1、Previously on Pretty Little Liars .美少女的谎言前情提要We all saw where he was standing,我们都看见他站在那儿了by the coolers where they keep the blood.在放血液的冷却器旁Our blood.那里放的是我们的血We still don't know why he was visiting Ali in jail我们还不知道他为什么要监狱去探视艾莉or why he fought with Mona.也不知道他为什么和梦娜发生争执My dad doesn't think th
2、at I'm college material.我爸爸觉得我不是上大学的料He thinks Kate is. Who is Kate?他觉得凯特才是 我不是 凯特是谁My stupid, perfect step-sister.他现任老婆那个愚蠢但又十全十美的女儿Kate. You know, training a horse, it's an art.凯特 驯马也是门艺术Taking all the fight out of it until it truly is broken.扼杀它所有的斗志 直到彻底毁掉它That's how you're gonna
3、 feel when I'm through with you.跟我相处你就会明白这种滋味了Welcome to the family.欢迎加入这个家The winner gets $20,000 scholarship.赢的人可以获得两万奖学金We're gonna have to pay for my tuition somehow.我们总得想办法交学费吧What's wrong?怎么了You're married, Talia.你已经结婚了 塔利亚Cyrus? Back away from them!赛勒斯 离她们远点Now!马上You told me t
4、hat you were hired to paint a mural for Hollis.你和我说有人雇你来霍里斯大学画壁画I did not say "Hired." I was careful about that.我没说有人雇我 我说话很小心的Well, do you know what else you didn't say?知道你有什么没说吗Vandalism.故意毁坏公物Although we did not find a body,虽然我们没有发现尸体the amount of blood in the house但是房♥内的
5、血迹表明would indicate that the victim's wounds are fatal.受害者受了致命伤Mona Vanderwaal was murdered.梦娜·范德瓦尔被谋杀了"Thanks for donating to my get-into-jail fund.谢谢你们为我的坐牢资金做贡献What? You find something?怎么了 找到什么了吗Yeah. My brother's got jock itch.我弟弟有股癣Ew. Wish I didn't know that.真希望我没发现What
6、9;s with all this new gym equipment?这些新健身器材干吗用的I don't know. He's obsessed.我不知道 他很痴迷It's nice.挺不错的How much did he pay for this?他花多少钱买♥♥的Hanna? We're not shopping here.汉娜 我们不是来购物的Okay, it's just a question.我只是问个问题I mean, I want to know我想知道why Mike's all o
7、f a sudden training to become a ninja.迈克为什么突然要锻炼成为一名忍♥者Maybe because he's running errands也许是因为他给H号♥牢房♥的for a blonde spider in cellblock H.金发蜘蛛人当跑腿Okay, guys, just stop.大家 别吵了This feels wrong.感觉不对No, what's wrong is Mike stealing our stem cells迈克要偷我们的干细胞and ha
8、nding them over to Ali's "A"-team.交给艾莉的A小队才叫不对Hanna, we don't know汉娜 我们不知道what was in that envelope he gave Cyrus.他给赛勒斯的信封里装着什么It could've been cash. Right.可能是现金 对So maybe he's hiding our DNA in here也许他把我们的DNA藏在这里until he gets further instructions.等待进一步指示Has anybody checked
9、 that mini-fridge yet?有人检查那个迷你冰箱了吗What about the gym bag? No, I got it.健身包呢 我来检查If your brother did send that bloody "A" text,如果那些A发的短♥信♥都是你弟弟发的then we should be doing more than turning his room inside out.我们要做的就不止是在他房♥里翻箱倒柜了We should be setting fire to-我们该
10、放把火.Guys.大家Did you find that in here?你在包里找到的吗It was under a really disgusting gym sock.这是在恶心的健身袜下面找到的Wait.等下He just bought this last Friday.这是他上周五买♥♥的Who is it for?买♥♥给谁的And when did your brother acquire taste?你弟弟什么时候开始有品味了Why does Mike have that?迈克为什么会有这个
11、Maybe he ordered it for Mona and it just got in.也许是他订给梦娜的 货才刚到Maybe it's a Mother's Day gift.也许是母亲节礼物I don't think he's telling his mom我认为不是送给妈妈的"I'm with you.""我跟你在一起"These aren't just beads. It's a message, in Morse code.是通过摩斯密♥码&heart
12、s;传递信息的珠链I've seen these advertised online.我看过网上的广♥告♥The beads, they spell out words.用这些珠子排出词汇"I'm with you?" With who?"我跟你在一起" 跟谁在一起That necklace is probably for Alison.这条珠链可能是给艾莉森的That's who Mike's with.她才是跟迈克在一起的人Oh, please.拜托If my custome
