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1、acquisition thrust concentration distinctive specifically distinguish evidently diminish adjust function U11. The risk from viruses certainly hasn't diminished  on the contrary, it has mushroomed and people can easily get infected with

2、virus.2. I like wild sunflower not because it has a(n) distinctive  North American flavor but because its image is closely connected with our continent's early history.3. One of the main characteristics that distinguish  the male bird from female bird is that the fo

3、rmer has beautiful feathers.4. He went to apply for hundreds of jobs with a master's degree in computer science but ended up with nothing. Evidently, it's because he was disabled.5. Some books are specially designed to tell us information about the social, cultural or professi

4、onal life of the country.6. I was embarrassed as an American for having thrust  such an awful concept upon the French, saying that the French hated the idea of the theme park, Euro Disney.7. In places where it does not rain very often, the function  of canals is to drai

5、n water from rivers or lakes and carry it to fields.8. There is also evidence of slower acquisition of language and a higher frequency of learning difficulties for these physically disabled students.9. If you must sit facing the desk, shift your chair slightly as you sit down or adjus

6、t your body in the chair slightly so that you can be right in front of your interviewer.10. Clever readers focus their attention, keeping their concentration  on the material they know best and answering questions quickly because they are confident.assembly moist earnes

7、t destination moisture proclaim asset quest rally exclaim   1. Last Saturday, about 5,000 people held a protest march and rally against social discrimination against all people with AIDS.2. When appearing in court, my friend Debra excl

8、aimed  in anger to a judge to defend her actions, "I wasn't hurting anyone!"3. Human beings shall enjoy freedom of speech and belief, which has been proclaimed as the highest aspiration of the common people.4. Henry Ford was one of the first to apply assembly&#

9、160;line manufacturing to the mass production of affordable automobiles.5. Unless you have a heated greenhouse, you will have difficulty in keeping the plant indoors for very long because they need a really warm and moist atmosphere.6. In dry weather, you'd better water your veget

10、ables, flowers, and plants in the morning before the earth loses too much moisture .7. When you are faced with a difficult situation, you may rely on some of your assets such as family, friends, skills, education, money, and good health.8. After many years' searching of the w

11、orld, her quest  for her missing brother finally succeeded when she found him in Africa9. She decided long ago that she would study the subject of physics in earnest as soon as she was accepted by the school.10. He regretted that he hadn't followed his friend's sugge

12、stion. If he had taken the short-cut across the river, he would have arrived at the destination much earlier.A. fluent B. acquisition C. diverse D. reverse E. competent F. competitive G. skim H. beneficial I. enhance J. engage K. comprehens

13、ion L. confusion M. proficiency N. exposure O. efficiency Testing has replaced teaching in most public schools. Instead of teaching reading or writing skills which are beneficial  to students, now teachers are somehow encouraged to reverse  the

14、learning process. For instance, they ask students to read the questions at the end of a reading text first, and then teach them to skim  the text for the answers with various test-taking skills. We wonder whether the test-taking skills really help improve their language proficiency.Th

15、e ability to read or write should enhance  the ability to do reasonably well on comprehension of reading texts or fluent  writing. However, neither reading nor writing develops simply through learning test-taking skills. Teachers must be careful when they teach students

16、 how to read and write to avoid any false language acquisition . Too many discussions on test-taking skills will only end up with more confusion  in learning because students have become more interested in test-taking skills rather than concentrating on the nature and qualit

17、y of what should be taught.As a result, students may be competent  in taking tests while they have little or no exposure  to serious reading or thinking. They are unable to understand or talk about what they read, which is definitely disastrous to their academic prepara

18、tion.U2persist boost invest orient evaluate accumulate accelerate calculate speculate undertake   1. The United Nations official said to undertake  a new peace move in the Middle East when there is a chance to reach an agreem

19、ent.2. We might speculate  further from the story and say that these people probably lived very close to the well because of the importance of water to life.3. As they are not sure about the situation in the flood-stricken area, they will first send trained nurses there to evalua

20、te  the needs of each patient.4. If the extremely hostile relationships tend to persist , the conflicts between the two parties make it difficult to recognize that they share common needs and goals.5. As more students are inclined to choose business as their major, the college ha

21、s to offer more courses that are business- oriented .6. If workers believe inflation is likely to accelerate , they will demand higher wages to compensate for expected increases in prices.7. If you have a good planning to set aside 500 dollars per month, it would take two years t

22、o accumulated  the minimum sum needed for your child.8. If the population continues to rise at the present rate, scientists have calculated that the world's population will double by the end of the century.9. The cost of repairing damaged public facilities is so high tha

