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1、The next generation of data center switchingThis module will cover:Industry TrendsEmerging data center technologiesMarket TransitionsSolution BenefitsModes of operationSolution OverviewIndustry TrendsNew operational models are driving the need for infrastructure change.DevOpsWeb EconomyOn-Prem IT Se

2、rvicesIT as a ServiceDevelopment vs. OperationsBox-CentricApp EconomyCloud ServicesApplications as a ServiceDevOpsApp/Service CentricAny application any where Velocity and VisibilityVirtual, Physical, Cloud Common PolicyScale with SecurityOpen, AutomationSystems ApproachEmerging Data Center Technolo

3、gies Flexible, Scalable, On DemandDrives the need for:AutomationOrchestrated Application DeploymentProgrammable InfrastructureCost optimized hardwareCloud drives the need for New Infrastructure ParadigmsAnalytics on large scale data farms: Structured and UnstructuredDrives the needs for Availability

4、, Burst Handling and Non-blocking Architectures1. Data Write 2. Execute Workload3. Map Phase4. Shuffle Phase5. Reduce Phase6. Output Replication7. Read Data128MB128MB128MB128MB128MBNetwork VirtualizationControl PlaneData PlaneProgrammabilitySDNNetwork VirtualizationServer / Virtualization AdminOpenF

5、lowNetwork Admin / Developer Centralized controller for forwarding definition Potential for northbound API application ecosystem Separate Control and Data planesSwitchesControllersL3 routed non-blocking ECMPVirtual Network 3Virtual Network 2Virtual Network 1NVGREVxLANEncapsulated traffic carried ove

6、r L3 fabricsPhysical Infrastructure is managed in a device centric fashion. This impedes automation and programmability, slowing application deployment cycles.Network Virtualization moves forwarding and services into virtual machines providing tools for automation and encapsulated network lanes whic

7、h traverse underlying L3 networks.Network Virtualization creates an artificial visibility barrier between the physical transport and the encapsulated virtual lane.Network Virtualization adds a secondary management model requiring separate configuration and tools for virtual networks and physical tra

8、nsport.Modern networks have been forced to artificially tie disparate OSI layers together in order to enforce policy. Changes in addressing or VLAN, etc. require reconfiguration of security and quality policies.Network Virtualization faithfully rebuilds these same artificial ties in a virtual layer,

9、 reproducing the same constraints in the virtual layer.Networks were designed to drive the needs of application connectivityAs applications grew, expanded and changed complexity grew.OpenFlow simply centralizes control of existing complexityNetwork Virtualization moves network constructs to virtual

10、machines leaving complexity intact Allows for integrated machine-to-machine communication Removes the need for CLI scripting/screen scraping Allows simple integration into automation systemsDevice programmability provides advanced tools for automation and customization of network operations.Market T

11、ransitions1G to 10G and 10G to 40G Migration threats from Arista, Huawei, HP .Network Virtualization and other SDN players threaten Ciscos core business and traditional margins touting a future of cheap dumb network hardware.Solution BenefitsTODAYS SDN MODELFUTURE MODELTRADITIONALMODELProven and Rel

12、iableExisting Infrastructure ModelExisting Application ModelLacks visibility Does not remove ComplexityMultiple Management PointsRadical SimplificationCentralized Automation with Application ProfilesSW Flexibility with HW PerformanceSoftware-BasedNetwork VirtualizationApplication CentricInfrastructu

13、reNetwork of Boxes BUSINESS REQUIREMENTS ARE APPLICATION CENTRIC Physical NetworkingComputeMulti DC WAN and CloudL4L7ServicesStorageHypervisors and Virtual NetworkingPhysicalVirtualEmergingPhysical NetworkingComputeMulti DC WAN and CloudL4L7ServicesStorageHypervisors and Virtual NetworkingPhysical N

14、etworkingComputeMulti DC WAN and CloudL4L7ServicesStorageIntegrated WAN EdgeHypervisors and Virtual NetworkingNexus 9500Nexus 9300 and 9500Nexus 2KNexus 7KIntegrated hardware and software solution for application based infrastructure provisioningAutomationScale and Performance SecuritySimplicityOpen

15、Agility and VisibilityBuilt from the ground up with innovations in software, control, hardware and ASICsSLAQoSSecurityLoadBalancingPolicySLAQoSSecurityLoadBalancingPolicyHYPERVISORHYPERVISORHYPERVISORHEALTH SCORE96%VISIBILITYVMsPhysicalLoad BalancerFirewall73LATENCY5usDROP COUNT5APPLICATIONS ARE TIG

16、HTLY COUPLED TO THE NETWORK10,000s ACLsSeparate for Physical and VMsInefficient ForwardingExcessive ProtocolsMulticast LimitationsFHRP VPC STPAPPLICATION CENTRIC INFRASTRCUTUREDecouple Application from Infrastructure Application Profile and Policy288 Ports55,296 Ports1 MILLION IPV4 / IPV6 END POINTS


18、rd CompliantTwo modes of operation to support different operational modelsNEXT GENERATION NEXUSPRICEPOWER EFFICIENCYPROGRAMMABILITYPORT DENSITYPERFORMANCE40G BiDi Optics40G Over 10G Multimode FiberAvailable across the Cisco Nexus PortfolioRemoves the need for 10G fiber rip-and-replacePriced comparab

19、ly to 10G OpticsSpeed adoption of 40G by removing cabling barriers to adoptionVXLAN Bridging12 MB BufferIndustry Baseline+Trident 2VXLAN Routing, Normalized Forwarding VXLAN/NVGRE/VLANIncremental 40 MB Buffer for 1/10G & 40G LeafsApplication Visibility: Honey-Pot, Elephant Traps, VXLAN aware Tra

20、ce-route, Cisco ASIC InnovationsAtomic, End-end Latency MeasurementsForwarding: Dynamic LB & Flow Prioritization, Multicast Multipath, Inline HW Overlay DB, Fast Re-RouteVisibility per portCounters per Packet & Bytes12 MB BufferVIRTUALL4L7 SERVICESPHYSICALBig Data ingests large volumes of da

21、ta in bursts placing new demands in the network infrastructure.Changes in consumption models are driving cloud architectures.Software Defined Networking/Overlay Networks promise separation of Control and Data planes and increased agility but also add additional complexity and can limit visibility if

22、 not implemented properly.Network Virtualization promises to do for the network what the Hypervisor did for compute. Learn from history, virtualizing a server is very different from virtualizing desktops (VDI).Device programmability enables automation and orchestration to perform tasks in a reproduc

23、ible manner.ACI provides the next generation operational model for data center networksACI focuses on differing application needs to deploy the data center infrastructure based on application profilesUtilizing a combination of physical and software components combined with Application Profiles ACI provides enhanced tenant and application visibilityACI foc


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