1、文档来源为:从网络收集整理.word 版本可编辑.欢迎下载支持供货合同及质量保证协议Supply Contract and Quality Assurance Agreement本供货合同及质量保证协议由法定地址位于中国深圳市福田区农林路69号深国投广场二号楼2-5层及三号楼1-12层的沃尔玛(中国)投资有限公司(以下简称“沃尔 玛 ” ) , 与 法 定 地 址 位 于 的公司(以下称“供应商 ” ) 之间签署。This Supply Contract and Quality Assurance Agreement is entered into by and between Wal-Mar
2、t (China) Investment Co., Ltd., with its legal address at 2-5/F, Tower 2 and 1-12/F, Tower 3, SZITIC Square, 69 Nonglin Road, Futian District, Shenzhen, China ( “ Wa-Ml art ”) , and Co., Ltd. with its legaladdress at ( “ Supplier . ”)未来供应商号码为Future Supplier Number:A. 交 货 Delivery to Wal-Mart第 1章 商品的
3、交付( §1 Delivery of Goods to Wal-Mart)1. 依照附件一中所载明的沃尔玛商标,供应商同意专为沃尔玛生产相关商标下附件二所示的商品(以下称“商品 ”)。为方便此商标的使用,沃尔玛亦根据本协议和其他附件的条款、条件的规定,特授予供应商在这些商品上有限及非独占性地使用沃尔玛商标的权利。供应商进一步同意向沃尔玛供应商品并且确保上述商品一贯无质量缺陷。本协议中“无质量缺陷”应理解为与已被沃尔玛接受的样品相符且符合适用的法律规定。Pursuant to Wal-Mart s trademark specifications set forth iEnxhibit
4、 1 , the Supplier hereby agrees to make exclusively the goods (“ GoodsE” xh),ibliistt2ed, iunnderthe corresponding trademark. To facilitate the use of such trademarks, Wal-Mart hereby grants the Supplier a limited nonexclusive license to use the trademarks on the Goods subject to the terms and condi
5、tions of this Agreement as well as the other attached exhibits. The Supplier further agrees to supply the Goods to Wal-Mart with and affirms that the said Goods shall be of a consistently faultlessly quality. For the purposes of this Agreement, “ Faultless Quality ” shall be understood as meaning co
6、nformity with the sample acceptedby Wal-Mart as well as conformity with the applicable law.2. 交货数量、特别订货、装运和交货条件根据沃尔玛向供应商下达的订单执行。The delivery quantity, special order, shipment and delivery conditions are set forth in the purchase order from Wal-Mart to the Supplier.第 2章包装和标签设计( §2 Packaging and
7、Label Design)文档来源为:从网络收集整理.word 版本可编辑.欢迎下载支持1.2.3.商品标签、包装和设计需经沃尔玛批准。此类标签、包装和设计应标有沃尔玛的商标且正确地或者按照法律要求标明沃尔玛字样。标签和包装印刷商准备使用的机械或电子图案应得到沃尔玛批准,并由沃尔玛设计和生产,设计、开发和生产此类已印刷好的设计图案的费用将包括在供应商向沃尔玛报出的成品价格中。沃尔玛所支付的设计、开发和生产该图案的费用将从沃尔玛应向供应商支付的任何到期款项中扣除。供应商因生产商品所发生的所有包装和标签费用将包括在其向沃尔玛报出的成品价格中。沃尔玛有权选择指定标签和包装的分包商来取代供应商目前使用
8、的厂商,只要所指定的原料与供应商的生产程序相兼容即可。所有由沃尔玛设计的或由沃尔玛批准的标签、包装、设计或类似行为中可能产生的知识产权都将成为沃尔玛的排他性财产并遵照第16章执行。Labeling, packaging and design for the Goods shall be approved by Wal-Mart. Such labeling, packaging and design shall bear Wal- Mart strademark and identify Wal-Mart as appropriate or required by law. The mecha
9、nical or electronic artwork to used by the label and package printers and approved by Wal-Mart shall be designed and produced by Wal-Mart. The cost for the design, development and production of this print-ready artwork shall be included in the cost of quoted by the Supplier to Wal-Mart. The expense
10、incurred by Wal-Mart for the design, development and production of the print-ready artwork shall be deducted from any amount due from Wal-Mart to the Supplier. The cost of all packaging and labels used by the Supplier to manufacture the Goods shall be included in the costs of the finished Goods quot
11、ed by the Supplier to Wal-Mart. Wal-Mart may elect to designate labeling and packaging subcontractor other than those currently used by the Supplier as long asthe materials designated are compatible with the Supplier s manufacturing procesAny intellectual property right that may be created by in any
12、 labeling, packaging, design and the like designed or approved by Wal-Mart shall be the exclusive property of Wal-Mart and shall be subject to 16.§所有机械图案、电子图案、摄影印刷品、摄影胶片、标签设计、包装设计、标签成品或包装成品的原件或其复制件将单独地成为沃尔玛的排他性财产。All originals and copies of mechanical artwork, electronic artwork, photographic p