23、t some local governments are unwilling to invest  in the rebuilding projects. 10. According to recent research reports, learning a new dance step may boost the brain in the same way that learning a language does.liable liberal unconscious objective p

24、romising realistic sufficient dominant cynical destructive   1. Both parents and teachers are very concerned about the destructive effects that violent films may have on children.2. If you keep interrupting me, it is unlikely that I will have su

25、fficient time to give you the complete picture which you are so anxious to get!3. The new method is both reliable and objective  furthermore, it has benefited greatly from the development of computer technology.4. Of all the media, the Internet is clearly dominant , with tel

26、evision a close second, at least as a source of news and other information.5. Body movements are often unconscious  forms of expressions, and they can convey certain information to the audience.6. The school principal has some liberal  views about what his students shou

27、ld wear and how much freedom should allow them.7. Word meanings are especially liable  to change because people learn them by hearing them in context rather than by looking up the standard definition. 8. The company seems promising  because the electronic and print

28、ing unit alone has annual sales of about $80 million.9. During the time of economic depression, many people may seem to be cynical about what the government might do, and they just cannot believe the wealthy officials. 10. The bottom line is that I have tried to be true to myself at a

29、ll times and in all situations, and I simply don't think it is realistic  to expect anything else.enroll bother install invest recruit reform revise shrink acknowledge confirm   1. Steve Jobs has been acknowledged

30、60; as a genius in business; his greatest skills are his insight, creative mind, and his management ability.2. To keep the companies going, firms need to recruit  candidates frequently to replace those who choose not to continue their contracts.3. I believe I have to revise&

31、#160; my ideas about my boss he's stubborn sometimes but very clever and creative in many cases.4. In order to improve their job skills to get new jobs or to advance in the ones they already have, many enroll  in some forms of continuing education courses.5. In business setti

32、ngs, email is best used to convey some key information, to confirm appointments, to document decisions, or to contact a decision maker directly.6. Wetland losses have caused populations of some bird species starved for water, food, and nesting sites to shrink  by 60 to 80 pe

33、rcent.7. Better technology means you can install  more sensitive alarm systems in your home and carry less cash on the street.8. The name Joe particularly bothers  me as some think it makes me more qualified to be a baseball player rather than an art critic.9. We can su

34、rely reform  our public health care system, but it still gives us, for all its flaws, the best health care in the world.10. The manual labor in the countryside for 10 years had invested him with a strong will and perseverance to overcome difficulties.A. calculate B

35、. asserts C. distinguish  D. literally E. secured F. broadened G. performs H. insight I. accumulate J. inserts K. just L. extremely M. bound N. perceive O. sight Why study the humanities? The 19th-century English philosopher John

36、Stuart Mill asserts that, instead of places for pure learning, universities ought to be places that literally  encourage students to become good human beings.This assertion may sound out-of-date since most college students today are bound to learn knowledge and spe

37、cial skills. According to Mill, human beings are just  human beings before they are lawyers or doctors. Mill further explains that a strong liberal arts curriculum will make lawyers or doctors see differently with broadened  horizons.But can someone be a successful lawy

38、er of great inner insight  without studying the humanities? Yes. Can someone succeed in business or medicine without the liberal arts? Sure. But we ought to distinguish  "the goodness of the operation" from the "goodness of the operator". How well so

39、meone performs in a specialized field is not necessary to do with how well a person behaves as a good human being.The study of the humanities, therefore, prepares students for their future "philosophic habit of mind" something extremely different from an Internet and In

40、formation Age which values speed and instant satisfaction. On the contrary, studying the humanities enables us to accumulate  slow, on-going knowledge to respond to the basic questions of our age, a means of human betterment.U3deceive distract confuse hesitate snap

41、 rouse affirm surrender witness acquaint   1. More and more unexpected stress and pressure began to get to her, and one morning she just snapped  as she could no longer bear them.2. The young and handsome speaker was standing in front of a large

42、 crowd of people, attempting to rouse  the crowd with a cry for action.3. No matter where we are, we must not let cultural, racial, or social barriers distract us from the job that must be done on our responsibility.4. The government has surrendered  itself to

43、 the pressure from big business and companies and eventually brought down interest rates.5. The fresh air and bright sunlight deceived  me into thinking I might still have some youthful energy left in these old bones of mine.6. The man denied having witnessed  the accid

44、ent because he was afraid of getting himself involved in a long process of investigation.7. The press gave a completely different version of the events, which greatly confused those who tried to understand the truth.8. He continued to affirm  that the introduction of divorce

