1、Reading 何炅何炅Pre-readingyoungenergeticamusingyoungbeautifulkindgood-lookingenergeticyoungseriousstrictUseful wordsamusing: causing laughter or smilesenergetic: full of energyintelligent: having or showing intelligencenervous: tense; excited; unstableorganized: orderly; ordered; arrangedserious: thoug
2、htful; solemn; not jokingpatient: having or showing patience1. Which teachers do students like a lot?Mrs Li, Mr Wu.2. Who is a very good teacher but is serious and strict?Mrs Chen.Skimming 1.Whats that girls first impression of Mrs Li?Her first impression of Mrs Li was that she was nervous and shy.2
3、. What subject do you think Mrs Li is teaching?English.3. What subject does Mrs Chen teach?Physics.4. What do students think of Mrs Chen?Shes very strict and serious and doesnt smile much.5. What subject does Mr Wu teach?Chinese.ReadingTrue or False1. Mrs Li wasnt nervous at her first lesson.F2. Mrs
4、 Li explains grammar clearly and I can follow her. T3. She makes me feel stupid when I make mistakes.F4. With her help, I begin to do better in English.TFill in the blanks.Mrs Chen is very _ and also very _ and doesnt _ much. Those who are often late for class are always _ for her lessons. But most
5、of us really _ her because her teaching is well _ and clear. During some _ experiments, she gives exact explanations. Although physics is not my _ lesson, I think I will make progress.strictserioussmileon timeappreciateorganizedscientificfavoriteAnswer the following questions.1. How old is Mr Wu and
6、 how is he?He is about 28 and rather good-looking.2. Is Mr Wu liked by his students? Why?Yes. Because he really enjoys teaching Chinese literature.3. What does he do when he gets excited?He talks loudly and fast, and waves his hands about a lot when he gets excited.He tells jokes when the students g
7、et tired.4. What does he do when his students get tired?Post-readingNameSubject Appear-ancePerson-alityExamplesMrs LiEnglish kind,patientExplain grammar clearly, avoid making students feel stupid.NameSubject Appea-rancePerson-alityExamplesMrs ChenPhysicssixtyserious, strict, organi-ed and clearNot s
8、mile much, none dare to be late, explain exactly what is happening.NameSubject Appea-ancePerso-nalityExamplesMr WuChinese 28, good-lookingEnerg-etic, amus-ingTalk loudly and fast,wave his handsabout a lot, tell jokes sometimes.DiscussionWhich teacher would you like to have? Explain why.Example:Id li
9、ke to have Mrs Chen because her teaching is well organized and clear.Explanation 1. My first impression of Mrs Li was that she was nervous and shy. 我对李老师最初的印象是她既紧张又我对李老师最初的印象是她既紧张又害羞。害羞。 impression 在此处为可数名词,意为在此处为可数名词,意为“印象印象”。如:。如:What were your first impressions of New York?你对纽约的第一印象是什么?你对纽约的第一印象是