13、rs knew it was lard,如果被我的顾客发现是猪油they'd shove me in the oven.他们会把我推进烤箱It's your mom.是你妈妈I'll email it. Okay.我会发电邮 好Bye.再见Didn't she want to talk to me?她不想跟我说话吗No.不She just called about that leftover cobbler她打来是为了你上周带回家的you brought home last week.那个脆皮水果馅饼What?什么Isn't it nice that w
14、e have something in common besides you?我们除了你以外还有其他话题不好吗Do you think she knows about.你认为她知道.Us? Not from me.我们的事吗 我没跟她说We are moving slowly, Emily.我们循序渐进 艾米丽And I am perfectly fine with you我们之间只有我和你and me staying just between you and me.我对此完全没问题And your husband.还有你丈夫That's right.没错Do you just wak
15、e up this beautiful?你睡醒就是这么漂亮吗Mike.迈克We're not actually open yet.我们还没开始营业Well, the door is open.店门开了Can I get some coffee to go?我可以买♥♥杯咖啡带走吗Yeah.可以I'm gonna need two.要两杯Okay.好Do you want to bring a pastry or something?还要再带些糕点什么的吗No, they're both for me.不用 我自己喝两杯It w
16、as a long night.熬了个漫漫长夜Oh, really?是吗What were you up to?你去干什么了I've already got one big sister.我已经有一个姐姐了Not looking for another.不想再找个来管我I know your mom loves the idea of shipping you off to Hogwarts,我知道你妈挺喜欢把你送到霍格沃兹but what about you?你自己是怎么想的Are you freaked out about living overseas?孤身一人在海外生活 会不会
17、感到害怕No.没有Why? Should I be?为什么 我应该害怕吗No, you'll be fine.不 你会没事的I, on the other hand,我要是飞国外needed a horse pill just to get across the ocean.就得要吃片安♥眠♥药♥My advice is, don't take it 'til the wheels are off the runway.友情建议 等飞机起飞了再吃Why? What happened?为什么 不然会咋样Fa
18、ulty equipment.设备故障We had to get off the plane.我们都得下飞机I was fast asleep,当时我已然熟睡I got wheeled around on a luggage cart被抱到俄亥俄州帕尔马的by a bank teller from Parma, Ohio.银行出纳员的行李车上被他推着走You slept the whole time?你全程都睡着了I have no memory.没有任何记忆Zip. I mean I'm told I ate a fish taco in my sleep.完全没有 他们说我睡觉时吃
19、了鱼柳卷How's it going?你最近好吗Good. You remember Jonny?很好 还记得强尼吗What are you doing here at Hollis?你怎么来赫里斯了My dad just asked me to pick up some class schedules for Jenna.我爸让我来给詹娜拿课程表What are you doing here?你怎么在这呢Uh, Jonny has an old friend强尼的老朋友who has an Oxford connection and he just-跟牛津这边有关系 他就.It do
20、esn't matter.没什么But how've you been?你最近还好吧Is Tanner still making you work 24/7?坦纳还是让你无休止地干活吗Pretty much.是啊Well, if you're free tonight-你要是今晚有空I'm not. But I'll call you later.没空 晚点再电♥话♥联♥系♥你Sure. Okay.行 好的Uh, it was to nice see you agai
21、n.很高兴又见到你Same here.我也是What was that?你说什么It's an expression. In Italian.就是句意大利语And completely pretentious.纯属自我炫耀The necklace said "I am with you".项链上写着"我跟你在一起"Why are you so sure it's for Ali?为什么你肯定这是给艾莉的Who else?不然还有谁Mike has been to her jail cell more than once.迈克去探过她好几次
22、监And he's meeting up with her sketchy friends,还去见她的那些狐朋狗友leaving candy grams in the woods.还在树林里留了好多棒棒糖And he just took out a huge withdrawal他上周还从A的账户里from "A's" Bank account last week.取出了一大笔钱So he's using Alison's money to buy gifts for Alison?所以他用艾莉森的钱买♥&hea
23、rts;礼物送给艾莉森吗Classy.太奇葩Do you want me to say something to Aria's brother?要我和艾瑞亚的弟弟说点什么吗No! No, God, no.不不 千万别Why aren't you answering it? Is that Aria?为什么不接电♥话♥ 是艾瑞亚打来的吗No.不是I'll just call her later.我过会再打给她"Her"?她What's going on?到底怎么了Nothing.没事I don'
24、;t even know if I'm gonna go through with this.我都不知道自己能不能做到This coach is pricey and if it's going to cost me money请教练要花一大笔钱 单单是参加just to be in this thing-就要花好多钱Whoa, whoa, slow down.慢点说Speak English.说英文I enrolled in a beauty pageant.我报名参加了选美大赛Miss Teen, county-wide.镇上美少女选举The winner gets $20
