1、初中英语八年级下册unit 7阅读教学设计 Would you mind keeping your voice down? 中都中学 苏文蕊一、教材分析(一)教材的地位和作用“would you mind keeping your voice down ?”是一篇有关礼节的阅读,是对整个单元的升华,在前几节课中,学生运用了would you mind.? 有礼貌地对别人发出请求,本节课通过文章进一步加深对有礼貌请求句式的理解和在生活中的具体运用,同时通过对中西方礼节的对比和描述,使学生可以感受到在这个由“人”组成的社会中,每个人只有规范好自己的言行,讲究礼节,才能使整个社会处于一个“有序、和谐
2、”的社会状态里,由此进一步提高学生的听、说、读写的综合能力。(二)教学目标的确立1、语言知识目标a.词汇:voice, term, asian, europe, impolite, allow, public, cough, smoke, drop, litter, pick.up, behave.b.语法:理解“would you mind doing.”的基本形式和表意功能。2、情感态度目标:培养学生在公共场合及日常生活中文明礼貌,以礼待人的优良品质。3、学习策略目标:a.学习利用文章中的主题句快速理解文章大意;b.根据图片、上下文猜测、理解语篇中词语和句子;4、文化意识目标:了解中西方礼
3、节的不同与相同,从而加深对中西方文化的理解。二、教学环节的设计八年级学生有一定的英语基础知识,求知欲很强,所以,本节课讲解的时间很少,主要是训练学生利用任务型及合作式,以教师为辅,学生为主的教学原则,训练学生在学习中获取信息,处理信息和运用信息的能力。三、教学程序1、导入与指导给学生展示几幅在公共场合违反规则的图片,通过让学生回答what are they doing 和if that happens, what will you say? 这2个问题,共同讨论这些人的违规行为,由此引出本课的新单词drop, litter, spit, pick up, behave, cough等,同时也复
4、习了前面学生已掌握的would you mind (not) doing .? 句型,也激发了学生对本课的兴趣,我认为采用图片导入法,远比直接让学生翻书阅读更能激发学生的兴趣,使其由被动学习变为主动获取知识。2、巩固与拓展本节课是一节阅读课,重点是要训练学生怎样把握文章主旨,同时也复习了上个单元学习的阅读技能,即快速浏览找出细节,之后通过多媒体展示一篇关于礼节的短文,检验一下学生的掌握程度。step1. Read the first sentence of each paragraph, tell the statements t or f.1. Etiquette is very commo
5、n in english-speaking countries.2. Etiquette is always the same in asia and europe.3. When someone put his feet on the chair, we may shout at him, “put down your feet.”4. Well know some rules which are almost the same everywhere in the world.step2. Underline the topic sentences of each paragraph.ste
6、p3. Finish part 3astep4. Fast reading and tell the statements true or false.1. Etiquette is a normal and impolite social behaviors.2. Etiquette is the same in every culture or in every situation.3. Standing very close to the person you are talking with is common in european countries.4. Etiquette is
7、 the same in all situations in china.5. Talking loudly in a library is impolite.6. We should take care not to cough or sneeze loudly in public.7. Dropping litter in other countries is allowed.step5. Give them a short passage about etiquette and practice the reading skills.3、交流与合作本单元的教学重点是培养学生在公共场所对违
8、规行为有礼貌地发出请求,因此这个环节让学生相互交流公共场合的一些礼貌行为和不礼貌行为,一方面对这个单元的知识作一个简要的复习,另一方面培养学生的合作精神,让他们通过自主学习探索其个性思维发散的空间。4、作业设计让学生结合日常生活中遇到的一些违规行为给报社写一封建议书,以此呼吁人们遵守规章制度。A Healthy Lifestyle, the Chinese WayReading教学设计 中都中学 苏文蕊Teaching aim:1. To direct students to know what they should do, and what they shouldnt do when th
9、ey are tired.2. Let them tell yin foods and yang foods.3. Make them know and use some important words and phrases ,such as balance, balanced.Teaching focus:3a of Page ElevenStep 1: Are you tired today? Maybe some of you feel tired. In fact, everyone may feel tired sometimes. So I think you should do
10、 something and you shouldnt do anything in our daily life. Step 2:Now, look at the form, then make sentences. For example: Gina is tired. He should go to bed early. He shouldnt watch too much TV.NameProblemShouldShould tGinabe tiredgo to bed earlywatch too much TVTonybe stressed outlisten to musicst
11、udy lateMikebe fattake more exerciseeat too much meat and junk foodBobhas a sore throatdrink some hot tea with honeyeat too much hot(辣的) foodsStep 3: I think all of us need healthy lifestyle. Now go into 3a of Page Eleven. Task1:Read 3a quickly, let them into their own homes:bread, apple, tofu, pota
