1、美少女的谎言前情提要Previously on "Pretty Little Liars."莱斯利 你在玫瑰镇做什么Lesli? What are you doing in Rosewood?你如果再敢向别人提起我You mention my name to anyone ever again你就等着把肠子悔青吧'and you'll live to regret it.'我们去废物堆积场拍照We went to a junkyard to take some pictures我很肯定A尾随我们到那and I'm sure A followe
2、d us there.克拉克可能拍到了A的照片Clark may have taken a picture of A.-那就借用一下吧 -好了 我们走吧- 'So borrow them.' - We're all good.我看到艾瑞亚发给你的短♥信♥了'I read the text you got. From Aria.'A是女的吗你不是一直想知道吗You've been looking all along, haven't you?-什么 -到底是谁把我们关进那个仓库里- What? -
3、 For whoever had us down in that bunker.我是想保护你I've been trying to protect you.如果吃几口饼干能让我安心一整天If a few bites of a cookie can get me through my day助我入睡and help me sleep.事实并非如此Doesn't work like that.你为什么偷你自己的病例 梦娜Why were you stealing your file, Mona?她偷的是莱斯利·斯通的She was stealing Lesli Stone
4、's.莱斯利·斯通在拉德里待过Lesli Stone was in Radley?久到让她认识梦娜和查尔斯Long enough to know Mona, and Charles.那莎拉呢What about Sara?莱斯利·斯通为什么对一个陌生人下手I mean, why would Lesli Stone go after a stranger?可能只是练习 艾米It was probably just a rehearsal, Em.直到她对真正的艾莉森下手Until she could get her hands on the real Alison.那
5、我们现在怎么办Okay, so what do we do now?我们去抓她个现行吧I say we catch her in the act.莱斯利·斯通 这太疯狂了Lesli Stone? That's crazy.我之前也这么觉得 但也许是真的呢That's what I said. But maybe it's not.等等 你曾跟这个人共处一室过Okay, wait. You were in a room with this person.是啊 但他们戴着面具Yeah, and they were wearing a mask.梦娜总是说不清楚她们
6、是怎么认识的Look, Mona's always been shady about how she met this girl.现在我们知道原因了 她们之前是一伙的And now we know why. They were sharing a straitjacket.-斯宾塞 -别忘了梦娜有过前科- Spencer- - Let's not forget that Mona got a gas mask.我们在担心自己的肾还在不在时And she was passing out juice-boxes while the rest of us她可能在跟她玩过家家呢were
7、 making sure that we still had kidneys!汉娜怎么还不来What's takin' Hanna so long?不知道 她可能要用皮带把梦娜绑过来吧I don't know, she probably has to drag Mona here on a leash.斯宾塞 我们亲眼看见A从楼上跳下来Oh, Spencer, we saw A jump off a building.A布置了一个地下仓库A set up an underground bunker里面的监视设备比中情局的都多with more spy equipment
8、 than the CIA.我是说 你是真心觉得I mean, seriously, in your heart莱斯利·斯通可以.do you believe that Lesli Stone could-人们往往会出乎你的意料People can surprise you.梦娜拿着4.0的绩点 保持着完美发型Mona maintained a 4.0 average and perfect hair背地里还不是在窃听玫瑰镇警♥察♥的通讯频道while she was tapping Rosewood's police calls.
