已阅读5页,还剩3页未读 继续免费阅读




1、2018-2019年毕节市海子街镇海洋之星学校三年级上册英语模拟期末测试无答案 一、我会选一选(选择题) 1.() This is apple and that is pear.A. an; aB. a; anC. an; an2.你想知道Lisa的洋娃娃是什么颜色时,你可以说: A . The doll is a red doll.B. What colour is it ?3 . How old you?A . am B. isC. are4 .短语与图片匹配,选一选。(1) wave your arm(2) shake your leg(3) stamp your foot(4) cla

2、p your hands(5) 5) touch your face5.如何表达我能吃些鸡蛋吗?" A. Can I have some eggs?B. Have some chicken.6.小蝌蚪找爸爸,它遇到了乌龟,它会这样问乌龟:A . Are you my mother?B. Are you my father?7. -. -Bye-bye, Sam.A . Good morning B. Goodbye C. How are you8.读对话,选择恰当的答句。(1) Can I see your (你的)ship?一A . It's nice. B. Sure.(

3、2) Look! I have a plane.一A . Not very well. B . Can I see it?(3) Thank you.一A . I'm sorry. B. You're welcome.(4) Look at my boat.A . Wow! How nice!8. It's a small ball.9. Please me.A . look B . see at C. look at10. Clap your hands.()11. Hello, Mike. .A. Good morningB. Hello12. 写字A. write

4、B. rideC. white13. This is family.A. Lin HaiB. Lin Hais'C. Lin Hai's14. dog A. door B. window二、想一想,填一填(填空题)16 .根据提示写单词1. Stop! The light is r.2. Now, the light is g. Let' s go.3. Look, the sky is b.4. This is an u.5. The bananas is y.17 .我是书法家。(正确抄写下列单词)18 . Hh Ii第5页,共7页19 .将下列单词按其首字母在字母

5、表中的顺序排序。Apple hand window dog egg girl kite nose table uncleA-*-_*20. It is a door.21 .写出下列字母的大写形式。q p li22 . T you, Tomy.23 .将排列错乱的字母重新排列,组成单词,完成句子。1. It is a (ate).2. Look at its ( seon).3. You ' re a 1irg)4. Who is (seh) ?5. My mouth is (gib)24 .写出五个元音字母的大小写形式。25 . nine - five =三、手牵手,找朋友(连线题)

6、26 .连线,找朋友。What's How old Happy Howare you? your name? are you? birthday!27 .将图片与所代表单词的首字母连起来。hge28.Match.我会算,我会连。小朋友可要记得用直尺呦1.nine - three =five2.eight - four =six3.seven -two =four4.one + two =seven5.four + three =three29.连线搭配I.sevenA.八2.eightB.十3.sixC.二4.fourD.五5.twoE三6.threeF.七7.fiveG.四8.ten

7、H.六30.图色连线。四、我是翻译家(英汉互译)31.看我。(翻译成英语)32. What's(你的)name?第7页,共7页33 .写出汉语意思1. sleeping2. walking3. watching4. writing5. drawing6. eating34 .翻译(1)一只黄色的鸭子(2)一只黑色的熊(3)一头滑稽的大象(4)看这只大熊猫35 .根据中文意思,将英文单词补充完整。1 .尺 rer2 .在这里;这儿 he3 .对不起的 sry4 .钢笔 p5 .橡皮 r _ b _ er6 .书 bo7 .书包 b g8 .铅笔 p _ nc l五、我是小法官(判断题)3

8、6 .根据所听内容,判断是否与图相符合,用 “述"X示。37 . Read and circle.读单词,圈出正确的图片。38 .判断下列对话是否匹配,用 “倒“葭示。()1. A: Here ' s an apple foByolihank you.()2. A:Does he like bananas?B: I like bananas.()3. A:How many monkeys?B: No,I don ' t.()4. A:What colour is it? B:It 's black.()5. A:What ' s misBn A?rul

9、er.39 .判断下列单词是否同一类,同类画不同类画 y()1. eleven sixteen kitchen twenty()2. eatplaycookbrother()3. dogfrogkitegoat()4. coatbedroombathroomliving room()5. sleepreadwritedraw六、阅读理解40 .阅读短文,判断正(T)误(F)。Look! I have two apples. What colour are they (它们)? This apple is red and that apple is green. I have two eggs,

10、 too. They are white. Oh, this is an orange. What colour is it? It's orange. How many oranges do I have? One,two, three , ten.1. The two apples are red. ()2. I have four eggs. ()3. The eggs are white. ()4. I have three oranges. )5. Four colours are mentioned (被提至U) in this passage (文章).()41 .阅读短文,选择正确的选项。Colour the skirt, white, white, white.Colour T-shirt, red, red, red.Colour the cap, brown, brown, brown.Colour the jacket, yellow, yellow, yellow.They all look great


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