



1、导读l 马士基未来五年可能需求7座平台 尽管目前全球能源需求下降,并且原油价格最近4个月内下落了20%,马士基钻井仍然准备在最近5年内投入80亿美元订购至少7艘(座)钻井船或者深海钻井平台。l Prosafe的一座生活平台获得租约Lundin Norway与prosafe就其新建的生活平台达成一项价值6340万美元为期六个月的租约。l 启东中远海工“希望3号”海洋工程平台进坞7月3日,启东中远海工建造的“希望3号”海工平台顺利进坞。该平台进坞后,将进行13.4米24.5米主船体总段和后续大型模块的吊装合拢。l 国际原油期货价格表7月6日,国际原油期货价格较前一交易日小幅回落。Maersk to

2、 order 7 rigs2012-7-6Denmark's Maersk Drilling will invest up to $8bn to buy at least seven new offshore and deepwater oil rigs by 2017, undeterred by waning global energy demand and a 20 percent drop in crude prices in the last four months, the chief executive told Reuters on Thursday. The dril

3、ling unit of A.P. Moller-Maersk plans to place the first order in the second half of 2013, as part of its campaign to double its fleet to 30 over the next five years. "We are pursuing this plan despite the world economic situation. So far, we haven't found a reason to change," Claus He

4、mmingsen said during a visit to the company's office in Singapore. "Over a 20-year period, (the world) needs to find new oil to the tune of four to five times the production of Saudi Arabia," Hemmingsen said. "We do not foresee the oil price being below $100 in the long term."

5、; Maersk's expansion plans come on top of the firm's current $4.5 billion order for seven platforms, which will be delivered by the end of 2015. The firm has a further $6 billion to $8 billion to invest. Korea's Samsung Heavy Industries is building four of Maersk's ultra-deepwater dr

6、illships, which can operate at depths of more than 3,500 metres. The platforms are used for exploration and production in West Africa, the Gulf of Mexico and Australia. Samsung won two drillship order from Maersk in April last year followed by two more identical drillship order in July that year. Th

7、e four drillships are due for delivery by the third quarter of 2014. Maersk also has Singapore's Keppel constructing three ultra-harsh environment jack-ups, which are likely to be used to drill in the volatile waters of the North Sea.Hemmingsen expected the new orders would also be built in Sing

8、apore and Korean shipyards. Hemmingsen expects the daily deepwater rig rate to stay between $500,000 and $600,000 over the next decade. (Asiasis)Prosafe accommodation rig fixed  2012-7-6Lundin Norway is to pay about $63.4 million for the use of Prosafes newbuild accommodation rig Safe Boreas at

9、 its Edvard Grieg project for six months, Prosafe announced. Prosafe also granted Lundin extension options of either a five month option exercisable up to the third quarter of 2014 or a two months option exercisable up to the third quarter of 2015. The contract is the first for the Safe Boreas, a harsh environment accommodation rig which can accommodate 450 people, the company said. (Asiasis)启东中远海工“希望3号”海洋工程平台进坞2012-7-67月3日,启东中远海工建造的“希望3号”海工平台顺利进坞。该平台进坞后,将进行13.4米24.5米主船体总段和后续大型模块的吊装合拢。“希望3号”在汲取前两座平台建造经验的基础上,充分利用启


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