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1、A healthy life李仕才晨背话题写作Un it 3A healthy life【高考试一试】假定你是武汉晨光中学的李华,你的澳大利亚笔友 Mark 最近给你发来邮件,说他准备参加武汉 12 月 31 日举办的冬季马拉松比赛 (marathon race),希望你帮助他预订好旅馆,并带 他游览市内著名景点(如黄鹤楼 the Yellow Crane Tower, 东湖 East Lake)。请你给他写封回信,内容包括:1. 回复他的要求;2. 询问他到达的具体时间,待多久,以便你做具体安排。注意:1.词数 100 左右;2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯;3. 开头和结尾已经给出,不

2、计入总词数。Dear Mark,Yours,Li Hua参考范文Dear Mark,I m very glad to have received your letter,saying that youwould take part inthe winter marathon race to be held in Wuhan on December 31.It is my pleasure to arrange for your accommodati on and show you around someof the famous scenic spots here after the rac

3、e .I ll do my best to satisfy your n eed and guarantee youa pleasant journey.Just tell me the exact time of your arrival and how long you will stay in your nextletter,so that I can pick you up at the airport and make a proper arra ngeme nt.By the way,wish yougood luck in the marath on race!2Looking

4、forward to your early reply and your arrival.3Yours,Li Hua话题单词1. energeticadj.精力充沛的2. oxygenn.氧气3. circulatevi.循环4. removevt.、二 +运走5. consumevt.消耗,消费6. acceleratevt.加速7. couragen.勇气8. healthyadj.健康的9. energyn.精力10 . ben efitn.利益;好处11. pressure n.压力12 . burdenn.负担13 . relievevt.缓解14 . harmfuladj.有害的1

5、5 . optimistcadj.乐观的【咼考试一试】Directions:Write an English compositionin over 120 words according to thein struct ions give n below in Chin ese.联系高三学习生活,详细描述一件令你印象最深刻的事。(文中请不要出现真实的校名和人名。)【参考范文】Sample 1Away flows time. There are so many un forgettable things in my school life whichare worth mentioning. T

6、he most wonderful one, which I ll remember for good is taking part in the English speech con test.I used to be a shy boy who lacked con fide nee.At the begi nning of the senior threeyear my best friend en couraged me to participate in the speech con test. Afraid of4deliveringan address on the stage,

7、 I declined.I, in the end, agreed as he insisted.5He helped me practice my speech skills as well as gestures and standing position.My skills were improved, modestly but steadily.Then came the day of the contest. Nervous as I was, I walked onto the stage, smile on face. With somany people seated in t

8、he hall, I felt anxious and my speech was not fluent at first. When I saw myfriend listening attentively, I remembered the nights we spent together practicing speech. I was inspiredand the speech flowed on successfully. The audience applauded with appreciation at the end of thespeech while I happily

9、 found I was no longer the shy boy. It was the support from my friend that enabledme to gain confidence.While life in senior three is occupied, wonderful things take place every day, the precious friendlinesshas left such a deep impression on my mind that I will never forget it. (231 words)(9+9+4=23

10、)【参考范文】 Sample 2The thing that impressed most in grade 12 took place on a Sunday morning. That was when I took partin an English contest, in the final stage.The contest was so difficult that I thought the only thing I could do was to wish myself good luck. Thelistening comprehension was unlike what

11、I d prepared for,so I just tried my best. But when I moved to the reading part, the situation got better. What I d thoughtto be greek turned out to be just the combination of words I knew the meaning of. I felt a little bit happier.As to the writing, I hadwantedto give it up and let my creation fly,

12、 but I surprisingly found that I had a lot to say about the topics. I evenused the stories of a scientist I d read about tosupport my idea! Then it was an oral exam. Although it was a contest, I still told the teachers exact whatI had in mind. I didn t have anything fancy to say, butthe thoughts wer

13、e genuine.The result came and I won the third prize! At first I thought it was sheer luck, but then I realized thatwhat I had learned helped a lot. I didn t mean to prepare with the college entrance exam, I still knowthat what really matters is the process6of learning. Do your job and the result won

