过程性评价与终结性评价相结合; 2. 自我评价; 3. 小组评价;4.家长评价; 5.教师评价; 6.听、说、读、写四项技能单项与综合评价。主管领导签阅总课时数1课题Lesson 1: Li Mings Big Family第 1 课时教学目标1.掌握家庭成员词汇father mother grandfather grandmother aun

7、t  uncle  cousin。2.学生能熟练的掌握家庭成员的英文名字。并且能掌握 I have./ I don have.句型。 重点难点使学生能够正确地认识本课生词,并能掌握I have./I don have. 句型。教学准备教具:CD盘,word cards.学具:word cards.教师教学活动设计学生学习活动设计环节调整及修改一、展示目标激趣设疑1.Greeting :a.用Hello /Hi 向学生打招呼问好Hello! How are you today?Nice to meet you! How is the weather?(轻松的课前交流,给学生创

8、设愉悦的英语语言氛围)二、自主学习互助探究New concepts introduceShow a picture of my family. Introduce my family to the students.T: Look, this is my father and mother. My father is fifty-seven years old. This is my mother. She is fifty-five years old. Are they young? (No, they are old.) 7.    Look, who ar

9、e they? Can you guess? Yes, they are my grandfather and mygrandmother. Teach these two words. sister.Yes,I have one sister.I don't have brothers.8. Ask: Do my father and mother have sons? How many daughters do they 1.Greeting用Hello /Hi 向学生打招呼问好听老师用英语作自我介绍学生作自我介绍。告诉学生在My name is _.后加自己的名字。Hello!

10、How are you today?Nice to meet you!How is the weather?2.New Concepts INTRODUCEIntroduce my family to the students.T: Look, this is my father and mother. My father is fifty-seven years old. This is my mother. She is fifty-five years old. Are they young? (No, they are old.)    Look, Who

11、 are they? Can you guess? Yes, they are my grandfather and my grandmother. Learn these two words.三、展示交流点拨提升1.Make up the sentences: I have./ I donhave.2.Ask the students to look at the books. Discuss the pictures:How many people are there in Li Mings family?Who are they?Explain Why Li Ming has two g

12、randfathers and grandmothers.Does Li Ming have brothers and sisters?Play the audiotape as the students follow in their student book.四、小组合作巩固练习Pratice Ask the students to introduce their family in groups. 介绍知识窗:同学们你们知道family的由来吗?Family就是Father and mother, I love you.这句话的每一个单词首字母组合而成的。在国外,小朋友们起床以后的第一件

13、事就是对父母说这句话。5、 课堂总结达标测评Activitybook. grandfath grandmother四、巩固练习,组内互助   Play “gostop”    (当喊道stop时,就互相询问名字)   (2)叫几名同学到前面来,让他们和剩下的同学交朋友。五、课堂总结达标测评3.Make up the sentences:I have two grandfathersand two grandmothers.I dont have brothers and sisters.4.The students look

14、 at the books.5.Discuss the pictures:How many people are there in Li Mings family?Who are they?6.Explain Why Li Ming has two grandfathersandgrandmothers.Think over:Does Li Ming has brothers and sisters?7.Play the audiotape as the students follow in their student book.8.Pratice Ask the students to in

15、troduce their family in groups.9.Activity book.板书Lesson 1: Li Mings Big Familyfather  motherson  daughter (brother)  (sister)Hello!Hi!作业设计用家庭成员填空。I have two _ and _.My _ and _ have one son, he is my _.9. My sister is my father and my mother's _ .10.11. (二)、写一写:用 I have./ I donhave

16、. 各写两句话。教学反思总课时数2课题Lesson 2:What Do They Look Like?第 1 课时教学目标1.说出并且听懂下列词汇Long short tall thin hair.2.会读、写、说出并且听懂下列词汇:black, hair , parents(复数概念) ,eyes 。3.读出或是背诵一些描述hair eyes 的简单句子,同学之间可以进行简单的口语交 重点难点如何用英语描述外貌教学准备教具:CD盘,Word cards.学具:Word cards.教师教学活动设计学生学习活动设计环节调整及修改一、展示目标激趣设疑1.Greeting :用Hello