9、斯宾塞 我们曾经也这么怀疑过安德鲁Spencer, we jumped on the Andrew train-但他没有动机But he didn't have a motive.但这姑娘有 她觉得我们杀了宝芬妮This girl does. She thinks that we killed Bethany!我联♥系♥不上她I can't get to her.-为什么 -梦娜跑路了吗- Why? - Did Mona skip town?梦娜的妈妈因为她溜去拉德里的事大发雷霆Mona's mom busted her fo
10、r sneaking out to Radley.她完全被禁足了She's totally unplugged.梦娜连她自己的房♥门都出不了Mona's not even allowed to leave her room.无所谓了Doesn't matter.我都不确定梦娜能不能帮到我们I'm not even sure Mona would be of any help anyways.你现在来跟我说这些Now you tell me?我刚刚都试着去摇她们家的排水管了After I tried to shimmy up her drai
11、npipe?就这样吧 我得走了Okay, well, I have to go.我妈帮我跟她预约了沙利文医生My mom made an appointment for me and her with Dr. Sullivan,我不能迟到I can't be late.艾瑞亚呢Where's Aria?她在霍里斯大学She's up at Hollis,她偷偷去还克拉克的底片了she's sneaking clark's negatives back into that cubby.好吧 那我们怎么办Okay, so what's the pla
12、n?我们是去找莱斯利·斯通呢Are we gonna track down Lesli Stone?还是去费城呢Are we gonna go to Philly?-我现在管不了这么多 -真的假的- I have to get my head shrunk. - Seriously?你们到底怎么了Wait, what is wrong with you people?A还在逍遥法外 我们得团结起来A is still out there, we have to stick together想办法看我们能不能抓她个现行and see if we can try and catch th
13、is girl in the act.你有没有看见是谁把这个放在我车上的Did you see who put this on my car?这张卡片This card.你有没有看见谁把这个放在雨刮器下面的Did you see who put it under the wiper?这一个小时内你有没有看见谁在我家外面Have you see anybody outside of my house in the last hour?-有没有 -没有- Yes or no? - No.-早上好 -好啊- Mornin. - Hey.-我刚刚在. -在找什么吗- Um, I-I was just-
14、 - Looking for somethin'?我还以为是百吉饼和奶油干酪呢Uh, I was hoping it was a bagel and cream cheese in there.我得跟你说一件事.Listen, here's the thing-我没有生气I'm not mad.如果我拍你 让你觉得不舒服的话Uh, if you were that uncomfortable with me你可以直说taking photos of you, you could've just said so.你没必要偷偷摸摸来拿走You didn't
15、have to go all klepto.所以晨间大扫荡还有下一步动作吗So what's next for the morning bandit?想去吃点真的百吉饼吗Wanna grab that bagel for real?我去不了. 但算我欠你一次I can't, um, but I. I will owe you one.好吗Okay?我很感谢I really appreciate it.谢谢 祝你过得愉快Thanks. Have a nice day.哈里奇大学 莱斯利·斯通莱斯利是她们大学科学部的助教 她在实验室工作-凯勒 -我没来早吧- Hey, C
16、aleb. - Hey, hope it's not early.没有 快进来No, not at all, come on in.我正要做早餐呢I was just about to make some breakfast.这一小团是什么东西What. What is this lump back here?不知道 线头吧 我刚起来I don't know. Lint. I just woke up.凯勒 鸡蛋你想吃什么样的Caleb, how would you like your eggs?妈妈 我不吃早饭了Um, mom, I can't eat breakfa
17、st.我得去见斯宾塞I have to go meet Spencer.要不要我送你去Um, can I give you a lift?-不用了 -等等- No, I'm good. - Wait.你们要去哪Where are you girls going?斯宾塞约人在费城见面Spencer has an appointment in Philly.我们是按你的要求 起码两个人一起出去的And we're using the buddy system just like you asked us to.我再打给你I'll call you later.汉娜 我们怎么
18、进大学实验室艾米 你说我穿哪件去凯勒的办公室好呢Hey, Em? Which one should I wear to Caleb's office?你的办公室就是凯勒穿着短裤Um, your office is where Caleb plays玩侠盗猎车手的地方Grand Theft Auto in his boxers.我只是不想第一天上班就搞砸了I just don't wanna screw up on my first day.每个人第一天上班都会搞砸的Everyone screws up on their first day.这就是第一天的意义所在That'
