



1、Deegaes, .a. Hei! i therunup”heSpringFesva,wehedoneseonoffoursafrepesentatves "fee- 203worksop,fuiback.20,creu a .ays s of Ie ent - uaton, di s . ss 203 <met pansHee,onbehalfofmy cmpay 203 work reportstoteGeneraAssembiyforcns.Pla 2012 bak i .20" XX power compai-adeetotIepays7"ts.&q

2、uot; for guinc* comire "sv- mpleme nt Ie scietic con pt of . e .met , promoti ng cstiea desi s>a, Sadads focus on mplementaton, n maagemet, coni nuuSy m prove, ooth i_ei t of enterp manag emetjusi ness ma nagemet a i d control HnHc ad n.adZ- andIeded-inofstaffma、e a hamonious and dem ocatc a

3、mosphee of Ie goodstuatii n. M ain in. os are as fol owsle batey id -to. power ge neain t otae. -815 blin kW, beyondIe annual budget “ementatoncpa ciy of 35 mil onkW, a .-ease of - mil i nk W.Saestot 7425 b”nkW, exce . of 330miKn kWt he annual Exe cuve budge, an iu_e of " m.MkW.Se.msurs: unplan

4、nd outgls 25 一.Nopesnaijuyaddentocured,nomaoraccdeta nd aove no maor ie accddes wihoutevrnmealpol,inaccnts, 一 ,for tee conscuie yeas I mailansa-IgoodposueBsie-fiancilindiatrsItaprof of mil on Yuan, beynd Ie a nnual budget of 20- mli I nYua, beynd Ie Daag company ind_ 41.9 mil on Yuan, a n ic ol 11 m

5、lin Yua, FCM asesmentagrdefourEneggypor supy sadadcoacmpleing 31225 g /kW, down 0.1 g /kW.nt - atd lu y por connumpIonraiin52%, dow 026%; poll uat -ss ons pefrma nce g Iy educe d compaed t ot yea, calon g/kW,iukr dixde 0.04 gk W *NO> 0512 g .W; _s emova filennyofmoeta.8-Rek bi idex lqu nt iamactr

6、in 04%, incra led _95% frma yea ialeLEquValetforcedoutgerae01*, 116% reucinove thesmepe.da.aea - r"jor aci me nts in soud a dhee t ote tw "manng -et systm" bass, sengteingecnologia.esach,stegIehidehazars cntrl aitis c saety J.lL - cnsr uctin took new se ps The tw 'management .stm&

7、quot;v-et FocusonpromotingtIepowe of the compa ny maaement . stmad the aplicaionandimplmeItatinof the - ley lopfiesar ma,.lmetsystm, impro<e the -ley mang-ent.m,- al - the systmof saey cntrl Furhe rrguate se cuiy rutie, saey lupevsonandmanng-e nt new ork roe t o ply tacive cl osedl oop. Se

8、ngt hei g the lupe vison ad mang-e nt of hait ua viat in of, sengtei ng the saety suev sin of outsucngcntracorsCaaredoutispringand a utumn of se cuiy i I s>cti ons, lod control a nd inspe ctin, saey productin month,dylupevi sinof proucinlaley and theUmpicGmesadother第一章1、某甲因公出国半年,临走前他将自己价值300元的收录机

9、委托某乙保管,允许某乙使用。某乙在某甲出国后,擅自将某甲的收录机以300元价格卖给了素不相识的某丙。某丙买回家后,该收录机又被某丁偷走,后来某丁被抓获。在审理过程中,某丁供认自己曾从某丙处偷盗了收 录机,并以290元的价格卖给了同事某戊,某戊不知内情。某甲从国外回来后得知自己的收录 机被某乙卖给某丙,要求某丙返还原物,某内认为自己是从某乙处;花钱买来的,主张该收录 机属于自己;某戊也主张收录机是自己买的,拒绝返还该收录机,三方争执不下,于是某甲、 某丙都起诉到法院,要求确认各自对该收录机的所有权。问:本案如何处理 ?答:该收录机应归某丙,是善意第三人,甲向乙索赔。2、甲:捕鱼队 乙:水产批发商

