牛津英语7A Unit 5 Going shopping 和 7B Unit 5 Ablities 导学案_第1页
牛津英语7A Unit 5 Going shopping 和 7B Unit 5 Ablities 导学案_第2页
牛津英语7A Unit 5 Going shopping 和 7B Unit 5 Ablities 导学案_第3页
牛津英语7A Unit 5 Going shopping 和 7B Unit 5 Ablities 导学案_第4页
牛津英语7A Unit 5 Going shopping 和 7B Unit 5 Ablities 导学案_第5页
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1、7A Unit 5 Going shopping(1)Period One(comic strip and welcome to the unit)Objectives:a. To know some vocabularies about common presents.b. To learn new words related to this units theme.c. To guess meaning from pictures and to sort vocabulary.d. To guess the meanings of words by recognizing shopping

2、 items and relating them to typical shops.Language focus:P74-P751. 想要你和我一起去买东西want you to go shopping with mego shopping = do some shopping2. 想要买很多东西want to buy a lot of things3. 和我一起来come with me4. 有空 / 忙碌be free / be busy5. 需要你拎所有的包need you to carry all the bags*carry “搬、背、抱、提”à(里基正在帮王老师搬书。)R

3、icky is helping Miss Wang carry the books. *take “带走、拿走”à(明天请把回家作业带到学校。)Please bring your homework to school tomorrow. *bring “带来、拿来”à(下周把这本书带到奶奶家去。)Take this book to grandmas hme next week.6. 一个叫做新的购物中心a new shopping mall called7. 写一篇关于你最喜欢的购物中心的文章write an article about your favourite sho

4、pping mall8. 生日快乐happy birthday9. 下个星期过他们的生日have their birthdays next weekExercise:一翻译1 想要和你去购物_ 2 跟我来_3 有空_ 4 需要你拎所有的包_5 买一些礼物给他们_ need sb to do sth_7 have good ideas_ 8 buy a yo-yo for me_二用动词的适当形式填空。1.He wants me_(write)to him soon. 2. Kitty wants _ (go) swimming this weekend. 3. Do you go _(shop

5、) at weekends?4. Here _ (be) some books for you? 5.We need much time _ (study ) English.三句型转换1 You can buy him a football. (改为同义句)_2 Heres my wallet. (改为复数句)_3 I want to buy a lot of things. (改为同义句)_4 I am busy. (改为同义句)_5 I want you to go shopping with me. (改为同义句)I _ _ you to go shopping with me.四翻译

6、:1 丹尼尔想买一本漫画书给我。Daniel wants to _ a comic book _ me.2 中国的新年就要到了。 Chinese New Year _ _.3 你有一些好主意吗? Do you have _ _ _?4 你认为这本书怎么样? _ 5我需要你拎所有的包。I_ _ _ _ all the bags.7A Unit 5 Going shopping(2-3)Period Two-Three(readingI-II)Objectives: a. To increase awareness of different registers.b. To guess genera

7、l meanings of new words by looking at pictures and keywords.c. To identify specific information about shopping from reading to conversations.Language focus:P761为他们买一些礼物buy some presents for them =buy them some presents2为你的朋友买生日礼物buy a birthday present for your friend3列一张她能买的东西的清单make a list of the t

8、hings that she can buy4相册photo album5漫画书comic book6音乐盒music box7玩一个溜溜球play with a yo-yo8向米利寻求帮助ask Millie for help9不用谢You are welcome.10你要买些什么?What can I do fir you? / Can I help you?11等一会。Just a minute. / wait a moment.12看一下take/have a lookà(我想看看这个包。)Id like to look at the bag.13相当贵quite expen

9、sive14去年的卡片last years cards.15很多种类的发卡many kinds of hair clips16确定,肯定be sure17(很)配她的最喜欢的体恤衫match her favourite T-shirt (well)18.也想为她买一张CDalso want to buy her a CD19有足够的钱买have enough money to buyExercise:一. 翻译下列词组1. 正在找一些足球卡片_ 2. 等一下_3. 相当贵_ 4.有足够的钱买书_ 5. 确信_6. 没关系_7. 等待_ 8. 和相配得好_二根据句意及首字母填空1. There

10、is a d_ on last y_ clothes. They are quite cheap now.2. Thirty m_ means half an hour.3. These clips are beautiful, and they m_ her favorite T-shirt.4. Whats the _(高的) price of the computer?5. They are _(等) for you at the school gate.6. How much does the book _(值)7. He wants to buy _(某物) good in the

