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1、(Ox) 9A Unit 1 Ancient GreecePART ONEI. Vocabulary 1. stair 2. plain 3. beyond 4. Greek 5. capture 6. wheel 7. drag 8. citizen 9. joke 10. enemy 11. securely 12. interrupt 13. suspect 14. silver 15. including 16. midnight 17. army 18. darkness 19. seize 20. succeed 21. fit 22. refuse 23. manage 24.

2、independent 25. second 26. defeat 27. crown 28. Egypt29. pyramids30. temple31. captain32. order 33. guard 34. second35. sweep36. carpet37. reject38. pretend39. character40. fictional41. legend42. clue43. politician44. suspect45. entirely46. object47. palace48. ferry49. reply50. properlyII. Useful Ex

3、pressions 1. come down the stairs下楼2. at a time每次3. no longer不再4. go up the stairs上楼5. look down at向下看着6. sail away驾船驶走7. obey orders遵守命令8. pull into 把.拉进.中9. drag into 把.拉进.中10. make jokes about the enemies取笑他们的敌人11. be securely locked安全地锁住了12. except for除之外13. go to sleep入睡;睡着14. succeed in doing

4、sth.成功做成15. come on得了吧16. play a trick on开某人玩笑17. too+adj.+to do sth.太.而不能18. make sure确信19. be made of由.制成20. be full of充满21. through a trick通过一个玩笑22. cable car缆车23. maglev train磁悬浮列车24. give you a hand帮你一个忙25. all the time一直III. Useful Structures/Grammar 1. the night of the horse2. Captain, theyve

5、 gone, he cried. 3. Outside the main gates of the city stood o huge wooden horse.4. You have to obey orders.5. Then the Trojans made sure all the gates of the city were securely locked, and they all wen to sleep, including the gate guards.6. By midnight, the square was empty, except for the giant ho

6、rse.7. But in one night, they succeeded in capturing it through a trick.8. It had returned in the darkness when the citizens were celebrating inside. 9. Its so big that they couldnt take it with them. 10. Ive been in the Science Club for exactly two years and in the Dance Club since last November. P

7、ART TWO I. Word Formation 1. celebration (v.) 2. appear (v.) 3. two (序数词) 4. high (n.) 5. city (n.) 6. wood (a.) 7. entrance (v.) 8. probable (adv.) 9. able (vT.) 10. success (v.) 11. frighten (a.) 12. horse (pl.) 13. dark (n.) 14. Greek (n.) 15. sleep (a.) II. Complete the sentence with the given w

8、ord in the correct form.1. Tu Youyou(屠呦呦) is the first Chinese _ to win a Nobel Prize in science. (city)2. Lets hope that all our troubles will _ in the coming new year. (appear)3. Mathew wanted to build a _ dog house for his pet dog, Snowball. (wood)4. The average _ of the boy students in our class

9、 is 1.67m. (high)5. The scientist desires to _ like Tu Youyou in the future. (success)6. I think swimming is _ the best form of exercise you can get.(probable)7. The _ scenes in the film made the audience full of fear. (frighten)8. The young cou

10、ple decided to have the _ baby. (two)9. The students of Grade One visited Joes farm and saw many _ there. (horse)10. Reading and practicing more will surely _ us to make greater progress. ( able ) 11. Please _ the hall from the door on the right. (entrance)12. Its Dads birthday and were going out fo

11、r a meal to _. (celebration)13. The travellers couldnt find the way out of the forest because of .(dark)III. Sentence Transformation 1. Miss Green has taught in the west of China since 2019. (对划线部分提问)_ _ has Miss Green taught in the west of China?2. Amy was very careful. She noticed small changes ar

12、ound her.(合并为一句)Amy was careful _ _ notice small changes around her.3.We will build a new Disneyland in Pudong New Area. (被动语态)A new Disneyland will _ _ in Pudong New Area.4.Lydia was very tired. She almost fell asleep at the dinner table. (保持句意不变)Lydia was _ tired _ she almost fell asleep at the di

