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1、1 .A.I believe there is one Hilton Street.C.You'll find they have an excellent service.2 .A.I would,but only on the return trip.C.They referred me to this agency.C.There's no way to get there.C.There's an accident on the bridge.5 .A.I don't use a pencil very often.C.I can't decid

2、e which pen to buy.全国中学生英语能力竞赛(NEPCS)高二年级组样题及答案听力部分(共三大题,计30分)Responses何句应答)(共5小题;每小题 1分,计5分)Listen to the following questions and choose the best response to each one.Each question will be read only once.(请听问句,然后选出一个能够恰当回答你所听到的问句的最佳选项。每个 问句只读一遍。)(答案涂在答题纸上)B.I found something nice to translate.D.Sor

3、ry,we sold all the paintings.B.The class was hard for me.D.My first lesson is geography.B.The weather report said several feetD.Fine,we've got a lot of time.8.1 left because I was curious.D.All right,I'll just wait here.B.I think it's a ruler.D.It usually lasts a week.II.Dialogues(对话理解)(

4、共15小题;每小题1分,计15分)A)Listen to the following mini-dialogues.Each dialogue is followed by a question.Choose the best answer or picture for each question.Each dialogue and question will be read twice.( 请听下面 五组小对话,每组对话后有一个问题,根据你所听到的对话内容,选择能回答所提问题的最佳选项。每组对话和问题读两遍。)(答案涂在答题纸上)B.Eileen's homework.C.Dania

5、's health.D.Their working conditions.7 .K. 一 "L.11B.In a hotel restaurant.C.In a friend's dining room.D.At a drinks party.9 AA travel agent.B.A college professor.C.A car retal agency.D.A department store salesperson.B.For sightseeing.C.To interview the local people.D.To photograph the c

6、ity.B)Listen to the following dialogue and choose the best answer to each question.The dialogue will be read twice.(请听下面一段对话,选择能回答下列问题的最佳选项。对话读两遍。)(答案涂在答题纸上)11 .What does the man want to doA.Find a part-time job.B.Ask the woman some questions.C.Help students find work.D. Work in the employment offic

7、e.12 .Where does the dialogue probably take placeA.In a library.B.In a classroom.C.In a campus office.D.In an apartment.13 .How many hours of work does the man want per weekA.Not more than ten.C.Not more than twenty.14.When can the man workA.Every morning.C.In the evening.B.At least twenty.D.Up to t

8、en.B.Afternoons and weekends.D.Every weekday afternoon.15.What does the woman tell the man to do tomorrowA.Fill out the form.B. Come to work.C.Tell her some news.D.Phone her.C)Listen to the following dialogue and match the people with the information in theright-hand column.The dialogue will be read

9、 twice.(请听下面一段对话, 将第 16-20 题中的人物 与右栏的信息进行匹配。对话读两遍。)(答案涂在答题纸上)16.HarryA.a video about Africa17.LindaB.a pen18.ThomasC.some white socks19.VictoriaD.a white sweater20.JamesE.a Japanese camera".Passages(短文理解)(共10小题;每小题 1分,计10分)A)Listen to the following material and choose the best answer to each qu

10、estion.The material will be read twice.(请听下面一段材料,根据你所听到的内容,选择能回答所提问题的最佳选 项。材料读两遍。)(答案涂在答题纸上)21 .Which course would this lecture probably be a part ofA.Modern American Scientists.B.United States History.C.American Presidents.D.Nineteenth-century AmericanLiterature.22 .What is the most common theme in

11、 Leaves of GrassA.The death of Abraham Lincoln.B.A celebration of America.C.The raising of plants.D.Spring,the best time in life.23 .How many poems did the first edition of Leaves of Grass includeA.12B.15C.55D.6524 .What best describes Leaves of GrassA.It's a poem about the author.B.It's a p

12、oem about Abraham Lincoln.C.It's a collection of poems that grew with its author.D.It's a collection of twelve poems that remained unchanged.25.Which is the longest and best-known poem in Leaves of GrassA.A braham Lincoln.B.Song of Myself.C.When Lilacs Last in the Dooryard Broomed.D.A Season

13、 of New Life.B)Listen to the following material and fill in the missing information in each numbered space,using no more than three words.The material will be read twice.( 请听下面段材料,根据 你所听到的内容,补全空白处所缺的信息,每空不超过三个单词。材料读两遍。)(答案写在答题纸上)Getting to the Hillside Water ParkThe water park lies in the (26)part o