11、shop.三用所给词汇的适当形式填空1. How many _(kind) of subjects do you have at school?2. _ (be) there a pair of shoes?3. Listen! Someone _(knock) at the door.4. How about_(play) football tomorrow? 5. Which is your favourite _(shop) mall?6.Simon usually spends 30 minutes _(run) in the morning.7. Do you want me _(h

12、elp) you _ (carry) the box?8. why not _(go) out for a walk?9. How much _(do) this pair of shoes _(cost)?10. Our teacher_ (not wear) glasses.7A Unit 5 Going shopping(4)Period four(vocabulary)Objectives: .To recognize the names of some typical shops2.To talk about what things to buy in different shops

13、Language focus:P791. 服装店clothes shop2. 运动商店sports shop3. 家用电器商店electrical shop4. 花店flower shop5. 鞋店shoe shop6. 玩具商店toy shop7. 不同种类的书different kinds of books8. 看这些漂亮的衣服look at the beautiful clothes9. 为生日聚会买食物buy the food for the birthday party10. 为他找到好的东西find something good for him11. 找一双鞋子配我的新短裙find

14、 a pair of shoes to match my new skirtHomework:翻译句子。1. 布朗先生带我参观了他的新居。Mr. Brown _ me _ his new house.2. 请告诉我你学校的情况。 Please tell me _ _ _. 3. 我们可以在运动商店为他找到好的东西。We can _ in _4. 我有一些重要的事要告诉你。_5. 天很冷。不要在外面呆太久。_6. 我在喝冷饮, 不是在打电脑游戏。_7. 你们现在在学习吗? 是的。_8. 他们在干什么? 他们在吃冰淇淋。_9. 她在找什么?她在找她的发夹。_10. 此刻我们正在电器商店买电脑。_7

15、A Unit 5 Going shopping(5)Period 5 (GrammarI-II)Objectives: To make students know what is Present Continuous TenseTo learn how to ask and answer questions using the present continuous tenseTo use the present continuous tense comprehensivelyLanguage focus:1. 肯定句: 主语 + be +动词-ing + sth.2. 否定句: 主语 + be

16、 not +动词-ing + sth.3. 一般疑问句: be+ 主语 + 动词-ing + sth.?4. 特殊疑问句: 疑问词+ be+ 主语 + 动词-ing + sth.?Eg.那个学校的男孩们正在那儿踢足球。The boys of that school are playing football there now.The boys of that school arent playing football there now.Are the boys of that school playing football there now? Where are the boys of t

17、hat school playing football now? 那个长发女孩正在打扮。The girl with long hair is dressing up. The girl with long hair isnt dressing up.Is the girl with long hair dressing up?What is the girl with long hair doing?Exercises:一 写出下列动词的 -ing 形式。1. go _ 2. play _ 3. come _ 4. see _5. give _ 6. run _ 7. listen _ 8.

18、sing_9. put _10. cook _ 11. take _ 12. work _13. swim _14. sit _ 15. ride _ 16. meet _ 17. dance_ 二 用正确的时态和动词所给的适当形式填空。1. The men _ (work) near the house now.2. Look! The teachers _ (talk) to the students.3. What _ you _ (do) now? I'm _ (put) rice in bags.4. His cousin often _ (play) computer ga

19、mes. Now he _ (play) computer games.5. Look! Some boys _ (have) a football game.6. Where is your father? He _ (clean) the car.7. The students have fun _(learn) English now.8. Look! The children _ (play) football in the park.Homework单选。1. We buy a TV set from _.A. a clothes shop B. an electrical shop

20、 C. a sports shop D. a shoe shop 2. Put on more _, or youll catch a cold A.cloth B. clothing C. clothes D. cloths 3. Dont play_ fire. You may hurt yourself.A. on B. with C. in D. at 4. Be quiet. The children _A. is sleep B. is sleeping C. are sleeping D. are sleep 5. Mr. Green _ for Tokyo tomorrow.

21、A. is leaving B. leaves C. is leave D. leave 6. They _ Beijing these days A. visit B. visiting C. are visit D. are visiting 7. I have _ to tell you A. interesting something B. interesting anything C. something interesting D. anything interesting 8. _ you _ TV at the moment? _ No, you can turn it off

22、. A. Did, watch B. Are , watching C. Do, watch D. Are, watch9. - What is Jim _? - He is sleeping .A. doing B. do C. to do D. does7A Unit 5 Going shopping(6)Period 6(intergrated skills-study skills)Objectives: 1.To identify specific information in a conversation about different shopping habits2.To re

23、vise adverbs of frequency3.To talk about helping the children in poor areas4.To develop fluency in common shopping situations5.To use a vocabulary tree to memorize new wordsLanguage focus:P84-P861. 帮助穷人help the poor2. 参观中国的一个贫困地区visit a poor area in China3. 想要帮助来自贫困地区的孩子们want to help children from p

