1、CHAPTER 16Efficient and Equitable TaxationCopyright 2010 by the McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved.McGraw-Hill/Irwin16-2Optimal Commodity Taxationw(T l) = PXX + PYYwT = PXX + PYY + wlwT = (1 + t)PXX + (1 + t)PYY + (1 + t)wl 1 wT = PXX + PYY + wl 1 + t16-3The Ramsey RuleX per yearPXDXP0X
2、0cP0 + uXbX1XaExcessBurdenP0 + (uX + 1)fX2ixejhgMarginalExcessBurdenmarginal excess burden = area fbae = 1/2xuX + (uX + 1) = X16-4The Ramsey Rule Continuedchange in tax revenues = area gfih area ibae = X2 (X1 X2)uXmarginal tax revenue = X1 Xmarginal tax revenue per additional dollar of tax revenue =
3、 X/(X1 - X) marginal tax revenue per additional dollar of tax revenue for good Y = Y/(Y1 - Y) To minimize overall excess burden = X/(X1 - X) = Y/(Y1 - Y) therefore XXYY1116-5A Reinterpretation of the Ramsey RulettXYYXinverse elasticity rulettXXYY16-6The Corlett-Hague Rule In the case of two commodit
4、ies, efficient taxation requires taxing commodity complementary to leisure at a relatively high rate16-7Equity Considerations Equity implications of inverse elasticity rule Vertical equity Optimal departure from Ramsey Rule16-8Application: Taxation of the Family Under federal income tax law, fundame
5、ntal unit of income taxation is family Is excess burden minimized by taxing each spouses income at same rate? Should husbands face higher marginal tax rates than wives?16-9Optimal User FeesZ per year$A Natural MonopolyDZMRZACZMCZZMPMACMZ*P*ZAMarginal Cost Pricing withLump Sum TaxesBenefits received
6、principleAverage Cost PricingA Ramsey Solution16-10Optimal Income Taxation-Edgeworths Model W = U1 + U2 + + Un Individuals have identical utility functions that depend only on their incomes Total amount of income fixed Implications of model for income tax16-11Optimal Income Taxation-Modern StudiesSu
7、pply-side responses to taxationLinear income tax model (flat income tax) Revenues = - + t * IncomeStern 1987 Gruber and Saez 2002IncomeTax Revenue = lump sumgrantt = marginaltax rate16-12Politics and the Time Inconsistency Problem Public choice analysis of tax policy Time inconsistency of optimal po
8、licy16-13Other Criteria for Tax Design Horizontal equity Utility definition of horizontal equity Transitional equity Rule definition of horizontal equity16-14Costs of Running the Tax System Costs of administering the income tax in the U.S. Types of costs Compliance Administration16-15Tax Evasion Eva
9、sion versus Avoidance Policy Perspective: Architectural Tax Avoidance Methods of tax evasion Keeping two sets of books Moonlight for cash Barter Deal in cash16-16Positive Analysis of Tax Evasion(Dollars of underreporting)(Dollars of underreporting)$MC = p * marginalpenaltyMC = p * marginalpenaltyMB
10、= tMB = tR*R* = 016-17Costs of Cheating Psychic costs of cheating Risk aversion Work choices Underground economy Changing Probabilities of Audit16-18Normative Analysis of Tax Evasion Tax evaders given weight in the social welfare function Tax evaders given no weight in the social welfare function Expected marginal cost of che
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