13、nner table.5.Miss White asked her students, "How long have you done this project'?”(改为宾语从句)Miss White asked her students how long they _ _ this project .6.world, of ,in, natural, most, is ,the, one, important, resources, water, the (连词成句)IV. Multiple Choice 1. The soldier was probably feeli

14、ng when he came down the stairs.A. frightened B. excited C. angry2. The Greek army disappeared because they were the Trojans.A. beaten by B. playing a trick onC. frightened by3. According to the captain, the Greeks left the horse behind because .A.it was too big to fit in the Greek shipsB.they did n

15、ot want it any moreC.it contained some Greek soldiers4. What do you think the soldier was going to say when the captain interrupted him? He was probably going to say I think that maybe the Greeks want us to A.return the horse to themB.take the horse into the cityC.push the horse into the sea5. The s

16、ix Greek soldiers waited for another hour because they wanted to be sure that A. the Greek army had opened the gatesB. all of the Trojans were asleepC. the Greek army had entered the city6. The Greeks had not been able to defeat the Trojans for ten years because . A. the Greeks could not get inside

17、the gates of TroyB. the Trojans had a wooden horse C. the Trojans had lots more soldiers7. I the computer for nearly three years.A. boughtB. have boughtC. had hadD. have had8. You can find all the information you need on the Internet. Get on line, youll get .A. thoseB. oneC. itD. them9. The city has

18、 developed its telephone services quickly _ last January.A. forB. sinceC. untilD. on10. The work is _ difficult for me _ finish.A. too, toB. so, thatC. enough, toD. so, to11. My family is a happy one. I love all of my family members _ my parents.A. besidesB. butC. exceptD. except for12. We like trav

19、eling from one place to _ to enjoy the beautiful scenery of the world.A. otherB. anotherC. othersD. the others13. _ volunteers were needed to help visitors from all over the world in the 2019 World Expo.A. Millions ofB. MillionsC. About ten millionsD. Million of14. You _ hurry, we still have some ti

20、me.A. dont needB. needntC. need toD. neednt to15. _ the Trojans were! They were fooled by the Greeks at last.A. How stupidB. How a stupidC. What stupidD. What a stupid16. The electric fan can hardly blow away the terrible smell in the hall, _?A. can itB. cant itC. does itD. doesnt it17. He has final

21、ly succeeded _ all the exams.A. to passB. to passingC. in passingD. pass18. My aunt isnt here. She _ Shanghai on business. She will be back in three days.A. wentB. has gone toC. has been toD. will go to19. When theyre talking, a stranger interrupted them. The underlined part means _.A. hitB. stopped

22、C. passedD. found20. I passed the important test last week! -_ .A. Thats very kind of youB. Have a good timeC. CongratulationsD. What a shameV. Reading comprehension Section AThe International Climate Champions (ICC) project began in 2019. It gives young people of school age a chance to speak public

23、ly on climate change and to call on people to take action to reduce its 75 .Each country involved selects three teenagers to be Climate Champions, who take part in local and international activities.Climate Champion Irene Sanna lived on the Italian island of Sardinia. Irene is interested in solar en

24、ergy, and 76 believes that Sardinia should use the waves around its coast to produce electricity. 'We must make our plans to save our coast, which still has no pollution. We must protect the animals, birds and fish in danger from global warming. And we must recycle.'Chinese student Ding Ying

25、han is the Beijing Climate Champion. Ding feels it is not 77 to say that just one country - his own - is causing climate change. He says the air pollution that leads to global warming comes from many parts of the world, including poorer countries that are now growing more quickly. He believes the on

26、ly way to 78 the situation getting even worse is for rich and poor countries to work together.Sophia Angelis, a junior student in California, is a US Champion. She's against young people's generation lack of interest in politics and feels they need to discuss the problems that really matter

27、to their generation. Sophia strongly believes that climate change is an important issue for her generation. For her, 79 in the way teenagers behave are an important way of influencing choices made by parents.In 2019, the Climate Champion attended the International Conference of Environment Ministers

28、 in the Japanese city of Kobe. 80 , 30 countries are involved in the ICC, and more countries are expected to join soon.75. A) support B) amount C) costs D) effects76. A) hardly B) also C) never D) only77. A) proud B) common C) fair D) important78. A) protect B) improve C) prevent D) explain79. A) ch