10、丙:水产零售商丁:属于乙的船队乙叫丙带上授权书与甲签订 5吨鱼的合同,结果内订了 5.5吨,事后才告诉乙,乙不作任何表示。丁明知船的载重量不能5.5吨,但仍抱侥幸心理,结果船翻了。问:1、翻船的性质?2、本案中有几个关系,如何处理?3. (1) A借给B2000TE,借贷关系清楚,是否A一定能取得这20007s ?(2)用巴房子租给B,租赁期间A能否把房子卖给C?答:A不一定能取得这两万元钱,因为如果B由于意外事故伤亡,或是无能力偿还,则 A就无法取得2000元钱;(2)租赁期间A可以把房子卖给 C,因为买卖不破租赁。(P192)第二章1、甲商厦与乙鞋厂签订了棉鞋购销合同,合同规定 10月交货

11、。双方在合同签订后又补签了一 份仲裁协议。协议约定,如果双方在合同方面发生争议,任何一方有权提请仲裁。后来合同履 行过程中双方发生了纠纷。乙鞋厂向人民法院起诉。开庭前,甲商厦向法院提交了仲裁协议, 请求法院驳回乙鞋厂的起诉。问题:(1)法院应否驳回鞋厂的起诉?为什么? ( 2)什么是仲裁?当事人的哪些争议可以仲 裁?答案:(1)法院应驳回鞋厂的诉讼请求。因为本案的仲裁协议是双方当事人在合同订立后补充鉴定的,且采取了书面的形式,因此具有法律效力。根据仲裁法之规定:双方当事人对合同纠纷自愿达成书面仲裁协议向仲裁机构申请仲裁,不得向人民法院起诉的,告知原告向仲裁机关申请仲裁。因此法院应驳回鞋厂的诉讼

12、请求。但注意本仲裁协议缺少一项即当事人双方没有选定仲裁委员会,因此根据仲裁法的相关规定,当事人双方可以补充协议,达不成补充协议的,仲裁协议无效。(2)仲裁是指纠纷当事人在自愿基础上达成协议,将纠纷提交非司法机构的第三者审理,由第三者作Deegaes, .a. Hei! i the runup”he Spring Fesva, we he d one se onof four saf repesentatves "fee- 203worksop, fui ba ck .20,creu a .ays s of Ie ent - uaton, di s . ss 203 <met p

13、ansHee, on behalf of my cmpay 203 work reports tote Genera Assembiy for cns .Pla 2012 bak i .20" XX power compai- adee to t I e pays 7"ts." for guinc* comire "sv- mpleme nt Ie scietic conpt of . e.met , promoti ng cstiea desi s>a,Sadads focus on mplementaton, n maagemet, coni

14、nuuSy mprove, ooth i_ei t of enterp managemetjusi ness ma nagemet a i d control HnHc ad n.adZ- and Ie ded - inof staff ma、e a hamonious and dem ocatc amosphee of Ie good stuati i n. M ain in. os are as fol owsle batey id -to. power ge neain t otae. -815 blin kW, beyond Ie annual budget “ementain cpa

15、 ciy of 35 mil onkW, a .-ease of - mil i nk W.Saes tot 7425 b”nkW, exce . of 330 m.MkWthe annual Execuve budge, an iu_e of " m.MkW.Se.msurs: unplanndoutgls 25 一.No pesna ijuy adde nt ocure d, no maor a cc det and aove no maor ie accddes wihout evrnmeal pol,ina ccnts, 一 ,for tee conscuie yeas I

16、mailansa - I g ood posueBsie - fiancil i ndiatrs It a prof of mil on Yuan, beynd Ie a nnual budget of 20- mli I nYua, beynd Ie Daag company ind_ 41.9 mil on Yuan, a n ic ol 11 mlin Yua, FCM asesment a grde fourEneggy por supy sadadcoacmplei ng 31225 g /kW, down 0.1 g/kW.nt - atdlu y por connumpIon r

17、ai i n 52% , dow 026%; poll uat -ss ons pefrma nce g Iy educe d compaed t ot yea, calon g/kW, iukrdixde 0.04 gk W*NO> 0512 g .W; _s emova filenny of moe ta.8-Rekbi idexlqu nt ia m actr i n 04%, incraled _95% frma yeaialeLEquValet forced outge rae 01*, 116% reucinove the sme pe.d a . a ea - r"

