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1、Look at the pictures of Bobs school trip and answer the questions. Where did Bob go?How did he go there?What did he see?What did he do there?He went to a zoo. He took a bus to go there. He saw many animals. He took some photos and bought some gifts. 3a Look at the pictures of Bobs school trip. Compl

2、ete his diary entry.June 23rdYesterday my school visited the zoo. It was really _. We went there by bus. At the zoo, I saw a lot of _ and I took some photos. My classmates and I also went to the _ and bought some _. It was a great day. interestinganimalsgift shopgiftsRead the diary of 3b and tell ho

3、w Lindas trip was. She thought the trip was not very good.3b Linda is Bobs classmate. Complete her diary entry.June 23rdMy school went to the zoo yesterday. The trip was _.At the zoo, I _ but I didnt like them. I also went to _ with my classmates, but I didnt buy anything because _. It was a boring

4、day.boringsaw many animalsthe gift shopthey were so expensive3c Now write a diary entry for your own school trip. Explain if you liked it or didnt like it and why. You may include the following questions in your diary1) What was the date?2) Where did you go?3) How was the trip?4) How did you go ther

5、e?5) What did you see?/ What did you do?6) Did you like it? Last week, my school went to a farm. The school trip was interesting. I saw a lot of animals. I rode a horse on the farm.I climbed the mountain. I also milked a cow. My classmates and I picked some strawberries. They were delicious. The tri

6、p was really funny.1 Write more verbs and their past forms in each group.climb-climbed arrive-arrivedstudy-studiedpick-pickedmilk-milkedplay-playedstay-stayedwant-wantedhope-hopedlive-livedmove-moveddance-dancedworry-worriedcry-criedstop-stopped get-gothave-hadeat-atedo-didgo-wentsee-sawride-rodepla

7、n-plannedprefer-preferredfit-fitted have do swim go be see feed 1. A: I went to the countryside this summer. B: Really? How _ the trip? A: It _ great! B: What _ you _ there? A: I _ the chickens and _ in a river.2 Complete the conversations with the correct forms of the verbs in the box.waswasdiddofe

8、dswam2. A: _ you _ a nice weekend? B: Yes, I did. A: _ you _ anywhere? B: Yes, I _ to the mountains. The air _ so clean and I _ a lot of flowers.Did haveDidwentgowassaw与农场有关的单词或短语与农场有关的单词或短语1. 奶牛奶牛 cow 2. 马马 horse3. 鸡鸡 chicken 4. 农场主农场主 farmer5. 农场农场 farm 6. 给奶牛挤奶给奶牛挤奶 milk a cow7. 骑马骑马 ride a horse

9、 8. 喂鸡喂鸡 feed chickens9. 种植水稻种植水稻 grow rice 10. 摘苹果摘苹果 pick apples形容词形容词11. 极好的极好的 great 12. 令人激动的令人激动的 exciting 13. 可爱的可爱的 lovely14. 昂贵的昂贵的 expensive15. 廉价的廉价的 cheap 16. 缓慢的缓慢的 slow17. 快的快的 fast不定代词不定代词18. 某事;某物某事;某物 something19. 任何事;任何物任何事;任何物 anything 20. 所有事物;一切所有事物;一切 everything 21. 没有什么没有什么 no

10、thing其他短语其他短语22. 在乡下在乡下 in the countryside 23. 消防站消防站 fire station24. 总的说来总的说来 all in all25. 对对感兴趣感兴趣 be interested in重点对话重点对话26. 你的学校郊游怎么样?你的学校郊游怎么样? 很棒很棒! How was your school trip? It was great!27. 你去参观博物馆了吗?你去参观博物馆了吗? 是的,我去了。是的,我去了。/ 不,我没去。不,我没去。 Did you go to visit the museum? Yes, I did. / No, I didnt. 28. 昨天他们在学校吗?昨天他们在学校吗? 是的,他们在。是的,他们在。/ 不,他


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