25、,000 prize.冠军能拿到两万元奖金I could use that towards my tuition.我可以拿这钱付学费Okay, stop.好吧 等等There has to be a better way to bankroll college肯定有比穿着比基尼走台than parading around in a bikini还要像在菜场里and being judged like a heifer at a 4-H fair.挑羊肉那样被审来审去更好的付学费方法Caleb, this is not about big hair and twirling a baton.凯勒
26、 我可不是为了去做造型赶时髦的I have to have this money so I can get out of this town.我得拿到这笔钱 这样我才能离开这Okay, let me help you.好吧 那我帮你You know, we'll call my mom in Santa Barbara.我们打电♥话♥到圣巴巴拉市找我妈The guy that she's married to, he's loaded.她嫁的那个男人是个富豪We'll ask them for a loan.我们找他们
27、借一笔钱After my dad basically slammed the door in my face?在我爸当着我的面甩门之后No way. I am not asking anyone for anymore help.不行 我是不会再找别人帮忙了Fine.好吧But have you really thought this through?但你真的想清楚了吗That pageant world is squeaky-clean,选美世界是纯洁无瑕的and last week you were modeling a hazmat suit可上周你还拿了套生化装and pushing
28、around a barrel with a liquefied friend in it.还强迫别人穿上 热得满头大汗I already talked myself into this.我自己已经想清楚了I don't need any other reason to back out.不能再以任何理由打退堂鼓了I'm going to do this. I have to.我就要这么做 必须这么做Listen, if that was awkward,如果你刚刚觉得尴尬you could've just introduced me as the guy who li
29、ves in the barn.你可以介绍说我就是住在谷仓的那个人I wasn't introducing you. Toby knows you.我没有介绍你 托比认识你Yeah, well, I think he'd rather know me as the guy who lives in the barn.我觉得他肯定希望我只是个住在谷仓的人吧Okay, well, this has nothing to do with you, Jonny.这件事和你没有关系 强尼I mean a lot of stuff's been going on and Toby&
30、#39;s just removed himself,发生了许多事 托比把自己隔离开来not just from me,不只是躲避我but from everybody.而是躲避所有人Jonny?强尼What's going on? What's wrong?怎么了 有什么问题吗Isn't that.那是不是our vandalism?我们那次故意毁坏公物时的画Why did they call it "The Trial of the Century"?为什么他们将其称之为"世纪审判"Because Clarence Darro
31、w was-因为克拉伦斯·丹诺是No, there's no Clarence Darrow.不 没有克拉伦斯·丹诺That was Scopes. Different decade.那是斯科普斯 不是那十年Um, "Trial of the Century", Stanford White case.世纪审判 斯坦福·怀特的法♥院♥案件First time a psychiatric defense was ever successful.第一起成功的精神辩护案件Harry Thaw sho
32、t Stanford White because he.哈利·陶打枪打斯坦福·怀特 因为他Oh, um, because he was jealous因为他嫉妒of his relationship with Evelyn Biscuit.伊芙琳·贝斯克和哈利的关系Nesbit.内斯比特Nesbit. Yeah, that's what I said.内斯比特 我就是这么说的Oh, thanks.谢谢Do you want to take a break?你要休息一会儿吗I know your head's not in this game rig
33、ht now.我知道你现在心不在焉And if you're worried about your brother.如果你担心你的弟弟I'm worried about a lot actually.其实我非常担心他You know what?知道吗There is something that you can help me with.有件事你可以帮我So, my brother goes down to this gym on East Elm.我弟弟一直去东榆树的一家健身中心Could you follow him there?你能跟着他吗Just go in and s
34、ee if he's meeting someone?就进去看看他和谁见面I mean I'd go myself, but if he saw me there-我也可以自己去 但是如果他看到我去Got it. I'm on it.明白 我帮你Were you in my room?你进过我房♥间吗What?什么You were in my room.你进过我的房♥间Why the hell were you in my room?你进我房♥间干什么Mike!迈克Calm down.冷静点I-I was
35、 just doing laundry.我只是去洗衣服I don't keep underwear in my desk, Aria.我是不会把内衣放在书桌里的 艾瑞亚I'm gonna go outside and make a call.我出去打个电♥话♥You have no right to be going through my things.你无权去翻我的房♥间What are you worried about me finding, Mike?你担心我会找到什么 迈克None of your da