12、to, egg, cabbage, carrot, watermelon(西瓜) yin foods: yang foods: Task2: Read 3a again, find and discuss their meanings: 1. Traditional 2. Chinese doctorsChinese medicine 3. a balance of yin and yang balanced diet 4.too much yin hot yang foods 5. Western country 6. Its + 形容词+to do sth. Task3: Read aft
13、er the tape, then use the words to fill in the blanks: 1. Jiaozi is Chinese t food. 2. Everyone needs a b of yin and yang. 3. He is too s out, so he has to rest. 4. I like animals l cats. 5. Beef is popular in many w countries. 6. Eating a b diet is important.Task4: Answer the questions: 1. What do
14、we need according to Chinese doctors? 2. What should we eat if we have too much yin? 3. What is popular in western countries? 4. What is important to have a healthy lifestyle? 5. In your opinion, what should we do to stay healthy? Unit 1 Where is your pen pal from?Reading Section B (3a-3c) 中都中学 苏文蕊T
15、eaching aims:1. Train Ss ability of reading.2. Learn to ask the information (e.g. nationality, cities people live, languages and their hobbies etc.)3. Learn write a reply to their pen pals.Function1. Talk about countries, nationalities, cities and languages;2. Ask and tell where people live.Learning
16、 Strategies1. Revise the knowledge they learned.2. Train the students ability of reading.3. Use the knowledge they learned in the life.( e-mail, MSN, OICQ)Teaching difficulty:1. Use the knowledge they learned in their life. 2. How to write an e-mail introducing themselves to their pen pals.Teaching
17、steps:Step 1 Warming-up and revision1. Greetings.2. Revise the new words and expressions.3. Revise the conversations they learned the last day.4. Some Ss report their collection in the homework.Step 2: Reading.1. The students open the books, turn to Page 6 and read the first letter. After that, the
18、students answer three simple questions. 2. The students read after the tape and go on answering some more questions.3. Design a card about Bob. Ask individual Ss to complete it.4. Some Ss say something about Bob.Step 3 CompetitionWork on 3b. Divide the Ss into two groups, and complete the pen pals l
19、etter with the information on the slide more quickly. Check the answers with the Ss. Then close the books, See which pairs ask and answer some questions better and more quickly in front of the class.Step 4 Pair work1. The students read the letters that the teacher gives them and then choose one pen
20、pal they like.2. The partner asks the student some questions about the pen pals letter and then help the partner to fill in “ID card of my partners pen pal.”3. Do a report. My partners name is _. His new pen pals name is _. He is _ years old. He is from _. He lives in _. At school, he likes _. His f
21、avorite _ is _I think he can be my partners pen pal. Do you think so? Step 5 Group work1. Discussion: In your group, do you like your pen pals? Who likes? Why? ( Tell some reasons ) 2. Report.In our group, _of us like his pen pal. Because his ideal pen pal Step 6 Big Task: Write an e-mail about your
22、self.Make an information card. Then write an e-mail to your pen pal. Several minutes later, Share some writing in class.Step 7 homework1. Read 3a again and again, then recite 3a.2. Write a reply to your pen pal about yourselves.3. Do the exercises in Book1 and Book2. How long have you been collectin