17、 /Hi 向学生打招呼问好Hello!How are you today?Nice to meet you !How is the weather?2. Lead a dialogue like this:     T: How tall are you?     S1: _ metres tall.     T: How tall are you?     S2: _ metres tall.二、自主学习互助探究New Concept

18、s导入新课 1.利用图片卷发、直发、长发、短发4种不同的发型,并涂上颜色复习staight hair, curly hair ,long hair, short hair以及blond,red,brown,black.并画上不同颜色的眼睛。猜单词:根据英语表达(如fathers brother)猜出单词,获胜的同学可以随意挑选发型、眼睛、来组成自己这个组的人物标志,为下一步教学做铺垫。1.Greeting :a.用Hello /Hi 向学生打招呼问好Hello!How are you today?Nice to meet you !How is the weather?b.Lead

19、a dialogue like this:    T: How tall are you?    S1: _ metres tall.    T: How tall are you?S2: _ metres tall.2.New Concepts复习staight hair, curly hair ,long hair, short hair以及blond,red,brown,black.并画上不同颜色的眼睛。猜单词:根据英语表达(如fathers brother)猜出单词,获胜的同学

20、可以随意挑选发型、眼睛、来组成自己这个组的人物标志三、展示交流点拨提升1.描述各组的人物标志 如:She has short ,curly , blond hair. Her eyes are brown.(分层教学,学生自由选择:A:能流利地用英语描述一个人物B:能参照课本描述出一个人物C:能用英语短语说出这个人物最基本的特征。这样可以使每个阶段的学生得到练习)2描述自己的特征。3.猜猜看。请学生用英语说出一个同学的特征,其他同学猜猜是哪位。四、自主互助巩固练习  1.自学课文第二部分,找出重点。    2、开火车拼读单词,比比谁能

21、最先默写出来。3.赛读课文。以小组为单位赛读课文,一人读一句,比比哪个小组的课文读地最流利,发音最准确。4.跟读。五、课堂总结达标测评1.让学生自己介绍自己的家庭3.描述各组的人物标志She has short ,curly , blond hair. Her eyes are brown.描述自己的特征。I am eleven years old.Im tall.I have black eyes and black hair.4.猜猜看。请学生用英语说出一个同学的特征,其他同学猜猜是哪位。如:He has short ,curly , blond hair. His eyes are br

22、own.5.自学课文第二部分,找出重点。   6.开火车拼读单词,比比谁能最先默写出来。赛读课文。以小组为单位赛读课文,一人读一句,比比哪个小组的课文读地最流利,发音最准确。让学生自己介绍自己的家庭(自己说,让学生学以致用)7.完成Activity book.板书Lesson2: What Do They Look Like?She has short black hair.Her eyes are brown.She is short.作业设计熟记black, hair , parents(复数概念) ,eyes 。教学反思总课时数3课题Lesson 3

23、0; What Do They do?第1  课时教学目标掌握句型 :   He  is  a  _.       She  is   a  _.学生须掌握表示职业的单词, 2.说出并且灵活运用重点句型 What do they do ?How do they go to work? 掌握一般疑问句的两种回答方式。重点难点充分掌握句子    He   is  a &#

24、160; _.      She   is   a   _.让学生感知主语是第三人称单数时,谓语动词需加s 或加  es教学准备教具:CD盘,word cards.学具:word cards.教师教学活动设计学生学习活动设计环节调整及修改一、展示目标激趣设疑Class Opening and Review (1)Greeting with each other   Simon   Says :  _ (复习几种交通式0

25、0;    drive   a   car    ,    ride    a   bicycle ,     take    a  bus ,        walk   to   

26、60; school 。    (2)Say the words quickly      : businessman ,   cashier  ,  driver  , doctor ,   nurse ,    waiter,teacher waitress  ,carpenter    clerk  , 

