1、教学基本信息课题选修七 Unit 1 Living Well (1) Lessonl Marty's Story Reading学科英语学段:高中年级高二教材书名: 出版社: 出版日1:普通高中课程标注实验教材英语7 人民教育出版社2007年2月教学目标及教学重点、难点教学目标:At the end of the class, Ss will be able to1. describe Marty's disease and his life experience;2. infer Marty's emotional change;3. infer how Marty
2、makes it possible to live well;4. learn Marty's positive attitude towards life.教学重难点:Students learn to describe Marty's disease and liis life experience, and infer Marty's feeling change and how he overcame the difficulties.教学过程教学环节主要教学活动设置意图Warming up1. Ss brainstorm what they want to c
3、hoose most in order to live well.Situation: Everyone wants to live well and has a happy life. Given a chance to choose, what do you want to choose most?(health )/ Live wellT( wisdom )设置语境激活学生的 背景知识,在培养学生 的发散思维和联想概 括能力的同时,为课文 理解作铺垫。让学生猜 测Marty的选择,激发 学生的阅读兴趣,把单 元话题巧妙地切入到 阅读文章中来。学生阅读四位残疾青 少年的小故事找出他 们的共
4、同特征:虽有残 疾,但是拥有梦想抱 负,充实而幸福的活 着,为阅读Marty's Story进行情景导入。2. Ss guess what Marty's choice is.3. Ss read the four disabled teenagers5 stories on pagel and answer:QI: What do they have in common?Q2: What do you think of their lives?Fast reading1. Ss read and answer.QI: Who tells Marty's stoiy?Q
5、2: What's Marty's story mainly about?Q3: Can you guess what Marty's choice is?Why?Q4: Does he live well now?2. Present the inquiring question: Marty has got a deadly disease, but he has a happy life. How does he make it possible?阅读问题的设置紧抓 住马蒂菲尔丁的疾病 和他的生活这两条主 要线索。探究性问题使 学生明确了学习目标, 从而激发了学生
6、的阅 读动机。Detailed reading of paral&2Help Marty1. Ss read the first two paragraphs and finish the diagnosis about Marty.Situation: Which paragraphs mention Marty's disease? (Para 1&2) Suppose you are Marty s doctor, can you fill out Marty*s diagnosis?让学生在解决实际问 题的过程中进行阅读, 最大程度地启动学生 的思维,充分体现以
7、学 生为主体。通过让学生 思考马蒂得病前后的 情感变化,强调马蒂所 面临的巨大困难。任务 驱动下,学生复述本部 分内容,内化所学知 识。Patient nameDisease's nameSymptoms (症状)Start timeHis disease developmentBeforeAfterDiagnosisNotes: "Before” means "What could Marty do before he got disease?”"After“ means “What did he have to do after he got dise
8、ase?”2. Ss infer Marty's emotional change during the development of the disease.3. Ss retell Marty's disease.Situation: As Marty's doctor, you tell some experts about Martys disease and ask them for help.Detailed reading of para3&4Understand Marty1. Ss read the two paragraphs and fil
9、l out Marty's school life.Situation: Which paragraphs mention his school life? (Para3&4)Suppose you are Marty's best friend, can you fill out Marty s school life?学生获取细节信息,培 养学生快速浏览阅读 材料,确定具体信息的 阅读技巧。图表的设计 有助于学生在理解和 提取关键信息的同时, 加深对课文的理解。学 生掌握通过上下文进 行猜词的技巧,提高处 理生词和理解信息的 能力,进而提高阅读理 解能力。通过对句子
10、的 理解,对文章进行深层 推断,学生的思维能力 得到了提升。通过让学 生推断Marty座右铭真 正的含义,培养学生利 用获取的信息进行分 析问题和解决问题的 能力,提高深层理解, 鼓励他们珍惜眼前生 活。任务驱动下,学生 复述本部分内容,内化 所学知识。Primary schoolHigh schoolBehaviorHis classmates attitudeHis feeling2. Language learning: Sometimes, too, I was too weak to go to school so my education suffered.(C)A. To exp
11、erience physical or mental pain.B. To experience bad situation.C. To become worse in quality. Further understanding: How do you understand this sentence? ” One problem is that 1 don't look any different from other people. v 3.Ss discuss the meaning of Marty's motto “Live one day at a time”.
12、-Live a rich and full life every day or make the best of every day.4. Ss retell Marty's life and his changes. Situation: As Marty s best friend, you are very happy to see his change. Deeply touched, you are eager to talk about his life and his change.Detailed reading of para5&6 Marty's v
13、oice1. Ss read and summarize the main idea of this part.2. Ss answer questions.QI: What does he benefit from his disease?Q2: What is Marty's advice to able-bodied people?了解残疾人的心声以 及我们还能为残疾人 做些什么,对学生进行 社会责任感教育,培养 学生社会公德意识。Discussion 1How does Marty make it possible to live well?1. Ss listen and r
14、ead the text again and focus on Marty's emotional change.hopeful>hopeless> inferiorhopeful <calm2. Ss talk about the reason why Marty felt hopeless (because he met a lot of difficulties). Then they discuss what difficulties he came across at that time.学生探究Marty's情感 的变化,为探究其背后 原因做好铺垫
15、。学生思 考Marty感到生活无望 的原因是他遇到很多 困难。通过让学生探究 Marty的困难来理解残 疾人的不易。3. Ss discuss how Marty overcame difficulties.4. Ss have a discussion of the inquiry question “Maity has got a deadly disease, but he has a happy life. How does he make it possible?”5. Ss make a conclusion “Whether he can live a happy life de
16、pends on himself, thats to say, only if he becomes his life's master rather than slave can he live a happy life.”学生通过思考Marty 如何克服困难从而理 解快乐来自付出。通过 对探究性问题的思考, 理解人最大的敌人是 自己,能否生活的幸福 取决于自己。Discussion2What can we learn from the disabled persons?1. Ss discuss what they can learn from Marty.2. Ss discus
17、s what they can learn from the four disabled teenagers.3. Ss brainstorm some famous disabled persons.Situation: The disabled people can also live well and even achieve great success. Can you think out some famous disabled persons? What do they have in common?4. Ss talk about what the disabled person
18、s are like in their eyes.学生讨论从Marty身上 能学到什么,回顾 warming up里四个残 疾青少年,以及头脑风 暴著名残疾人士,思考 这些残疾人身上的共 同特征,不仅学习他们 身残志坚的品质,而且 懂得残疾人需要被尊 重的原因。Homeworkl.Ss finish the writing task:Writing task: Having read Marty's story, you are deeply moved by him. You want to write a passage about what you have learned from Marty.2. Ss finish the reading task:Reading task: Read the art
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