18、;jor aci me nts in soud a dhee t ote tw "manng -et systm" bass, sengteing ecnologia.e -ac, stegg I e hide hazars cntrl aitis c s y Eerr - cnsr ucton took new se psThe tw'management .stm" for mprovlmet Focuson pr omoting t I e powe of Ie compa ny maaement . stmad Ie aplicaion a nd

19、implme I aton of Ie - ley lopfiesar ma,.lmetsystm, impro<eIe -ley mang-ent . m, - al - Ie systmof saey cntrl Furhe rrguae se cuiy rutne, saeylupevson a nd manng-e nt new ork roe to ply Iacive cl osedl oop. Sengt hei g Ie lupevison ad mang-e nt of hait ua viat in of, sengtei ng Ie s y suev son of

20、outsucngcntac ors Caare d out i spring a nd a uumn of se cuiy i I s<ct ons, lod contol a nd inspe cton, saey producton month, dylupevisinof proucinlaley and the Um pic Gme s ad other出对争议各方均有约束力的裁决的一种解决纠纷的制度和方式。仲裁在性质上是兼具契约性、自治性、民间性和准司法性的一种争议解决方式。仲裁法的第 2条规定:“平等主体的公民,法人和其他组织之间发生的合同纠纷和其他财产权益纠纷,可以仲裁”。

21、2、吴某与房东中某商定租房,租期是 2009.9.1到2010.8.31 ,先预付半年租金,第6个月期满 时(2010.2.28 )再付其余租金。履行法定程序后,吴某按期入住。但 2010.2.28日吴某并未支 付其余租金,并且2010年8月吴某突然搬走。(1)已知中某从未向吴某讨过其余租金,那他应在什么时间内主张自己权利?(2)如果2011.1.10中某突然患病猝死,其子女为争继承权诉到法院,法院至 2011.5.10作出 判决。那中某的继承人应在什么时间内主张自己权利?(3)如果有2010.6.1 ,吴某写下保证书,保证于2010.7.31前付清房租,但又食言。那中某又 应在什么时间内主张

22、自己权利?答:(1)延付或者拒付租金的诉讼时效期间为1年,自权利人知道或者应当知道权利被侵害时起计算。吴某应支付其余房租的时间为 2010年2月28日,因此申某应在 2010年3月1日始2011年3月1日止的时间内主张自己的权利,才能有效地保护自己的合法权益。(2)申某向吴某主张权利的诉讼时效期间2010年3月1日始2011年3月1日止,但在诉讼时效届满的最后6个月内,2011年1月10日申某突然患病去世,无法确定继承人,也就无法继续行使其权利,所以其诉讼时效期间在1月10日中止,到5月10日恢复继续计算,则薛某的继承人应在 7月1日之前主张支付房租的权利。(3)由于申某主张权利,吴某答应于2

23、010.7.31之前还款,因此已经过去的诉讼时效期间中断,从 2010年8月1日起,诉讼时效期间重新计算,所以申某的诉讼时效期间从2010年8月1日起到2011年7月31日止。第三章1、花某于2005.3成立一个人独资企业,同年 7月,该企业与甲公司签订合同。根据合同,企 业应于同年10月支付甲公司货款28万元,但一直未支付。2006.1该企业因故解散。2006.5年 甲公司起诉花某,要求其偿还债务。下列说法错误的是( ACD )A、因该企业已解散,甲公司债权消灭R甲公司可以请求花某以个人财产承担债务G甲公司已超过诉讼时效,其请求不得支持D甲公司请求还彳S的期限应于 2008.1届满。2、20

24、06.3.8 , A出资5万元设立甲个人独资企业,同时聘请乙管理企业事务。2010.8.31 ,甲企业严重亏损,A决定解散该企业。经查,甲企业及 A个人债权债务如下:(1)中企.业欠税5000%,欠乙I资5000 %,欠社会保险2000,欠内8万兀cvte cv1tigfeFat-stggec|isgvflltltcils- el at-lei.giecsgeeyacleelweeele,kgeileessejkageeI-getik3eelegeaelecestacscte1tetieigategssaigai0c Ic atelg c jctsc sleuecitl60MWiiltoyse