27、;  police    officer  ,   二、自主学习互助探究New ConceptsStep 1 : Demonstrate:  I  am  a  teacher  .   I   work  in  a  school  .   I  go  to  school   by   bi

28、cycle . What  do  they   do  ?    How   do they   go  to  work  ? Step 2 Listen and Discuss 出示光盘课文第一部分内容,  听看录音两遍    然后师生讨论 :Picture1:   Whois  this ?    W

29、hat  is  LiMing 's father?   Howdoes  he  go  to    work  ?     1.Greeting :用Hello /Hi 向学生打招呼问好Hello!How are you today?Nice to meet you !2.Simon   Says : (复习几种交通方式)     drive &

30、#160; a   car    ,    ride    a   bicycle ,     take    a  bus ,        walk   to     school 。3.Say the words

31、quickly      : businessman ,   cashier  ,  driver  , doctor ,   nurse ,    waiter,teacher waitress  ,carpenter    clerk  ,   police    office w is the weat

32、her?4.听光盘课文第一部分内容,  听看录音两遍    然后师生讨论 :Picture1 Who is  this ?  What  is  LiMing 'sfather? How does  he  go  to    work  ?Picture2 The same as P1Picture3 :  Who  is  thisWhat  is  Wanrong 

33、; ?  Where  does  she  work  ? How  does  she  go  to work ?Follow to read Part 1三、展示交流点拨提升Lead to Part 2    Do  your  mother  and  father  work  ?      What  do  they

34、60; do  ?  Questions Does  your  mother  work  ? Is  she  a  _  ?               Does  your  father  work  ?        

35、   Is  he  a  _? Talkabout : Do  your  mother  and  father  work  very  tired  ?Do they  work  hard or  easily  ? How  to  do  with  us  ?四、自主互助巩固练习Sing a song Oh, w

36、hat do you do ? I am a teacher . 五、课堂达标测评完成Activity book.5.听光盘课文第一部分内容跟读 Follow to read Part 1学习Part 2   6.听光盘课文第二部分内容,  听看录音两遍    然后师生讨论:Do  your  mother  and  father work  ?     What  do  they  do&#

37、160; ?  Questions Does  your  mother  work  ? Is  she  a  _  ?              Does  your  father  work  ?         

38、60; Is  he  a  _? Talkabout : Do  your  mother  and  father work  very  tired  ?Do they work  hard or easily  ? How  to  do  with  us  ?7.Sing a song 8.在老师的指导下完成Activity book.

39、板书Lesson 3  What Do They do?What do you do ?How do you go to _? My  father  is  a  teacher.   He drives  to   workMy  mother  is a   doctor  .    She    goes    to  work 

40、 by   bicycle .作业设计熟读课文仿照Part 1写话。教学反思总课时数4课题 Lesson 4: What do they like to do?第 1 课时教学目标知识技能:复习有关I like to  _   . 及相关动词词组,培养学生语言运用能力。重点难点复习有关I like to _ . 及相关动词词组。教学准备教具:CD盘,word cards.学具:word cards.教师教学活动设计学生学习活动设计环节调整及修改一、展示目标激趣设疑Class opening and review:复习:1、利

41、用词汇卡片提示进行操练,复习人称代词和有关家庭成员的词汇。2、游戏:找同学到前面表演,学生猜动词或动词短语。二、自主学习互助探究New Concepts1、角色表演:师生问答练习What do you like to do? I like to   .(板书问答句,让学生利用句型复习,并培养学生的语言表达能力,并为这节课的新授做一个铺垫,让学生能够顺利地说出后面的句型及相关结构。) 2、小组练习:描述小组内成员喜欢的活动。利用以下句型:    (姓名)likes to     .My  