19、;s what makes it a first day.你还喜欢这个吗 还是我选错了Do you still like it? Or did I make a mistake?不 不 没有 看起来很赞No. No, no, no. That looks great, yeah.我才是那个八月还得穿着保暖长内♥裤♥的人I'm the one who's gonna have to wear long johns这样别人才不会看见我的纹身in August so no one sees my courage.你要我帮你涂吗Um, do
20、you want me to help you with that?好啊Yeah.给你 你穿这件吧Here. You should wear this one.-谢谢 -祝你好运- Thanks. - Good luck.-我们. -没有 没有- Uh, did we- - Oh, no, no, no.我正好顺路过来I-I was just in the 'hood我就是来送点东西的and I wanted to drop something off.我能进来吗Can I come in?当然 进来吧Yeah, sure. Come on.这是什么What's that?我的
21、资助人好多年前给我的My sponsor gave it to me. Years ago.这个作者经历了很多苦难Uh, the guy who wrote it, went through some heavy stuff.如果你不喜欢的话Alright, if you hate it,可能读着读着就能睡着了might put you to sleep.你有没有.Have you.什么What?你能不借助任何东西好好睡觉吗Been sleeping, without help?没 睡得不太好Um, no. Not really.但是我的朋友在费城等我Uh, but my friend is
22、waiting for me in Philly.-我要走了 -好- So. - Oh, right, um.-抱歉 -还有一件事- Sorry. - There's one more thing.这样你就不必费劲地This way you don't have to wrestle anyone和人抢最后一块巧克力蛋糕了to the ground for the last brownie.天呐Oh, my God.谢谢Thank you.抱歉Um, sorry.怎么了What's wrong?我在伦敦的姐姐发短♥信♥给我My
23、 sister in London is texting me.我妈妈因毕业典礼之战而在召集同盟呢My mother's enlisting allies in the War over Commencement.你在考虑不去吗You thinkin' of skippin' it?不 不是不去的问题 而是演讲的问题No, it's-it's not about going, it's about speaking.校长叫我站在全校前面My principal asked me to stand up in front entire school
24、做个受过创伤的乖乖女and be the poster girl for trauma.我实在没兴趣I'm just really not that into it.你为什么这么肯定Why you so sure?不然他为什么叫我做毕业生演讲代表Well, why else would he ask me to be valedictorian?除了午餐 我所有的科目都没完成I mean, I have incompletes in every subject except for lunch.每个人都希望我站出来And everybody expects me to stand up
25、作为绑♥架♥幸存者 来发表真心感人的演讲and give some really moving speech about being a survivor.我还没做好准备 把这事就当这么结束了And I'm not ready to talk about it as if it's over.尤其这件事并没结束When it's not. over.那就别做So don't do it.-什么 -直接说不去- What? - Just say no.想想你所经历的一切Uh, considering everything
26、 you've been through我想走上台 接过毕业证I think walking across that stage and accepting a diploma已经是个相当令人印象深刻的成就了is a pretty impressive accomplishment.你妈又招揽了一个亲属吗Did your Mom recruit another relative?不 是汉娜 我真的得走了No, that's Hanna. I really have to go.但是我们晚点劝诫会那见吗Uh, but I'll see you at the meeting
27、 later?没错You bet.好的Okay.-谢谢你给我这些 -一会见- Thank you. for those. - I'll see you soon.-你在哪 -在路上 有事耽搁了- Where are you? - On the road, I got held up.大鯰寿司店她刚刚跑进去吃教员午餐 还迟到了Well, she just raced into her faculty lunch, late.她在哪 困在那个废车场吗I mean, where was she? Stuck at that junkyard?等等 你有什么事耽搁了Wait, why were
28、 you held up?迪恩来过了 还给了我礼物Dean stopped by, with a gift.迪恩 戒毒的那个吗 他为什么给你礼物Dean? Drug-free Dean? Why was he giving you gifts?因为我们是朋友Because we're friends.托比最好快点回玫瑰镇Wow. Toby better hurry back to Rosewood.别讽刺我 等我到了 我们要干嘛Will you stop? What are we doing when I get there?别问了 开快点 快一点Stop asking questio