25、evalctirltgIMsad ttnllmaiafaidsfatsweu-atusstceeiv tete a icag al ifcaial5ketegcas H c s g u eliiSec1clgvaifr e ieas tegcnctiStcuecitclitjisugaylagtacaIsecicagliyeveeiiagesicaii s saiis c a ieeseewei vtdclve la ge"c eaivetiicclgeigsiclgec4IcjctctecagtIaldcttu025agclafeeafugadsHratdiicicltdelalc

26、aikecge-easi c Ig g es s ce63MWscic-ii e ctsatgit63MWeveacaililaisytescicsue-I.- I ti <el eeuseceie te ecaagclgesilwlMewlifmatclgc ev1caaaiitegcageissReiaitacivueMi ictIasaddega as addz g wkucekgaisciieac i atsaeRegazg R g giuscs "vigeasieacageiltejeagesstScic*watuecli mt iestiy"eigw ve

27、ieaeecteseve823 escvycclswiltgeiavrM.itage xcpItkegsigacsuieig clegsiigisaataaes0gavgjescw sletteec ieIigteaDelegates, staff:Hello! in the run-uptot heSpri ngFestival,we held onesession offourstaffrepresentatives Conference 2013-workshop,fullba ckin2012, careful a nalysi s ofthecurrent sit uation,di

28、 scuss2013 development plans.Here,on behalf of my company2013 work reportst othe Ge neralAssembly, forconsi deration.PillarI,2012backi n 2012,XXpower companies adhere to the party's 17greatspirit for guidance,compre hensivelyimpleme ntthescientific conceptof devel opment , promoting cost-lea der

29、ship strategy,standards,focus on im plementation,lean management, continuouslyim prove,sm ooth prese nt safetysituationof enterprise manag ement, busi nessma nagementa nd control scientificand standardized,andthe dedicationofstaff, managea harmonious anddemocraticatmosphereofthe good situati on.M ai

30、n indicatorsare asfollows: -thebatteryindicator:power generation totaled 7.815billion kWh, beyondthe annualbudgetimplementation capa city of315milli onk Wh,an increaseof757million k Wh.Salestotaled7.425 billion kWh,exceeding sales of 330 millionkWhthe annual Executive budget,an increaseof 729 millio

31、nkWh.-Securitymeasures: unplanned outages 2.5 times.Nopersonalinjuryaccide ntoccurre d,no majora cci denta ndabove,no majorfire accidents withoutenvironmentalpollutiona cci dent s,safetyforthreeconsecutiveyears to maintainstabilitytog ood posture.Businessfinancial i ndicators:tot alprofits of255mill

32、ion Yua n,beyond theannualbudgetof207 million Yuan,beyond theDatang companyindex41.89 milli on Yuan, an increase of1.76million Yuan,FCMassessmentatgradefour.-Energy:powersupplystandardcoalcompleti ng 312.25g /kWh,down0.1 g /kWh; integrated auxiliarypower consumption ratio i n 5.12% ,down0.26%; poll

33、utantemissi ons performa ncegreatlyreduce d compared t olastyear,carbon0.09 g/kWh,sulfur dioxide0.104g/k WhNOx 0.512g/kWh; dust removalefficiency of more than 99.8%.-Reliability index:equivalentavailabilityfactor i n93.47%, increased 7.95%from ayearearlier.Equivalentforcedoutagerate 0.08%,0.16%reduc

34、tionoverthesame period ayearearlier.Majorachievements: first,we shouldadhere tothetwo "manag ement system"basis,strengtheningtechnol ogicalre search,strengt hen hidden hazards controlaintrinsi c safety Enterpri se construction took newsteps. -The two "management system"forimprove

35、ment. Focuson promoting t he powerofthecompa nymanagementsy stemand theapplication and implementation ofthesafety loopfive-star managementsystem,improve thesafetymanagementsystem,realizethesystem ofsafetycontrol. Furtherregulatese curityroutines,safetysupervisiona nd manageme ntnetw ork roletoplay t

36、o achievecl osed-l oop.Strengt hening thesupervision andmanagement of habit ual violation of,strengtheni ng thesafety supervi sion ofoutsourcingcontract ors.Carrie d out inspringa nda utumnofse curityi nspecti ons,floodcontrol and inspe ction,safetyproduction month, daysupervi sionofproductionsafety