42、0;   likes to 听光盘课文第一部分内容跟读 Follow to read Part 1三、展示交流点拨提升Lets do it.Look and write. 猜活动游戏。教师说出一类家庭成员的称谓,学生甲向学生丙介绍描述学生乙。如下词汇:1.Greeting :用Hello /Hi 向学生打招呼问好Hello!How are you today?Nice to meet you !2.用句型复习:He  is  a  _.       She 

43、; is   a  _.3.游戏:找同学到前面表演,学生猜动词或动词短语:drive   a   car    ,    ride    a   bicycle ,     take    a  bus ,    walk   to 

44、60;   scho4.听光盘课文第一部分内容跟读 Follow to read Part 1ol 。5.Lets do it.6.Look and write.展示交流He likes to plant flowers.She likes to water flowers. 学生乙表演相应的人物,学生丙正确描述这项活动。可使用This is my     .(本活动直接应用了本节课中所学的内容,并使学生学会在生活中使用语言,在生活中运用语言。将本课教学推向高潮。)四、自主互助巩固练习1.问答活动:Do you l

45、ike to    ? 及回答。2.学生利用手中的卡片互相问答并结合以上知识进行练习。(本环节为下课前的最后一个活动,充分考虑到了学生的个性特点,让学生自主选择喜欢的活动,将本节课从课上延伸到了课下,给学生以充分的自由空间,使学生意犹未尽。)五、课堂总结达标测评1.Use the activity book.2.Sing a song 3.Class closing.This is my grandfather   .He likes to go for a walk.This is my grandmother  

46、;.She likes to plant flowers.This is my father  .He likes to cook.This is my mother She likes to  go shopping. This is my aunt.She likes to read books.This is my uncle.He likes to work on the computer.7.问答活动:Do you like to    ? 及回答。8.学生利用手中的卡片互相问答并结合以上知识进行练习。9.在老师的

47、指导下完成。 Activity book.板书Lesson 4 What do you like to do?I like to     . Do you like to     ? Yes, I like to     .No, I dont like     .作业设计熟读课文仿照Part 1写话。教学反思总课时数5课题Lesson 5  Having Fun Together第 1 课时教学目标1掌握并能充分运用词语:w

48、atch a movie(the animals) , supper , fly kites , buy clothes , play badminton.2通过小组合作等形式,能够准确的理解并练习We go to the   . Do you go to    ? 进行口语交流。重点难点说出并且灵活运用重点句型 We / I go to the    to     My family likes to go to the  to

49、60;   教学准备教具:教学光盘学具:单词卡片教师教学活动设计学生学习活动设计环节调整及修改一、复习导入1Greetings:Hello, boys and girls.How are you today?How is the weather today? 让所有学生来回答或个别学生。 2、小组讨论“ What do you like to do? ”然后两人一组进行对话。二、创设情景,引入新知:通过Chant 导入新课,“ What does your family like to do? ”Do you know? 今天让我们一起看看Li Ming 的家人喜欢做什么H

50、ave fun together 那么去什么地方一起娱乐呢?(教师或学生领读) Go to the movie theatre to watch a movie Go to a restaurant to have supper Go to the park to fly kites三、自主学习,互助探究Play the tape and the class follows.Hold up the pictures and read after the radio.下面让我们自己说说去什么地方做什么,小组讨论之后,每组找两个人说。1Greetings:Hello, teacher!Im fin

51、e, thanks. How are you today? It is sunny today. 让所有学生来回答或个别学生。 2.小组讨论“ What do you like to do? ”两人一组进行对话。3.The students listen to the tape and the class follows after the teacher.Let a student hold up the pictures and read after the radio.学生自己说说去什么地方做什么。小组讨论之后,每组找两个人说。I go to the movie theatre to w

52、atch a movie. I go to a restaurant to have supper. I go to the park to fly kites.四、巩固练习,组内互助What does your family like to do?My family likes to go to the  to   让学生练习回答。Practice in pairs播放录音,充分利用全班读、男同学读、女同学读等多种方式,慢慢过渡到背诵。Lets chant:Play the tape and the class listens.Play the tap