29、ns. Just drive faster. Hurry up.好 你要学的第一件事Okay, so the first thing you're gonna learn就是做动态界面to build is a CMS interface.我保证这没我刚说的那么复杂I promise it's not as complicated as I just made it sound.现在每个人都想要一个响应式设计These days everyone wants a responsive design来调整不同的屏幕that adjusts itself to different
30、screens.这样金耶的照片在你的手♥机♥So the photo of. Kimye will look the same平板和电脑上看起来都会一模一样on your phone, your smart pad, and your computer.品牌金耶是什么What's Kimye?坎耶和金姆Kanye and Kim?对 你不会Yeah, right. You wouldn't, uh.你一直You've been.其实 你根本没必要知道You know what actually? You don't e
31、ven need to know.没人需要知道No one does.对不起 那个Hey, I'm sorry. That.那个金耶的事只是个笑话that whole Kimye thing was just joke.我要学很多东西I've got a lot of catching up to do.外面的世界让人感到很累It's exhausting being on the outside all the time.是的Yeah.至少你还和其他的姑娘们有联络Well, at least you, uh, you have the other girls to c
32、onnect with.你对艾莉森·迪劳伦提斯有多了解What do you know about Alison DiLaurentis?我不想问的 可是I wouldn't ask, but.当你被迫以别人的名字来回应人when you're forced to answer to someone else's name并且被迫穿上他们的衣服and wear their clothes.你就会对这个人产生好奇you become curious about her.你怎么不和艾米丽说说Why haven't you talked to Emily?我
33、试过了 但每次我一提起艾莉森I've tried, but every time I bring her up,艾米丽就闭口不提Emily shuts down.你觉得艾莉森知道是谁干的吗Do you think Alison knows who did this to us?如果她知道 那人根本活不了多久Well, if she does, that person's not long for this world.对不起 但愿我能给你提供更多的答案 可Look, I'm sorry. I wish I had more answers for you, but.说实
34、话 我也是局外人the truth is, I'm on the outside looking in too.我讨厌这样I hate it.你好Hi, there.太尴尬了I'm so embarrassed.我以为我把停车票放包里了 可我找不到I thought I put my ticket in my bag but I can't find it.现在回想一下 我可能用来包口香糖扔掉了And now I'm thinking I may have used it to throw away my gum.哪辆车是您的Um, which one is y
35、ours?天呐 实在是太诡异了Ugh. God, this is so weird.我刚刚从汽车店拿回车Um, I just got it back from the dealership他们把我钥匙扣给换了and they changed the keychain.但我的车是一辆路虎揽胜车 车内褐色的But it's a dark green Range Rover. Tan interior-小姐 我需要停车票I need the ticket, Miss.您检查口袋了吗Have you checked your pockets?我想我已经检查了所有的地方I thought tha
36、t I checked everything.也许您落在桌上了Maybe you left it on the table.拜托 你知道那辆车的Oh, come on, you know the car.车后贴着哈威克的标贴It has, like, a Harwick bumper sticker on the back.车里香喷喷的 像一股肉桂土司的味道Really nice smell inside. Like, cinnamon toast.不是吧Seriously?你真的不记得我吗You honestly don't remember me?天呐 真是太伤人了Oh, God,
37、 that really hurts.那好吧 我就走路回新泽西吧I mean, fine, I'll just walk back to New Jersey.小姐Miss?我应该知道是哪辆车I. I think I know the car.就是这串Ugh. That's it.感谢上帝 你的记性比我好Thank God one of us has a brain.-你大概多久到 -我就快到了- What's your ETA? - I'm almost there.那好 你在富兰特街右转后Okay, well, there's an alley ri