45、 would make it more difficult for people to lead "good moral lives".9. Staff members were asked to acquaint themselves with what had been discussed and covered if they were absent from the meeting yesterday.10. The young writer hesitated , reluctant to destroy any part

46、of his own work, for which he had devoted all his time for quite a few years.equivalent static chaotic alert feasible coarse stable implicit refined sensible   1. It's understandable that at 15,000 feet, no pilot who is already sufferin

47、g from the effects of lack of oxygen will be able to make sensible  decisions.2. English law says that circumstances of a marriage aren't static, and therefore a judge should decide how financial assets will be divided in cases of divorce.3. Contrary to young people, mature a

48、dults would prefer to choose some professions that are stable  and could bring prestige and economic benefits.4. The new manager of the company complained several times that he could not work effectively under such chaotic  conditions.5. She didn't openly attack the

49、 plan, but the fact that she was against it was implicit in her silence when others were saying things in support of it.6. Reserved speaking style and refined  manners are always considered characteristic of English gentlemen.7. I respected her because she was very polite an

50、d, like the rest of her people, never laughed if an outsider said something coarse .8. Now that we have the extra resources from the local government, the long-term project started a year ago seems economically feasible .9. Passengers on the plane were told to stay alert

51、0; at all times and report any suspicious packages to the crew members immediately.10. Several games based on the "Star Wars" movies require players to choose between the light and dark sides of the Force, equivalent  to good and evil.A. mysterious B. previous 

52、;C. fluid D. liquid E. indispensable F. stable G. miserable H. labeled I. shift J. implicit K. exploit L. explore M. tends N. intends O. frame I don't want any sort of traditional stability in my life right now. The thought of marr

53、iage, staying in one place and doing one thing, will make me feel miserable because there are too many things on my to-do list. Don't take me wrong that I won't shift  to marriage, but certainly not yet.The previous  four common life phases, childhood,

54、 adolescence, adulthood and old age, are now added with two more, labeled  "odyssey" and "active retirement". Of the new ones, the less understood is odyssey that frequently occurs between adolescence and adulthood.For our parents' generation, adulthood te

55、nds  to be defined by achieving certain things. We all know them owning a house, having a stable career, getting married and ultimately having children.We use "finding ourselves" to frame  the concept of the odyssey years, but it's more important for

56、us to understand the implicit  meaning: the pursuit of knowledge and making use of the accessibility of information and experiences around us.In a time when everything is fluid , it seems that the old recipes and time frames for accomplishing things don't apply. We don&#

57、39;t have the same expectations as we once had. We explore  to find our own meanings to things and give voices to our hearts. It seems it becomes more important to find out why we are here before we choose to settle.A. diminished B. demonstrated C. alert D. radical 

58、;E. surrender F. survive G. affirms H. afford I. affect J. effect K. soaked L. soaped M. sensitive N. sensible O. somehow Teenagers are different from people of other age groups. The differences can be demonstrated from how they behave

59、. In fact, the brains of teenagers are very different from those of children or adults.Once people believed it was sensible  that the human brain was fully developed by the age of three. According to this theory, teenager behaviors like risk-taking, a lack of sensitivity to how their

60、actions affect  both themselves and others, increased aggressive deeds, diminished  concentration and a negative attitude were thought to be due to bad parenting or changes in body chemistry.However, new technology has allowed researchers to examine the healthy brain at

61、 work. What they have discovered is something radical  : Not only does the brain continue to grow beyond the age of three, but the research also affirms that the brain of a teenager is larger than that of an adult.As teen brains are soaked  with chemicals duri

62、ng adolescence phase, the brain grows. However, only the cells that are used the most will survive the competition within the brain. Those that are used less begin to die off until the brain reaches what will be its adult size.The way that teens spend their time somehow  inf

63、luences which connections remain and which disappear. On the basis of this knowledge, experts advise parents to be alert  on how their teenagers spend their time. What teens do today will affect their brains for the rest of their lives.U4ambitious cautious immune dynami

64、c preliminary indifferent pessimistic superb weird abnormal   1. Even though the global economic situation is pessimistic , not everyone is so pessimistic about the future. They believe it will be recovered in a few years.2. The lab director sai

65、d that the experiment was at its preliminary  stage and they would need more time to come to a final result.3. The local people have been so realistic and cautious  about any changes that the progress of reform has been very slow.4. The U.S. is definitely a telephone co

66、untry. This is partly due to the fact that the telephone service is superb  there, whereas the postal service is less efficient.5. Although we did a lot better than most or even than our own expectations, we are not entirely immune  to that criticism from those who are trying to find fault with us.6. While the occurrences in Bermuda Triangle


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