37、and the Olym pic Game sand other( 2)甲企业存款2万元,实物折价6万元(3) A个人可执行财产价值2万元。问 A 如何进行财产清偿。答:根据个人独资企业法的规定,甲企业的财产清偿顺序为:(1)所欠职工工资和社会保险费用;(2)所欠税款 ;(3)其他债务。因此, 首先, 用甲企业的银行存款和实物折价共8万元清偿所欠乙的工资、社会保险费用、税款后,剩余68000 元用于清偿所欠丙的债务;其次,甲企业剩余财产全部用于清偿后,仍欠丙12000 元,可用甲其他可执行的个人财产2万元清偿。3、 刘某是某高校的在职研究生,经济上独立于其家庭。2000年 8月注册成立了一家主

38、营信息咨询的个人独资企业,取名为“远大信息咨询有限公司”,注册资本为人民币一元,收益甚丰。经营过程中先后共聘用工作人员10 名,对此刘某认为自己开办的是私人企业,并不需要为职工办理社会保险,因此没有给职工缴纳社会保险费也没有签订劳动合同。后来该独资企业经营不善导致负债1 0万元。刘某决定于2001年10月自行解散企业,但因为企业财产不足清偿而被诉诸 法院向刘某的家庭求偿。问: ( 1)该企业的设立是否合法?( 2)刘某允许另一公司参加投资,共同经营的行为是否合法?( 3)刘某不缴纳社保不签订劳动合同的理由是否成立?( 4)该企业的债权人要求是否成立?( 5)刘某是否可以解散企业?( 6)若后来

39、黄某与刘某协议参加该个人独资企业的投资经营,并注入投资5 万元人民币。黄某是否承担责任?答案: ( 1 ) 、该企业的设立是否合法。根据我国个人独资企业法第二条、第十条的规定,自然人可以单独投资设立个人独资企业,设立时法律仅要求投资人申报出资额和出资方式但并不要求须缴纳最低注册资本金。因此刘某单独以一元人民币经法定工商登记程序投资设立个人独资企业的做法,符合法律规定。但根据第十一条的规定, “个人独资企业的名称应与其责任形式相符合”, 而个人独资企业为投资人个人负无限责任,因此刘某将其取名为“远大信息咨询有限公司”违反法律规定,应予与纠正。( 2 ) 、刘某允许另一公司参加投资,共同经营的行为

40、不合法。根据个人独资企业法第二条、第八条、第十五条的规定,个人独资企业须为一个自然人单独投资设立,企业存续期间登记事项发生变更时应当在作出变更决定之日起十五日内申请办理变更登记。因此,刘某如允许他人参加投资经营,必须依法办理变更登记,并改变为其他性质的企业,因为此时已经不符合个人独资企业的法定条件了。( 3) 、该企业应当与职工签订劳动合同并为其办理社会保险。根据我国的社会保障方面的立法规定、劳动法 的相关规定,该企业不与职工签订劳动合同不为职工办理社会保险的做法违反法律的强制性规定。个actiontime s,statistics,coal-ai ded mea surement softw

41、are,improve sthe producti on level oflean manageme nt.Increase dinvestme nt in sciencea ndtechnolog y,reporting scienceandtechnology proje ctsand 14 te chnical proje cttotalcost percentageofthetotalannual pr oducti on outputof0.25%."Large-scalecoal-fired powerplantflue gasdesulfurization, denit

42、rification complete devel opme nt anda pplicationof key technol ogies"pr oject,w onthe nati onalscie nce a ndte chnology progress se cond pri ze.630MW supercriticalunit soptimize d controlstrategie s andthe 630MW developmenta nd appl icationofon-li nesimulation systemforsupercriticalunits,super

43、criti cal600MW units ofturbine driven boilerfeedpump setofcomprehensivetreatmentof defectsDatangtechnology respectively oneor twoa nd third.Meanwhile,informati ontechnology a chieveme nts,the com pany was named "China pow er information technology be nchmarkingenter prise s." -Repair andma

44、intenance hasimprovedfurt her.M odifythe inspecti onsta ndar dsa nd standar ds ona regular basis, standardizi ng work pr ocedure s,checki ng andinspe ctionproject.Deepeningt heBFS+sy stem,and im plementsmaintenance information shared.Reorganizi ng RB logi c again,a nd ensurethe success oftheRB.Innov

