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1、九年级英语新目标第一单元教案备课人 白灵第一单元 Section A (第一课时)How can we become good learners?教案设计一、 Teaching aims:(教学目标 )Talk about how to study English二 Language goal(知识目标):学习使用“How do you study ?及 ”其答语“I studyby ”句 型三 Emotion goal (情感目标): (1) Talk about the ways for studying English ;( 谈论学好 英语的方法 )(2)Give them the co

2、nfidence to learn and enjoy English. (帮他们树立学好英语 的信心)四Teaching importance and difficulties (教学重难点)How do you study for a test /learn English? I study/learn by listening to tapes/ by working with friends /by studying with a group.五 Teaching steps(教学步骤)Step 1 Lead-in with a free talk( 自由对话导入新课 ) Greeti

3、ng with the students; instruction myself , I want to ask you some questions: (1.) Do you like English lessons?(2.) In the past exam, Are you satisfied with yourself?(3.) Do you learn English by studying with friends?OK , Today ,let 's talk about how to study for a test and how to learn English w

4、e(ll. 展示课题)Step 2 Activity 1which is the most popular ways of studying(活动一:最流行的学习方式是什么)Ask the students how they usually study for a test.Use the Power- point to learn the different ways, make a simple count. Learn the new words.Flashcard(抽认卡) : It 's a kind of card with a word or a picture on i

5、t ,and it's usually befor teaching Vocabulary (词汇) :It means that all the words someone knows.Step 3 Listen to the tape carefullyNow, we divided into two teams, the girls' team and the boys ' team, which team listens carefullyand answers my questions quickly, I'll give them a star. W

6、ell, Our race is started. Listen to the tapeand find how each of them is studying for a test(1)Mei studies by making flashcards, so the answer is a”.(2)Pierre(皮埃尔) studies by asking the teacher for help, so the answer is c”(3)Antonio (安东尼奥) studies by listening to the tape, so the answer is b”.Step4

7、 Activity 2The best ways to learn English. (活动二:最有效的学习英语的方式是什么) Listen to the tape, check the questions you hear Ask the students how they learn English. Count the numbers in different ways. Choose the best ways .Listen again and match the answers. Use the power-point to help the ways.Step5 Write th

8、e new words free. (自由识记新词)Several minutes with yourself and remember the new words in this text.Step6 Read aloud with your desk-mates together ( 同桌小组阅读练习 ) 练习句型:(1)How do you study for a test?I study by listening to tapes/working with friends/making flashcards /asking the teacher for help/by making

9、vocabulary lists/by reading the textbook (2)How do you learn English ?I learn by studying with a group /by watching English-language videos/by reading aloud to practice pronunciation(3)Do you learn English by reading aloud?Yes ,I do /No ,I don't(4)Have you ever studied with a group?Yes ,I have.

10、I've learned a lot that way./ No ,I haven't.Step 7 Self-check(自我检测)Prepare a paper note with task1.英汉短语互译(1)用制做抽认卡的方式(2)speaking skills(3)by making vocabulary lists( 4) 通过向老师求教(5)通过听录音带( 6) study with a group2根课文内容以及句子的意思完成单词(1)I often p conversations with my friends.(2)We study for English

11、tests by making word card .(3)We must read aloud to practice reading.(4)I 've learnead lot that way.(5)Reading aloud is improves my speaking skills. 3 句型转换(1) Have you ever studied with a group? (做否定回答)(2) I study English by asking our teacher for help. (就划线部分提问)(3)It ' sh taorod to understa

12、nd the voices.(用 so that变为同义句 )Step8 Just for fun (轻松一刻)the other askeShow it with the Power-point. Two mice Once two mice met in a library. One was chomping away( 大口咀嚼) on an English dictionary.“ What do you think you were doing ?with a puzzled expression (表情 ) on her face. The first mouse let out

13、a long sigh(长嘘一口气 ) and said to the other one: “ Be quiet ! I am learning English !”六 Ending words. (总结下课)Well ,that ' s all our today' s lesson .I had a great time with you and the wintenaemr i,sl eoturcongratulations to them七 Homework (作业布置)make a conversation according to the conversation of 2d八板书设计unit1 How can we become good learnersthe ways to study English:b yasking the teacher for helpworking with friends making words card rea


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