14、f Sunshine City.It is open seven days a week from 7 am to 8:30 pm.You can get there on foot but it takes about (27).There are regular buses from the (28)and the most direct is the number (29)bus.If you are in a group or family (30)is the best choice.笔试部分(共七大题,计120分)I.Multiple-choice(选择填空)(共15小题;每小题

15、1分,计15分)Below each of the following sentences,there are four choices,marked A,B,Cand D.Choose the answer that best completes the sentence.队A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的 最佳选项。)(答案涂在答题纸上)31 .We spent a week in Paris and had a great time going up Eiffel Tower,and takingboat trip along the Seine.A.a;aB.the;aC

16、.the;theD.(不填);(不填)32 .The shoes were covered in mud,so I asked them to take them off before theygot into car.A.girl's;Tom'sB.girls'Toms'C.girls'Tom'sD.girl's;Toms'33 .On Saturday morning we worked for two hours and then stopped to havesomething to eat.A.otherB.anothe

17、rC.moreD.each34 .Because of a steady economic growth rate,the president can probably look toanother term.A.upB.aboveC.over D.forward35 .As the survey suggests,fresh air,enough exercise and nutritious food to goodhealth.A.contribute B.addC.attributeD.encourage36 .When I wathed the film,I was to see t

18、hat it was quite.A.surprised;boring B.surprised;bored C.surprising;boring D.surprising;bored37 .This is not the same painting you offered to sell us the last time we were here.A.what B.to which C.for which D.that38 .-Are you still going to the party on Friday-Yes,something else comes up.A.unless B.i

19、n case of C.as long as D.supposing39 .-I'm seeing Dr Evans next week.-That be right.He will be on holiday then.A.mustn't B.needn'tC.can'tD.hasn't got to40 .Reading is an experience quite different from watching TV;there are pictures inyour mind instead of before your eyes.A.to fo

20、rm B.forming C.to have formed D.having formed41 .When he realised I at him, he away and walked out of the classroom.A.looked;was turning B.was looking;turnedC.was looking;was turning D.looked;turned42 .Don't forget to walk the dog while I am away,youA.will B.shall C.do D.can43 .Nothing should go

21、 wrong,but if,give me a ring at this number.a.it had B.that is C.it does D.they should to44 .-When can we expect to see an improvementA.We're making home improvements B.It will take several daysC.You can see her off tonight D.I'll pick it up when I come today45 .-Do you have an earlier fligh

22、tI'm trying to get to Manila before noon.-There is an 8:30 flight that will get you there by 11:00.-then I can easily make the 12:30 meeting.A.That'll be perfectB.Thanks,I will check it laterC.I think it's a bit late D.If so,I can change the flightII .Cloze(完形填空)(共10小题;每小题1分,计10分)Read th

23、e following passage and fill in each blank with one word in one of the following three ways: according to the context, using the correct form of the words, (3) according to the first letters of the words.(阅读下面的短文,用以下三种形式之一完成短文填空:根据上下文填 空;用所给单词的正确形式填空;根据单词所给首字母填空。每空一词。)(答案写在答题纸上)Cholera is a disease

24、spread by dirty water,either when people drink the water,(46) eat food which has been washed in the water,and not(47)(proper)cooked.Unfortunately,until the mid 19th century,people believed that the disease (48) t through the air.In the crowded cities of 19th-century Britain,choleraspread easily.Most

25、 doctors wrongly believed that fresh air and a better diet would (49)p thedisease.Huge fires were usually lit in the streets to drive (50)the infection,and the clothes of victims were also burned. The streets were also cleaned thoroughly (51) w powerfulchemicals.However,people continued to suffer dr

26、eadfully.In 1854, a doctor in London,John Snow,announed with certainty that cholera spread through (52) i drinking water.He didthis by carefully (53)(collect)statistics about the infection in one part of London.He managed to prove that in an area (54)deaths from cholera were highest,the water was en

27、tirely responsible for cholera infection.(55)(Improve)made to sewers( 下水道)and supplies of drinking water later led to a decrease in deaths from cholera.III .Reading comprehension(阅读理解)(共20小题;每小题 2分,计40分)Read the following passages.Each passage is followed by several questions.Respond to the question