29、anges B) problems C) characters D) advantages80. A) After all B) At present C) For example D) What's moreSection BFormer Presidents ( 前任总统) in the United States continue to receive special government services and money after their presidential term (总统任期) ends. Each former president receives ret

30、irement pay, money to pay travelling expenses and money to pay the people who continue to work for them. They also get security 75 for the rest of their lives. Some former presidents seem to have 76 from public life. But others continue to make contributions (做贡献 to the society. Former President Jim

31、my Carter is well known for his earnest devotion (,热诚的奉献) since he left office. He helps build homes for poor Americans and helps settle international disagreement. And he has written several books. Many people have called Carter an example of a successful former president. Some experts note that pu

32、blic approval (公众的赞许 )of Carter increased several years after his defeat in the presidential election (总统大选) of 1980. 77 the opposite happened to former president Ronald Reagan. His popularity fell after he left office. Many people criticized him for 78 an offer from a wealthy Japanese publisher to

33、visit Japan. There he was paid about two million dollars just to make a few appearances. In 1994, Reagan began to suffering from Alzheimer's disease (老年痴呆症) and died ten years later. Former President George Bush has made few 79 appearances since leaving office. Recently, however, he and former P

34、resident Bill Clinton have traveled together to places in need of aid following natural disasters. Bill Clinton is one of the most active former presidents. He makes speeches around tile world, He wrote a best-selling book about his life. And he has set up a foundation that otters various 80 to peop

35、le in need, including providing low cost medicines for people with AIDS around the world.75. A) assistanceB) warningC) defenceD) protection76. A) disappeared B) kept C) avoided D) stayed77.A) ThenB) Just C) How D) Very78.A) receiving B) accepting C) getting D) taking79.A) personal B) secret C) priva

36、te D) public80.A) suggestions B) plans C) supports D) programsVI. Read the passage and fill in the blanks with proper words Someone sent me a group e-mail the other day. One of those that end with: send this to 10 friends . I liked the story and it really got me thinking.Here's the story from th

37、e e-mail:Recently I overheard a father and a daughter in their last moments together at thea 76 . They had announced the departure.Standing near the security gate, they hugged and the father said, 'I love you, and I wish you enough.' They kissed and the daughter left. The father walked over

38、to the window where I was seated. I tried to leave him some privacy, but I could not keep m 82 from asking:'When you were saying good-bye, I heard you say, 'I wish you enough.' May I ask what that means?'He began to smile. 'That's a wish that is p 83 on from generation to gen

39、eration. My parents used to say it to everyone.'He paused a moment and looked up as if trying to remember it in d 76 , and he smiled even more. 'When we said, 'I wish you enough,' we were wanting the other person to have a life filled with just enough good things to carry them on.

40、9;T 85 , slowly turning toward me, he shared the following as if he were reciting it from memory.I wish you enough sun to keep your attitude b 86 no matter how gray the day may appear.I wish you enough rain to appreciate the sun even more.I wish you enough happiness to keep your spirit alive and eve

41、rlasting.I wish you enough pain so that even the s 87 of joys in life may appear bigger.I wish you enough gain to satisfy your wanting.I wish you enough loss to appreciate all that you possess.I wish you enough hellos to get you through the final good-bye.VII. Translation 1. 这些曲奇饼干太小了,这个男孩一次吃了两块。2.

42、汤姆又说谎了,所以他不再被信任了。3. 每一个市民都有责任使我们的城市变得更美好。4. 旅行者因为天太黑而无法找到走出森林的路。5. Jenny在老师们的帮助下(成功地)进入了这所大学。VIII. Writing A soldiers storyImagine you were one of the six soldiers inside the wooden horse. After the war, you tell your story to your family. Part of the story is given below. Fill in the blanks with th

43、e words in brackets.We tried to capture Troy for ten years, but failed. And then we thought of a trick.We built a huge wooden horse and (leave/outside/main gates).Our army disappeared, but they (not go/far away). Then a soldier of Troy (see/horse). He told the captain. They did not know that (be inside/five other soldiers). The soldiers opened their gates and


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