13、rints, photographic films, label designs, package designs, finished labels or finished packages shall be the sole and exclusive property of Wal-Mart.所有供应商为生产商品目的而订购的标签或包装材料的数量需得到沃尔玛的批准。沃尔玛将负责购买已完成的商品或只按沃尔玛书面批准的数量购买由供应商承担费用的标签或包装物。All the quantities of all customized labels or packaging materials ord
14、ered by the Supplier for use in producing the Goods shall be approved by Wal-Mart. Wal-Mart shall be responsible for the purchase of the finished Goods or the purchase , at the Supplier s cost, of only the quantities of labeling or packaging materiaplpsraoved in writing by Wal-Mart.第 3章特殊生产及储存方法(
15、167;3 Special Production and Storage Measures)4. 供应商进一步同意自本协议生效后应根据沃尔玛的修改要求,持续调整商品规格、产品包装和标签设计。如沃尔玛要求产品改进,在开始生产产品前沃尔玛与供应商应就这些变化而产生的费用取得一致。The Supplier further agrees that after the commencement of this Agreement, it shall continually adjust the Goods specifications, the product packaging and the lab
16、el design, to bringing them in line with the modified requirements imposed by Wal-Mart. If Wal-Mart requires such a product modification, Wal-Mart and the Supplier shall agree on the cost due to these changes before the beginning of production.5. 供应商为生产商品的任何组成部分而选择分包商和生产商,需取得沃尔玛的同意,在取得沃尔玛的同意之前不得授权任何
18、沃尔玛不同意该分包商或生产商。The Supplier shall obtain approval from Wal-Mart of any subcontractor or vendor selected by the Supplier for production of any aspect of the Goods and shall not authorize such vendor to produce any aspect of the Goods until such approval is given by Wal-Mart. As a condition to its app
19、roval, Wal-Mart may require any such subcontractor or vendor directly agree with Wal-Mart, by way of a written agreement, to maintain levels of quality in the Goods in conformity with this Agreement and not to produce any aspect of the Goods for its own account or for any account of other than the S
20、upplier or Wal-Mart. Wal-Mart may reject any proposed subcontractor or vendor if Wal-Mart shall reasonably conclude that the proposed subcontractor or vendor is incapable of consistently achieve the levels of the quality required by this Agreement or is unwilling or unable to otherwise agree and bou
21、nd hereby as required in this subsection. Any request to Wal-Mart for approval of a subcontractor or vendor shall be in writing, and approval shall be made conditional upon the subcontractor or vendor agreeing to the quality and restriction contained in this paragraph. In the event that Wal-Mart sha
22、ll neither approve nor disapprove a subcontractor or vendor within fifteen (15) days after receipt of a written request for approval from Wal-Mart, the subcontractor or vendor shall be deemed not approved.B. 质量保证Quality Assurance1. 供应商保证按照最适宜的条件生产商品;The Supplier agrees to ensure that the Goods are m
23、anufactured under optimum conditions;2. 供应商同意在商品生产和运送至沃尔玛期间,按照最适宜各商品的条件储存商品,并在可能的情况下保证商品在储存期无质量损失;During the time between manufacture and shipment to Wal-Mart, the Supplier agrees to store the Goods under conditions that are optimum for the respective Goods and to ensure, where possible, that there
24、is no loss of quality during the period of storage;3. 本章第2条的规定同样适用于在产品加工阶段的半成品和由上游供应商向供应商提供的原材料。Subsection 2 of this Chapter shall apply analogously to intermediate goods during the production process and to raw materials delivered to the Supplier by upstream supplier.第 4章 质量控制和报告义务(§4 Quality