10、什么?The old church made a great impression on Tom. 那座古老的教堂给汤姆留下很深刻的印那座古老的教堂给汤姆留下很深刻的印象。象。ones (first) impression of 某人对某人对的的(最初)印象(最初)印象1)此处)此处class不是指不是指“一个班级一个班级”,而,而 是表示是表示“大家;全班同学大家;全班同学”。2. But now, after two weeks, the class really likes working with her. 两个星期过去了,两个星期过去了, 现在全班同学都现在全班同学都 喜欢她的课。喜
11、欢她的课。2)working with her在此处表示在此处表示“一一 起从事教和学两方面的活动。起从事教和学两方面的活动。”3. Ive always hated making mistakes or pronouncing a word incorrectly when I speak English, but Mrs Li just smiles, so that you dont feel completely stupid! 我总是不愿意犯错误或者在说英语时念我总是不愿意犯错误或者在说英语时念错词。李老师只是笑笑,你就不会感到错词。李老师只是笑笑,你就不会感到自己是个大笨蛋。自己是
12、个大笨蛋。1)always强调强调“一直是这样一直是这样”。另外,。另外,be always doing表示表示“老是,老老是,老”,多半,多半表示责难。如:表示责难。如:He is always complaining about something. 他老是发牢骚。他老是发牢骚。He was always asking for money.他老是要钱。他老是要钱。Why are you always biting your nails?你为什么老是咬指甲?你为什么老是咬指甲?2)so that 在此处引导表示结果的状语在此处引导表示结果的状语 从句,从句, 意为意为“因此,这样因此,这样就
13、就”。如:。如:She is very careful, so that she seldom makes a mistake.她非常细心,因此她很少犯错。她非常细心,因此她很少犯错。Nothing more was heard from him so that we began to wonder if he was dead.再也没有听到他的消息,因此我们怀疑再也没有听到他的消息,因此我们怀疑他是否死了。他是否死了。3)dont feel completely stupid 并不觉得并不觉得 自己是个大笨蛋自己是个大笨蛋dont(否定词)和(否定词)和completely(表示(表示“全部
14、全部”概念的词)放在一起表示部分概念的词)放在一起表示部分否定。又如:否定。又如:All is not gold that glitters. =Not all that glitters is gold.发光的并不都是金子。发光的并不都是金子。Everybody wouldnt like it.=Not everybody would like it. 并不是每个人都会喜欢它。并不是每个人都会喜欢它。He doesnt know everything about it. =He knows not everything about it.对此他并不完全了解情况。对此他并不完全了解情况。4.
15、Shes very strictwe dont dare to say a word unless she asks us to. 她非常严格,如果她不要求,我们连她非常严格,如果她不要求,我们连 一句话也不敢说。一句话也不敢说。unless相当于相当于if not, 意为意为“要不是,要不是,除非除非”,这句话也可以说成:,这句话也可以说成:We dont dare to say a word if she doesnt ask us to.又如:又如:My father comes home before dinner every day, unless there is somethin
16、g urgent to do. =My father comes home before dinner every day, if there is not anything urgent to do. 除非有急事,我父亲每天晚上都在晚餐前除非有急事,我父亲每天晚上都在晚餐前回家。回家。注意:注意:unless不可用于指尚未发生的事不可用于指尚未发生的事情的结果,因而不可用于情的结果,因而不可用于“假想的假想的”条条件句中。如:件句中。如:We would have had a lovely holiday if it hadnt rained every day. 要不是天天下雨的话,要不是
17、天天下雨的话, 我们的假日就过我们的假日就过得痛快了。得痛快了。 此句中的此句中的if not 不可用不可用unless来替换。来替换。又如:又如:Ill be sorry if he doesnt come to the party.万一他不来参加聚会,我就感到太遗憾万一他不来参加聚会,我就感到太遗憾了。了。此句中的此句中的if not不可用不可用unless 来替换。来替换。此外,此外,unless还可用于引出补充前言的还可用于引出补充前言的话,即是对刚说过的话想到要加些补充。话,即是对刚说过的话想到要加些补充。如:如:She hasnt got any hobbies unless yo
18、u call watching TV a hobby. 她没有任何嗜好,除非把看电视也算作她没有任何嗜好,除非把看电视也算作嗜好的话。嗜好的话。Have a cup of tea unless youd prefer a cold drink. 喝一杯茶吧喝一杯茶吧除非你想喝冷饮。除非你想喝冷饮。5. because her teaching is so well organized and clear. 因为她的讲解非常有条理,很清因为她的讲解非常有条理,很清 楚。楚。organized为形容词,意为为形容词,意为“有秩序有秩序的;效率高的的;效率高的”。如:。如:a highly organized person 一个很有条理的人一个很有条理的人a well-organized office工作效率高的办事处工作效率高的办事处此外,它还可意为此外,它还可意为“有安排的;有准备有安排的;有准备的的”。如。如 :a badly organized event 组织得不好的事情组织得不好的事情organized crime 有组织的犯罪活动有组织的犯罪活动6. . this is one class you dont fall asleep in.
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