24、oor areas4. 看见报纸上这条广告see this ad in the newspaper5. 他们写给校长的信their letter to the Principle6. 需要帮助的孩子们children in need7. 有足够的文具使用have enough stationery to use8. 书写纸writing paper9. 捐钱给他们donate some money to them10. 打电话55513871和我们联系call us on 5552387111. 寄给他们一些文具send them some stationery12. 以我们学校的名义 in

25、the name of our school13. 为他们筹集一些钱raise some money for them14. 挑选一双新足球靴choose a new pair of football boots15. 三个人一组work in groups of three16. 试穿try on当try on接名词时,名词可放中间。à(你最好把这件外套试穿一下)Youd better try this coat on. = Youd better try on this coat.当try on接代词时,代词只能放中间。à(这帽子看上去很漂亮,我能试戴一下吗?)This

26、 cap looks nice. Can I try it on?17. 太贵了too expensive18. 一双更便宜点的a cheaper pair19. 一些其他的东西some other things20. 如何记住单词how to remember words21. 快速地记住生词remember new words quickly22. 写下单词write down the new words23. 做一棵词汇树make a vocabulary tree24. 在树上再加五个生词add five more new words to the treeExercises:一、翻译

27、下列短语1. 使用你的零花钱_ 2. 帮助贫困者_3. 参观贫困地区_ 4. 写信给校长_5. 有需要的孩子们_ 6. 有足够的文具使用_7. 收集新的笔记本_ 8. 捐钱给别人_9. 为募集钱_ 10. 以学校的名义_二、根据句意及首字母提示填空1. That old man is very p_, so he has no money to buy himself s_ good.2. We buy pens, pencils, rulers from a s_ shop.3. We like c_ school things for the children in the west of

28、 China.4. Young people like to wear jackets and j_. 5. This coat is only 30 yuan. Its too c_.6. What s_ are your feet? 7. This coat doesnt f_ you at all. Its too l_.8. The old gentleman always gives the poor money in n_ of his family.9. A lot of kind people often _(捐)money to help the poor.10. China

29、, Canada and America are big c_.11. If you would like to ask for some help, please c_ the police on 120.三、用所给词的适当形式填空1. Do you have any _ paper in your shop? (write)2. Would you give me some paper _ (write) on?3. China is one of the largest _ in the world. (country)4. This coat is too large. Could y

30、ou give me a _ one? (small)5. A: Where is Kitty? B: She _ in bed at the moment. (lie)6. Can we send some _ for the children without parents. (stationery)7. There is a young man _ near Mrs. Green. (stand)四、单项选择1. John and Simon _ singing. A. all like B. like all C. both like D. like both2. Dont worry

31、, sir. I am sure I can run _ up with them.A. fast enough catching B. enough fast to catch C. fast enough to catch D. slowly enough3. Whos the boy _? A. waiting for B. waiting C. waits for D. wait4. Its _ see the doctor. A. my turn B. my turn to C. me turn D. me turn to5. Digital cameras are becoming

32、 more and more popular, but some still _ too much.A. pay B. spend C. take D. cost6. I want to buy a pair of shoes _ my favourite coat. Can you help me? - I think this pair will_ you very well. You can _.A. to match; match; try it on B. match; fit; try them onC. match; fit; try on them D. to match; f

33、it; try them on五、完成句子1. 在中国贫困地区的孩子们没有足够的钱买文具。2. Millie很喜欢运动,所以她经常去运动商店收集一些篮球卡片。3. 我们可以以班级的名义募集书来帮助困境中的孩子。4. 你的尺寸是多少? -我是八号。我可以试穿这一双吗? 5. 那个太贵了。你有便宜的一双吗?六、缺词填空John: Look, Jim! There are football cards over t_.Jim: Good morning, sir. How much do the football cards c_?Shopkeeper: Theyre $10. There are

34、50 cards in the whole set.John: Is there a d_ if I buy the whole set?Shopkeeper: Sorry. We only have a discount on last years cards.John: Well, theyre e_ but I think Dad likes the new cards. OK, Ill buy the new cards then. I want to buy some p_ for my mother and my sister too.Jim: Let me see. These

35、ribbon and hair clips are p_, John. You can buy the ribbons for your mother and the hair clips for your sister.John: The ribbons are nice and the hair clips are very fancy. I think my mother will l_ the ribbons. My sister likes m_ her hair clips with her clothes. I dont know what hair clips she want