36、mn business!关你屁事And, I swear, if you touch any of my things again,我发誓 如果你再碰我的东西you will live to regret it!我会让你后悔不已Compelling, aren't they?引人注目 对吧Is this a joke? This is my work.开玩笑吧 这是我画的Your work?你画的吗Really?真的吗Yeah. Mine, too.是的 还有我I helped- I- this was all one piece.我帮忙画的 这俩是一幅画Not when I rece
37、ived them.我接收的时候是分开的Received them? From who?接收 谁给你的You can't just stick these in fancy frames你不能就这样把画裱上高级相框and then sell them without my permission.然后未经我允许就售卖♥♥I'm sorry, who brought these here?抱歉 是谁把画带来这里的Somebody from Hollis saved them from being霍伊斯大学有人把画hauled off in
38、 a garbage truck.从回收的垃圾车上给拿了回来So technically, they're mine.所以严格来说 画是我的Until someone buys them.直到有人把画买♥♥走I have a list of questions here from last year's pageant.我这里有张去年选美比赛的问题列表Let's try a few.我们来试几道吧How would you reverse the extinction你要如何扭转今天濒危物种的of today's en
39、dangered species?灭绝情况What is your opinion of our country's current foreign policy?你对我国目前的外交政策有何看法Hanna, these pageants aren't just about being pretty anymore.汉娜 现在的选美比赛不只注重外表光鲜Pretty isn't the point.漂亮不是重点Judges don't give out crowns to living lollipops.评委们不会给花瓶佳丽颁发皇冠You need to have
40、 an opinion about the world we live in.你要对我们所处的世界有所看法I do.我有Good.很好Let's talk about the talent portion.我们来说说才艺表演部分吧Have you given that any thought?这方面你有想过吗What do you do well?你擅长什么Lots of things.我擅长的有很多As in?比如呢Hanna, look, if you really want this,汉娜 如果你真的想赢得比赛you've got to feel it on a cell
41、ular level.就要从内心出发 全身心投入There are girls that have been training for this有很多姑娘自打会冲马桶起since they could flush the toilet themselves.一直为此而训练至今I dance.我会跳舞That's your talent?这就是你才艺Yeah, I dance.是的 我会跳舞Excuse me?打扰一下I'm looking for Talia.我想找塔利亚Is she in the kitchen?她在厨房♥里吗No. You just m
42、issed her.不在 她刚走了She had to leave early for a catering gig in Philly.她今天在费城做私人餐席 所以早走了Oh, right. I forgot.对 我忘了I'll call the landlord.我会给房♥东打电♥话♥的Can I tell her who stopped by?要我告诉她你来找过她吗Sorry. Of course.抱歉 当然I'm Eric, Talia's husband.我叫埃里克 塔利亚的丈夫You must
43、 be Emily.你肯定就是艾米丽Of course.当然了Right. Um, Talia talks about you all the time.塔利亚一直提起你She does?是吗Yeah.是的You must be something special你都能让她骑自行车了if you can get her to take a bike ride.那你一定非常特别I can't get her to stop working long enough我让她放下工作的时间to walk to the mailbox.还不够我们走到信箱那Yeah, well, it was ju
44、st an easy ride.只是骑了一小会而已Single lane. We hardly got of the bikes.单行道 几乎都没下过车Emily?艾米丽I know what's going on with you and Talia.我知道你和塔利亚的事You don't have to feel weird.你没必要觉得奇怪Sorry, I-I-I do.抱歉 我觉得很奇怪I didn't know about you until-我才刚刚知道你的存在It's okay. I understand.没事 我理解Really? 'Ca
45、use I'm still-真的吗 因为我还Look, Talia and I have been together a long time.我和塔利亚在一起很久了And if she needs to experiment, have a one-time thing,如果她需要些体验 需要消遣I can live with that, 'cause I love her.我能接受 因为我爱她And I expect to be doing that way longer than anyone else.而且我对她的爱比任何人都持久Come on in. Hanna'
46、;s still in the shower.进来吧 汉娜还在洗澡Can I get you some breakfast?给你弄点早餐吃吧No, I'm okay, thanks.不用了 谢谢I can't dance on a full stomach.吃太饱就不能跳舞了Well, I didn't know you could dance at all.我都不知道你会跳舞Hanna says you've been taking lessons since you were four.汉娜说你从四岁就开始学跳舞了Three, I stopped when