28、s according to the passage.(阅读下列短文,然后根据短文后的要求答题。)(答案与在答题纸上)AThe camel library is like no other library.It is unique to Kenya.Like traditional libraries,books can be boorowed and returned.Unlike traditional libraries,books are carried to people by camels.The camel library was started in Northern Keny

29、a,where many people live in remote villages. The nearest town,called Garissa,is hundreds of kilometres away from these villages. Many of the villagers have never learned to read.They cannot afford to buy books,let alone have access to the Internet.Until 1996,the only library in the area was in Garis

30、sa.The distance meant villagers could not get to it.The problem was solved with the creation of a mobile library.However,while mobile libraries in other places use trucks,this one uses camels to take the books to the villages. Camels are often the most efficient form of transportation in Northern Ke

31、nya,as the poor roads make driving difficult. Trucks,buses,and cars often break down. Camels can carry heavy things and travel long distances without water. And, unlike trucks,they don't need good roads.The camel library uses three camels.They carry more than 200 books to ten villages in Norther

32、n Kenya. Four people travel with the camels.One of them acts as a guard to make sure no one tries to steal the books along the way.The camels walk from one village to another,five days a week.The camel library spends one day in each village,and then goes to the next small town.It visits each village

33、 once every two weeks.The books in the camel library are in English, which the children in the villages are learning as a foreign language in school.Swahili is the national language of Kenya,but there are not many books written in Swahili.Books can be borrowed for only two weeks at a time.If someone

34、 finishes a book quickly,he or she will have to wait until the camel library comes back before getting another one.Questions 56-57:Tell whether the following statements are true(T)or false(F)according to the passage.56 .Camels are used because there aren't many trucks in Northern Kenya.57 .The b

35、ooks in the camel library are in English, the national language of Kenya.Questions 58-60:Complete the following table with NO MORE THAN FIVE WORDS from the passage for each blank.ProblemsSolutionsCost of booksVillagers cannot (58).Villagers can borrow books from a library instead of buying them.Dist

36、anceMany kilometres between villages.(59)were created.RisksPeople might steal the books along the way.One of the four people (60).BQuestions 61-65: Answer the following questions briefly according to the ads.61 .Which is the cheapest place to go for a holiday62 .How long is the holiday in Sorrento63

37、 .Which hotel would you stay at in Boston64 .How much coes the holiday in Spain cost65 .On what date does the holiday in Syria beginCCanadian Clean Air Day is on 6 June.It is a chance for Canadians everywhere to focus on the problems of air pollution and to actually try to do something to help reduc

38、e the problems.What can we do to fight air pollution Well, it should be pretty obvious by now that the way we get to and from work every day can have a big effect on the air we breathe.So the easiest action you can take on Clean Air Day is to accept what we call the "Commuter Challenge"and

39、 get to work on foot or by cycling for a change.If you have to use your car,try"car-pooling" and share the drive,or better still,use public transit.(66)If everyone tries this for one day,you'll be amazed by the difference it can make to the air in towns and cities.There's also a lo

40、t more you can do to improve air quality.For example,you can plant trees.And if you don't have a garden,then you can do your bit in other ways.(67)For instance,did you know that modern,improved stoves can reduce smoke by as much as 80-90percentSo you can make a big difference if you upgrade the

41、appliances in your home.The government is also working hard on your behalf to clean up our air. The first thing is to reduce the emissions hat cause smog-and they have clear plans to get there.Cananda and the United States agreed to reduce emissions on both sides of the border between the two countr

42、ies and they plan to reach their targets in the next few years.The government's also taking action to get cleaner fuels.It's already reduced the sulphur contained in gasoline,and it hopes to reach the reduction target for sulphur in diesel( 柴油)by next year.These measures don't just focus

43、 on the motorist-the federal government's also working to reduce emissions from power plants and factories right across the country.Questions 66-67:Translate the underlined sentences in the passage into Chinese.Reducing Air PollutionIndividual actionQuestions 68-70:Complete the notes below with

44、NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS from the passage for each blank. respond to the "Commuter Challenge" use public transit (68)walk,cycle or car-pool to work upgrade your domestic equipmentGovernment action emission reduction on both sides of the border between the US and Canada move towards (69)(e.g.