14、 t fail you!(257 words)(8+8+4=20)【参考范文】 Sample 3Do you have the fear of acting on the stage? Well, I do, at least before I was asked to perform at theschool s Arts Festival.As the Arts Festival drew near, the teachers asked me to read an English poem, which made my heartjump. This would be a perfect

15、 chance to show my English talents, but not in front of the whole school! Iwas a shy boy that even freaked out when speaking in front of my class. As I strongly opposed to thiskind offer, the teacher told me, “ You ll never know how things go unless you give it a try.”Encouraged as I was, I repeated

16、 the poem in front of the mirror for countless times, being moreconfident every time. The day finally came and I was on the stage, sharing the beauty of English withthe whole school. I managedto read the poemin an idiomatic accent without a single mistake and Iwasn t really that nervous as I thought

17、 Iwould be. I was filled with pride as the sound of applause rose in every corner of the auditorium.Just as my teacher said, taking the first step toward the unknown is the greatest achievement, I willpump myself up for all the coming challenges in life and I will never forget my first step on the s

18、tage.(227 words)(6+8+3=17)【参考范文】 Sample 4The life of Senior 3 is like a chocolate having lots of tastes. My most impressive taste is theexperiences of participating in the Physics Olympics.The days that I spent preparing for the contest are full of depression and happiness. I enjoyed themomentwhen I

19、 worked out a difficultproblem. Mypals and I often arguedabout a ambiguous problem for a long time. However, the taste was terrible sometimes. I read thereference books till midnight and did a lot of exercises. I believed thatfor it,butbrought me what I deserved. Even though Im no faced7my dream wou

20、ld come true if I worked hard eno ugh.To my disappo in tme nt, I failed to get the award. But I think the tears andexperie nces will become my most valuable wealth in the future. (123 words)(7+7+2=16)话题短语1. take regular exercise经常锻炼2. build up one s body/improve one s health强身健体3. take an active par

21、t in/be active in积极参与4. relax on eself放松自己5. breathe fresh air 呼吸新鲜空气6. build our bodies 增强体质7.do good/harm to one s health8.form the habit of getting up early9.keep fit保持健康10.go on a diet 节食11.green food 绿色食品12.physical fitness 身体健康13.lose weight 减肥14.give upsmoking戒烟15.get rid of the bad habit of.

22、对某人健康有好/坏处养成早起的习惯改掉的坏习惯【高考试一试】假设你是李华,你的美国朋友彼得正在北京某大学学中文。请你根据以下要点给他写一封电子邮件,建议他去参加北京电视台举办的外国友人“学中文,唱中文歌”才艺大赛。*比赛时间:7 月 18 日*报名时间:截止到 6 月 30 日*报名地点:北京电视台注意 1.词数 100 左右(开头和结尾已给出,但不计入总词数);2.可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。Dear Peter,89Yours,Li Hua参考范文DearPeter,Iread on the Intern ettodaythatatale ntshowforforeig nerscall

23、edLear nChi nese,S ingChineseSongs” willbeheldatBeijingTelevisionStationonJuly18.Iknowyoulikesinging,a n dyouare in Beijin gduri ngthatperiod.Solth in kthisisagoodcha nceforyoutoshowyo ursingi ngtalentandhowwellyou velearnedChinese.Ifyou dliketotry,you llhavetogototheTVstatio ntosig nupbeforethee nd

24、ofJ un e.Ifthereisa nythi ngIcandoforyou ,Iwouldbemoretha ngladtohelp.Yours,LiHua话题佳句1.Physical training is very helpful to our health and study.体育锻炼对我们的健康和学习很有帮助。2.Keeping a regular physical training can help you lose weight.经常进行体育锻炼能帮助你减肥。3.Weca n ben efit from the physical training , for example

25、, it can make you sleep well.我们能够从体育锻炼当中得到好处,比如,它有助于睡眠。4.Every one hopes to live happily and healthily in the world.世界上每个人都希望自己活得既快乐又健康。5.My favoritesports are skating and swimming, so I often go skating orswimmingwith friends at weekends, which helps me have a keen mind to report something on afast speed and have a stro ng body to work.我最喜欢的体育运动是滑冰和游泳,因


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