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1、9A Unit 2 Colour单元测试卷(总分:100分 时间:60分钟)一、单项选择(共15小题;每小题1分,共15分) ( )1He would rather _for himself than_for a meal Acook;going out Bto cook;go outCcook;go out Dcooking;going out( )2The colour yellow the feeling of_ Amakes;energy Bcreates;warmth Crepresents;purity Dcreates;harmony( )3She is wearing blue

2、 todayMaybe she feels_nervous and stressed Aa 1ittle of Ba bit of Ca 1ittle bit Da bit 1ittle( )4Which pair contains the sound? Aother;thank BThursday;strength Cthin;this Dbrother;healthy( )5This blue shirt doesnt fit youI think that black one_good_you Awill look;in B1ook;on Cwill look;on Dlook;in(

3、)6Lucy prefers to_ Ato walk;jogging Bwalk;jog Cto walk;jog Dwalking;jogging( )7Colours can make us_or sad Ato feel happily Bfeel happily Cto feel happy Dfeel happy( )8Your son is old enough to _himself Awear Bdress Cput on Dhave on( )9_green or_in a light green room_good for us AWear;sleep;is BWeari

4、ng;sleeping;are CWear;sleep;are DWearing;sleeping;is( )10If you have difficulty_a decision,wearing red_it easier for you to take action Amake;making Bmade;making Cmaking;make Dmaking;makes( )11Tony lost his walletHe didnt talk to_all the afternoon Aanything Bnothing Cnobody Danybody( )12I wanted to

5、buy a storybook but there were left in that bookstore Aanyone Bno one Cnone Dnothing( )13Do you know how many colors_in the rainbow? Aare there Bthere are Cis there Dthere is( )14Which_you rather_,tea or coffee? Awould;to drink Bwould;like Cwould;liking Dwould;drink( )15一Mum,may I have some cakes ?

6、一Sorry,theres_ left in the boxIll go and buy some for you tonight, Anone Bno one Cno Dnothing二、完形填空(共10小题;每小题1分,共10分) The sky 1 looks light blueBut if you go to the 2 of the highest mountain,where 3 is less air 4 you and the sun to scatter(分散)the sunlight,the sky would be dark blueAnd if you ride in

7、 a spaceship high 5 the earth, 6 there is no air at all,the sky would be 7 dark that it would be black Sometimes the sky doesnt look blue 8 sunrise and sunset,the light 9 the sun sometimes is scattered in such a way that you see red,orange,and 10 colours in the sky( )1Asometimes Balways Cseldom Dusu

8、ally( )2Aup Bbottom Ctop Dmiddle( )3Ait Bthere Cthat Dwhich( )4Afrom Bbetween Caround Dof( )5Aabove Bbelow Cover Dunder( )6Awhere Bthat Cwhich Dbecause( )7Avery Bmuch Cso Dsuch( )8AOn BAt CWhen DIn( )9Ain Bunder Cfrom Dcome from( )10Aanother Bthe other Cothers Dother三、阅读理解(每小题2分,共20分)(A) Mary didnt

9、understand such sentences as“She is blue today”,“You are yellow”,“He has a green thumb”,“H e has told a white lie”and so onAnd she went to the teacher Mrs James for helpMary:Mrs James,there is a colour in each of the sentencesWhat do they mean?Mrs James:In everyday English,Mary,blue sometimes means

10、sad,yellow afraidA person with a green thumb grows plants well and a white lie is not a bad oneMary:I'm afraid I dont understand them a11Would you give me an example for“a white lie”?Mrs James:CertainlyNow I just give you some cakesIn fact you dont like it,but you dont want to let me know itInst

11、ead you say,“No,thanksIm not hungry”Thats a white lieMary:It sounds very interestingThanks very muchMrs James:You are welcomeColours are meaningfulI think you will meet more sentences like these in the futurePlease come to me if you have any questions( )1Blue sometimes means sad in_English Agood Bsp

12、oken Cusual Dpoor( )2I dont have a green thumb,so all my plants_ Adie off Bgrow well Clook nice Dare good( )3David is yellow and he is_to climb the tall tree! Ahappy Bclever Cbrave Dafraid( )4He didnt like me to know_of the accidentHe told me a white lie at last Athe reason Bthe true story Cthe mean

13、ing Dthe answer( )5He is _todayHe is told that his father is seriously ill Ablue Byellow Cgreen Dwhite(B) You cant see any object unless light from that object gets into your eyesSome of the things you see give off light of their own。The sun,the stars,a lighted lamp are the examples that can be seen

14、 by their own lightBut most of the things you see are not giving off light of their ownThey are just reflecting(反射)light that falls on them from the sun or some other luminous bodiesThe moon,for example,doesnt give off any light of its ownIt is not 1uminousYou see it because sunlight falls on it and