45、 less sulphur in gasoline and diesel fuel) reduction of pollutants from (70)and power plantsDCoral reefs are found in tropical seas throughout the world and provide shelter for hundreds of different plants and animals.They look like flat beds of rock,but in fact they are formed from the bones of tin

46、y sea creatures.Almost one half of the world's coral reefs occur in shallow seas, near to the coastline of over one hundred countries.Millions of people depend on these coral reefs for their livelihoods.The majority of natural products which come from coral reefs,such as fish,shells and seaweed,

47、can be sold,either locally or in export markets.Not only does the person who collects the products earn money,but also those people who prepare,market or sell them.In some countries,coral reefs are the main natural resource.In the Maldives,for example,25% of the workforce is employed in fishing.In a

48、ddition,56% of the national economy comes from reef-based tourism.This means that a large number of people are employed in tourism-related jobs.Fishing is normally an occupation for adult males,particularly where it involves the use of boats,and other people are often excluded from it.Coral reef fis

49、heries,on the other hand,are usually accessible on foot,so work is not restricted to men.In fact,collecting fish and other products from the reefs is generally the job of women,children and even the elderly.Women's occupations are not limited to reef fishing.In India and the South Pacific,for ex

50、ample,women help to make and mend the fishing equipment.Fish processing is often done by women too.Such employment brings both direct and indirect advantages.For example,on Ulithi Atoll in Papua New Guinea,women can obtain mahogany wood for fishing boats in exchange for cloth they make and so gain m

51、ore control over the household income.They can also apply for loans or credit.This gives them more independence and status,both in the family and in the community.Question 71:Choose the answer that fits the question best according to the passage.71 .What is the main idea of the passageA.The structur

52、e and location of coral reefs.72 Fish exports from Papua New Guinea.C.The economic importance of coral reefs.D.Female unemployment in coastal villages.Questions 72-75:Answer the following questions briefly according to the passage.72 .How many countries have a coral reef close to their coastline73 .

53、Which activity is more than half of the Maldives' national economy based on74 .How do people usually get to reef fisheries75 .What do Indian women often help to make76 Translation(翻译)(共5小题;每小题 2分,计10分)Translate the following sentences into English,using the hints given in the brackets1 用括号 中所给的提

54、示将下列句子译成英语。)(答案写在答题纸上)77 .我们让那盏灯亮着,因为孩子们怕黑。(frightened)78 .对于小学生来说,起得那么早没有任何意义。(make any sense)79 .完工后,新的铁路线将有250英里长。(省略句,complete)80 .只有用这种方法,救援人员才能救出地震中的幸存者。(倒装语序,survivor)81 .那些问题都是关于艺术的,而我对艺术一无所知。(非限制性定语从句)V.IQ(智力测试)(共5小题;每小题1分,计5分)Answer the following questions1回答下列问题。)(答案写在答题纸上)81.Which of the

55、 four funny false noses will help stop the clown from crying82.If 473982 is to 1419 and 329684 is to 1418,what is 751694 to83 .What nine-letter word can you find by moving from letter to letter in any direction Each letter may be used only once;not all the letters will be used.84 .A car travels at a

56、 speed of 40 mph over a certain distance and then returns over the same distance at a speed of 60 mph.What is the average speed for the total journey85 .Can you draw the missing figure in the following sequence( 序歹U)VI.Error correction(短文改错)(共10处错误;每处错误1分,计10分)下面短文中有10处语言错误。请在有错误的地方增加、删除或修改某个单词。增加:在

57、缺词处加一个漏字符号(A ),并在其下面写上该加的词。删除:把多余的词用斜线()划掉。修改:在错的词下划一横线,在该词下面写上修改后的词。注意:1.每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;2.只允许修改10处,多者(从第11个起)不计分。(答案写在答题写上)例如:Hans Christian Anderson was one of the world's greatest storyteller. He was born on April 2storytellers1805, in Denmark. Anderson's father was A poor shoemaker. Sfter

58、 his father passed away,aAnderson travelled to Copenhagen to try out hmfor the theatre.When I was a senior in high school I had a teacher named Mrs Smith.She taught English and she truly has an important effect on me. She was full of love for us. She had our class to make posters and hang it around the school. She taught us that one act of kindness can go long way. Well,Mrs Smith past away just a couple of year ago after a long abttle with breast cancer. I'll neve


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