25、Control and Reporting Obligations )1. 供应商同意定期检查原材料以监控其质量。如果可行,这种检查应符合有关原材料的适用法律下的特别规定;The Supplier agrees to regularly inspect the raw materials to control their quality; where applicable, the inspections must comply with the special requirements in force under the applicable law for raw materials.2
26、. 供应商同意在生产阶段和商品离开供应商的工厂之前,对商品进行定期间隔性检查,以监控其为沃尔玛生产的商品质量;The Supplier agrees to conduct regular inspections at short intervals during the production process and before the Goods leave the Supplier s factory to monitor thquality of the Goods manufactured by the Supplier for Wal-Mart.3. 如果供应商查明商品质量缺陷扩大(
27、质量不符), 应毫不迟延通知沃尔玛并说明计划采取的改善措施。如果供应商已确保了商品在向沃尔玛交货前质量不符的状况已得到充分完全的纠正,则该项义务不适用。如果商品与已被沃尔玛接受的样品规格不符,或者达不到现行法律规定的适用标准,供应商不得将商品运至沃尔玛。Should the Supplier ascertain increased shortfalls in the quality of the Goods (quality nonconformance), it shall inform Wal-Mart accordingly and advise Wal-Mart, without de
28、lay, of the measuresi t plans to introduce to remedy the situation. This obligation shall not apply where the Supplier can ensure full and complete correction of the quality nonconformance prior to delivery to Wal-Mart. If the Goods do not match the product specifications of the samples accepted by
29、Wal-Mart or do not comply with the applicable standards set forth in the law, the Supplier is not allowed to ship the Goods to Wal-Mart.4. 供应商同意在改变商品的生产流程、原材料或补给配件、生产设备放置地点、产品检验程序/设备或其他质量保证措施前应通知沃尔玛,并充分通知沃尔玛以检查这些变化是否会产生负面影响。文档来源为: 从网络收集整理.word 版本可编辑.欢迎下载支持The Supplier agrees to inform Wal-Mart in ad
30、vance of any changes in production processes,r aw materials or supplied parts for the Goods, relocation of production facilities, changes in product inspection procedures or facilities or other quality assurance measures and to give Wal-Mart sufficient notice to be able to examine whether these chan
31、ges may have a negative effect.第 5章记 录 ( §5 Records)1. 供应商同意保存其实施的所有检查的记录,包括但不限于原材料、生产流程和成品检查,文件测量和检查结果。检查记录应完整而清晰地摆放并以适当的方式保存至少十(10)年。The Supplier agrees to keep records of all inspections it conducts, including without limitation to inspection of raw materials, production processes and outgoi
32、ng goods, to document measurementsa nd inspection results. The inspection records must be complete and clearly laid out, and must be stored in due and proper form by the Supplier for at least ten (10) years.2. 沃尔玛和/或其代理人可以随时要求获取这些记录。Wal-Mart and/ or its agent may demand access to these records at an
33、y time.第 6章监督和进入权(§6 Powers of Supervision and Access)1. 供应商同意在合理的时间间隔内许可沃尔玛,使其确信质量保证措施得到实施。为此,供应商在这种情况下同意授权沃尔玛通过提前预约,合理地进入其经营场所并委派一位合格的员工及/或代理人帮助沃尔玛。The Supplier agrees to permit Wal-Mart, at reasonable intervals, to satisfy itself that the quality assurance measures are being implemented. To
34、this end, the Supplier agrees to grant Wal-Mart reasonable access to its business premises by appointment in advance, and to second a qualified employee and/or agent to assist Wal-Mart on such occasions.2. 供应商应将下列物件寄给沃尔玛和它的质量保证代理人供其检验质量(请于下列项目中划“0先择适用者):The Supplier shall send the following to Wal-M
35、art and its quality assurance agent for quality testing (please use theto the appliance (s):(a) 生产前样品;pre-production samples;(b) 每一批产品的成品检验记录,和finished goods inspection records after each production, and(c) 每一批产品的样品。production samples from each production run.3. 供应商在取得沃尔玛或其质量保证代理人认可商品符合已被沃尔玛接受的样品和适用
36、的法律后,方可将商品装运。The Supplier shall not ship any goods with regards to any production run until it receive approval from Wal-Mart or its quality assurance agent that the Goods comply with the samples accepted by Wal-Mart and the applicable law.4. 沃尔玛或其代理人将随机对商品进行独立产品质量检验(每年不超过六次 )。沃尔玛因检验而发生的费用将从沃尔玛应支付给供