23、g shells?(Reading)中都中学 苏文蕊一、教材内容分析 本节课为一篇阅读课,介绍了一位名叫利奥的澳大利亚人在中国黑龙江省哈尔滨边任教边学中国历史的经历,表达了对中国的热爱的感情。旨在培养学生的快速阅读法和对课文宏观把握的能力,以及了解中国各朝代的英语表达。 二、学习者特征分析 初二的学生已有一定的语言基本功,比如:-Whatsyourhobby?-Ilike-Whatsportdoyouplay?Whendidyoustart? 等句型都已学过,在这基础之上再去学习新的目标语言,这样能够激发学生的学习欲望,从而乐于参与语言实践活动,为英语学习营造良好的课堂学习氛围,为完成教学目标
24、奠定了良好的基础。 三、教学目标(知识,技能,情感态度与价值观) KnowledgeObject1.Vocabulary:capital, European,Russian,Jewish,Jew,morethan, thousand, emperor, quite, certain, miss, theOlympicGames 2.Readingapassage. AbilityObject:1Totrainstudents readingandcomprehensiveability. 2.Totrainstudentsscanthepassage. 3.Aimsofemotionandev
25、aluation: TobeinterestedinlearningaboutChinesehistoryandwesternhistory. 三、重点难点 Teachingimportantpoints: 1.Vocabulary:capital, European ,Russian,Jewish,Jew,morethan,thousand, emperor, quite, certain, theOlympicGames 2.Keystructures:Itiswas+adj.+forsb.todosth.Themore.themore Teachingdifficultpoints:Ho
26、wtotrain studentsreadingandcomprehensiveability. 1.Totrainstudentsscanthepassage. 四、教学过程 Step1 Organization(5minutes) Warmingup (Showsomequestions): 1.Doyoulikehistory? 2.DoyouknowanydynastiesinChinesehistory? 3.HowmanyfamouscharactersfromChinesehistorycanyouthinkof? Makealist. 4.Canyouthinkoffamous
27、charactersfromthehistoryofothercountries?Makealist. Step2 Whileyouread (12minutes) 1.Introduce readingstrategy-scan 2.Scanthetextfor informationtocomplete3a. Do3a. (检测学生对阅读技巧的运用)。 Step3Keyphrases. (8minutes) Showkeyphrasesandstructures. 1.Understandkeyphrasesandstructures. 2.Usethemcorrectly. 帮助学生正确
28、使用它们。 Step4Read(10minutes) Letstudentsreadeachparagraphandsummarymainidea. Readeachparagraphandsummarymainidea. 培养学生语篇分析能力,宏观上把握课文内容。 Step5Practice(8minutes) Letstudentsreadthepassageagain,thenfillintheblankaccordingtothepassage. Fillintheblank. 加深对课文重点词的运用。 Step6Timetravel(5minutes) Ifyouhaveachanc
29、etoliveinoneofChinesedynasties,whichdynastywillyouchoose?Whatkindofpersonwillyoube?Wherewillyoulive?Whatwillyoudo? Talkfreelyingroups 调动学生学习的积极性,引发学生思考,培养学生联想能力,及用英语表达的能力。 Step7.Homework(2minutes) 1.Readthepassageagaintounderstanditbetter. 2.Memorizethewordsandphrases. 3.Doexercises. 4.Findsomething
30、youareinterestedinaboutChinesehistoryandwritethemdown. Choose1.2.3. (优等生做2、3、4题。) 帮助学生养成及时复习的良好习惯。作业分层要求,以适应不同层次的学生学习。 七、板书设计 Unit6Howlonghaveyoubeencollectingshells? Phrasesandstructures: (be)instylemorethanItiswas+adj.+forsb.+todosth. Themore.Themorewithaverycolorfulhistory初中英语阅读教学的心得体会 中都中学 苏文蕊从初
32、收到的好的教学方法,并在自己的课堂上慢慢实践。一番尝试后,我惊喜得发现,学生其实很愿意和老师互动。坚持下来,他们的学习兴趣也高涨了许多。我感觉应该在下面三个方面把好关。 (一)课前。在阅读课前,我总是会布置预习任务,要求学生运用已有的语音知识拼读生词或者跟读磁带,以此来预热新词汇。这能给认真预习的学生搭建自我展示的平台。在课堂上,他们能够较快地发出这些词汇的音,适当给予表扬,鼓励其余学生学习。此外,我设置相关问题,要求学生能够带着问题去通读阅读文本,帮助他们以更好的状态投入到课堂学习中。 (二)课中。在课堂上,读前的导入起到承前启后的作用。我就设计自由讨论活动,选取对话课的内容,并自然延伸到阅
34、录某些错误的语言表达。既能练习听力,又能在纠错的活动中,提高自己的语言水平。学生很善良,也很热心,他们会很仔细地去倾听,也会很认真地去指出错误。如此一来,大家在互帮互助共同提高。 (三)课后。课后,我会要求学生进行一定的自我阅读,如每个星期一篇。要求他们在笔记本上摘录好词好句,以此积累词汇量,逐渐养成自我阅读的习惯。采用上述方法进行阅读课教学之后,学生对英语课文的畏惧心理消除了,绝大多数学生开始喜欢上阅读课。他们认为,学完一篇课文,不仅可以了解英语国家的风俗习惯,还培养了自己敢说、爱读的好习惯,更重要的是阅读理解能力提高了。在平时的测验当中,阅读理解题的得分率不断提高。这也对英语教学的其他方面起了很大的促进作用。 阅读理解能力的提高,可以大大促进英语听、说、写的能力的提高,他们之间是相辅相成的。而且,还可以提高学生的自学能力,为将来的发展打下坚实的基础。但是“纸上得来终觉浅”,我深刻地体会到,提高初中学生的阅读理解能力,是一个渐进的复杂过程。作为教师,只有在不断的实践与反思中,在不断的总结与改进中,才能取得进步。如何更好的进行阅读课的教学之感想 中都中学 苏文蕊我们目前的英语阅读教学应“以问题推动教学,以任务贯穿课堂”。教师进行阅读教学设计时应牢牢把握的一条原则。学生只有在掌握了有效的阅读方法与技巧的基础上才能独立而又准确地阅读,进而不断提高自主学习的能力。俗话说
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