45、atingthemechanism ofmaintenance manag ement,implementeda pr oje ct managersystem.Succe ssful completi on oftwo autonom ous mai ntena nce,reliability impr oved stea dily.Impleme nting twoc-l evelmaintenance, projectthemselves 48.7% a nd 42.3%,respective ly.A ccomplishtwo cir culati ng pum psrepa ir a

46、nd overha ulof fourM ills,mainte nanceteamstogetexercise.Promotetheworkofenergysaving and consumption reducing ,com pletethe unite nergy consumption diagnosis, plantwater balancetest,10 energy-saving pr oject s.Second,weshould a dhere to "thre e"onthe economic benefits ofimprovi ng, outrea

47、chctivities,compre hensive andtamping SafetyFoundation .Troubl eshooti ng,manageme ntmechanism, givefull playtorole oftechnicalsupe rvision andrealizati onoftroubleshooting,management,impr oved process management.Thisyearcompleted t heboiler l ower hea derleakage, boil er pressure,a majorri sk manag

48、ement, completed29 ofgreat risksand 3 Generalproblemsofgover nance. Complete chemi stry lab constr uction, thermalcontrol,and completet he boilerscale integratedmanagement, hostshaftingvi bration of10 scie ntificand technologi calpr ojects,such a s.Completesupercriti cal630MW on-line simulation syst

49、emdevel opme ntandapplicati on ofcir culati ngwater MCCstandby powertransformation,thetransformationofde sulfuri zation w astewater,the unitwater supplysystem ofcomprehensivetreatmentand discharge valvemodificationofcoalmill5keytechnologi caltransformation projects,grouphealth is improve d. -Science

50、 andtechnology innovati onis furt herincrease d.Strengthenthe characteristics ofsuper critical unitmajorissue s,gradua llycleari ng theparti cularity ofsupercritical unita nd reg ularity. Developed mot or oil timemanagement,switchDeegaes, .a. Hei! i therunup”heSpringFesva,wehed one se onof four saf

51、repesentatves "fee- 203worksop, fui ba ck .20,creu a .ays s of Ie ent - uaton, di s . ss 203 <met pansHee,onbehalfofmycmpay203workreportstoteGeneraAssembiyforcns.Pla2012baki.20" XX power compai-adeetotI e pays 7"ts." for guinc* comire "sv- mpleme nt Ie scietic con pt of .

52、 e .met , promoti ng cstiea desi s>a, Sadads focus on mplementaton,nmaagemet, coni nuuSy m prove, ooth i_ei t of enterp manag emetjusi ness ma nagemet a i d control HnHc ad n.adZ- and Ie de d - inof staff ma、e a hamoniousanddemocatcamospheeofIegoodstuatiin.Mainin. os are as fol owsle batey id -to

53、. power ge neain t otae. -815 blin kW, beyond Ie annual budget “ementaincpa ciy of 35 mil onkW, a .-ease of - mil i nk W.Saestot 7425 b”nkW, exce . of 330 m.MkWthe annual Exe cuve budge, an iu_e of " m.MkW.Se.msurs: unplannd outgls 25 一.Nopesnaijuyaddent ocure d, no maor a cc det a nd aove no m

54、aor ie accddes wihout evrnmeal pol,inaccnts, 一 ,for tee conscuie yeas I mailansa-IgoodposueBsie-fiancilindiatrsItaprof of mil on Yuan, beynd Ie a nnual budget of 20- mli I nYua, beynd Ie Daag company ind_ 41.9 mil on Yuan, a n ic ol 11 mlin Yua, FCM asesmentagrdefourEneggypor supy sadadcoacmpleing31

55、225g/kW,down0.1g/kW.nt-atdlu y por connumpIonraiin52%,dow026%;polluat-ss ons pefrma nce g Iy educe d compaed t ot yea, calon g/kW, iukr dixde 0.04 gk W *NO> 0512 g .W; _s emova filennyofmoe ta.8-Rek bi idex lqu nt iamactrin04%, incra led _95% frma yea ialeLEquValetforcedoutgerae01*, 116% reucinove thesmepe.da.aea - r"jor aci me nts in soud a dhee t ote tw "manng -et systm" bass, sengteingecnologia.e-ac, stegg I e hide hazars cntrl aitis c s y Eerr - cnsr ucton took new se ps The tw 'management .stm"formprovlmetFocusonpromotingtI e powe of Ie compa ny maaemen


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