15、 some of the sunlight reflects on the earthSo moonlight is only secondhand sunlight When you look at a book,it sends some of the light which fails on it to your eyes,and you see the bookIf light could be kept out from where youre so that there would be no light from the book to reflectThen you could

16、nt see the book even with your eyes wide openLight travels so fast that the time in which it travels from the book youre reading to your eyes is as short as if there were no time at timeLight reaches us from the moon,which is about 380,000 kilometres away,in only a little more than a second( )6You c

17、an see the book because_ Ayour eyes are close to it Bit reflects some of the light Cit has light of its own Dit is big enough to be seen( )7The Chinese meaning of the world“luminous”is close to_ A闪光的 B看不见的 C发光的 D明亮的( )8_has light of its own AThe moon BThe earth CThe sun DThe satellite of Dong Fong H

18、ong( )9Light travels about_kilometers per second A300,000 B100,000 C400,000 D190,000( )10Which of the following is TRUE? AAll the things you can see give off light BLight from the book is much faster than that from the moon CThe moment you open your eyes,the light from the book travels to your eyes

19、DLight travels so fast that there 1s no time for you to read(C)Long ago, Bluebirds feathers were the colour of dust. She did not like her ugly colour. She was attracted by the colour of the lake near her home. It was as blue as the sky after a storm. Bluebird wanted to be the colour of that beautifu

20、l lake very much. Flapping her wings one morning, Bluebird flew from her tree to the blue lake. Then she bathed in the water three times. After each bath, she sang, “Blue water. Still water. I went in. I am blue.” Bluebird repeated this every morning. On the third day, she came out of the lake with

21、beautiful blue feathers.Now Coyote was a trickster(骗子)and hungry too. He stayed behind Bluebirds tree for a long time every day and watched her go to the lake. He pretended(伪装) to be interested in everything she did. He wanted Bluebird for lunch, but he was afraid of the blue water. On the third mor

22、ning, Coyote saw Bluebird come out of the lake with beautiful blue feathers. Impressed, he sat next to Bluebirds tree and waited for her. When she returned, he asked, “How did you get blue feathers? I want to be blue like the mountains too.” Bluebird didnt believe Coyote, but she taught him how to b

23、athe three times each morning and how to sing her song. Coyote did what she said, and after three days of bathing in the lake, his white fur turned deep blue.Convinced(确信的) that blue fur was even more beautiful than blue feathers, Coyote forgot all about being hungry. He ran as fast as he could to t

24、he top of the hill. Standing on his back legs, he raised his front legs off the ground and howled. But Coyote slipped(滑倒) and rolled down the hill. He couldnt stop himself, and the dust and dirt covered his new blue fur. He rolled and rolled until he hit into Bluebirds tree heavily. No matter how mu

25、ch he tried, foolish Coyote could not shake the dust from his fur. And so the fur of all coyotes had the dull colour of dust to this very day.( )10How many times did Bluebird bathe every morning before she had beautiful blue feathers?A. Three times. B. Four times. C. Five times. D. Six times.( )12Wh

26、y was Coyote a trickster?A. He wanted to fly like Bluebird near the mountains.B. He wanted to eat Bluebird but pretended to be curious.C. He wanted to swim in the lake but was afraid of the water.D. He wanted to sing Bluebirds song but didnt know the words.( )13Where did Coyote go after his fur turn

27、ed blue?A. To the lake. B. To the tree. C. To the cave. D. To the hill.( )14Why did Coyote forget all about being hungry?A. Because his fur had the dull colour of dust.B. Because the dust and dirt covered his new blue fur.C. Because he thought blue fur was much more beautiful. D. Because he hit into

28、 Bluebirds tree and hurt himself.( )15What words does the writer use to help you imagine the colour blue?A. sky, lake, mountains B. bird, coyote, stormC. flapped, climbed, bathed D. fur, feathers, dust四、单词拼写(每小题1分,共10分) 1You can make a pair of shoes from this piece of animal_(皮肤) 2The doctor_ (建议)me

29、 to take more exercise and I acted as he told me 3Do you know that different_ (油)have different smells? 4My best friend keeps an English_ (日记)but I dont 5No one can_ (允诺)you successAll you need to do is to work hard 6She learned driving without any_(困难) 7Shoes are a_(合适的)for the feet 8Dont be nervou

30、sBe_(放松)and you will perform well in the show 9Wearing red can help you when you cant make a_(决定) 10It seemed that everyone was not acting_(常规的)五、句子翻译(每小题3分,共15分) 1绿色是大自然的颜色,它代表新生命的成长。 _ 2当你犹豫不决的时候,穿红色能帮你拿定主意。 _ 3我把卡片涂成蓝色希望让你开心一点。 _ 4你的发型与你的衣服很配。 _ 5照片上的女子看起来的确像我们的英语老师。 _六、书面表达(共20分) 请根据中文提示,用80左右的词写一篇介绍你好朋友Millie的短文


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