47、I was in seventh grade.是三岁 上七年级的时候就不学了My mother was hoping for a ballerina instead of a jock.我妈妈希望我跳舞而不是当运动员Emily, do you think she knows what she's getting herself into?艾米莉 你觉得她清楚自己在干什么吗I'm having disturbing flashbacks我又想起了以前to that campaign for Homecoming Queen.她竞争返校节王后的事That was different
48、.这不一样This pageant isn't about proving something to herself,这次表演不是为了证明什么it's only about winning tuition money.只是为了赢得学费I'm sorry, I didn't mean.对不起 我不是想要.It's okay. It is what it is.没关系 这是事实I didn't expect to be in this position.我没想到会这样Miss Marin, can I ask you something?玛琳夫人 我
49、能问你点事吗Sure.当然Do you think it's okay to date a person你觉得跟一个你明明知道if some part of you knows it's not gonna last forever?不会长久下去的人恋爱合适吗I mean, if it's amazing in the moment,刚开始会很幸福but ultimately, you think it's probably doomed?但最终 你觉得注定会让你伤心吗Are you asking me about me or are you asking me
50、 about you?你这是在问我的事还是你的事Neither.都不是I'm just curious.我只是很好奇Emily, people get hurt艾米莉 人们在恋爱时and disappointed in relationships every day.总是会伤心或者失望But no one should jump into one with that intention.不过你不应该抱着这种心态开始一段恋情So wait.等一下And he put it inside the tree? What was it?他把那东西放进树里了 是什么I don't kno
51、w.我不知道I started to climb up, but then I heard something我刚爬上去一点 就听到有动静and I thought he was coming back, so I took off.我以为是他回来了 就离开了I could go back.我可以再回去No.不用It's okay. You did the right thing.没关系 你做得对Your instincts were right.你的直觉很正确He's definitely up to something.他肯定是有什么事It's in the woo
52、ds behind Mona's house.是在梦娜家房♥子后面的树林里I know which tree it is, I could show you.我知道是哪棵树 我可以带你去If you could just describe it, I've got it from here.你描述一下就行 剩下的交给我了You shouldn't go alone. Seriously.你不应该自己去 真的I don't think you should be alone in the house with him either.我觉得你也
53、不应该单独跟他待在家里I won't be. My dad gets back later.不会的 我爸爸很快就回来了I'm fine, really.我没事 真的Are you sure?真的吗'Cause you know I'm here if you need me.如果你需要我 我随叫随到Where's your toolbox?你的工具箱呢Why? Did something break?怎么了 有什么东西坏了吗No. I just need your toolbox.没有 我只是需要你的工具箱Really? There's noth
54、ing in there是吗 这里可没有什么东西that's gonna help you pick a lock on a gallery door.能让你去撬画廊的门锁No, but I can take it off its hinges.是的 不过可以把门上的活页卸下来Look, before you plan on stealing back your own work,你先别急着把你的作品偷回来why don't you let me talk to my mom?先让我跟我妈妈谈谈好吗You must have legal recourse.你可以申请法律援助Is
55、 she into representing vandals?她会帮搞破坏的人打官司吗Besides, judges don't like me.况且 法官也不喜欢我What do you mean?什么意思I mean, I've been screwed over我这辈子已经被by enough authority figures in my life当官的欺负的够多了to know not to start trusting them now.我知道决不能相信他们Well, amen to that.这点我同意Don't get that look in your
56、 eye.别来这种表情You're not driving my getaway car.我不能把你拉下水If you're aiming for Oxford, you need to be buttoned-down,你的目标是牛津 你得老老实实的not Badlands.不能闯祸Okay, look, I know that I said听我说 我知道我说过I needed to be on the straight and narrow,我不能出现任何污点but this is different.但这事不一样You're being exploited.你被人
57、阴了If he even sells one of those paintings.如果他哪怕卖♥♥出了其中的一幅画.He already has.他已经卖♥♥了What? I checked online.什么 我在网上查过了Which one? Corner rabbit.哪一幅 角上的兔子I painted that!那是我画的Where is your toolbox?那还不给我你的工具箱That's where you applaud.此刻应该有掌声I'm holding two cheese steaks.我拿着奶酪牛排呢I don't have enough hands.手不够用了Well, seriously, what did you think?说正经的 你觉得怎么样It was good.挺好"Good?""挺好"Good is not good enough.挺好就是还不够好Hanna, relax.
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