38、ght when you右边有条小巷子 在那见turn right on Front Street, meet me there.你要偷她的车吗Are you stealing her car?不是 我只是借用一下No, I am borrowing it.不要念叨我了 啰啰嗦嗦Don't get all preachy with me, Puff 'n' Stuff.我要挂了I gotta go.你是我的救星You saved my life.爱你哟Love you.你好 艾米丽·菲尔兹还在这做吗Hi, um, does Emily Fields still
39、 work here?抱歉 听到你说起艾米丽Sorry, I. heard you talking about Emily.她现在已经不在这做了No, she-she doesn't work here at the moment.好Okay.我叫以斯拉·费兹 是这的老板But I'm-I'm Ezra Fitz, I'm the owner.我可以帮你转告.I can pass along any.等等 等等Wait, wait, wait.以斯拉Ezra?我好像知道这个名字Why-why do I know that name?艾米丽以前有个老师就
40、叫这名字I-I feel like Emily had a teacher.没错 就是我Yes, that would be me.我换了份工作I had bit of a career change.-我叫妮可·戈登 -你好- I'm Nicole Gordon. - Hi.我在海地和艾米丽一起工作过的I worked with Emily in Haiti.我们一起做过住房♥计划We did that housing program.是的 没错Oh, yes. That's right.她那年暑假和你们一起过得很开心She had an am
41、azing summer with you guys.是的 我也这么想的 可是后来Yeah, that's what I thought, but then她换了邮箱和电♥话♥she changed her e-mail and her number也没有告诉我and never sent me an update.她也是迫不得已Well, I mean, she had to.换掉所有的的东西change everything.在那场庭审之后After the trial.你们上次通话是什么时候When was the last time
42、you two spoke?我过去八个月一直在印度I've been in India the past eight months.什么庭审What trial?一定有人看见了什么 对吧I mean, someone must've seen something, right?A一定是一直在跟踪我们A had to have been trailing us the whole time而且这里不光有我们and we weren't the only ones here.是的Yeah.有个人管理这里 不过我没见过他There's a guy that runs
43、this place, but I don't see him.艾米Em?一边找衣服一边挑表情发短♥信♥挺难吧It's kind of hard to hunt for cloths and pick emojis at the same time.对不起 我是看看莎拉怎么样了Sorry. I was just checking with Sara.我想知道她第一天工作顺不顺利I wanted to see how her first day was going.你们俩好像走得很近啊Well, you two seem to have
44、 gotten pretty close.是啊 她住在我家Well, yeah. She's staying with me.多久了For how long?我跟你们说过 她原来的家庭不好I told you guys. She has a bad home life.但我们都有自己的归宿And we all had things come back to.爱我们的人People who love us.我一直在想她当时在那里是什么感觉I was just wondering what it was like for her down there.在黑暗中她会想些什么What she
45、was thinkin' about in the dark.让她度过一天又一天got her through it.克拉克Clark?你好 你来这干什么Hi. What. What are you doing here?我来再拍几张新照片Just came back to take some new pictures.早晨有人把我之前的偷走了Somebody stole mine this morning.艾米 这是克拉克Oh, Em, this is Clark.我在赫里斯大学认识的摄影师The photographer I met at Hollis.很高兴认识你Nice to
46、meet you.你们在这干什么So what are you doing here?我回家后发现我的三脚架丢了When I got home I-I realized I lost my tripod.我想一定是落在这了I thought I must've left it here.我来帮你找吧Well, let me help you look.不用了 没事的Oh, no. That's fine.有艾米丽帮我 所以Emily offered to help, so.有个朋友去咖啡店找我的Hey, a friend of mine is looking for me at
47、 The Brew.什么朋友What friend?妮可 和我一起参加仁人家园的那个Nicole, from my Habitat trip.我都不知道她和我在一个半球I didn't even know she is on the same hemisphere.好吧 我们现在要走了吗Okay, well, do we need to leave right now?如果你想留下再找找If you wanna stay and look around我一会可以送你回家I can drive you home.太好了Great.好啊 我怎么会拒绝呢Yeah, I. How could