36、s.Jim: The ribbons cost $4. Its a good price!John: Yes. Ill g_ the ribbons, but Ill look for s_ else for my sister.7A Unit 5 Going shopping(7-8)Period 7(main task and check-out )Objectives: To learn to write an article about a big shopping mallTo revise Present Continuous TenseTo revise vocabulary i

37、n this unit by completing a word puzzlelanguage focus:P87-P891. 邀请孩子写最喜欢的购物中心invite students to write about their favourite shopping mall2. 位置好good location3. 公共汽车站和出租车停靠站附近near the bus stop and the taxi rank4. 五层楼的商场five floors of shops5. 在顶楼on the top floor6. 吃来自不同国家的食物eat different kinds of food

38、from different countries7. 电脑游戏中心computer games center8. 太多的人too many people9. 很容易找到Its very easy to find.10. 需要一些更多need some more11. 不同种类的食物 different kinds of food12. 在我购物前看电影watch a film before I go shopping13. 一个确实很好玩的去处a really fun place to go14. 会见朋友的好场所a good place to meet friends15. 站在一个玩具商店

39、外面stand outside a toy shop16. 在隔壁商店里面inside the shop next door17. 打电话给110求助call 110 for help18. 找到其中一个 / 找到其余的find one of them / find othersExercise:一、单项选择:( ) 1. It is necessary forto help . A. poor; rich B. rich; poor C. the poor; the rich D. the rich; the poor( ) 2. This pair of trousers. Can I?

40、A. is enough cheap; try on it B. is cheap enough; try them on C. are enough expensive; try them on D. are expensive enough; try them on( ) 3. Itme half an hour to go home by bus every day. A. spends B. takes C. costs D. pays( ) 3. It is to write it in English. A. busy B. easy C. easily D. busily( )

41、4. There arepeople in the park and they spendmoney .A. too much, too many B. too many , too much C. much too, too many D. many too, too much( ) 5. There are only nine chairs. We need. A. three B. three more C. more three D. another( ) 6. Look! The bus. Lets it. A. comes; run and catch B. is coming;

42、run and catch C. goes; run and to catch D. is going; running and catching( ) 7. You bought a new watch. Can you? A. show it me B. show it to me C. show me it D. show it for me( ) 8. There arefloors in this shopping mall, KFC is on thefloor. A. five; five B. five; fifth C. fifth, fifth D. fifth; five

43、二、用所给单词的正确形式填空1.You should bring your school things before(come) to school.2. He spends as much time as he can(write) the book about children in China.3. There is a boy(eat) apples in the classroom and a girl(draw) on the wall.4. The students in Class 3 all have fun(play) basketball after class.5.It

44、s hard(remember) all these words.6. What size are your(foot)?7. How much is this pair of (sport) shoes?8. Are the students waiting for(they) turn to speak?9. Your walkman costs too much. I want to buy a (便宜的)one than yours.10. Many visitors from different (国家) come to Beijing every year.11. Lets go

45、and see why the little girl is(哭) at the moment.12.I think my cousin has a football(已经).13. She often(寄) cards to her friends on Christmas Day.14. This dress is too long for me. Id like a one.15. The man in white(wait) for his daughter to go shopping at present.三、补全对话.S: Hello. Can I help you? What

46、are youfor?K: Hello. Id like to buy a of jeans.S: What size do you?K: Size 30.S: What colour would you ?K: Blue. I like this pair. Could I tryon, please?S: Yes, of .K: Well, they dontme very well. They are too large. Do you have a pair?S: Yes, here you are.K: This pair my trousers well. How much are

47、? S: They are 80 yuan.K: Thattoo much. Do you have a pair?S: Theres a discountthe price. They are only 60 yuan.K: OK. Ill buy. 四、完成下列句子翻译1.你该等着轮到你上车。You shouldget on the bus.2.爸爸的领带和衬衫不配。3.她没有足够的时间去打扮。She doesnt have4. 这个大楼有五层,在顶楼的饭店里,你可以迟到来自不同国家的各种各样食物。There are, in the, you can eatfrom.5. 我妈妈正在付牛奶

48、钱。My motherright now.6.我们喜欢在看电影前购物。We likebefore.7. 如果你在学习方面需要帮助的话,请拨12345678找我。If you , please 12345678.8.这副眼镜价格太高,你有更便宜的吗?, do you have ?9.我们应该收集新文具,募集钱来帮助贫困地区的儿童。We shouldandthe children 10.大卖场真的是去的好地方,它也是见朋友的好地点。The mall is, its also .11. 这个小女孩找不到妈妈,她正在打110求助。Thegirl her mother, she .五、阅读理解。A young man goes to town and buys himself a pair of socks. When he comes back, he goes to his room and tries the socks on. He finds they are in different colours. One is blue but the o


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