37、应商的到期款项中扣除。Wal-Mart or its agent will conduct random independent product quality testing (not to exceed 6 times a year) of the Goods. The expense incurred by Wal-Mart for this testing will be deducted from any amount from Wal-Mart to the Supplier.5. 供应商的生产设备应符合沃尔玛的质量控制标准,并以沃尔玛或其质量保证代理人所做的独立年度设备审计中所达
38、到的可接受比例为证。The Supplier s manufacturing facilities must meet W-Maal rt s standards for quality control as evidenced by an acceptable rating achieved during an independent annual facility audit by Wal-Mart or its quality assurance agent.6. 如果查明连续两批商品的质量达不到标准,在第二批商品到货后,沃尔玛可无须预约,直接在正常营业时间内采取本章第1 条和第 2条规
39、定的监督措施。If it is ascertained that the product quality of two successive shipments from the Supplier is substandard, Wal-Mart may directly, after the second of these shipments and without prior appointment, conduct supervisory measures as provided for in subsection 1 and 2 of this 6 dur§ing norma
40、l hours of business.第 7 章质量保证员( § 7 Quality Assurance Officer )1. 签订本协议一个月内,双方应将负责协调实施质量保证措施和作出有关决定的质量保证员的姓名,以书面形式通知另一方。Within one month after the execution of this Agreement, each party shall notify the other in writing of the name of the quality assurance officer charged with coordinating the
41、 implementation of the quality assurancemeasuresand making or procuring decisions relating hereto.2. 一方任命一名新的质量保证员,应通知另一方。Each party shall notify the other if there is an appointment of a new quality assurance officer.第 8章产品排他性(§ 8 Product Exclusivity )1. 供应商同意沃尔玛对与商品有关的所有商品规格拥有独占权,或者如果该等权利不为沃尔
42、玛拥有,沃尔玛将继续拥有随时使用或销售该商品规格的许可或权利。The Supplier agrees that all specifications related to the Goods remain the sole property of Wal-Mart, or if not owned by Wal-Mart, then Wal-Mart shall continue to have the license or right to use and market such specifications at any time.2. 供应商同意只为沃尔玛独家生产商品,该排他性条款在本协
43、议解除后继续有效。The Supplier hereby agrees to make exclusively for Wal-Mart the Goods. This exclusivity clause shall survive the termination of this Agreement.C. 报 酬(Remuneration )第 9章报酬和支付条款( § 9 Remuneration and Payment Terms )供应商的报酬和支付条款按照附件三购货合同执行。The Supplier resmuneration and payment terms are s
44、et forth in Exhibit 3 “ Supplier Agreement ” hereto.D. 违约责任(Contractual Penalty )第 10 章过错,质量控制、储存或记录义务的违反( §10 Default; Infringement of Quality Control, Storage or Record-keeping Obligation)1. 如果供应商交货违约,沃尔玛有权要求违约金。Should the Supplier default on deliveries, Wal-Mart shall be entitled to require
45、payment of a penalty.2. 如果供应商违反下列义务,沃尔玛有权要求违约金:Wal-Mart shall also be entitled to the payment of a penalty if the Supplier defaults on its obligation to:(a) 根据第4章的规定,建立质量保证系统并根据第5章的规定证明之;set up a quality assurance system pursuant to § 4 and to evidence the same pursuant to § 5;(b) 根据第5章的规定
46、同意沃尔玛接触记录;grant Wal-Mart access to the records pursuant to 5;§(c) 按照第6章的规定,许可沃尔玛在合理的时间间隔内证实质量保证措施得以实施。permit Wal-Mart at reasonable intervals to satisfy itself, as provided for in 6, that the quality assurance measures are being implemented.3. 违约金等于The contractual penalty shall be equal to:(d)
47、如果交货违约,每迟延一个工作日按净付金额的1%支付,但不应超过净付金额的6%;in the case of a default on delivery, 1% of the net payment owing for the delivery per working day of the delay, not to exceed 6% of the net payment owing for the delivery;(e) 如果出现本章第2条规定的情形,按违约发生时的公历整周或部分天中,违约金为已向沃尔玛供应商品的应付款项的6%;或在交货违约情况下按供应商应于前一个公历周向沃尔玛供应的商品的