53、e again and the class follows.The class chants with their action.五、课堂总结,达标测试把学生分成小组,各小组自己选择图片,练习情景表演。A: Hello. Where do you go?B: Hi. We go to the park to fly kites. My family likes to have fun together.A: Have a good time!B:Thanks!  3.让学生练习回答。What does your family like to do?My family likes to

54、 go to the  to  Practice in pairs学生听录音,全班读、男同学读、女同学读等多种方式,慢慢过渡到背诵。Lets chant:Play the tape and the class listens.Play the tape again and the class follows.The class chants with their action.4.学生分成小组,各小组自己选择图片,练习情景表演。A: Hello. Where do you go?B: Hi. We go to the park to fly kites.

55、 My family likes to have fun together.A: Have a good time!B:Thanks!  板书Lesson 5:Having Fun TogetherWe / I go to the    to Do you go to the    to 作业设计The students listen to the tape ,read、write and recite the words and the dialogues.教学反思总课时数6课题Lesson 6: Maddys

56、Family?第 1 课时教学目标 1.使学生读、写、说出并听懂词汇:aunt,uncle, cousin, gray hair,eyes,glasses,We/I go to the to  .用than的比较结构。 2.在教学中运用测试、阅读等多种形式,增强学习的趣味性,培养学生课前预习的能力。重点难点aunt,uncle, cousin, gray hair,eyes,glasses,We/I go to the to  充分理解故事内容,并能有简单的语言进行复述。教学准备教具: pictures,vocabulary cards ,audiota

57、pe 学具:Some pictures,vocabulary cards教师教学活动设计学生学习活动设计环节调整及修改一、复习导入Class opening and review:Use the quiz in the student book as review.二、创设情景,引入新知Story: “Muddys family”Prepare to read:The teacher reads the story, plays the video and explains the story.Let the students listen and learn.Let the students

58、 read after the teacher.Let the students practice and act it out.三、自主学习,互助探究Questions: Do you remember Muddy?Is Muddy big or small?These are pictures of Muddys family. What is Muddys family like?Read.Discuss:What does Muddys brother like to do?1.Class opening and review:Use the quiz in the student b

59、ook as review.2.Story:“Maddys family”Prepare to read:The students listen to the teacher read the story, play the video and explain the story. The students listen and learn.The students read after the teacher. The students practice and act it out.3.The students practice the story , think and discuss

60、the story , then answer the questions in class.Questions: Do you remember Muddy?Is Muddy big or small?These are pictures of Muddys family. What is Muddys family like?What does Muddys brother like to do?Is Muddy older or younger than her sister? Does her mother work? Does her father work?Where do Mud

61、dys cousins live? What do her cousins like to play? Did you like this story? Why or why not? The teacher teach and check the answers, let them read and practice.四、巩固练习,组内互助复述故事Muddys family.Let the students read the story, and retell the story in their own words. 五、课堂总结,达标测试 Let the students read an

62、d do all the exercises of workbook.The students answer in class:Is Muddy older or younger than her sister? Does her mother work? Does her father work?Where do Muddys cousins live? What do her cousins like to play? Did you like this story? Why or why not? The students listen to the teacher teach and

63、check the answers, the students read and practice.4. The students read the story, and retell the story in their own words. 5.The students read and do all the exercises of workbook.板书Lesson 6: Muddys familyDo you remember Muddy?Is Muddy big or small?These are pictures of Muddys family.What is Muddys

64、family like?作业设计 The students listen to the tape, read and practice the story.教学反思总课时数7课题Again, Please!第 1 课时教学目标1、复习词汇:aunt,uncle, cousin, gray hair,eyes,glasses,We/I go to the to  . I have./ I don have.2、在教学中运用游戏、歌谣等多种形式,增强学习的趣味性,培养学生课前预习的能力及语言交际能力。重点难点1、aunt,uncle, cousin, gray hair,eyes,glasses2、We/I go to the to I have./ I don have.教学


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