48、I say no?莱斯利工作的实验室是什么样的What kind of lab did you say Lesli worked at?我不知道 是在大学里 怎么了I don't know. It was at a colloge. Why?这张门禁卡能让我们进去This key card could help us get in there.你觉得凯勒复♥制♥一张需要多长时间How fast do you think Caleb can make a copy?我不知道I have no idea.天呐 这女孩太懒了God, this gi
49、rl's such a slob.后面还有把梳子She has this hairbrush back here味道简直像猫窝that smells like a cat box.凯勒现在在干什么Well, what's Caleb doing right now?你为什么一直问我凯勒的事Why do you keep asking me about Caleb?为什么我一提他的名字你的肩膀就抖一下Why do your shoulders go up every time I say his name?-你们是不是 -没有 什么事也没有- Are you guys still
50、. - No, we're nothing, okay?汉娜 别把凯勒疏远了Hanna? Don't lock Caleb out.相信我 想疏远都不行Believe me, I can't.我妈妈一直让他来我家My mom keeps letting him in.现在他们俩都一起吃饭了I mean, they eat meals together now因为我不让他给我切肉because I won't let him cut my meat.她用这个干什么What is she using this for?这是钢丝钳Those are wire cutt
51、ers.她为什么要剪钢丝Why does she need to cut wires?为什么凯勒要给你切肉Why does Caleb wanna cut your meat?因为他觉得我很虚弱 可我不是Because he thinks I'm weak and I'm not.天呐Oh, my God.她有十来副老奶奶戴的那种眼镜She has, like, ten pairs of these grandma glasses in here.好吧 我要给凯勒发短♥信♥了Okay, look, I'm gonna text
52、 Caleb.别 不要No, don't.我们需要他帮忙复♥制♥这张卡We need his help to copy this.我不会告诉他原因的I'm not gonna tell him why.天呐Oh, my God.戴上后我的视觉更清楚了I can see better with these.原来我一直需要戴眼镜 我却不知道I needed glasses this whole time and I never knew it.我看看Let me see.给我另一副Give me another pair.眼镜没有度数Th
53、ere's no prescription in these.-什么 -是平镜- What? - They're clear.是假的 她有好几副假眼镜They're fake. She has multiple pairs of fake glasses.天呐 这姑娘骗了所有人God, this girl is fooling everyone.特大号♥动物笼天呐Oh, my God.怎么了 盒子里是什么What? What's inside the boxes?是没拼装的笼子They're unassembled cages.笼子
54、 装什么的Cages? For what?不是装沙鼠的那种 汉娜They're not for gerbils, Hanna.这里有四个 每个都足够大装下.There's four of them and each one is big enough for.-什么 -装我们- What? - For us.你把那些底片烧掉了吗So have you incinerated those negatives yet?还没有Not yet.你烧了的话我也理解I mean, I'd understand if you did.你一定感觉自己就像在显微镜底下You must f
55、eel like you're under a microscope.警♥察♥在监视你 父母也在监视你Police watching you, parents watching you.是啊 希望这一切很快就能停止Yeah, well, hopefully that'll all stop soon.是的 等等 什么Yeah. Wait. What?你说什么What do you mean?他们抓到那个人了吗Have they actually caught the guy?没有 还没有No, not yet.不过 很快了 很快就能抓
56、住了But they're, they're pretty close.你怎么知道的How do you know?抱歉 我不是想八卦Sorry. I don't mean to pry.或许我们该走了You know what? Maybe we should just go.等等 这里Hey, hold on. This.这就是我们前几天来过的地方this is where we were the other day.是的 是的 我去那边看看Yeah, yeah. I'll check over there.你去后面看看You check back there.好的Okay.妮可Nicole?至少你看上去还像艾米丽Well, at least you still look like Emily.你来这干什么What are you doing here?我们完成了项目Well, we finished the project.所以我回来看我爸爸So I came back to see my dad然后绕路来看看你and thought I'd make a little detour.你们想喝点咖啡
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