48、款项的6%支付,但违约金总额不超过整个公历季度净付金额的5%。in the cases set forth in subsection 2 of this 10, for each ca§lendar week of the default or part thereof, 6%of the net payment owing by Wal-Mart for the Goods which are supplied or, in the case of default on delivery, should have been supplied by the Supplier to
49、Wal-Mart in the preceding calendar week, not to exceed 5% of the net payment of owing for the entire calendar quarter.4. 如果供应商持续或严重违反其特殊生产和储存义务(第 3章 )或其质量控制和记录保管义务(第 4章和第5章 ),沃尔玛有权要求违约金,金额为违约行为发生的前一月沃尔玛付给供应商的净付额的3%。在一个公历月中,因所有违约行为而产生的违约金总额不超过该月净付额的9%。in the event of a continued or material breach by
50、 the Supplier of its special production and storage obligation( 3) §or its quality control and record-keeping obligation( 4, § §5), Wal-Mart shall be entitled to demand payment of a contractual penalty of 3% of the monthly net payment made by Wal-Mart to the Supplier in the calendar m
51、onth preceding the calendar month in which the breach of obligation took place. The contractual penalty is limited in total, for all infringements in one calendar month, to 9% of said monthly net payment.5. 前述违约金的规定不损害沃尔玛基于正当理由提起损害赔偿和解除本协议的权利。The foregoing penalties are without prejudice to the righ
52、ts of Wal-Mart to assert further damages claims and to terminate this Agreement for good cause.E. 总 则 (General Provisions)第 11 章 订 单 (§11 Orders )1. 供应商同意毫不迟延地处理沃尔玛的订单。The Supplier agrees to process WaMl- art s purchase orders without delay.2. 供应商请求变更订单中数量或交货期等,只有得到沃尔玛的书面确认,才视为沃尔玛同意该项请求。Changes
53、 desired by the Supplier, e.g. changes in order quantities or delivery dates, shall be deemed agreed only if confirmed in writing by Wal-Mart.第 12章交 货 (§ 12 Deliveries )1. 供应商同意依据适用的法律,以应有的谨慎,按可能的最快捷方式运输商品,并确保质量免遭损害。供应商应为商品采用最合适的包装材料,并应确保符合有关法律、准则。The Supplier agrees that the Goods will be tran
54、sported by the fastest possible means, in compliance with all applicable laws and with all due care and protected against loss of quality. The Supplier shall use the packaging materials most suitable for the Goods, while ensuring compliance with the relevant laws and guidelines.2. 订单中订明的交货截止日期和交货期限是
55、有约束力的,应根据订单中订明的地址收货。交货期以订单规定的日期开始,供货商无权部分交货,除非交货前征得沃尔玛的书面同意。The delivery deadline or delivery period quoted in the purchase order is binding and relates to the receipt of the Goods at the address given in the purchase order. Delivery periods commence on the date of the purchase order. The Supplier s
56、hall not be entitled to make partial deliveries except where writing consent to such partial deliveries is obtained from Wal-Mart prior to the delivery.3. 交货通知单必须标明沃尔玛的订单号码和供应商号码;如果不符合前述要求,沃尔玛无义务接受交货。The delivery note must state Wal-Mart s order number and the Supplier s reference number; Wal-Mart i
57、s under no obligation to accept a delivery if the foregoing requirements are not met.4. 沃尔玛在约定交货期之前无义务接受货物。但如果出现这种情况,供应商须除去所有商品上的商标后方可向第三方出售该商品。如果无法去除这些商标,该批商品必须销毁。Wal-Mart is under no obligation to accept take delivery of the Goods before the agreed delivery date. However, in such an instance, the
58、Supplier may not sell the Goods to a third party until it removes all trademarks from such goods. If such trademarks are incapable of being removed, then the Goods must be destroyed.5. 沃尔玛一旦收到商品则取得所有权,供应商在商品上保留的任何权益都应当排除 。 沃尔玛收到商品前, 所有的风险(包括运输风险)由供应商承担。Title to the Goods shall pass to Wal-Mart upon receipt of the Goods; reservation of title by the Supplier is excluded. The Supplier shall bear all risks, including the risk of transport, until receipt by Wal
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